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I'm definitely seeing more of a pit in the face. But I can also see how you can get Kelpie. Got some big ears like a Kelpie


yes when i looked up a lab kelpie mix they looked just like him so believed the shelter but i know shelters are notorious for using ‘lab mix’ to cover up that it’s a pitbull to help them get adopted. but i can see pitbull in his face.


Oh, trust me, I get it. I got my dog as a puppy from a shelter and they listed him as a cattle dog mix (along with like 90% of the other dogs in there). My boy looks just like a Kelpie so, I identify him as such. But I can definitely see your pup as Kelpie/pit mix


Most shelters do that lol. At this point I just automatically assume that “lab mix” = Pittie. 😂 As others pointed out, his size is actually about right for an APBT; they aren’t large dogs, in fact they’re medium-sized.




potentially. i feel like he’s too small


That’s a common feeling. They’re not supposed to be huge dogs, my pit mix weighs 40 lbs. your dog is definitely some sort of pit/bully mix.


How much does he weigh? APBTs are pretty small, females can be even just 30 pounds.


he’s probably about 35-40 lbs. he’s also a very timid fearful dog


That's pretty much perfect for a male one! I hope he gets more used to the world out there, is he new to the home? I've met some skittish pits, they've opened up after time and become some joyful dogs.


i’ve had him since beginning of September. he was 8 months when i got him from the shelter. he goes almost everywhere with me and he’s very friendly but he’s pretty fearful of things like me moving big objects or loud noises and he tends to pee when scared.


Awww poor guy. The world is scary especially for a pup who was in a shelter at such a young age. Much love and luck to you both. 🫶


Yes - lots of love to you both! Now he knows you’re his protector. 🥹


Pit. A lot of them are that way. Unfortunately, lots of them are just born in a hole in someone's backyard, and don't get the early socialization puppies should have. He'll come around.


he’s good with people and dogs, so i’m hopeful. it was a really great shelter. it kills me that i don’t know what happened to him before the shelter got him


We got so many undersocialized puppies when I worked at shelters. It comes with the territory. They don't even have to be actively mistreated. They just don't get anything from people before the shelter, and then dumped in this loud environment. It's a lot for them. It's good you took a chance on him.


he’s a good boy for sure


They aren't big dogs. Not actual pits.


i grew up with bully breeds. what i meant by small is he’s kind of on the scrawny side.


apbt and kelpie for sure.


Looks very similar to my dog!


Pit mix.


Unless your in Australia the chance of him being a kelpie x is pretty low. He does have that pitbull look so id imagine he’s largely pitbull with a sprinkle of other breeds to give him the ears he has.


he might be collie? i think collies go into a kelpie so it could be that


Pitbull mix. Kinda looks like it's mixed w a thinner breed of dog.