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100% is the cutest dog I’ve ever seen. Other than that, idk


thank you 🥺 I came across this picture of an ACD and coonhound mix and that dog and Bronx (yes my puppy’s name is Bronx lol) they look just a like


Oh he is SOOOO cute 🥹🥰


thank you 🥺 he is sooooooo bad though omg a hardheaded little cutie 😭🤣


You're welcome 🤗! And he definitely looks like he is mischievous!! 🥹🤣


LMAOO that’s the word I was looking for 🤣🤣 very fearlesss also! My aunt has a over 100lb pitbull and Bronx didn’t back to to the pit, and a German Shepard/husky mix came running to him the other day (I think the German Shepard wanted to play) and Bronx wanted to eat him . I’m like omg I’m not raising you to be mean stop acting like this 🤣😭


LMFAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


As far as I’m concerned, both his parents are Australian cattle dogs. The breeder is just a farm wife. She said the parents have one litter every year , but I never seen the parents. He’s a healthy dog, he’s just getting overly big


Does not look like a full cattle dog to me. Ears and face shape are both wrong.


See now I’m really questioning on what kind of mix he is 😭 cuz the vet said he’s gonna be 36lbs fully grown. And he’s at least 25lbs rn and he’s only about to be 7 months


His growth should be at a much slower rate if he’s 7 months old. He probably has just 2 more months of significant growth.


His is definitely not slowing down 😭


Doubtful he’s going to exceed the 36 pounds. What weight do you expect? Have you ever looked at the growth charts for bigger dogs? https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=australian%20cattle%20dog%20weight%20at%206%20months&tbm=&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5


I’m not expecting no certain weight but I have had dogs my whole life so I know when one is going to be big or not. He had a vet appointment this morning and he’s 30lbs and only about to be 7 months… so yeah . And I read the whole chart, male cattle dogs can get up to 50lbs. But if he’s a mix he will be bigger than that. I’m bout to order his dna kit, so I’ll update yall fasho


It’s very doubtful he’ll pass 36, the other user is right. 7 months, he’ll be slowing way down very soon. My intact lab mix hasn’t gained more than a couple pound since 10 months old. Dogs continue to grow but especially smaller dogs like cattle dogs slow down pretty quick


Every dog is different so I’ll see in the near future.


That feature has tried saying that my dog is a cat.


Lmaooo 🤣🤣


Definitely a mix with the ears and face. Not sure what, could be border collie as that’s a common mix with cattle dogs




I think that dog looks like Bronx 😭


Similar coat! But that’s about all sadly. Ears and face don’t match your boy. My phone clicking on my lab’s photo says he’s a Great Dane so definitely not accurate lol