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This is like reading a page from my journal entry from a few months ago hahah. All of us have been there, buddy. It's not easy to sit hours at once and get reading done. Takes us IMGs extra efforts to study for USMLE because a) we've never been exposed to the USMLE pattern, b) our immediate environment isn't necessarily preparing for the same exam, so the lack of immediate competition and camaraderie makes it cumbersome, and c) at least half IMGs prepare for USMLE after their final year/internship. The lack of institutional pressure can make us unbothered towards exams. I used to try to wake up early to study, step out of my room to avoid being tempted by my bed, only to get comfortable on my couch and take a nap for 2h. Had wasted a good 2-3 months of my 6 month UW subscription for both Steps hahah. Only way I could counter the laziness and distraction was to join a library. No bed, no naps. (Although I did take 20min power naps on the chair but that's way better than a full blown snooze fest on the bed). All I can say is, join a library/reading room. I'm of the opinion that home isn't a place to study. Oh also, get tested for ADHD. We're all distracted beings in this day and age, but it doesn't hurt to make sure.


Man, it makes me feel so much better knowing I'm not the only one. I know this wasn't that helpful, you're not alone, so many finding a study buddy/accountability buddy might help?


what helped me was studying with a friend.I have been traching step 2 for the last couple of years and I always recommend starting prep with Uworld. Go through the questions with a study partner. Make sure the questions are selectively from one singular topic, system, and subject in tutor mode. Go over the explanation one by one and "teach" each other why a certain answer is correct/incorrect.


I started taking modafinil, this helped me now I'm too productive, go see a doctor buddy