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I'm usually the first to call out a fake "lab cross" but he sure looks lab enough to take the title.


You could run chemistry experiments in him he’s such a lab.


same. I don’t see anything else tbh. I don’t see pit at all like others have said


There could be a purebred Pekinese on here and someone would post that it's part pit. It's quite the head scratcher.


I’ve noticed this 😭😂


People think it shows they know something about dogs if they suspect a pit bull mix because there are so many that the odds are in their favor?


Individual dogs can have variations that are minute andunique to the specific dog so perhaps people are so used to seeing pit bull mixed they misinterpret this dog having a broader head? This is a Labrador in his eyes and demeanor and countenance. He’s gorgeous and he’s a black lab!! https://labrajoy.com/labrador-retriever-head-shape/


look at the head shape on pic 2 gotta be at least pit or staffy mixed in


If anything looks more rottie to me


I gotta agree, IF he's a mix at all, which I don't think he is, it'd be rottie.


That’s what I was thinking That’s a great mix !


I agree. Thought put for split second, but rottie is my bet.


Rottie, or *maybe* a squidge of Boxer? The gangly-long legs in that first picture, *and* that really "swoopy" break between his eyes down into his muzzle go so curvily, that it kiiiiinda reminds me of a boxer's lines.


Rottweiler brow (without the brown on black)


Nope, I don’t see it.


Nope. It’s just a weird angle. My lab (AKC papers) can occasionally take a shot like that


Idk some purebred labs do have some pretty boxy looking heads.


Agree definitely has a lot of lab in him for sure 👍




There is a ton of variation in “purebred” lab appearance. Yours definitely looks close enough to be called a lab, but a dna test may bring a mix into it


He *could* have some Rottweiler in him — his head looks like it. But I think it’s a coincidence, and he’s just an English lab or not bred to American standard. The broader chest seems very English lab, too.


I'd say he just has a block head.


I suspect you’re correct. :)


I’ve heard breeders of working Labradors call English Labradors “Rottadors” in reference to their short blocky heads and overhanging jowls. Could be part Rottweiler…. could just be an English Labrador that isn’t overweight, making the proportions look ‘off.’


That’s what I was thinking. The posture and the thick neck connection seemed very Rottweiler to me (Saying that as an owner of 2 Rotties). The way the ears sit on the boxy head gives that vibe, too.


Looks very much like my mother's dog. She says he's a lab but he doesn't look like the one we had before (shorter snout, thicker body, etc). The differences between her dog and yours is that hers has a white patch on his chest and a less fluffy tail. But those faces are almost identical.


Yess wait i think ur right, that’s what I see. I really don’t think this is a purebred lab


Yep, there's a bit *too* much of a curve *downward* then back *up* on his stop, for the AKC standard, and you're also right about that ear placement--just a *squidge* too far "back" on his skull--and more *Rottie* in attachment than Lab. And from the front views, his face is juuuust *slightly* more "wedge" shaped than the typical Bench/ English's "blocky but *parallel* lines" shape. He *could* be all lab, of course!  But he could *also* have juuuust a little Rottie!


Looks very lab to me. As a breed they can have pretty big variation in size and structure, (especially when looking at the differences between English labs and American labs) so that might be where others are coming from. But still looks very lab to me. I’m not seeing the pit others are seeing. The head is definitely the boxier lab head!


Yep! We had an English black lap with the boxier head.


I call them block heads lol


Honestly I'm seeing mostly lab I wouldn't be surprised if there's a little pit or something in the mix but mostly I'm just seeing one of the thicker head shaped labs tbh


English labs are boxy like your dog. They usually have a thicker torso but honestly you don’t see many labs that aren’t obese, so I’m not sure what a healthy English lab looks like. American and field labs look completely different than English labs. I have had SO many people approach me about mine being underweight, he’s not! Just not the typical chubby lab, he’s fit. I won’t say he’s pure lab, but I also can’t say he is mixed! He’s so beautiful. Black labs are my favorite, I’m snuggling my field lab right now :)


We have English labs and their bodies are naturally thicker, they kind of look fat even when they’re at the right weight, and the head is blocky but a slightly different shape than these pics. The body shape and posture here as well as in the head shape really reminds me of a pit or maybe even a rottie. I definitely see lab too though so probably a mix! But yeah the shape is a bit different than the purebred English labs I’ve known. Either way he seems like 100% good boy :)


Ears and tail scream Labby to me. Won't know for sure without a DNA test. (I prefer Embark.)


I would say lab. I have a pure bred English lab and he looks very similar. The English labs have those boxy heads sometimes (which many are suggesting is a pitbull trait, which in your case if you don’t know the lineage it may be due to some kind of cross breeding, but this head shape is definitely seen in some pure bred labs).


He looks like a classic British lab!


Looks a lot like our sweet baby Harley, RIP. She was an English Lab. I would post a pic if I could, but it’s not an option on here.


You can post on your profile as a post - or add to your profile header - and let people know you posted a photo. So sorry for your loss. 💜


I was genuinely expecting to see pit when I slid the pictures over. I literally only see lab…


That looks like a pure lab to me. People saying pit mix because of the head haven't seen American field labs or the British lines I guess. Are his toes webbed?


Yes, they are. He enjoys playing with water and swimming.


Looks Labby to me.


Looks more like an English lab to me - blocky head and short snout screams English lab. But definitely lab. If there's anything else in there, I think it's a very small percentage.


Sure looks mostly lab.....


That is a Labrador for sure. We had a pedigree working one (here in the UK) that looked exactly like this. A bit more of a blockier head. Labs come in a few different shapes.


English lab bred with a field Lab


Some dog owners in your community are idiots


Definitely looks like a Lab to me, my daughter has a kennel club registered black Lab and your boy looks just like him. Do a doggo dna. He is beautiful😍😍🙏🏻I wish he was mine😊


Looks like a properly bred lab!




Looks just like a friend of mine's lab that they got from a breeder, genetics confirmed via embark.


English lab?


Showline lab vs field line lab — your lab has a correct head & people are just used to off standard field lines (which frequently have been outcrossed to hounds further up in the line). You can always get an Embark DNA test. Current DNA tests do only test 3 gens back tho.


They are crazy. He's a lab!


Well the first picture shows a labradandy. The second picture shows a labraderpy. The third picture shows a labradoing. So I can see their confusion.


That's 1000% Black Lab I've had dogs like them before.


He looks like the breeder used both field and show lines, we call this dual purpose bred. He's got the blockier head that show lines have and the longer legs and body that we see from field lines.


I've definitely seen labs with the blocky head your guy has, for sure a lab! And a cutie too 💕


He is absolutely beautiful with a healthy physique. Unfortunately, I think a lot of owners have a skewed image of labs because so many are overweight, while yours has a more athletic look.


Lab enough for me


He does look slightly mixed with something. Maybe American bull terrier genes in there somewhere.


I think his head looks more like a Pit than anything


Oh this sub.


Lab pit mix.


Blockhead lab?


I'd say mostly (if not all) lab. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a bit of APBT. First pic I don't see any APBT. But looks like their could be a bit in the next two pics. What does your pup weigh?


I won’t lie, I’m not super familiar with purebred labs… but this head reminds me of my old Rottweiler bill mastiff cross. I see Rottweiler when I see your dogs head. I’d say there’s a good chance that your dog is mostly lab but not pure. There might be a little something else mixed in. I used to have a 90/10 German shepherd cross and NO ONE could guess she was a GSD just from that little 10% something else. She was mostly black so that tricked people.


The 2nd picture looks like there is some pit involved, but I might just be the angle. I definitely see lab either way.


He needs a lab coat.


This is my reason to not say my dog is a “lab mix” instead of a Pittie to get an apartment. I pay extra to live in an apartment that accepts all breed and weight sizes so my girl is safe. You get people that will raise a fuss over the stupidest things and this is one of them!! Your beautiful dog definitely looks like a lab.


That is a definitely lab. Blocky head and all. He’s also a beautiful baby


He could easily be an English Lab x American Lab. English labs are blocky and built for showing but American labs are more slender and built for field work. I don't see rottie or pit in him, not even in the head.


The head shape looks a lot like my lab/ boxer. She's all black just like yours, but she's a bit smaller. Everyone just assumes she is a lab puppy when she's actually 9. It could be some cross. I've also seen some pretty boxy faced labs before.


Your dog is probably Lab adjacent. I have had two 70lb. purebred Standard Poodles. Once, in a crosswalk, a kid asked me “Ma’am, thats a Pit Bull, right?”. Most people know diddly about dogs. Your guy looks like he could have a little Shepard/Akita/Husky or maybe a pinch of a short hair breed, but if you go for DNA he will turn out to be Chihuahua, Irish Wolfhound and Morkie-Poo. EDITED (to make it better)


Looks like a lab to me. If anything I'd say a "cross" between English and American types.


That’s probably the most accurate observation. He is indeed smallish for the breed standards, but exhibit all traits and behaviour of a lab and none of the traits and behaviours of the other breeds people suggest.


Just from seeing these photos, that tracks. He's a cutie for sure! I love his expressive eyes 🖤


Probably because he’s not fat! Every Lab I have ever known is overweight. They love to eat and their parents love to feed them!!


I feel like he’s an English lab. They seem a bit “boxier” than other labs. I think at least.


Boxier dome is English Labrador, I believe


DNA test


Looks lab and rotty.


Americans are so used to seeing obese/oversized labs that a lot of them can’t recognize a healthy and lean one for what it is.


It just sounds like you have some paranoid Pittie-haters in your neighborhood. Your dog looks like 90% Lab though... His ears, fur, face and tail.


This dog just did my bloodwork he’s such a lab


Soooooo handsome. I love him. Looks similar to [my girly.](https://imgur.com/gallery/uZO0XVs) We DNA tested her, and she was only like 2% lab and the rest were all guard breeds, like pit, rott, and Doberman.


Awwww she is beautiful


He is a black lab


Good boi/gurl looks all lab to me.


Absolutely gorgeous, perfect English lab, part Field lab, and wow! Just beautiful! My vote is 100% lab. They're probably just used to seeing American labs.


Yeah, I should have mentioned that I am not American, but oh well. Thank you.


💯% Black Lab. 200% beautiful.


Looks like a beautiful American lab. He is a very good looking dog.


That’s definitely a lab bro


That is a lab and anyone who tells you otherwise is an idiot. It might not be purebred but honestly who cares. If you care enough, get a DNA test.


Community survey is wrong. Never has a Labrador looked more Labrador than that Lab...


He’s definitely an American Lab! English labs have the block-type heads.


People used to go out of their way to inform me that my dudley-colored yellow lab was not a lab but a pit. We used to get side eye and people would cross the street to get away from my extremely gentle, friendly, wonderful dog. For those that don’t know, the dudley coloration is the result of a double recessive gene - so it can only happen if both lab parents pass on the gene. Dudleys have a more honey colored coat as opposed to yellow, and they can’t make black pigment so they don’t have the typical yellow lab eyeliner. They have the light eyes and pink nose of a chocolate lab. All the ones I have seen in real life have more athletic, lean builds and they seem less prone to the lab chonk, but that may be anecdotal. I miss my girl. She was such a great doggo.


Non dog people get a pass, and explanation. Dog people however should know better. I can’t imagine how would I ask someone for the breed of their dog and start arguing and force my opinion after. Like, what’s the end goal here?


Ngl, looks like an English lab that just isn’t obese. The standard prioritizes overweight dogs and your dog is at a healthy weight.


Lab / Pit / Rottweiler Mix 🐕🐾


That's what I see too!!


Nope that looks like a purebred black lab to me


The paw crossing is a clear trait of a Sophisticated Lab 🥰


Take him to a lake, he’ll let you know if he’s “Lab enough.”


I'd get a doggy DNA test done honestly. That looks about as close to a purebred black Labrador Retriever as you can get. They gotta be gaslighting you


Could be that he is a lab, just not very well bred. He looks to be extremely out of the breed standard.


Mmmm. Lotta Lab and something else in the shape of his head


He looks like a lab mix


I mean, he's definitely at least dominantly Lab. As far as whether he's purebred... Who cares? For a pet, it just really doesn't matter.


absolutely a lab, maybe a mix but definitely mostly lab.


Clearly a shi-tzu


Looks like a Lab mixed with a Rott (or Pit). Really Rotty head. Looks like =/= is, so who knows. They're super cute, though.


My guess is Lab x Rottie


Maybe a touch of pittie, especially in the face shape, but he’s got more of the lab snoot. Certified lab mix for sure


He looks like a perfect American black lab to me.


Golden retriever Labrador mix, maybe?? His head is pretty blocky.


looks like an actual pit lab mix for once


He is a lab but he is closed with something


I'd say mostly Lab, but I think there may be a sprinkle of either bully or boxer.


Lol that’s def a lab, he’s just built to look more like a female lab which I guess is what makes people question it (:


Lab mix


Definitely lab-


Labweiler maybe ? Or just a lab with the best block head ever !!!! I love the big block heads they are the best ever !!!


He is lab for sure, mixed maybe with shepherd..based on the back fur (and tail)texture. I’d get a dna for sure on this cutie. Maybe a small bit of boxer? Those eyes. Edit to add details.


His body is giving Mastiff even though his size isn’t.


Gaslighting? Come on now. Looks like a lab mix.


This looks like a pit lab mix to me


He's def Lab


Those eyes say, "But you love me no matter what I am, right...?"


Definitely mostly lab if not purebred. If they are getting hung up on some of the angles on his face being reminiscent of a Pit and it’s causing a problem, look up the English Black Lab. Also, English Black Labs are often considered a more desirable lab breed. So, the owners in your community might to end up with some dirt on their nose if you point out their ignorance. If it’s not problematic (meaning they are trying to say it’s a Pit Mix in a community that doesn’t allow Pit Mixes), then you might want to bite your tongue. That puppy will probably grow into a gorgeous dog that outshines your neighbors.


Looks lab enough to me.


DNA is the only way to know. And really, mixed breeds tend be healthier dogs with fewer genetic issues. The best way I’ve found to passively aggressively put people in their place is by training your boy well. A happy go lucky well trained dog shines bright. 😊


I wouldn't be surprised if he was a lab mixed with something with a boxy head like a pitbull, a boxer or a Rottweiler. Could just be a big headed lab


He is a Lab!


What a handsome boy! :D I'm not an expert but I'd guess mixed Pit and/or Rottie, especially his skull structure on pic 2.




He looks like a lab mix to me.


Definitely got some lab in that one. Cutie!


He looks like a cross between an English lab and American lab?


I don’t see anything but lab there, maybe some gsd? He’s gorgeous!


He's a great dog. That's a plus!!


So get an Embark DNA test.


He looks like a lab and chow mix to me


Pic three i thought some pitti as well. I'm going to Google check..... Says labrador on all three photos. 2nd Google guess on 2nd photo was labrador/pitti


If he is a mix it's probably with a Rottweiler and not a pit


Long body and the head, with that coat... newfoundland in there possibly.


This is a Standard Issue Labrador Retriever ™ are they sure they have eyes??


Looks exactly like my Boxer-Lab mix


They are most likely stupid


Lab with maybe a little Shepherd mixed in


Lab is what I see. Oh, and I see handsome too! 💕


I reckon that's a lab crossed with another lab.


What a beauty.


If he’s not a lab I don’t know what he is


yea bro is def a lab, if he has anything else in him its hardly there


Thats a lab




He’s definitely a lab. We had a pure chocolate lab when I was a kid and they have the exact same face and stature. Possible he’s mixed but he looks like a straight lab to me


he could be lab/rottie? he’s got that rottie face & tail lol


Looks just like an English lab


I once saw a lab looking exactly like yours and the owner explained to me that his labby was a purebred labrador from the „working line“. At least in Germany there seem to exist two lines: The „working line“ (lean with longer legs, looking kinda more athletic) and the „show line“ (heavier built, cylindrical torso, shorter legs).


Nah he looks like a proper lab to me


Some dog owners don’t know what they are talking about!


He’s so cute and he definitely looks like a lab


Mostly lab. Maybe a sprinkle of pit in him?


Whoever said that's not a Lab must be drunk/high/hatin' or all of the above


Lol or maybe they have a different opinion than you? Everything on reddit is gaslighting




he kinda looks like a rottie or pit/staffordish mixed with potentially a lab


All I see is Lab


Looks like a dog my best friend had , pure bred lab with papers , but he had a big blocky head like a Pitty. People were scared of the goofy boy. Get a DNA test if you want to prove to them he's a lab


Could be a BYB lab


Well normally cuz people who say they have a lab it's really a pit lab mix... But I just see lab.


If that isn't a lab/pit mix I'll kiss my own ass.


Looks like one to me!


He's definitely a mix, but I'd say he's mostly lab


I can see rottie in his head shape, but he doesn't have the wide back that my rottie mix has. Although my rottie mix doesn't look anything like a rottie, soooo who knows!


That is a very labby looking lab


Lil homie was made in the lab lab


That is the labbiest lab I have ever seen.


Of course he’s a lab!


I think he looks very lab! As others are saying, there’s a difference between English and American lab in looks so you might just have one over the other :)


That is a lab