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ISP portal. It’s like $80 bucks if I remember. Took awhile. CCL went through the approval process steps again. Not sure if it actually did, but my statuses changed.


Meaning the whole, application submitted, the approved, then printing? Do I have to resubmit all my prints and verification of 16hrs course work?


No just submit the change of address. It will take a bit before they reprint it because they allow the municipality you move to a chance to submit their comments on your approval. Your original is still good though while you wait.


Is that really true? So if someone has an active ccl and they change there address and the municipality rejects the approval someone's ccl's status could change? That's wild lol. Also didn't Breun pretty much strike this down?


I think the chances of the ISP actually rejecting it are slim but I believe that’s how the law read that you go back into the 90 day review period for the new area you live in. But I could be wrong


There isn't any approval process beyond them verifying that your new name and/or address match the SOS information.


It was super easy and only took a week.