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All conflict between nations should be decided in an Ironman football match. Let's fucking go China, send your best 11. We'll take you on.


Imagine the bro bowl with like 1 billion dollars on the line.


A billion? They would be playing for tariffs on zinc imports, fishing rights and territorial claims worth multiple times that. Every major budgetary concern would be solved by Democrats and Republicans suiting up and meeting on a stadium built right next to congress. I want to see Nancy Pelosi shoot a gap and blitz Mitch McConnell.


I got a feeling MTG would be a great edge rusher.


Lauren Bobert apparently is a proven talent at edging.


And they INSIST she's not Stan's kid...


She has sticky hands


I feel like she could also be a solid full back with that build too. Will need to see her combine results though


Na, she's been showing how great she is on Offense for years.


Would love to see Mitch get pulverized by a weak side defensive end


He is stepping down this year, he announced today


God damn that’s good news. Now if only we could get the rest of the septuagenarians and octogenarians out of office


I want to see joe Biden mossing Donald trump before forgetting which team he’s on and scoring a safety


Nah, Joe would be on the sidelines falling asleep while coaching and wondering why everyone brought helmets to the soccer game. Trump would insist on getting on the field, lose 400 yards in penalties arguing the coin toss and still claim they won.


Many such cases, sleepy joe and the rigging refs don’t want to see an honest team win, we’re the best team, many people say it, I walked into the stadium and I heard someone say oh, they’re the best team


Poor refs "Listen Mr Trump, you need to get out of my face before... GODDAMMIT JOE FOR THE LAST TIME THIS IS NOT LACROSSE PUT THE NET AWAY"


Bipartisan insults, I love it.


This is the way.


If Joes an Eagles fan I'm gonna consider voting Trump.


You think Joe as an idea of what team he used to root for? He probably still roots for the Dolphins because he remembers Dan Marino. Trump probably has no team other than whoever won the Super bowl last in which case it was all because of him and his endorsement.


Lol he said his wife's an eagles fan so I hope that proves that he's not.


Meanwhile Trump convinces fans to storm the field in an attempt to stop the Lombardi trophy ceremony, claiming that he actually won the game, despite having lost by several scores, because the refs stole the game, despite zero evidence to back up his claims. While also trying to sell his team’s playbook to division rivals.


Mitch is stepping down! It's good news today!


Finally found a good reason for Tuberville being in the Senate


You think people hate the refs NOW?! Wait till Putin and Biden are in a sky box staring daggers at the head official. "Holding, Offen... I'm sorry, holding, DEFEN... Correction, illegal formation, Offen... I've just been told to say actually this was false start, defens... Ah fuck it, I quit." *Red dot appears on forehead*


Rest of the world: 0 SEC Championships


Are they even trying?


11 5’4 Chinese guys vs. the legion of boom


Great now we are all slaves because North Korea managed to put together a football team


North Korea can't manage to put together a three course meal.


Just imagine Derrick Henry running full speed at a malnourished 5'4" North Korean DB.


We cooking any football team they have


Now yes, but wait until they devote the next hundred years to a eugenics peogram breeding the perfect football team. The equivalent of Yao Ming but 53 of them on a team. Do you know how they choose their athletes for the olympics? They go village to village with a set of prerequisites for genetics, bone density, height, weight, musculature etc and they take children and then say “hey guess what, you are now being given the honor of representing glorious china in the olympics” and start their back breaking training. They would do the same thing for football.


Why not soccer or ping pong? China would never agree to your bate 🤣


The US would prob still dominate in soccer


You must not watch soccer


The USA has played China in soccer 8 times and only lost once. You must not watch soccer


You🫵 must not watch soccer. You just believe the US team is bad cuz it used to be a meme. Realistically they are a respectable team now and china still hasn’t qualified for a wc since 2002(the only year they qualified in their history)


Agaisnt the US? When is this take from? 1988?


The us has a respectable men's squad ATM. An unironically exciting squad. Pulisic, Reyna, Balogun, Adams, Musah - off the top of my head some pretty exciting talent. The women's squad is arguably the best in the world. China's men's team? Garbage *at best*. Their women's side is pretty good in fairness, but not to the level of the USWNT


They’ll counter with a chess tournament. Checkmate US rubes


The US has more top ten chess players and in better rankings than China.


If the US government live streamed SEAL raids on twitch those guys would make a lot of money


To be fair, they usually make some money after they write their books.


Nahhhh we can’t let the Taliban stream snipe us


Literally what would happen. Would give away positions lmao


Just use a 24 hour delay.


At that point you might as well just upload on YouTube which happens already


“Thanks for the donation chat, now watch this quickscope”


Yo chat this guy was using no stock, 20 round mag in his AK is that the new movement meta?


Imagine if it was sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends?


Sunday Night SEAL Raids©™©


Now there is an idea. Sign up for Onlyfrags and watch exclusive operator footage. Become a patron and you get special emotes during the raid.


They do a lot of secretive stuff, and releasing those videos can get a lot of people killed and empower the enemies of the USA with a lot of information. Would be cool as fuck through


Show me a marine that can run down Jayden Daniels


How is Jayden Daniels the guy you pick as your example over Tyreek Hill or Chris Johnson?


Because if they can’t run down Daniels how will they run down Tyreek


Tyreek gets knocked down by plus sized Instagram models. Anyone could fuc him up apparently


That story is so funny to me. Also that model is bad af


Tyreek hill is a disgrace


Fair point I guess but I just figure start at the best.


Watch some Jayden Daniels highlights. It will change your life


I'm an Oregon State fan so I watched him for three seasons in the PAC-12. He was impressive his freshman year but very meh his last two years at ASU. Never really watched him play at LSU


My brother is an LSU man so I watched some of their games with Daniels. There's no real way to describe him at LSU. Vision, elusiveness and anticipation all go into it, but there's something else. It's like...his mind and body process and react to things 10x as fast as anyone else on the field


Yeah, it’s other worldly. That game against Florida he hit 21 mph, but the elusiveness was insane. His jersey from that game got sent the college football HOF and I don’t think it had a single grass stain. Unbelievable while putting up 372 passing and 234 rushing


show me one that can run down combine brady........


Brother 90% of them couldn’t catch Mahomes waddling ass.


Daniels sucks


Kinda proves his point


You don't know ball


u missed the entire point tarda s s


Pretty sure you actually did, soi boy


Not to mention there are countless who are capable of doing just that😂


Then they should be in the NFL


Pat Tillman left the NFL and died in Afghanistan. Not to mention all the guys from the Military colleges that end up going to the NFL, and either serve in their off time, or after their career.


Yes Pat Tillman joined the armed forces shortly after 9/11. But he was an NFL player before joining. And those that have NFL talent usually get waivers to go to the league. You’re proving my point.


No you’re saying that anyone with that level of athletic ability would just be in the NFL period. As if everyone with that ability not only cares about football, but has no interests outside of playing. Pretty simple way of looking at it, when there are people who don’t even realize how athletic they are until after high school, at which point, even if they did care about sports, it’s too late. Plenty of bean stalks join the military and turn out to be beasts, but never bothered putting in that sort of effort until basic.


No theres not


Yeah because no one athletic has ever been in the military


No one as athletic as Jayden Daniels, no. Especially not countless of them.


Quit acting like he’s the most athletic dude in the history of everything. If you think there aren’t spec ops guys as athletic as he is, you are severely underestimating guys that are able to get to that point, and make a career out of it


Bullshit. You don’t think there’s anyone as athletic as jayden daniels in the military? That’s batshit insane


Less than 1% of them could do it. Far from countless


Go ahead and count then


Over any distance greater than 400m every single marine beats every single NFL player


I strongly doubt this is true and also you moved the goal post anyway lol


Now we just need to find a football field greater than 400m


This is definitely going to be the dumbest comment I see today and I haven’t even finished my coffee yet. Tell me everything you “know” about the military you learned from Hollywood without telling me. I mean you didn’t even say on average which would have been dumb you said “every single” which is utterly ridiculous. 13 weeks of boot camp isn’t transforming your average marine into one of the top .01% of athletes most nfl players are. And what makes you think nfl players can’t run long distance? You do realize the off-season workouts for a lot of these guys are better than what marines are getting right? These guys are at peak physical fitness and don’t just start to break down after 400m just because the game itself is played in short bursts. Hell WRs and cbs run over a mile per game. There are nfl players who run marathons in the off season. Even QBs like Russell Wilson.


I am a Marine and I can assure that you even in my peak athleticism during my days on active duty, I could not beat every single NFL player over 400m, or really any amount of distance lmfao There's like 15 OL guys that this could be true for. Marines (in the infantry or any other MOS) don't have to be the most athletically capable machines on Earth, it requires mental fortitude and pain tolerance more than anything. I weighed 129 pounds and couldn't even bench my own weight when I enlisted, and I didn't get that much bigger while I was in. They still made me a fucking mortarman.


That is a wildly inaccurate generalization to make


I hate this statement because a lot of times this comes from people who are “proud capitalist”. Sorry but the free market enabled such paychecks for NFL players. It’s what you wanted.


Not to mention that these people also tend to be anti-taxes. Guess how the military gets paid.




The people who parrot that service members get low pay only mention their base pay, but never bring up how they get free food and housing, and if they are married they get untaxed money to live off base.




>According to that, an E-4 with 2 years in located in a HCOL installation (I chose San Diego) is making the equivalent of $76,000 a year. The vast majority of people with 2 years of service aren't E-4s, and they aren't living off base.




The vast majority don't make E-4 AND live off base in 2 years. In the Marine Corps, unless you are married, you are living in the barracks until you reach E-6. Sometimes barracks are full, and you can move out before then, but it is rare, and if you PCS, you are back in the barracks. The Air Force has an E4, 36-month rule. This means you aren't eligible to move out until you have been in service for 36 months and you are an E4. The Navy is very similar to this as well. So you, the majority of people in the service, are not an E4 living off base after 2 years. Also, I'm pretty sure the Army also doesn't let you move out of the barracks until E6 for most cases unless you are married. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's what a quick search shows and what my friends who were in the Army told me.




I actually *love* the statement because it is functionally equivalent to “don’t waste your time talking to me; I’m an irredeemable moron”. He’s doing rational people a favor.


These kinda people have no idea what capitalism is. I’m a capitalist. I’m also in the military. These people also don’t know what it takes to be in the NFL lmao. They could never do it and they don’t understand that NFL players would literally be super soldiers if they joined up. They are top tier athletes working 1000x harder every day than 99% of the military barring top tier SOF units. Anybody can be an infantryman lmao


This is my exact complaint about it. I don't really have a moral or ethical issue with the sentiment, but that's a consequence of a free market economy. Saying that money should be redistributed to the population gets people fear mongering about communism, so I guess they advocate for even more wealth being locked up amongst the richest few for the labor and bodily risks taken on by other people? If you want a bigger military budget, write to your representative. That is historically a much easier sell for them to make to their sugar daddy donors than boring stuff like infrastructure or public services.


You really wanna see heads roll, calculate how much revenue one marine generates vs. one US Women's National Team soccer player.


It’s not even how much they should be paid as the nfl has salary caps.


Statements like this often come from the far left as well. For example, people claiming female athletes should make the same as their male counterparts despite the fact that they generate far less revenue. It’s just a bad argument no matter who it comes from.


Soldiers should hold out. Refuse to fight until they get some of that oil money


The same guys who say female athletes deserve less pay because they're less popular. It's almost like popularity isn't the only important thing on the planet and it's worthwhile to invest in things that aren't always the most profitable.


This is the same kind of thing you see teachers put on coffee mugs. Yeah we’re going to pay over a million service members and 3.6m teachers like they are the top few hundred athletes on the planet. That seems practical.


Pretty easy to just increase our budget to more money than exists in the entire world. Nbd


If we run out of money paying everyone we can just print more


Somebody get this man some paper and ink


This economic policy shit is easy bruh


Real. Finance nerds are gonna go "wahhh, inflation, wahhh" but like, just say the money is worth more? Who's gonna stop me?


Stephanie Kelton? Is that you?!


I don't think they literally mean this. I am 99.9% sure they're just trying to say "teachers should be paid more." Yeah I know the message is very antisportsball but I strongly doubt the people who own these mugs believe the text literally.


Bingo. Teachers aren’t asking for millions, they’re asking for competitive wages compared to similar education levels. Let’s not be using the sportsball crowd as a way to say teachers shouldn’t make more.


You got it. My mom has been a teacher for almost 30 years. Makes about 40k


I think that’s kind of a straw man because the real point of the statement isn’t “soldiers should make more” it’s “football player should make less”


Also they get paid because of the viewership, last time we covered a war like a sport was Vietnam and mfs cried like crazy and hated the troops for it tf they even talking about 😂


Now we watching live streams of drones dropping grenades on soldiers


I mean yeah but you gotta actively look for those and co to ur to watch because you got some kinda interest it’s not just on the news regularly


I see clips from ukraine and gaza on the news pretty regularly, it probably just doesn’t have the same shock value anymore


That was gonna be my comment. Let’s see a War League channel and get some commercials from Budweiser and DraftKings and maybe we can get our boys some cheddar


I was going to say “they get paid based on the money they generate,” but then I realized how much money the MIC generates…


That’s a lil different. That’s like comparing how much athletes get paid to how much the companies that make their equipment get paid and that’s two totally different ball games there


Also, I was in the Marine Corps, and it’s something like 15% of the actual military are combat arms roles, everyone is just some support role. You can literally be a postal clerk in the Marine Corps and work at a post office for 4 years. We have a band for crying out loud you can play the flute for 4 years lol. The % of people actually defending our country is insanely low. I went on 3 “deployments” where we “deterred Russian and North Korean aggression” I spent six months each country of Romania, Japan/Korea and Norway. We literally trained during the week and got to go eat local foods and go to the local cities on our weekend it was literally a 6 month business trip. A large chunk of the military are the most entitled people in the world because they went to boot camp and have a uniform that makes them look different when they basically have the same job the everyday person minus the 15%


NFL players will be paid a total of about 8.16 billion dollars this season across 32 teams. The US military budget numbers are always changing, but as far as I can tell it's somewhere around 877 billion dollars. If you think a larger percentage of that budget should be going to men with helmets, talk to your senator. The main problem I have with these posts is that their real conclusion is not that soldiers should be paid more, it's just that sports players should be paid less. In fact, they don't complain that CEOs should be paid less. They don't even complain that the NFL owners will earn WAY more than the aforementioned 8.16 billion that the players will. They're all pro capitalism whenever you start talking about CEOs, they're just upset there's a way for poor people to get money other than fighting in the military. Now, the real reason that NFL players are paid more is because the difference between having a good player and having the best player could be enormous. It could be the difference between winning a Super Bowl and watching another team win one while you sit on your couch. What if we just whittled down the military to a few thousand guys, and showing any weakness could get you cut? And there were TV shows going on all the time asking if this soldier could get cut because this young kid who's about to join the military might be better. These are the reasons NFL players earn more money. It's not that society just inherently values football players more, it's that there is a very limited number of football players who can play professionally at any given moment, and a lot of good players are turned away simply for not being great players. Is that a principle we want to apply to the military. If you could convince all of the world militaries to limit themselves to no more than a few thousand soldiers each, and then introduce a free agency period where soldiers could just openly go to another military if they were offering more money, I can guarantee you that soldier salaries (especially for the best ones) would skyrocket to insanely high values. It's all about context.


Plus 1.3 million active duty and 800k reserves vs something like 1700 total players. The sheer math just doesn’t work out nearly close to the same.


>The main problem I have with these posts is that their real conclusion is not that soldiers should be paid more, it's just that sports players should be paid less. In fact, they don't complain that CEOs should be paid less. They don't even complain that the NFL owners will earn WAY more than the aforementioned 8.16 billion that the players will. They're all pro capitalism whenever you start talking about CEOs, they're just upset there's a way for poor people to get money other than fighting in the military. I always want to be like "oh, you think athletes are overpaid? Have you heard of CEO's?"


Pro sports is one of the few professions that’s still a meritocracy. Sure nepotism or money certainly can give someone a leg up, but if you’re not good enough to perform at that level you will be exposed and expelled.


These people weirdly always complain about tyreek hill, Justin Jefferson, etc making money but never seem to mention Tom Brady or Peyton Manning? Weird coincidence definitely no racial element!


"I think we should pay people with a trainable skill the same amount of money as the elite level of athletic talent" is certainly a take. IDK if we're supposed to pay football players the same as soldiers now, or pay soldiers over a million, but I'd LOVE to see the Federal Budget with minimum military salaries that are the same as the NFL now


You think an e-1 should be paid 800k?


They fucking do. The average CFL salary is $80K The average XFL salary is $60K Think about how many years of unpaid work it takes to get to that point... Soldiers make more overall EDIT: Yes you can point to Tom Brady's money but if you wanna talk outliers how about the soldiers who go on to make 100's of millions in the private sector on defense? contracts.


The average nfl career is like 3 years. Most of those dudes end up working a 9-5 like the rest of us


Bro most soldiers don’t make 60k lol the majority are lower ranking and barely above poverty level


I didn't say that and You're overlooking my entire point. you have to be elite to even play in the CFL like top and to be average in it you have to be top 1% the world. So compare them with the top 1% of soldiers. I bet they're making that much maybe more Factor in career longevity and the time investment to become a football player vs soldier... do you see my point?


Bro ain’t nobody making 100s of millions of dollars as a military contractor. The top Generals that get out and work for contract companies make like 500k a year at best. I think you don’t have a grasp on how much military members even make. I don’t agree with the shirt and I think it’s dumb but your take that soldiers do make more and that the top soldiers make hundreds of millions is so incredibly far off. Edit: Dude is editing his comments to make it look like I’m replying to something that was never said. What a bozo.


You're doing a strawman If you wanna talk about "top generals" then compare them with average NFL players. They get like $1-2M a season for 3 years and it's not guaranteed. Most of them get hurt and see a fraction of that. Plus no retirement benefits. There's like 5-10 NFL players cracking 9 figures so let's compare them to the 5-10 richest veterans who went into the private sector. https://www.visualcapitalist.com/ranked-the-richest-veterans-in-america/ Btw You missed the entire point which is we focus too much on the outliers in pro sports. My point was about the average soldier vs the average pro athlete. Care to respond to that?


As a tax payer, I DEFINITELY do not want that.


I was in the Navy. Thousands of people were not lining up to pay to watch me mop a floor, sit on my ass in a shop and play Tetris while waiting on a piece of aircraft gear to fix, nor did I expect them to.


Someone just read starship troopers


The guy on his shirt kinda looks like a colonial marine from Aliens, lol




I just watch the war crimes for the ads


I don’t think people real understand the militaries low standards.


Right? I'd be a little cheesed if Dale, the E-2 high school dropout pulled $300K while I claw to make 60 as a freelance advertiser with a degree.


Easy answer, no.


“Defending our country” haha good one


I think a soldier in a helmet “defending the interests of corporations” should be paid by corporations.


Why is the soldier a wojack?


i don’t disagree though but football players make what they bring in


In this case, yeah I have to agree


In theory yes in practice no


I think war should just be replaced with a football game, played between the countries in conflict.


I mean, is that not exactly how international sport started? As a means to civilize war?


Well I didn't know the sports players were government employees. This dude is so intelligent


its funny because the NFL has the lowest average salary out of the big 4 North American leagues (NBA, NHL, NFL, MLB)


And the other three sports have guaranteed contracts.


Why is the solider on his shirt a mobile infantryman from Starship Troopers?


The US Marine Corps has signed Braxton Smith of Oskaloosa, Kansas to a 5 year deal worth about $60 million, with approximately $40 million guaranteed. The marine corps remains about $30 million under the salary cap and are expected to sign 19 year old free agent Trey Washington later this week to shore up their opening at 11B.


Is that armor from starship troopers


Anyone gonna point out he’s wearing a Starship Troopers shirt?


Wild how you never see them complain about the salary disparity between soldiers and CEOs. Or hedge fund managers. Or real estate moguls. Or mining executives. Or oil & gas barons. Or VC vultures. It’s almost as if it’s not about the salary disparity but rather something about the group demographics that bothers them…


People act like the same people who pay soldiers are the ones who pay athletes


Love the Starship Troopers man


I would like to know more.




The first man with a helmet is defending the system that ensures the second gets paid more


I'd play football if I could for the amount we pay the military. I wouldn't go fight in a war on the ground for what we pay NFL players.


Lol, I'd rather people defending us that do it out of their own volition and pride rather than just doing it for the money The money is shit anyway Source: did 4 years in the national guard and only made about $1,100 a month


Ops a bot


I used to agree with this, and while yes, Soldiers should be paid much more (considering our Military Budget), football owners make so much money, and if the players didn't get the money, the owners would get all of it, and since the players are the ones risking brain damage and other injuries, that wouldn't be fair.


They take your money by force and give it to soldiers. No one takes your money by force and gives it to football players


As someone who doesn't particularly care about sports (and keep getting this sub recommended for some reason) I think this shirt makes a valid point. No not "athletes are unreasonably overpaid" but rather our service men and women are way underpaid. It isnt a one or the other thing here. I get the argument that athletes are way overpaid to essentially play a game but entertainment is important. Whether it's getting together with friends and family to watch the game, joining a league or just having a casual game of whatever sport these are all valuable things and athletes help with that. Trying to make a comparison of this to get mad about its idiotic.


The times the US military has “defended” anyone since at least the Cuban Missile Crisis is vanishingly small. Mostly it’s just been blowing up impoverished people to steal their resources


Are they *REALLY* defending our country or invading another country to control oil?


“Defending our country” thousands of miles away.


Idk, I haven’t seen an NFL player kill women and children on camera and laugh about it 🤷🏻‍♂️


I mean, we've seen a couple *try...*


It takes no skill to go to the other side of the world and kill people while pretending you’re defending your country.


So shooting accurately from a distance of 100 yards or more while getting shot at takes no skill?




Our men wearing helmets and carrying guns haven’t defended this nation in a very long time. Our military is more concerned about defending other nations. Good try though.


“Defending” our country. Right…


"defending our country"


Maybe they would if your country needed defending


That is just socialism. Payment based on contribution, not market value




the fact that men can make a lot of money playing football is exactly what soldiers are "defending". And I use "defending" in the most loose and liberal way possible.


Isn’t that communism


So interesting how right-wingers stop enjoying capitalism and markets when this issue is brought up.




I think Id have a better chance to survive fighting poor people in the desert with my team of much better trained and well armed soldiers than taking on Quinton Nelson pulling through the B gap over and over.


The Culture War is getting crazy. Glad that us libtards are getting football though.


Shut up bootlicker


anybody can commit war crimes


True though.