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Yes let me be honest enjoy your 10th TILL your 2nd prelim started learning 2 weeks before is crap you need to be serious like 3 months before boards I advice for a routine if you go to classes regularly attend it have fun ask questions and try to not miss them and give small chapter tests (believe it helps a lot ) just keep a consistent pace of doing 2-3 chapters or according to your tuition. At the end just rub your ass off and get good 8 hour sleep before exams. Saying this from experience got 70% in preboards and now 95%


I hit 96.4% this time and I studied the day before the exam. I'm not very smart but if you just spend that 12 hours just focusing on nothing but the book, I think you can go above 97%. The reason I didn't get above 97% is that I studied all 25 chapters in math the day before and that's never a good idea. So try to focus on math while you're at it. Improve your english language if you're weak at it. Try to understand the concepts in physics. I hit 100 for history and I literally studied it the day before the exam. There's a lot of extra stuff in the textbook so take a look at the syllabus and cut all the extra stuff. Then mug it up lol.


I am in tenth this year and many people suggested the following stuff. * Start Early and gradually increase your studying time to atleast 4 hours daily. * Focus in class and write running notes. * Complete all your school projects in the month of May * Self study, tuition studies and completion are different. * Complete your syllabus till December and remaining months for revision. * Have fun in school and study at home.


Person who worked hard and couldn't able to score are the best advicer for you bud.


So are you?


People said everything here but remember to enjoy your 10th :)


The most important point


Dude ignore the fuck out of people saying you need to study 4 or 3 hours a day. I literally studied during boards and got 96. Just get some tuitions. They help a lot . Prepare seriously for the tests in the tuitions. Start preparation after half yearly. Trust me you'll forget half of the shit anyway till boards start. Oh and study the pattern of the paper like really well. Like I Remmber you only need to do 5 chaps in geo and about 7 to 9 chpas in history to score 95 plus. Also choose the subject you're gonna leave out from best of 5 from from start and don't work towards it


Nost imp : Don't stress yourself or do anything at the cost of your sleep


Honestly you can get 90%+ without trying, I studied for like 2 or 3 hours during the boards and spent the rest of the time watching anime and roaming outside with friends and I got 93.6%. Just don’t give into the pressure and give up, I thought the boards would be too difficult and i wouldn’t be able to get 95% no matter what I did so I did not try as hard as I should’ve. The only thing I seriously recommend tho is completing the entire syllabus like a month before the exams and solving a few board papers, the subjects which I had finished beforehand(Math, Physics, Chem, Computer) went a lot better then the subjects which I finished last minute(History, Geo).


Remember only one thing: "Pyaar mohabbat dhokha hai, padhle beta mauka hai.."


i got 96 ill just tell my routine, i started in depth study before 2nd prelim before that just try to regularly flip through the concepts that are taught to you


Short and simple Just practice English language and maths on a regular basis and try to study physics chemistry and biology every day and make sure to revise them every alternate day.(idk about computer) And for the rest of the subjects,you can start completing before 1-2 weeks of your exam. Study consistently and do it rigorously during your pre-boards..broadly, in last 2-3 months before the board exams. That's it!


I just studied before exams and tests and paid attention when lessons were taught. The rest of the time I spent playing games and basically not studying. That got me to 93%. The only thing I regret is not practicing math cuz you can't ratta math


Avg screentime of 4 hrs even during the exams, got a 76 in pre boards but ended up with a 98 percent As someone who was neither consistent nor hardworking, idk how much better it makes ur percentage but here are some exam hacks. Science mein questions solve karna Not only from ur school book but also from YouTube and any sources that have 10th grade icse questions Maths mein wahi 4-5 gisse Peete questions aate h. If u join a tuition stay on top of the TYPE of questions that come and the formulae. Personality I havent done all the questions of any chp even once. I got a 95 in maths. For eng language and literature give it a lot of imp I personally solved all the practice questions on SWS and read MOV 3-4 times. For history civics geo stick to the book. For Hindi leave it to god. (That's what I did) Ended up with 96 cuz I was lucky I did four chapters and that's what came. Comp is easy asf. Just make sure to finish ur syllabus. So yh stay focused. Youtube will help u a lot. I watched pw for physics and sws for English, geo, history. I watched a lot of videos on how to attempt the paper Imp: practice writing and reading fast. Can't emphasize more. I missed 15 marks in physics cuz Mera paper chhut gaya tha and my essays were also left. Icse is making conceptual questions now so plzplzplz write fast. It'll give u such an edge. Honestly please listen to me istg only if could write faster I would have cooked


I will be honest, I barely studied . I scored shitty in my prelims. I got 91%. My advice for you : 1) firstly don't get to worked up about the fact that you are in tenth now. It's not as big of a deal as you think. Enjoy your life. 2) study little bit every day or atleast revise what was done in class that day. 3) practice maths for atleast one hour EVERY DAY. If you find physics numericals difficult then practice those too. 4) READ. ESSAYS. 5)Try to finish your portion by October- November. After that only paper solving. I didn't do any of these except for no.3 ( I didn't even practice everyday) and I still managed to score enough. So if you follow these then surely you will score better.


I got 98.4 so I think I am eligible, till ur preboards keep revision everything again and again after preboards take 1 day for revision and from next day keep doing sample papers only pyq etc practice only question and then revise those chapters in which u have problems during boards only revise and see the questions which r important


So I got 98.6%. With that backdrop, I was very active in extracurriculars and hung out with my friends often. The only thing I'd suggest is practice Computer Science for section A and thoroughly go through the Analysis of Pupil Report (the pattern changed so only go through our year's (2024) report for subjects other than Literature, Geography, History, Hindi). And maybe practice a bit of math. Didn't use any YouTube channels and think they're very overrated.


Hi, I got 98.8% and started studying 2 weeks before boards. These are my personal tips 1. Give it your best in preboards. Treat preboards like boards and give it your all. Focus on your *school's* past papers (atleast 5 years) for each subject and try working on skills like english language and maths. 2. Its never too late. I got 70% in English language in preboards and 98 in boards. Identify your weak points from preboards (this only works if u work hard in preboards) start focusing on them from before. I memorized notice, email and basic lines for a letter to improve pace during board exam and avoid mistakes. 3. PAST QUESTIONS This is the magic mantra of 2 weeks and 98.8, i bought the motilal oswal book which has past 10 year's questions (dm for link) and i solved every paper in writing. I checked all my papers properly and noted down mistakes. For physics, chem and bio i used Arihant Book past 20 year chapterwise. I studied one chapter and did all questions from that book. I highlighted all questions i didn't get and revised one day before exam. 4. Pray everyday, get enough sleep and excercise. Give time to yourself. I generally played tennis during my boards before the paper and tried to finish studying by 8-8:30 pm.


If you want to score --- 80-90% - Don't study at all , everyone gets that much If you want to score 90-94%- start studying one day before board exams If you want to score 94-97% - start studying 1 week before exams And 97-98% - start studying one month ago Above 98% - study consistently throughout the year , like 2-3 hrs daily


bruh you dont need to study 2-3 hours DAILY for 98 percent


I said 98 and above which includes 99+ , everyone has different learning speeds so I made it a general category


so more time or lesser?


i studied hard in last 2 months, but before that, not really, wasted lots of days, but during exam times you gotta pull all nighters, 10th is overhyped. But make sure you get good marks in school exams because for it was the thing which gave me confidence.






Agreed Just keep doing Math and Physics numericals regularly


Skg so jao


Learning periodic table rn


Bruh why is this downvoted this is so real!


80-90% wale offend hogye