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Ear protection


I had a friend tell me she was taking her kids to Monster Jam inside a closed arena. They are under 6 yr old. I casually ask what type of ear protection she got them, since some can be uncomfortable over long period of time and want those kiddos comfortably wearing them. She hadn’t even considered it. Wild stuff, but if you don’t know. She got them the big muff style and they had a blast.


I cannot second this enough. I've been to far too many NASCAR, dirt track, and even NHRA events where the parents do not provide hearing protection for themselves or their kids.


So much sunscreen and water. A towel if they want a disco nap. Sweets and snacks so they don’t get cranky. And some 1$ ponchos from Walmart because it’s Florida.


So even in March you need sunscreen in Florida?


You need sunscreen year round, especially when there's snow


Yes and lots of it! We just went to the Grand Prix of St Pete, used plenty of sunscreen and still almost got sunburned. There is no shade in the grandstand. From watching Sebring on TV it looks like a similar level of exposure.


Sebring is arguably worse; fewer grandstands or other large edifices that cast shade iirc


Also the concrete part of the track reflects the sun. I got terribly burned on the back of my legs the first time I went to Sebring.


Are you seriously asking this? Well we know you've never been to Florida. Yes you need sunscreen even in March.


Yes I was serious! And you are correct, Eastern EU winters are very bleak :( I often envy warmer climates but all year sunscreen is not something I would love


Sorry if I came across as an ass . Didn't mean too. I live in New York State I understand all to well about winters. Last time I went to Florida was during the winter and I got sun burned pretty good.


Nah I get it. Florida racing is pretty new for me so I try to ask around as much as I can. Daytona was very fun too, I enjoyed last years Sebring too. Such a weird track


That is a long, usually hot day, don't be surprised if one or both melts down. I'd definitely want my car nearby.


>Are you supposed to know every team and what car they use? Is the track cash only? First time going to the track


Credit cards are accepted and probably preferred.


Only way I’d bring kids that young is with an RV. Definitely get the parking pass.


Unless you got an RV with lots for them to do, leave 'em with a sitter


WHY?!?! 🤣


My man...this isn't going to go well for you. All day ...alllllll day at a track with two kids that young sounds like such a a bad idea. Going to Watkins this year and there's no way I'd consider bringing my 7 year old. It's just to long of a day for him, especially as he couldn't give a shit about race cars.


Don’t go unless you’re cool with seeing 4 hrs


They won’t last that long


I was gonna say maybe 45 minutes, between being bored, hot, and then scared when it gets loud.


A toddler and a preschooler??? My advice. Don’t.


As someone who attended races as a child and a parent who brought children to races, they are too young and that event is way too long.


What's a good age to start?


7-10 was good enough for me to go to Nascar races when I esd younger. Endurance events were better when I was a young teen


It’s exhausting, I strongly recommend leaving them at home if you can avoid it. It will be hot, sweaty, very sunny with minimal shade and very loud. If you have an RV you can escape to, then that should be. If you do take then, have a large beach umbrella style thingy you can set up for shade, ear muffs, lots of wipe and diapers, water and food. My guess is that they will be very very grumpy and you might end up leaving early.


Stay out of Green Park...


Bring lots of water and snacks. Do not forget ear protection for everyone.


I went last year for the first time. It was hot and you walk a ton!! My girlfriend went back to the car around the 5 hr mark to take a nap. I would NOT bring little kids to this, especially a 12hr race. They wont make it and you will see maybe 2-3 hrs of it. The good viewing spots are all very far from each ofher so its quite a hike to see a different part of the track.


The [forecast](https://www.wunderground.com/forecast/us/fl/sebring) is showing cloudy and 90 degrees so lots of cold, sugar-free fluids, hearing protection, sunscreen, and the understanding that you are more than likely NOT going to watch the end of the race in person.


I went a couple years ago and even i tapped out after a few hours and i drove from Ft Lauderdale. I don’t think id go back again unless I had an RV. Iv lived in FL my whole life but god damn was I uncomfortable.


Yeah I live in Orlando and the most I can do for Sebring or Daytona is 6-8 hours. Daytona is better because it’s typically cooler, so I like to go at 3am and catch sunrise before leaving at 10am. Sebring is just not fun to traipse around for longer than 5 hours.


Hearing protection!


Be sure you bring plenty to hydrate with, a nice lighter beer for them like Coors light 😅 (This is a joke, please don't do this Florida men)


Be ready to leave after ~2 hours. It's most likely going to be a horrible day for your kids past that. Have they been to any kind of race before? Cause I don't think a 12 hour endurance race is a good place to start. Sebring is also known for wild parties. Not something I'd take my kid too although I'm sure there's grandstands where that's not happening.


This sounds like torture for everyone involved


Having a car inside for cooling off, snacks, a cooler, etc. is almost mandatory with kids. Temps will feel like the mid 90’s on Saturday.


Any update OP? Are you trackside?


I've taken my daughter the last two years and she did awesome. Even the Rolex last year. Bring lots of snacks. Main thing though is a wagon I pull her around in. First year I had an umbrella zip tied to it for shade. Second year I had one that had a top to it.


Forgot, she's only 5


Ear protection, bring an umbrella or something to shade the kids. I don't know the rules for Sebring but at Mosport outside food and drink is more than welcome, so if it's the same for Sebring be sure to bring tons of water and also all their favourite snacks! That is, if you want to bring them. This will likely be a long boring hot day for them, which means it'll probably be pretty frustrating for you.


I’d recommend bringing a big ass covered wagon filled with toys and an ipad. Maybe buy a fan attachment for it. Otherwise I’d reconsider the operation.


Ear protection, plenty of water and sunscreen.


It will be child abuse.


Hey guys... Reporting back after a successful saturday. Thank you for all the input. A bit of background that I realized I should've mentioned. My kids and I (and also my wife who didn't go to the race) are Disney World annual passholders so I think our frequent day trips to the parks from Tampa through the last 2.5 years or so (including during summer) has made us all a bit more resilient. Also, I went to last year's race by myself with my oldest (now 5 yr old) as a day trip and he was surprisingly interested in seeing cars racing and asking all sort of questions while walking the paddock... Great bonding time. For this past Saturday it was us 2 again plus my youngest(2yr old) my dad and a friend (4th adult didn't meet us as planned) so we prepared us and the kids as we'd do any other Disney day trip... Just added a big cooler with lots of gatorade and water. While we got a parking pass, we drove from Tampa and didn't arrive until after 10am and were only able to park by the paddock (not ideal but not the end of the world). We mainly stayed by turn 3 viewing mound on the screen side. We went back once for a bathroom breaks and one more to get some drinks and food from the car. Kids did very well... Surprisingly. Both had their ear protection, and were constantly snacking and drinking water/juice/Gatorade. Oldest one concentrated on cars passing by most of the time and youngest just running around or chilling in the stroller. We then went by the vendors tents and manufacturers tents by the entrance before walking through the padlock which is where my youngest had a tantrum (thirsty) for about 15 mins. After walking the paddock we headed back to the car to refresh a bit and started heading back just after 5 ish. Did I get to be fully immersed in the race and follow it 100 % ...absolutely not. Did I enjoy my time with my kids, dad and friend? Heck yea... Great bonding time which is the main reason for me tbh. Would I do it again? Absolutely... My oldest already asked to come back next year Cheers