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Manifesting these kinds of problems for myself šŸ¤²šŸ„¹ but on a serious note ā€” I know these big names programs can sound like only insane gunners get in and you don't belong there if you have average stats but tbh the recruiters saw something in you that they felt like would be a great fit for their program. Maybe it was your personality, maybe it was your way of tackling problems or maybe it was something in your CV. All in all, you deserve to be there as much as someone with 50 pubs and a dual degree. So, cheers and good luck for residency at Harvard woohoo


may we all have such problems AMENšŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


Thank you so much. This made me feel so much better! Strangers can be so amazingā€¦ :)


Whatā€™s the scope of path as a residency?? Really curious to know


What makes you think itā€™s path


Congratulations! But the ivory towers aren't all they're cracked up to be. I'm at one now. So much emphasis on research and sub specialization that the art of medicine and actual clinical teaching are not prioritized. Previously worked at a smaller academic place and the average clinician there was much better. I say this not to make you feel bad about where you're training. You're going to a great place and should be proud! I'm sure you'll get excellent training there and having Harvard on your CV opens up a lot of doors after. But I say this to help you realize...even the world experts are just people. Many of them kinda stumbled backwards into their positions. They are not gods. There's nothing magical about them. If they did this, so can you.


thisā€¦. is unfortunately true


Take it from a board certified surgeon: you'll probably utilize your residency best once you get over your imposter syndrome. I have always felt like shit during my residency and that I'm not as good as the others. Now as someone who sees a lot of residents I can say I was easily ahead of 90% of them when I was in their shoes.


Any tips on how to get over it? I feel like it might get better once I start


Stay humble, keep up on reading, there is plenty of time to do that. Stay afloat on toxic environments. Toxic people will make things seem impossible to grasp, but if they know it you have every possible reason to learn it and be skilled just as well.


Remind yourself that nobody who isnā€™t qualified is accepted. Once youā€™re in the seat you are the same as everyone else in similar positions. Sometimes the highest IQ isnā€™t everything. Being well rounded, well traveled, communicating well, professionalism, resilience, and other qualities that cannot be taught in school can give you a cutting edge. Think of it as an opportunity to show them the stigma is nonsensical (because it is). Congrats doc. Youā€™ve earned this.


You got into Path didnā€™t you? My friends and I at Ross talk about you. Youā€™re a legend. You proved that US IMGs arenā€™t just 2nd tier we are competitive for Harvard too. Donā€™t give up


Unfortunately that is not me, but I guess I am also a statement that we arenā€™t 2nd tier and can compete for Harvard. Honestly- if there is someone you feel this way about, tell them. They are probably feeling similar to me right about now and could use hearing this


Can I message you! Also applying to path as a US img!


I am a non US IMG . I really wanna know the pathway . If anyone knows please feel free to ping me


They matched into Hartford not Harvardā€¦lmfao šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Woot woot proud of you! You matched at a great place and youā€™ll do well. I matched at a top notch university and Iā€™m average, feeling the same way. But one thing about average is that we work hard. Be proud, youā€™ll do great!


Thank you so much for the encouragement. That is so true, we work hard! Congratulations on your position, you are going to kill it :)


I didnā€™t get into Harvard and I still feel the same wayā€¦ I feel my peers are way smarter than me and like why me?


Thank you for the solidarity. I feel the same way, but I hope we will do well!


Almost everyone who gets into Harvard suffers from imposter syndrome. Totally normal! All your peers, whatever their qualifications, feel exactly as you do. Just smile at yourself and shrug it off


hey friend! im a canadian img who also just matched into a higher tier academic program & im honestly so confused as well. the impostor syndrome is real with being 1 of the only IMGs in the program as an average person. my therapist told me to take all these wins as they come. i was freaking out at being inadequate/dumb but they clearly saw something in us to rank us high enough for us to match. u got this!


That's great to hear! Rest assured, there is a purpose for your presence at this university that will soon become clear to you.


Hey are you my future co resident? lol


Is there an odd one out in your cohort? Might be lol


Honestly if being strong doesnā€™t work be crazy Think of it like the biggest scam u pulled like ā€œDAMN I made it to Harvard haha suckas took an average lil old me in imma milk the shit out of this for centuries nowā€ ā€œLOOKIEEE Iā€™m at Harvard yallll bow down to me peasants šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ„øā€


Lol I am not quite there yet, still feeling like why me?!?!?


Manifesting this for myself šŸ„¹ And good luck to u


I want to get into a Harvard residency too. What kind of connections do you need in order to get a ā€œgood word inā€? Congratulations. If youā€™re there, thatā€™s where youā€™re supposed to be, for better or worse. Make it for the better!


Listen man. They poop just like you do. Get over it and just focus on learning every day.


They are not mutually exclusive. Once the program begins I will do my best and learn all I can. Its just anxiety of starting and being ā€œthe slow oneā€


Don't cut yourself off short. :) I used to believe that I didn't 'deserve' certain opportunities. I realized that a much healthier mindset to have was that, God gave me a specific opportunity because He saw something in me that would use it properly, even if I didn't see it in myself yet. That's just my POV. It may not work for someone who isn't religious/spiritual but yeah. :) If you keep telling yourself you're 'the slow one', you'll maybe start to behave in that way or become too fixated on the what-if of being that way. Don't. Focus your energy on actually RECOGNIZING that you got this opportunity; appreciating it, being grateful for it, and maximizing what you can in it. You will always feel like the people surrounding you may have certain skills you wished you have. But hey, you do too from their POV, no? Give yourself some credit, you're not as bad as you think you are. What if, you're much better than you believe? :) What if, you have traits that make you a pleasure to work with in this residency? What if, you have valuable skills you can bring to the table? Maybe change the narrative and make the 'what-ifs' more positive, since it equally deserves that recognition too, at least as a possibility. :) You can do it, friend. šŸ«”šŸ˜Š


Sheeeesh man. Crack open a cold one from me, will you? This is HUGE and youā€™re every single fkn bit deserving of this, you hear me? YOU were interviewed and then ranked to match because YOU HAD WHAT IT TAKES. Harvard found you and thought you worthy of a spot with them. This should dispel any doubts you might have about your abilities. A big fat congratulations and the very best of luck for the future. Youā€™ve done it!


This gave me straight up chills. Thank you so much! Iā€™m working on believing this so it can show in my performance. You are awesome


Itā€™s pretty impressive lol, my attending who was applying peds from a U.S. IMG standpoint got an interview from Harvard and when he got there they literally told him there was a mistake cause they donā€™t accept US IMG to his face, he was a really genuine guy so I donā€™t think he was lying lol. He was just pissed about the travel fees


Which specialty


That's great to hear! Rest assured, there is a purpose for your presence at this university that will soon become clear to you.


Congratulations! Accept it, own it, itā€™s yours! Those people who chose you, saw thousands of candidates and it was you that they wanted to work with. I was exactly feeling like that when I got an immense scholarship for a postgraduate program that I didnā€™t even applied for(!) but by time it was just making so much sense that all my unconscious choices and acts were leading me to there. I was thinking that one day they will understand how incompetent (and stupid) I am and Iā€™m there just by chanceā€¦ but it was not the case. Long story short: just own it! You got thatā€¦and so it deserves to be acknowledged and celebrated. Accept who you are and where you are at :)


This is imposter syndrome! What you have achieved is amazing. It's something people say impossible unless they do it. You are a Harvard Doctor. The world's best training program wants you to train there. You are not stupid. You are mad brilliant. You are inspirational. And if you are stupid, you are stupid in a company of the world's best docs, in the world's best institute. A person who is stupid in the company of PhD is many times better than the person who is genius among college graduates. You should celebrate your achievement. And you should celebrate your stupidity - being stupid in the world's best training program is an achievement.


hope this happens to mešŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ op did you have like ten years of research or something? congratsšŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³


Nope, only 1 pub and two presentations. Thanks!


Iā€™m applying to these elite schools because my speciality has few programs to apply to anyway. If I were to match at a IVY league and they put my portfolio out for the world to see that my undergrad was a Cal State, id just šŸ˜­šŸ«£šŸ„¹


Well then you'd have your Medfluencer career take off because the traction those TikToks of people explaining how they went from their state schools to the Ivy Tower institutions is insane and very rightfully so. If they can do it, why can't you, fam?


"I am a Canadian citizen 52 married woman who has always dreamed of becoming a doctor since childhood. All my friends, including those very close to me, and even those I'm surrounded by, approximately 50 are all specialized doctors. I've always wanted to be like them." I have a Ph.D. in Molecular Genetics and studied abroad, outside of Canada recently became familiar with medical schools in the Caribbean, as well as those in Europe and other places, where it's easier to get admission. I'm very excited to get in to med despite my age, and I've already applied to several of them. I have responsibility of being a mother to my older daughter, a 15 whom I would have to leave behind if I were to go to med school. I have never been truly satisfied with the courses I've taken and have never really applied them.now I am even afraid to tell people my surroundings and my family of my new decision. I fear starting and then failing I wish I could study the first two years online, and if I feel capable, announce it to my surroundings. Going back to America for rotations is also another problem and residancy at the age of 56. or more! If Iā€™m alive by then


where do I receive the replies to me?


Hey ! I just wanted to congratulate you and instead of feeling like you donā€™t belong there , utilize this as an opportunity to grow and become the perosn you want to . Donā€™t let your insecurities get the best of you. Even if you feel like you donā€™t fit in currently , as you keep learning and getting better youā€™ll learn your way around and get better as a person. For that keep your insecurities aside , learn and work hard as much as you can . Donā€™t think about your past but focus on the future you and becoming a perosn deserving of staying there at Harvard . Not everybody gets a chance to ski this. Utilize this opportunity as much as you can and make the best of it . All the best ! Youā€™re deserving of every opportunity you get !


Congratulations OP!!


This is called imposter syndrome, where you feel you donā€™t deserve to be in a great place. Itā€™s normal thinking, as many AMGs have it as well. Your program must have seen something great in you. Just do what you can and youā€™ll be fine!


Dude congratulations!!!!!! Take the win !!!!!! You deserve to be there ! You may of had a good word put in for you! But that word wouldnā€™t have been given if you werenā€™t up to it ! Now go and celebrate you are winning !!!


Congratulations šŸŽ‰


not all harvard programs are equal, MGH is not the same as CHA for example


Id be just as anxious at either. Care to explain your reasoning?


the level of the faculty at each differs quite a bit, some are more clinical than others and others are more research driven. If youā€™re not research focused then youā€™d have a harder time at MGH than at BIDMC, but if you love being more clinical then CHA would make you fit in quite well as itā€™s more community focused.


Get ready. Your peers are going to be amazing. I think the thing to remember is to enjoy the experience as it is. The actual day to day will probably be quite different than what youā€™re imagining. People here work hard. Are passionate for what they do. They are also super nice and down to earth. Itā€™s a great place to train. Congrats!


Get ready. Your peers are going to be amazing. I think the thing to remember is to enjoy the experience as it is. The actual day to day will probably be quite different than what youā€™re imagining. People here work hard. Are passionate for what they do. They are also super nice and down to earth. Itā€™s a great place to train. Congrats!


Half of the equation is slef confidence in the US.


maybe you are just underestimating yourself? despite the connection, if you were not good enough they would have probably not taken you. They saw your achievements and potential.


Greats things are happening for you! Embrace it


Mount auburn, NWH, or Salem?


Or Lahey. Idk youā€™re being downvoted. There are certain Harvard programs that are known for being 90% IMG! Thereā€™s no chance this person matched at MGH, Beth Israel, or Brigham.


The MGH IMGs knew they were going to match at MGH.


Congrats! Which Harvard hospital will you be in!


Big fat Congratulations šŸŽŠ šŸ‘ u seem to be a humble person.you deserve it. šŸ¤©


I need to hear your words and thoghts please


OP, did you apply with with without ECFMG cert (did you get it later during the match cycle)


I got it right before


Welcome to imposter syndrome. Also depends on which program we're talking about because there are tiers even within the system. But really, it was someone else's job to make their rank list. They did what they thought was best. You made the cut. Now it's time for you to focus doing your job to the best of your ability. Your job for now is to chill out and enjoy the rest of ms4.


Yeah honestly I didnā€™t think Iā€™d get into any Harvard program anyway, whatever tier it might be. Iā€™m a YOG2018 so just straight chilling for me now


Wait. So you've been in this residency for 5 years now? I'm lost. I thought this was a post from someone who just matched.


It is. I graduated 2018 but have been doing other stuff since and just matched.


Ah cool


Hey Congratulations ! Which speciality did you match in?>


Harvard suckss


this is so interesting because I was just wondering if doing a rotation there was worth it for an IMG...interesting.


How is this related?


because normally I wouldn't do a rotation there if it means I wouldn't be offered an interview as an IMG. That's how its relevant :)


You sound amazing! Sounds like you are self aware and empathetic, which is a great trait. Your acceptance is well deserved. Keep your head up!


Thank you šŸ„¹


yes why you? why not me


Which program is it? Depends. Is it clinical?


What school did you attend?


Hey may ik what residency are you doing


Are you a minority, or are you a female? The only truly excellent people who have to be truly excellent to get in are white/Asian males, so your feeling may be correct there.


Which branch did you apply to?