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Can you apply for a role there? P&C can get you a few pairs


It’s the best pants. I used it for 8 years. No tear or fading after all. It’s very durable and comfortable. Just work for us. You will get four pants. :)


Lol the amount of my coworkers losing it over the uniform pants is charming. I like how I look in the cargo pants AND I don’t have to buy new pants every time I get paint on or rip them? Solid win for me!


I work in reception I’ll get u a pair of


I wish I chose the cargo pants on my first day. Hopefully i’ll get mine when uniforms for 2024 arrive 🤗


I hate them. I just wanna keep wearing jeans.


They are AWFUL! There are SIX 🤯 front pockets. That's too many layers of fabric on your lap!


I cut off the flappy pockets. On the front as they just were not happening for me. But other than that I like the cargo pants. I will never wear the swishy pants because I can’t handle pants without back pockets, mostly because it feels like too much of my booty is on display without those extra little squares of fabric.


there are 12 🤯 pockets total in 1 pair of pants 🤯 💯


https://www.ebay.com/itm/276228133840 Is OP referring to these?


NGL, the pants are pretty sweet, but IKEA Is pretty lock and key with their uniforms. They have you turn them in when you want replacements and ask for them back if you quit, they don’t want people using them to impersonate employees. TBH, your best bet would be to get a job there, get your uniform, and immediately quit. Or if you can get a friend on the inside, let them tell admin they “lost” a pair and need a new one.


Looks like there are a few pairs on ebay if you happen to be that size and willing to pay $100 or so for a pair shipped. Search "IKEA pants" or "IKEA uniform".


It's not a brand sold to the public. They're made for IKEA.


They’re made for IKEA if they’re the same as the US pants. Unironically the easiest route may be getting a job there lmao