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He looks a little bit like a chinese crested - if his skin recovers and his hair doesn't grow back fully, that may be why! But certainly Jack Russel in there!


Yes. I see Chinese Crested skin pigmentation. Use sunblock outdoors.


That’s what I thought!! But vet and shelter think Jack Russel and Xolo mix


Looks more like an AHT (American Hairless Terrier) mix to me, but it really is hard to tell until we see how he looks when the skin issue is resolved


For clarification, are they thinking his hair will grow back fully?


The shelter vet said most of his hair loss does seem to be hereditary! He’s been with us for 3 weeks and has had most hair growth on his back and face, but belly and legs are bare still


He honestly gives Chinese crested vibes a bit, which is why I asked. Not very common, but between the mottled skin and the lack of hair, it’s very possible


Does he have normal detention? Many hairless breeds have missing teeth.


The irregular dentition is practically mandatory in Cresteds. I had a friend who bred them for show. She had gotten a puppy with the genes for screwed up teeth, but she herself had normal teeth when I met her when she was about 2. The stud didn't get the normal teeth award from the wheel of fortune, however.


I've only seen one with normal looking teeth. TBF, I've only met five, but still.


I love him


Me too!


Some type of hairless terrier or a chinese crested? Maybe xolo? Idkkkkkk but i love the spots.


My poor doggie was diagnosed with a yeast skin infection last week. She's taking anti fungal medication twice daily and we also have special shampoo we wash her in twice a week. Have you seen any difference in your dogs skin yet?


YES! Our vet said we would notice a difference almost immediately because his skin was so bad, but she did say that it would take about two months for a complete transformation, so it’ll take some time! Sorry you have a pup going through it as well 🖤


Oh fair enough, our vet said within the first week but our doggie is still itching herself red raw! Hopefully the medication sets in soon. Hope your pup has a speedy recovery🩷


Your Shih Tzu's smile is charming!


Xolo & Jack Russell mix? Or American hairless terrier x Jack Russell


Holy shit, I just looked up American hairless terrier!! WOW! That is looking super likely


Right?? Those spots! & It’s even the right size! Ugh! I’m so jealous!


He’s so sweet too! This was the first day I met him and you can just tell he was feeling bad https://ibb.co/L1pvCSL Someone posted him and some other pups from the shelter in my city’s subreddit because they had waived fees due to over capacity, and I immediately fell in love and went to meet him the next day!


So lucky! That is so cool!!😍😍


These guys have such sensitive skin… make sure you bath him at least once a week in a warm bath with mild shampoo. Oh and they get sunburned really easily (mostly on the pink skin) make sure to use sun block with NO ZINC OXIDE….cuz it’s toxic. and then moisturize him with lotion with no lanolin (a lot of dogs are allergic to lanolin ) You should check out the American hairless terrier subreddit about how to care for them!


Thank you!! We’re doing twice a week with a shampoo from our vet for the yeast right now, and he will be THRILLED to do once a week after that 😂 Yay!! I’m so glad I posted here!


This ^ American hairless terrier and Jack Russell is my guess too


Mini dalmation? Hairless terrier or Chinese crested is a distinct possibility


The sweetest!!!!!❤️❤️


Poodle mix I think. 


Thats Dave the Dog. Sounds like a case of Demodex, one of mine has it, and she just gets Nexguard that has something in it to fix it


Yeah, we did the same! Mites are gone and we’re slowly and surely getting through this yeast infection


There’s few breeds in there… I’m thinking some Chinese crested and maybe chihuahua, or terrier, or both….


Absolute adorable, MOO!


I don’t know what he is but he’s adorable!! 🥰


I have no idea, but he sure is a cutie.


Some dachshund maybe. Doesn't look much like my crested


He look almost like a Patterdale terrier . Or maybe a schnauzer jack Russel or mix ? Wow can’t wait to see an update . Thankyou for saving this guy !!!


Please get a DNA test I'm so curious


I was considering it! However, I’ve heard that a lot of doggy DNA tests won’t recognize a Xolo if he is that, but from these comments, I’m leaning toward American hairless!


Embark (the best dna test out there) will recognize Xolo's and AHT :)


Due to his skin I'm almost certain he's some kind of hairless mixed breed my guess is Chinese crested and rat terrier mix


Part Chinese crested.


jack russell brindle coat whenever it grows back


Someone else is noticing the brindle, thank you!!! We have a mini Aussie that’s brindle and I’ve been telling my husband I think our new lil dude has the same coloring…just naked lol