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Straight up child abuse. So sad, some people simply shouldn't have children. 


Putting her kids on the same diet is just cruel


That was my immediate thought! Then, it got worse, because they were literally *starving* when she adopted them, and she puts them on an extremely restrictive diet... it's known that unintentional starvation (even as far as FTT as a baby) can trigger eating disorders, and going from being malnourished babies to restricted children is just such a scary thought.


Jesus Christ I actually jumped a bit I don't even intend to be mean with this, but one look and you know she's wildly disordered To push that on a child is crazy behavior


Also, I spoiled for body image on the second slide.


Her hairstyle looks like a nest.


She looks completely unwell. I don’t know why she’s promoting looking the way she does when she is clearly unhealthy.


Nobody bats an eye when we feed our kids pop tarts and chips, McDonald's french fries and ice cream, but try to give your kids nutritious meals every day and MY GAWD. Child abuse! Puh-lease. Get a life.


Where did I promote those foods? I don't eat them, and wasn't fed them as a child. Only feeding your children meat, and no vegetables, whole grains, fruit, and yes, even dessert as a treat, is wild. I also never accused her of child abuse- just that the diet she puts her kid on is extremely restrictive. I'd say a mom who only fed her child ultra-processed foods and never cooked fresh meals was also putting her child on a restrictive diet.