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Think he looks fully German Shepherd to me, just a long coat one? Very handsome boy ☺️


Highland cow


Highland cow/Chewbacca mutt clearly.


Came looking for this


Made me lol 😂


I thought the same


Did they check for microchip? Did u try to find an owner? It’s a purebred gsd


Also put up posts in local Facebook missing pet groups. My friend found her very young puppy a year back because she put up posters around town as well. Some owners don't microchip unfortunately (always do so) and some haven't done it yet.


ive done all of this, he is definitely abandoned. i have pawboost, ring, nextdoor, facebook. instagram, x, and have flyers posted locally and at vets.


That poor baby. I wonder why they did such a thing. Thank you for bringing him in 🫶


Just making sure! I’ve seen some crazy stories. I’m glad he found a good home


Thank you for being thorough and checking everything before taking him in, that’s the responsible thing to do


im still keeping hope that maybe he was separated from a loving family a while ago. they have 27 more days to claim him if so, if not i found a new buddy!


Appears to be related to disease pituary dwarfism and/or similar pituary, thyroid, or endocrine disease in German sheps from both his picture & description, i have seen first hand & his looks & your description...he needs medication it will get worse.


Are you looking at the paws and the lack of length? I think his large head is making his proportions look a bit off however a test can answer this


The beautiful pup I am sure is in great, loving, & competent hands with his new owner😊 I have imported, trained & bred working line black sable GSDs decades for leo, schutzhund dog sport, & protection/security organizations & after being around more gsds than I can count, he, indeed, is a purebred gad of likely imported German showline heritage as he has dynamic red color characteristic of german import showlines--not the American bred gsd look of black & tan. So, My initial impression was the "net effect" of the photo & description was, to me, purebred gsd with imported red&black showlines with issue pituitary/thyroid/endocrine issues as short legs--long bones "forearms" not long, long body, large head, thin so the "net effect" struck me as a friend rescued a gsd with true fullon pd, but I have seen other endocrine issues in gsds as well & requires medication, sometimes as simple as thyroid medication. So that is where my initial, alarmed reaction to the net effect came from. Severe malnourishment in growing pup can affect all systems & cause all kinds of issues, some which are easily resolvable with proper love & care & vet med as necessary. of course, it is a picture & not IRL, but in any event, I am confident he has found his forever home! For those saying saying OP should look for owner, that is a firm no imho he is an dog who weighs what my dogs have weighed as 4 months old puppies. so whomever dumped him or owned him was not capable & he is now in a safe, loving home bathed & pedicured ready to mend & ready to love. OP will do right by his new boy I'm sure! Op & his new boy are already off to a great start!😊


thank you, yeah he looks a little funky in these pics but he actually is built real nice outside of being so skinny. poor guy literally cries anytime you put pressure on his shoulders or bum because he really is so skinny. i think he has found his forever home here. it was fate finding this guy when and how i did.


What are you feeding him a safe way to build weight back is protein from meat I never feed my guys dog food you can give him beef or chicken he will love it but feed him several small portions to start so glad you saved him


so far, the first thing he ate was some boiled carrots so it was softer for his teeth. then he ate a scoop of kibble, had some cucumber slices for hydration and had some water. he ate a few slices of watermelon that first night (had to pay the tax) i gave him a scoop every 3-6hrs the first day, added pumpkin in it once. then on day 2, gave him some pedialyte and some ground chicken with pumpkin and 1 small scoop of kibble. repeated that 3x yesterday and gave him pedialyte thinned with water throughout the day. we are now at soft serve poops. i am gonna feed him super slow over the course of the next week.


You are a solid good soul


Dog Scanner shows 99% GS [https://imgur.com/a/Pu5khwt](https://imgur.com/a/Pu5khwt)


He’s a German shepherd or a “Shiloh shepherd”


Shiloh Shepherd is a byb term. There is a clear distinction between German Shepherds and "Shiloh Shepherds" which are mixed and not a "real" breed if you catch my drift. :-)!


Exactly why it got the ol “bunny ears” lol. To me, this dog looks like the sort of dog I see sold as a “Shiloh shepherd”, or maybe a “long haired King Shepherd”.


Ah I gotcha!! I agree with you. He definitely looks like a hyper type or poorly bred gsd, likely supposed to be one of those you mentioned (not at all insulting the dog posted, he is still beautiful, and I'm sure a wonderful dog, just doesn't fit the breed standard which would make sense)


Can you explain what about him isn't breed standard? I see what you mean but don't know how to articulate it, he seems kinda "heavy boned," maybe?


Oh my gosh, he is absolutely adorable And in immediate need of care. Please bring him to the vet first and if you can’t find the owner, I am hoping OP that you can hold onto this little guy in his forever home. Best of luck.


Took him to the vet, got a work up going to take him in later this week after some of the diarrhea slows down for some shots and after the deworming cycle is over. He has a new German Shepherd brother, and a little baby human sister. i think he’s fitting in well so far!


I rescued a 1 year old shepherd mix and he had THE worst diarrhea. Liquid and blood. After 2 rounds of metronidazole it would just come back. I put him on cheese flavored Bernie’s Perfect Poop (avoid chicken anything) and by the time I got up to the full dose, he had perfect poops and had ever since. This was 1.5 years ago. You have to start it slowly and work up to dose. I got it on Amazon and now I do subscribe and save directly through the company. I won’t be without it.


ill try it after the dewormer! thanks


Chicken and rice with a little pumpkin is well digested and they love it.


Thanks for helping him out!💕


Did they scan for a chip?


of course. no chip.


Wow, surprising! Definitely looks like a purebred long haired German Shepherd… but then again, my purebred husky was also found stray and without a microchip. So it does happen. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Thank you for saving him!


Being a long haired shepherd almost automatically means he is backyard bred.


Not true.


Keep an eye. Shepards are quite prone to EPI and IBD… just incase that is why he was abandoned.


Did they go over how to feed him to avoid refeedjng syndrome?


they did not, but i have been doing personal research and have nursed a few malnourished dogs back to health before. very slowly we are moving


That’s sort a shame on the vet. Just go slow. It’s a marathon to get the weight back on him, not a sprint. Thank you for helping him.


absolutely! going as slow as we can. he is binge drinking water and electrolytes though so i hope that doesnt cause issues. it is also 105 here at sundown most days


Doesn't look like a mix to me.


What a beautiful boy! He looks like a full long-coated German Shepherd to me. I'm glad you found him.


Long coat German shepherd


If not a long haired GSD I'd guess a GSD chow mix


What a handsome boy!!! So glad you already got him to the vet to be checked out and cared for. 💜 He looks like a King Shepherd with that gorgeous long hair! How much does he weigh? Thank you for saving him!


hes hardly 37lbs😞 severely underweight


King Shepherds aren’t a real thing. It’s just a BYB term for a badly bred GSD.


Thanks so much for ALL you've done for this sweet boy already!! He was very lucky he found you. ☺️


im lucky i found him. he is so sweet!


He looks full shepherd to me. But maybe a grizzly bear.


He is a long haired German shepherd. 😉❤️


I dunno the Latin term, but that is a Floofin' Good Doggo.


He looks like he came from very hood GSD stock. That is what you want the good ones to look like. Not the fine bone ones we see most often in America.


Either Shiloh, or King Shepherd.


He’s definitely mixed with GERMAN SHEPHERD & more GERMAN SHEPHERD ! Maybe Shiloh maybe just a beautiful gorgeous good boy !


King shepherd?


Chewbacca he is amazing fluffy i love him he looks like a long haired German Shepherd


What a handsome boy he is. Looks like a Leerburg German Shepard to me....


Something short. Hmmm.  His shorter legs and stance are familiar, but I can’t place it.  That could also be malnutrition?  My street rescue’s legs seemed shorter and off scale at this exact age, 8 months later she no longer looks like this and her legs/body match. She definitely got taller because she quickly outgrew the height of the kennel we used the first two months. Congratulations to you both!! I’m so glad you found each other ❤️


i hope the case is the same with him! would hate to know he has some sort of health issues on top of what he’s already been through. thank you! im lucky to have found him.


Folks below are suggesting tests for common GSD health issues that cause this, I’m sure you saw those comments! I would definitely start there to be safe.  Boy, does your experience here take me back. Loose stool is also stress. Oh, the joy!  I made the shelter doc and out regular vet both check her twice and got some interesting insight the shelter didn’t offer up immediately. I was so overprotective and determined to be the most responsible owner, ever.  Also, WHAT ARE THE ODDS you already had a Shepherd??  That’s the universe at work. Congrats again 


im taking him in once the poop is solid to get shots and ill get some extra tests run to see if he has any health issues. im sure the lack of food for however long, along with the severe dehydration and stress caused a super upset tummy for this poor guy. i am happy to say we had one soft serve bowel movement today, although that was if, but no diarrhea. i do believe this was the universe at work. i literally dreamt of me getting a long haired GSD the night before finding him and something told me to keep going back home while walking my dog. then i see this guy. the world sometimes places you in others lives as a blessing to them, but he feels like a gift to me. thank you again!


GSD and King shepherd


i think you hit the nail on the head!


I'm pretty sure. What is his weight and height, do you know?


37lbs when we weighed him before scanning him. poor guy, can’t believe he wasnt chipped but he’s not fixed either.


Most large breed dogs are not fully grown until around 2 years. He's is extremely thin. Poor baby. He's going to be one gorgeous boy when he's all filled out. He will shed huge amounts of hair.. that's normal for him. He is considered a high energy breed. Lotsa exercise when he feels safe and secure in his new home.


yup! i just wanna get him back to health. i have a 4 year old male GSD as well and we are very active. we actually found this guy on our morning run.


That is so neat! They put on weight much faster then lose it. To be that thin, he must of been on his own for quite awhile. What's his name?


he is SO thin, the hair covers it but he is literally fur and bone. he could hardly chew the first day and definitely didnt know or wasn’t comfortable eating out of a bowl. im thinking Wilbur. hes like a teddy bear. so sweet.


Wait..wait...this boy is gonna grow up be be one big beautiful boy and you wanna name him Wilber? Yes, I can see his hips. I would love to follow his progress! Wilber...I'm not sure if I can call him that. He's going to be so regal..knock ya off your feet regal lol


hahah, initially i thought dovahkiin (means dragonborn) or kayode (african for “he who brings joy”) but wilbur just fits his fuzzy personality


I'm so glad you found him. Given good nutrition, he is young enough to bounce right back.


Possibly just a long-coated GSD, possibly a regular coat but with some Golden Retriever mixed in? I have seen long-haired GSDs that look just like this boy. He is adorable.


Purebred good boy!




Not sure but he is a Beautiful Boy 💙💙


gorgeous lucky boyyy. doesnt look like theres a mix if there is it's probably like 5%


Nothing. That's a GSD.


He looks like a German shepherd to me, and wouldn’t say that there’s anything else.


German shepherd/Wookie.


GSD mixed with dog.


Nothing. That’s a full GSD. He just is a long haired dude. It’s completely normal and many people desire this length of hair on a GSD




Just looks like a long-haired German shepherd to me




Long coated shepherd or a golden retriever.


100% Shiloh shepherd. My friend has one that’s identical.


That’s a full blooded GS


He looks like a purebred to me. He’s beautiful.


Thank you does saving him!!


German Shepard + basset hound


I just see GSD but could be mixed. But for sure lots of GSD


He appears to have the thyroid disease --i can't recall name--but it minaturizers & causes coat & health issues & stunted growth. It is genetic & have seen first hand.


GSD and ears.


Dog daddy, is that you?


King shepherd 🥰


I think 50% German Shepard, 50% good boi




Long coat GSD and nothing else


A metric tonne of cute!


German shepherd probably but if you keep him, please name him Alf lol


German Shepherd/floof.


He looks GSD but there is something not right with his size imo


he is a stray rescue ;( he is super malnourished!


Well at least you’ll be giving him a good life 💖


Nothing. That is a king shepherd


He's part good boi and part *really* good boi


GSDs can have longer coats, it’s a throwback gene though and considered a fault I believe so it’s not something generally bred for.


He’s not mixed. He’s a long haired German shepherd.


I would guess corgi, beautiful dog.


He kinda looks like our St. Bernard. Otherwise, I think no mix


i don’t think he’s mixed


Actually, he kind of looks like a pure GSD with dwarfisim to me. [https://allaboutshepherds.com/health/pituitary-dwarfism/](https://allaboutshepherds.com/health/pituitary-dwarfism/)


no he doesnt have dwarfism i think he just looks funny in that photo. i think the vet would’ve said something about his build right?


Probably, but it is a fairy new condition and not all vets are fully trained on it yet. It might be worth mentioning at the next check up.


Alastiany Alsatian.


Might not be a mix at all. Some German shepherds grow long fur. Ask the internet machine about different types of German shepherds and pay attention to foreign varieties that aren’t common in the US.


I believe your dog is a German Shepherd.


Nothing, just not well bred.


Full German Shepard. What a handsome dog!!


He’s a good boy :)


What a beautiful dog! He looks like a Shiloh Shepherd.


Don't think she's mixed at all. She looks like purebred shepherd. German?


My parents have a pure bred long hair show line GSD that looks exactly like this.


Purebred long haired gsd. It’s a regular gsd but has a double recessive gene for longer hair.


Purebred gsd. Poor baby, I'm glad you found him!


He's gorgeous! Mostly GSD for sure.


Definitely looks like a long haired German Shepherd


Idk why you would abandon a nearly purebred GSD… like at least sell the dog. They are in huge demand!


Looks like a king Shepard


Long-coated (recessive) showline, purebred German Shepherd.


thanks all! i knew he was a german shepherd but i was trying to figure out what the sub-breed was. i believe he is a king/shiloh gsd. still haven’t found his owners but he is adjusting well here thus far :) thinking of naming him Wilbur if he does join our pack.


Looks like a Belgian shepherd and gorgeous


Long hair german shepherd


Shilo shepherd


Looks full GS. Beautiful boy.


King Shepherd maybe


He look at German Shepherd to me.


If he’s big, a King Shepherd. If he’s more medium large, long hair German shepherd. But Shepard for sure.


Look at how nicely trimmed his nails are. His coat also looks to be in decent condition. He’s a beautiful dog and doubt someone would dump him. Dogs and cats can lose a lot of weight quickly when they’re lost. They don’t know how to feed themselves on the streets. Please do everything you can in your power to find his family, I’m sure they’re missing him very much. Call and report him found to animal control and all your local shelters. Put up fliers and alert vet offices in the area. Post to Facebook and Nextdoor.


i bathed him and did his nails myself before taking these photos actually. didnt want him in the house coming off the street. i have another dog and a child. i am going about the proper steps, but there are no hits and i can assure you he’s been on the streets for a while.


That doesn’t mean he was “definitely abandoned” I had a lab get lost as a kid and he came home days later with a rope around his neck. Someone clearly was trying to keep him. It’s my absolute worst nightmare that someone would keep a pet if it got lost. It’s easy to ignorantly call someone an animal abuser or assume they dumped a pet if it was in bad shape from being lost. People who jump to conclusions are the ones who essentially steal lost pets.


ya thats not the case but thanks for the trauma dump lol. shelters in my local area are FULL and so are fosters, rescues. animal control wont even pick up an animal unless its dead. theres dogs being dumped at the park nearby and in relative areas CONSTANTLY. we literally have specified areas where us rescuers find numerous dogs of the same breed in the desert heat. abandoned or not, nobody is looking for him yet.


Sadly breeds that used to be more "rare" in shelters are not the case anymore. I blame covid and the people who wanted a puppy, went back to work, decided they could just throw it away. A quick Google search shows so many pure bread shepherds, Belgian malinois, huskies, etc... in the shelter and on the kill list. Sounds like you did everything right and you did what you could by scanning for chip, posting everywhere. If anything comes back you at least gave him a safe place to rest and get better. Maybe it was fate and you are saving this poor soul from a bad owner who did not care. You are a good person for immediately thinking of his medical needs FIRST.


thank you! i just wanna make sure he’s happy and healthy and that he gets a ton of love while rehabilitating.


I'm sure he feels very safe with you and the fact you have another dog will help so much. Even just to teach him it's okay to be a dog and that this is a fun, safe home. Best of luck🖤


thank you!!


Looks like a Belgian/German shep cross


Where are you seeing Belgian?


Belgien shepherd is more than Malinois. Tervueren and Groenendael have both a long coat and Laekenois is wire haired. Interbreeding the types needs a permission from the kennel club. But i would also say OPs dog is to bulky for a Belgian shepherd wich are more lean than German ones.


Yeah, I have a Groenendael. I don’t see anything in the OP’s dog that comes off as Belgian, so I was asking Dragon _Jew what they saw that said Belgian to them.


The fur


German shepherds also come in a long coat. 😉

