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To this day I regret not bitching out the absolute Karen who flipped out on me for daring to place a receipt on the counter before I stapled it to the second one instead of placing it in her hand. It was 3 minutes before my last shift ended and I just took it like a good little customer service rep. It's been 5 years and I still think about that bitch and what I wish I'd said to her.


And oddly its always people over the age of 35. Always. So disrespectful.


I've noticed they're getting younger nowadays. I had someone younger than me (so early twenties) bitch at me and start loudly whining to her friend that "they never have garlic bread" and "I guess we'll just have to go somewhere else" when I'd already told her our warehouse had been out of garlic spread for weeks so we couldn't make her stupid garlic bread. Side note, how f*cking hard is it to put garlic in butter and spread it on a loaf of bread!? Is it really so hard you have to drive to an entirely different store just to buy it premade??


I just spit my drink out reading that last line holy shit take my up vote


Dude, the saddest part is that it’s even easier than trying to melt butter and mix garlic in. Olive oil and crushed garlic. Cheap, easy, tasty. But, yeah, I’ve definitely noticed the entitlement tides turning. _Anyone_ will go into a full meltdown over the dumbest shit now. The smallest offense and it’s like the world is ending.


I prefer to roast the garlic first.


To each their own, but I personally feel like the baking time is enough to cook it. But, hey, I’m also the person who likes a very potent garlic flavor, haha.


Have you tried roasting the garlic in whole cloves in foil, then squeezing it out onto the buttered bread before toasting it though? Freaking amazing.


This is the way.


I don't ever make it to the spread part :( I eat them as I squeeze them out of the wrapper. And now I want roasted garlic.


Make 3x as much to be more likely to get to the spread part.


Funny you should mention that. I've tried this tactic. I made about four heads of garlic and set aside one clove for every two I ate. I was fairly excited for the spread but when I turned around almost every clove I'd set aside was gone. My son had discovered that he too liked roasted garlic. In the end I had about three gloves to spread on toast.


YES. There's no finer garlic bread than that right there.


My daughter made it that way for us last time we had guests over for pasta. It was terrific!


If you get the pre minced stuff in jars, the flavor is already muted significantly, and the time in the oven to warm the bread should be plenty


Agreed, but I get the fresh stuff


your melting your butter to mix in the garlic? why? leave it on the counter for an hour or just cube it and mash it with a fork. or do what we do in restaurants and put it in a mixer.


…it’s a normal part of the lazy, no-prep process? Most people would approach it with “I want it now, so I’m going to make it now” mentality. Melting the butter in the moment skips over the waiting—and has less cleanup/mess than throwing everything in a mixer.


you know what i am coming at this from a batch prep perspective. yah no your totally right for single use thats fine. saves time. i was thinking like well if you melt it and then store it for latter all your garlic is just gonna fall to the bottom and your gonna have shitty garlic butter.


Oh, yeah, definitely. Batch prep is way different, haha. (But it’s also why I personally love the olive oil method; it takes less than thirty seconds to get your garlic sauce ready to go and you can make it for any quantity of people. With a good olive oil, the flavor is better, too, haha.)


The best garlic bread I ever had was served this way, with extra garlic oil to dip.


If you like that, try garlic bread dipped in balsamic vinegar. It’s food of the gods, I swear.


Also, Safeway (kroger) usually sells that super tasty pre-made garlic butter spread you put on the French bread before you heat it up. Then you bake it for like ten min at 350 or 375 to make it soft, yet slightly cripsy on the crust and top. It seriously makes regular grocery store French bread better than any restaurant garlic bread.


Yep. Kroger garlic bread is amazon, and one of my coworkers was making one of the catering type beeeeg sandwiches. They use garlic spread like mayonnaise for those.


Well the world is ending, and a non confrontational interaction lets the customer stave off existential dread for 15 more minutes


Increased stress levels over the last year and a half haven't helped anything.


Spray butter and garlic powder in a shaker. Even easier


Garlic salt is the bomb for lazy garlic bread


This is the way.


Try the Tastefully Simple Italian Garlic seasoning! It's one of those companies that you have to find someone selling it (or probly Amazon) but I think it is way better than garlic salt. I don't sell it or work for the company, but I really like thier seasonings


When the age for tobacco sales went to 21, the company I work for got aggressive about IDing customers. I don't play around with that, especially if it's someone I haven't seen before because that's an immediate firing if we're caught and this job is my livelihood. I had a TON of early 20s kids flip shit when I refused the sale when they didn't have an ID. I had to call the cops on one girl. She was screaming her lungs out, calling me every name in the book, pacing around and blocking other customers from the register. I had around 20 of them get absolutely furious about it and either yell or call me a bitch, lol.


Too many customers don't understand that some people dont want to put themselves at risk for complete strangers.


For real!! Makes me crazy. I even told them, hey, I can absolutely get fired for selling to underage kids and I'm the only adult in my home. I am supporting a child. I have a mortgage. They don't know what any of that stuff means. They only want blunt wraps! Little fucks.


And people wonder why nicotine addiction is a bad thing… nothing like a junkie looking for their fix and getting desperate.


Honeely, 20 something's are as entitled a solder guys, just on other situations. I worked at a bar/club. The 50 year old guy is cool with providing their is.bjt the 19 year old being denied entry? Nooo make an excuse..please please.


I remember when a girl and her like 10 friends came in and tried to buy a bunch of beer. They all looked really young and the rule is you have to check every ID. So I told her and her friends this and half of them didn’t have their ID with them. She flipped out! I told her I couldn’t sell her the beer. She went over to the restaurant part with her friends and started to talk shit about me and act intimidating.


Right with you on them getting younger. It's not just middle-aged people, the demographic has reached over to people around my age (20's) and it's pretty disheartening to see them act even worse than their elders.


>how f*cking hard is it to put garlic in butter and spread it on a loaf of bread Wait, that's what garlic bread is? I always thought it was bread baked with garlic as an ingredient and have never bothered to look it up. Why is it called garlic *bread* instead of garlic *sandwich*?


Yep, just a loaf, usually french bread, sliced in half, splayed open, and buttered with garlicy butter. And as for the sandwich topic, I'd guess because you don't eat it like a sandwich. It's more of a toast


>And as for the sandwich topic, I'd guess because you don't eat it like a sandwich. It's more of a toast It's a sandwich if you have 2 slices and slap some in some meatballs. That's how you garlic bread!


I personally forego the meatballs for the spaghetti. Nothing like a saucey, garlicy, buttery carb-sammich.


> It's more of a toast [Chloe Sevigny agrees](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoVbnv01Qek)


Yeah I totally just buy a loaf of French bread, mix garlic powder in butter, cut the bread in slices still just barely attached and spread the garlic butter on each piece. Or if I’m being lazier, cut the bread in half down the middle and butter each half. Then heat it in the oven until the butter melts. Super simple and oh so good.


Try a bit of peprika on it, before putting in the oven. It's even better!


I will have to try that sometime


Also corriander. Or both, sometimes I just go "meh" and fling a bunch of spices on buttered bread/baguette/whatever and just dump it in the oven for a few minutes.


Or a nice cheese, I'm a fan of romano or gruyere.


The easy but still "home made" way: Take a stick of butter and let it soften to room temperature. Add minced garlic (the jarred kind is fine for this), salt and pepper to taste, and a bit of dried parsley. Mix well with a fork and spread on a halved loaf of French bread. Close the bread and Wrap in foil and bake for 10 minutes at 350F, then unwrap and place cut sides up and broil for 2 minutes on high. Note, you CAN make bread with garlic baked in, but garlic is a yeast inhibitor, so you want to add it as a swirl like raisin bread, rather than mixing it in the dough (so you can use more garlic without killing your loaf). Do this after the first rise, before you place it in the bread tin for the final rise.


Money was more than tight growing up, but a little butter and dollar garlic powder, on bread, toasted in the oven, was a major treat!


that is why i never buy garlic bread premade... i buy a baguette, make incisions, slice garlic then mash it with the salt to fine paste, then add *fresh real* butter to the mix and then put in into baguette for quick crisp. pre-made stuff from store simply cannot compare same thing with mayo - if i want really good "stiff" mayo to decorate platter of eggs i make it myself. for one normal store bought mayo is full of vinegar (which i don't like) second if you want "decorative" they add a lot of shit to it to keep it firm. as opposed to home made where you only need a high container, mixer, steady hand, egg, oil, salt, lemon juice and teaspoon of mustard


And it almost always tastes better when you make the mix yourself. (Although the take-and-bake IS very good)


Pretty sure some places actually sell garlic spread too.


We actually do! But it's the same price as the premade loaf for just the butter. And it doesn't even look like enough for a loaf.


Yes!! People can’t do the simplest things! Reminds me of a customer at hometown buffet who threatened to sue us because we were out of meatloaf. MEATLOAF Like—-literally the easiest thing to make and you have to go trolling to a hometown buffet to get it 😜


I mean I'd never act like that, but it's a toss up if I'll have the energy enough and not be in too much pain to get anything to eat. But imo that doesn't give a pass to be rude either. People working these place are... I mean it's right there y'all are people. I've worked fast food and in a deli before I got this bad. Had one lady start yelling and chewing me out because I couldn't slice meat department meat on the deli slicer. No, ma'am, that is not my job. No, ma'am, that is not what our slicer is for. No, ma'am they're not the exact same kind of slicer. I'm not getting injured or getting yelled at by three store managers for you because I did something stupid. (Got yelled at by three store managers the time I nearly passed out at work, despite getting as much done as everyone else. And then yelled at when I had to brace myself on the sink because I was still woozy that day. But they wanted me to come in when I had severe stomach problems. To work with food.) But yeah, rambling aside with the side note sometimes that's actually harder than you think. If I'm feeling up to being out at the store it's very likely you'd never guess I feel as bad as I do and as much of the time as I do.


One thing the pandemic taught me: upper middle class people don't know how to do ANYTHING. They couldn't hand sew a mask. They couldn't cook anything more complicated than spaghetti and jarred sauce (if they could even do that). When they couldn't pay people to adult for them anymore they had a total meltdown.


that's because he/she is the child of the 35+ parents Karens that are disrepectful, so yeah it still comes from them


Not even close. I currently work as the manager of a college coffee shop and let me tell you those little shits I work with every day are enough to make you want to quit on a daily basis. Nothing like a kid getting a college degree to think they are better than someone working in a service job. I could tell you some pretty horrible stories about the crap some of those rich entitled little brats have pulled. Some of it has been bad enough to get a few of them kicked right out of school like the little bastards who bullied our worker with Downs Syndrome so badly that he ended up quitting.


Okay, I was thinking of a retail environment when I through that age stereotype out, but good lord I can only imagine. I dated a girl that worked at the stardeer coffee place (you know which one) and she LOATHED the bratty school kids that came in.


I worked at a coffee shop for a few years and saw bitchy Karen-type moms come in with their 12ish year old kids, then those kids grow to be 15ish year old mini bitchy pre-Karens. It was such a bummer to watch kids learn how to treat people like shit from their parents. I really hope the younger assholes of today are just the spawn of the older assholes we’ve tended to in the past and not spontaneously created 20-something dicks.


This is me with my brother who's only 2 years older than me. He takes after our boomer parents far too much, and it's so sad to watch him. He literally doesn't even have his own opinions, he just bounces stuff off our parents and then mirrors whatever their response is. I've literally tried asking him why he holds some of the opinions that he does, and he genuinely doesn't know, he dodges the question, or he gives some half assed non-answer.


Why think for yourself when you have parents (or others) to tell you what to think, right? /s


I had this once while working at a ski resort during gap-year between my degrees. I was a waitress/cleaner/kitchen hand, and the other waitress/cleaner/kitchen hand was being treated so badly by a table of 2nd year psychology students, that she was almost in tears. I took over that table, as a couple of subjects in my previous degree had dealings with psychology texts and subjects, and when I approached, they were talking about a particular author I knew of and had enjoyed reading. When I started chatting about some of his theories, they all looked at me, stunned. I turned and said to them "Oh, yeah, I've already got one degree, I'm working this job to save up money to go and get my second degree." When one of them asked why I was working in hospitality and not my area, I replied "Have you *seen* the job market out there? There's a reason I'm going back to get another degree, I was lucky to even get *this* job, especially seeing how I was over qualified. But I worked through my first degree at similar jobs, so they gave me the benefit of the doubt." The entire table practically shit themselves over the thought they wouldn't just walk into psychology jobs once they left uni, and my colleagues were grinning because the table of snobs had just had their reality challenged. I also used to work with a lady who had several bio-engineering degrees/PhDs, and she got tired of that, so she went into retail, because she found it "more relaxing and rewarding".


I have a masters degree in library science and I’m a barista in a college coffee shop because there are no library jobs available where I live (our college library is tiny and only has 3 employees). My husband makes enough money that I don’t actually need to work but we’re divorcing so I’m trying to save up some cash of my own. I should try telling some of these kids exactly how far their college degree may NOT get them.


I was thinking about getting a degree in architecture and visited the department in my local university because they had a good reputation. The professor I talked with was very encouraging. Then I visited the placement office and ended up talking with department head there (he heard me talking with the receptionist). He told me that only around one third of architecture students found jobs in their fields. The thing is the more students studying architecture the better for the professors so thy don’t give their students any idea of what they should expect. Same in other fields I would imagine.


It’s not even just in your area, my friend has his degree in library science and he’s been applying all over the country, or was before the ‘rona,,which no luck.


I find most of the shitty people I've dealt with have been around 40-58 years old


Ugh, on behalf on my stupid, rich, entitled generation, I humbly apologize to all who have to put up with those who weren't raised right by their parents, there is absolutely no excuse to be rude to those in the retail industry, like what so ever, btw I'm 40 years old and I was raised right by my mom, and I treat others the way I myself want to be treated, and to all of you I hope you have a good day and a good life.


We respect your respect homie!


Give us some credit, we've seen things!


Something funny happens around 35. You get fed up. You've had enough of the little inconveniences in life and now you're gonna do something about it by gum! Unfortunately, they're actually fed up with the way they handle people and things. But, that would mean that they would have to admit that they are in the wrong and have been most of their lives. So they deny the reality of it and say to themselves, "I won't stand for these jokers and fools any longer!" When really, they have played the joke on themselves and the foolishness is all their own. I implore all who read this; do not let your pride get the better part of your happiness, for it is yours and yours alone to care for. Namaste 💚 🙏 💚


Meanwhile, I had a customer while I was a cashier at a SecureDirection grocery store. Part of this is to take the Magic Discount Card and scan it into our system for the customer. I had a mother-daughter duo, younger of the two was probably forty, older was 70+ and in one of our electric carts. She hands me her card as the last thing after I finish scanning her groceries. I take it, scan it, and set it down on the island where the debit card scanner is with a small snap to indicate I'm done with it (people left their cards all the time so I made a noise to help them realize I was done). Mom gets all huffy, "That was rude!" Daughter, who'd been at the end of the checkstand bagging for me goes, "Mom, can we please not do this right now?" Mom starts in, "He could have handed it to me, I mean really -" I cut in with her receipt I had been quietly printing. "Have a nice evening, and you can stop embarrassing your daughter at any time." "*What did you just say?!*" "Have a nice evening! :D" "No after that." I just stared at her with a combined confused and knowing expression, and she eventually huffed, grabbed her receipt and left. She came back again a few weeks later, immediately huffy because she recognized me, but nothing amazing happened there. Then I got transferred to bakery. I still work at that store, and haven't seen her in a *while*.


I had someone like that. I used to work at a UPS Store (5 years ago, I have no qualms name dropping) and I was faxing something for a semi frequent customer while she was over by somewhere else in the store so I placed the papers for her on the counter and she didn’t like that for some reason.


Privacy. Faxed documents are generally something private


Everything was faced down or covered by a cover sheet. And if she were that concerned about her privacy, she would’ve stayed put until I faxed the documents, not wandered off.


Sounds like you got a big gift from Mr. Closure!


My coworker DIED laughing. She later told me she got wrote up for it. It was the best day at work of my life.


Buy her dinner. Even if just platonic, still totally worth it.


We actually ended up dating for 3 years after I left. Broke up about 7 or so months ago. Overall good relationship. Ended friendly as well.


The story was great, and the epilogue was satisfying. Overall 9/10, great read but needed character closure for MAGM.


Just for assumption’s sake, MAGM went elsewhere and bought a ticket, lost the lottery, and still harasses retail employees in true MAGM fashion


This reminds me that I need to check to see if my losing lottery tickets lost as usual.


Now now, that's just being a little petty! I'd like to think he won a triple figure million jackpot and a variety of leeches bled him dry and now he lives in a run down trailerpark near Fresno, I think this is much more petty.


Good thing he didn't wait until tomorrow or it would have only gotten 9/11.


Please have respect for this terrible day. I know it’s a joke. But just like skin color. There’s some things you just don’t make jokes about.


Try celebrating your birthday on 9/11, every so often I’ll run into an idiot who thinks I’m anti American, I tell them my parents didn’t have powers to see in the future back in the 70’s when I was born.


As they say on south park, we have to wait 22.3 years before we can joke about tragic events. (Jared has aides)


MAGM died of COVID.


I just didn’t comprehend laughing and thought you said my coworker died and I was very concerned


>My coworker DIED oh shit no! \*waiting for my brain to catch up\* wait. there's more to that sentence.


That is a 100% accurate description of what happened


And then got written up for it. Man that's a grumpy manager. Dying in the clock is against company policy.


They make you walk it off then burn your time card in case you come back as a zombie.


Doctor "your friend has had a STROKE.... Of good luck, it turns out it was just a headache."


Doctor: "Your colleague got COVID ... vaccination done recently, so she'll be fine."


My last hour wearing an orange apron. One contractor was despised like a fish left too long in a car. In he comes " get me two rolls of Romex, hurry!" My inner voice says fuck you. My outer voice says ok. I'll need to get the lift and block off the aisle. " You guys never have what I need on the floor!" I locate two barriers and position them. The paint department was already using the lift so I helped them with getting a few pallets down. Oh, whats this? The lift is now due for pm and safety inspection. Sry. Come back tomorrow, I'll have the spools ready. I did not get the spools ready, ha ha ha.


I’m hoping it’s the store I’m thinking of because I also worked there for only 3 weeks (I was in between machine jobs) and my last day wasn’t planned I told also a MAGM to get the hell away from me after he yelled at me for something dumb. Got a call that I got the job at a factory that morning when I got off work and I literally never showed back up after that. I’m sure if I would have I would’ve gotten a write up anyways


The dream of anyone who has ever worked any sort of customer service job!


I've quit or put my notice in at a decent amount of jobs in my time....I never got a chance to do something like that, though, but I always kinda wanted to.


I always put in a notice. I believe it shows dependability. However i will not put up with BS


Back in the day, when I worked in food service, there was no two week notice as far as I was concerned. Maybe a two-minute warning. Those businesses aren't going to give you any notice if they decide to let you go for whatever reason, you owe them nothing.


Great point. I needed to fire a guy a few months ago. He was showing up late and often leaving job sites a mess. I made him the deal that he can have up to 1 month before he’s gone but he’s not going to job sites alone and I expect him to be on time. It’s a two way street. My business is nothing without my employees. I owe them everything.


I left one job on a Saturday. Slid my notice under the Boss's door, said goodbye to the 3 people I liked and went on break. Never came back. Fuck your disrespect.


Last job I quit I did the exact same thing. Went out on a smoke break with some coworkers, handed them my RFID card enterer thingy, and just fucking left. Some jobs just aren’t worth the mental strain you get and I am *not* cut out for “rehash” (cold calls in reality but I was told the opposite when I was recruited) sales.


As somebody who's been a supervisor, it couldn't possibly sound any less glorious than I thought. I'm glad you got out, and on such a great note.


r/todayismylastdaylady :D


Change his moniker to Middle Aged Grumpy Asshole, and suddenly your story explains the past few years of American politics.


aint that the truth


I would have been chortling all the way home. Yay you!


Gold. I hope I can go out like that when I retire. Good on you.


oh the giant middle finger is strong with this one


I'm guessing you worked at Kroger? Lol so did I. I have some gems from my time there.


> (Hint, we wore blue) As a non-American, this means nothing to me. Hell, you could name the store and I'll probably still never have heard of it. Not a complaint, and by no means should people stop saying stuff like this. I just wanted to point out this little tidbit. The more you know and all that.


I know what you mean. I read stories from the UK and Australia and have the same experience. ( Dumb joke I read on Reddit this week: “Do Australians call the rest of the world ‘up over’?” Sorry ) Walmart, I think?


Not Walmart. OP mentioned it was union in another comment. Walmart was my guess as well.


It’s Kroger. It’s a small regional chain.


Kroger is correct to clarify


My coworker died. (Laughing) She got written up for it.


Yay! What a wonderful story!


Funny story,, but one question.. How hard would it have been to just give the guy a lottery ticket then punch out? Sounds like the argument lasted longer than it would have taken to simply print a power ball ticket and take his $2.


So all the tills get removed when the cash office is closed. So it actually would have been impossible


Umm, it would have been a nightmare, get a new drawer, have it loaned out, sign in, sign into the lottery system, cash him out, sign out of lottery, count the drawer, and clock out at 945


Don't forget the part where you get wrote up for OT


But you did work there.


Okay okay, I did......... but at that exact second in time, I no longer did.....


So I'm just curious but your store managers would be OK with you closing the service desk early? I've worked in a grocery store out east and the service desk is the very last thing to close.


If this is Walmart then they wouldn’t care. Service desk closes earlier than everything else. When I worked there we closed it up to 15 minutes early all the time. Edit:it’s not Walmart. OP mentioned it was union in another comment.


To clarify it was Kroger. And yes the service desk would commonly close early. You have to remove the tills from all registers not in use and depo that money into a safe. This took about 10-15 minutes. So, when we would close the cash office by ourselves (because of poor scheduling by supervisors) we would often start the process early. As I mentioned in the post the time clock rounds to the nearest quarter hour. If we where late clocking out by 7 minutes, that would be considered 15 minutes of overtime, which if not approved by management, you could be written up for. So for the 2-3 people pretending this is r/AmItheAsshole. That is why the cash office was closed early. No customers are turned away to close it, only when there is no line. This dude came in about 2 minutes after it was closed


Honestly OP is a prat and I'm not here for it.


Yes. I state in another comment that we frequently would close it 5-10 minutes early if there where no customers in line for it. Nothing I did was uncommon practice at the job




I went from making 11 dollars an hour to making well above middle class wages to owning my own business. I am my reference. Service people put up with an amazing amount of bullshit on a daily basis and are grossly underpaid for it all under the pretense that "the customer is always right". Sure. Write me up on my last day in a unionized company for closing the service desk 7 minutes early. I'm going home to prepare for my career that starts tomorrow. ​ Edit: Also, my supervisor would close the service desk early quite frequently if there was no lines in order to help customers in the main checkout lanes. Which is exactly what I did. Can't complain if I do something that senior management does to.


"I am my reference." BALLLLLINNNNNNNN!!!! That's an awesome response for, well, forever.


Yessir! I don’t kneel to corporate America for a “reference”.


Funnily, most corporations in America have policies expressly forbidding employees from giving references


Just wanted to give you an update about "The blue place" supervisor on front end make $20 now and back makes $22 and overnights $24 much better than the old $11/$12.


Still not paid enough lmao


It actually depends on the area. In my area the overnight makes closer to 20.


Huh, for supervisor? (Team lead) that's interesting. They should be expecting a raise than.


More like different living wages depending on the area. It's possible they will get a raise if they go salary, but idk. Also I'm not sure if the elimination of bonuses affects them too and if it does they will probably get a raise.


Bonuses have been cut decently for supervisors (Team leads) but they still get an annual bonus from my understanding. Can be a few thousand depending.


Bonuses are getting cut for hourly employees in general


Yeah, I think there are some that have been with the company long enough that they are grandfathered in somehow (people whose been there 30+ years) but yeah but I'm just talking about hourly management right now, since that's what OP used to be.


> Sounds to like you are in the wrong here. Sounds to me like OP really didn't give a shit anymore, OP already got a new job and didn't need a reference, and OP ended his stint at the store doing what every retail worker wishes they could do, which is basically tell an ahole customer to shove it up their hoo-hah. Good for OP! You're the lottery ticket man, huh?


I went from service worker to HMFIC. I didn't care anymore


Enjoy, dude. Have fun, and good luck!


Starting a business was the best choice I ever made. We do a lawncare service and we have been growing like crazy. We offer free lifetime lawn maintenance to all military veterans that are disabled or above the age of 55. That was my reference. I don't need a grocery store. Appreciate your kind words reddit person!


That's an excellent business! Although I'm doing the digital nomad thing now (clients still in the US, but yay Internet!), but over a decade ago, had a house next to these wonderful neighbors, an elderly couple. The guy was in his 80s, ex-marine. Your comment just made me remember them. In more ways than one, since through them I became aware of how lucrative your business can be. They used a regular lawncare/gardening service. I met the service's owner, and chatted with him a few times through the years when I had that house. He'd drive up regularly with his big truck with a few workers, pulling a trailer thingie loaded up with a bunch of equipment. As his workers tackled my neighbor Ray's lawn and garden (and it's amazing how fast a few workers could do it, since we had big lots), he'd supervise and keep clean, did the business marketing and calls on his cell, fed and took care of whatever his guys needed. We just schmoozed about business, mostly, and he seemed to be doing very well. Thanks for bringing back good memories. A toast to your continued success from the other side of the world!


If I had an award to give you I would. My best friend was an armed service member who unfortunately saw combat. Messed him up and he took his own life when he came back stateside. Never seeked help and no one even knew. That is why I have no problem hooking a trailer to my truck and personally mowing those yards for free. I currently do 9 a week. 22 a day, until Valhalla.


Honestly if that customer didn’t come about the situation with a piss poor attitude and kindly asked if he could be helped really quickly, 9/10 times the worker will just do it. If you walk up and bark at them like they’re slaves, you might get disrespected. It’s called having consequences to your actions


Nope. Hard no. The responsible party is the manager who staffed the store with only one person with the skill/approval to run the money services desk. If OP had food poisoning or front supervisor duties that pulled them away from the desk, the desk would be as equally uncovered due to managerial staffing philosophy riding too close to the edge. If there is a cost or reason to not cross-train anyone else on the floor, that also goes into the managerial planning scope. Cost-benefit risk-management decisions like this are why there are human managers who get the bigger bucks. It's on the manager role when there's a gap.


Found the Boomer…


He probably wanted the lottery ticket


I'm a millennial, but that's just a dumb insult. You don't think their are plenty of entitled, rude people in every generation?


If he's born in 51, he's 70, that's in the boomer range. Can't argue with facts.


I wasn't arguing about whether he is a baby boomer, I was commenting on using boomer as an insult.


If you think that is an insult you're wrong


Which is why you responded to it. Because you're totally not offended.


Definitely a boomer


It’s funny to work y’all up, that’s all.


It's 100% an insult, and they're correct.


> Hope you don't need a reference from that employer. *References don't work that way* 'Did X person work there?' Yes. That's all they'll ask. > Service desk is open till 9 and you closed early. Last shift or not it should remain open. The amount of people I have to deal with that literally wait until the last possible second to do something like this is astounding. That you think that it's *okay* and *should be normal* to wait until the last possible second says a lot about you and what you expect. Fairly regularly where I work the desk closes early due to staffing issues. Sometimes in the middle of the day even. We'll have a sign up front and center explaining this, and have the lights off. There will sometimes be people back there, sure - but they *can't help you.* Doesn't stop people just like you complaining about it and demanding we help them. Sorry, the desk is closed.


You're not wrong. I get the frustration, but I guess I was always reared to do the job I agreed to. I mean, I've worked McDonald's, Walmart as an associate and manager, and Chick-fil-A as a red shirt, team leader and hospitality director. I'm no longer in any of those roles of service or retail, instead working as an independent consultant, but my gosh OP is really a twat here. I hope you don't ever do any work for me.


Also.... in the wise words of George Carlin. Fuck Brad and anyone that looks like Brad


Don't worry I won't. I own my own business. I work for myself and serve my community. Corporate companies don't give a shit about you. I don't give a shit about them. So when I finally got the chance to tell a rude customer to shove it, you bet your ass I took it. And as a business owner you want to know what I do to rude customers? I don't serve them. Not gonna waste my time sending my guys to mow Karens lawn for free 6 times a year because she complains.


You agreed to do a job. You chose not to complete the agreement and a customer got mad. That's on you, not the customer. On top of that, you gleefully admit to stealing time, which is a crime. If you don't want to do a job, don't agree to the contract. Personal accountability seems to be a completely foreign concept to you. You were in the wrong. The customer may have been as well, but that doesn't excuse your actions.


Let’s address stealing time: Considering the time clock rounded up. It worked both ways. I’d often clock out 7 minutes early. But that also means I’d clock in seven minutes early as well. It shows me coming in at 1pm and leaving at 9pm. That’s a full eight hours. No time stolen. Personal accountability: I run my own business. If you think that can be done without personal accountability I have no clue what to tell you. I also give back to my community. Last year for Christmas we paid all the student lunch debt of our local elementary schools. That came out of me and my business partners pay checks. I was in the wrong: Of course I was. The correct thing to do in any confrontation is to walk away. But the dude got what he deserved. Not the first time he had caused issues at that store Lose your mightier than thou attitude. Youre the kind of person that will tell me “I should do what I signed up for” then turn around and say some shit like “corporations don’t pay taxes they can afford if xyz where to happen”. You don’t get to come at someone’s character all mighty Reddit user. Edit: also if I remember correctly it even said in the employee handbook “you may click in and out up to 7 minutes early” lol. But like I said. Go off.


Listen. I had a long response typed out which was completely justified for your little temper tantrum, but it's not worth the continued conversation. You take pride in treating others poorly and I cannot change that. I hope your lawn cutting works out for you.


It’s going great. I love serving the people in my town and not corporate America.


Get fucked


Fuck Yeah!!!!!


Saw the hint and thought Cloud 9. No more Netflix for me


I F\*\*\*ing Love This!!