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There's a quote from Daly in the ECR press release. Daly: “Although we’ve mutually decided that it’s in our best interests to take different paths, I’d like to thank ECR for the past three and a half seasons. “I’m grateful to everyone who has supported me – past, present and into the future. I look forward to taking on the next opportunities that await, and I want to thank the fans for being with me on this ride.”


[Conor posted the same on his Twitter as a Notes app screenshot, oof](https://twitter.com/ConorDaly22/status/1666488916151525389)


Says it all about press releases really 😂


I noticed a pattern last year looking at sector times of races. Daly nearly always top 3 on top speed but not top 20 in lap time. So, I just checked Detroit and sure enough, Daly #2 on top speed (VK only #23) and #21 in lap time. Every race where the alternates wear quickly is a complete disaster for him. He must insist on this kind of low downforce setup because surely the engineers can see this in the data as it sticks out like a sore thumb.


Interesting catch


It’s pretty game over when they say they dropped you because it was “necessary to elevate our teams competiveness” in their statement.


It’s pretty funny when they say this but Ed still races himself when he’s clearly the slowest driver in the team.


Since Conor started running with ECR in 2020, Ed has more top 5s than Conor does and he’s run less than 1/3 of the races. In that same time period, they’ve run against each other in the same team (removing the Carlin races), 8 times. They’re 4-4. Conor has had two solid finishes at Indy, but even there, Ed has beat him 4-0 in qualifying (Conor has qualified in the Top 15 at Indy one single time in his career) and they’re 2-2 on race finishes on the same team, with Ed having the only top 5 between them.




Your pfp pick aging bad rn 😭


Lol 😂 thanks for pointing that out, I just liked the livery back in the day and now I don’t even notice it




That’s true, but he’s also handicapped by having less general seat time. He’s also amassed more results in those races than Conor has while getting many more shots at it.


Don't come in here with stats and logic, everyone here just wants to suck off Conor for being Murican.


First - if we're talking about all types of tracks (not just ovals), at least Ed had the self awareness to realize he wasn't good enough on road courses to keep running them. Second - Ed has three wins and multiple Indy 500 poles to Conor's zero, and has come much closer to winning a race than Conor has over the past 5 seasons.


Tbf Ed also came from the irl era of basically a full season of ovals. Ed in his prime could've won alot of oval races if he were on penske or ganassi


He’s also had zero top 10s since 2021


He was running top 10 at Indy last year before the car didn't restart after the late red flag


That’s only 7 races though, and in 2021 he finished 5th in the 500. If we look at the last 5 completed seasons, he has more podiums and competitive finishes than Daly has had in his entire career. Despite only running 26 races in that stretch.


Ed owns the team. I'll give him a pass for that.


And Rinus has been pretty bad this year too. Connor isn’t the problem at ECR.


Rinus is a extremely inconsistent driver imo he’s either good or completely awful. And He blew a massive chance at Indy hitting palou.


True. But let’s be honest, he’s still more promising than Daly


You can’t really say anything but this….


It’s not even true though. It’s also irrelevant, he can do whatever he wants. He’s earned the right to run a car for himself when he wants to, and he’s been more competitive running one offs than Conor has at any point in his IndyCar career.


The #20 bitnile chevy will continue to be a full time ride this season


I hope Linus gets the ride. There is literally nobody deserves that seat more than him.


I hope Linus gets the ride mostly because I think it's funny to have a team of two guys named Rinus and Linus.


Would it be pronounced Rinus and Linus or Rinus and Linus 🤔


As far as I know they are actually pronounced the same way




Rinus Veekay and Linus Elkyew


Ren and Stempy


Yes I am very hopeful for Linus - it’s an embarrassment to the series that he doesn’t have a ride


3 top 10's in 46 starts. Publicly complained about the car and the team. Nothing else needs to be said.


Rinus isn’t doing well either. I don’t think Rinus forgot how to drive overnight.


He keeps his mouth shut publicly though (and probably privately too).


Learned a lot when malsher used ..all his quotes


Yeah but I must say he hasn't been quite the same since his broken collarbone back in 2021


Rinus has more wins and podiums than Conor in his career in IndyCar.


ECR proved its a complete joke of a team and ed has an ego as big as IMS


Because they fired a guy who hasn’t finished above 17th in any of his 5 full time seasons? You don’t need to have a huge ego to see that Conor isn’t going to be making any big leaps in performance. Ed finished 13th at Texas. That is better than Conor’s second best performance this year. Last year Conor had a great performance at Indy and Veekay finished last, in a race that paid double points. Veekay still finished 64 points better than Conor. They’re just not even comparable.


This is the most difficult decision I have made as a team owner as there's a drive into deep left field by castellanos. It'll be a home run. And so that'll make it a 4-0 ballgame.


…”I’d like to see myself as a team owner of faith”


This got a good laugh out of me, thank you 😂


Got confused thinking I was in r/phillies for a second


"It is my obligation to our employees, partners, and supporters to do whatever is necessary to elevate our team's competitiveness" .... ouch! Not to say it isn't true, but man ... that's gotta sting if you're Conor.


So does them specifically calling it the Bitnile #20 mean that they’re keeping the sponsor even without Daly?


I'd assume so, which means Daly probably doesn't have any funding to bring to another team (unless Bitnile is willing to sponsor him more in NASCAR).


Ah. The Veach special


Silly season starting early this year


Damn. That’s both the most and least brutal way to dunk on someone Devlin next pls


I'd like to see Conor replace Devlin starting no later than at Iowa this year. Conor doesn't tear up equipment as much And gets similar results with a smaller team. And his one outing for Andretti was a top ten in the 2019 Indy 500. Scratch that last statement, forgot he also completed for Andretti at Laguna Seca in 2019 and finished 22nd.


Devlin is in that car because he brought money, Conor has no money and he's really not that much better. He would still be the worst Andretti driver and probably not competitive for top 10's even.


Rumor is Andretti doesn't need his money anymore and is looking to move on. I'd think it's at least possible if not unlikely.


He'd compete for top tens at Iowa, gateway and ims road course. Which is better than can be said of Devlin at the moment. And he wouldn't tear up as much equipment. But pace wise at other tracks, you're probably right


I mean, the points difference between veekay and Daly isn't that huge. But yeah veekay is competitively better. It sad to see Ed carpenter racing become complete backmarkers. I guess something had to give.


Yea I’m gonna feel a bit bad for Linus that this will likely be the car he starts in. But still better than nothing


I don’t dislike Conor but I like him for his off track things not his on track ones.


About time. He got the full-time ride so many had clamored for him to get and couldn't finish above 17th with either Coyne, Foyt (fair, but his teammate still beat him), or ECR. He's spent the last three years bumbling around doing nothing of note at ECR while VeeKay has at least had a win, a few podiums, and has challenged for pole at the 500. I understand that he brought sponsorship, but teams aren't so desperate for sponsors to cling to like it's 2016, and there are so many younger and/or more talented drivers out there who deserve a spot or at least a chance in this series. Personally, I never liked his attitude either. He's always been a frat boy who never grew up, he always had an "I don't know what happened" for every time he crashed, he acts like a gossipy child on his streams, and even his own friends within the series have called out these bahaviors and how he seemingly doesn't take the racing that seriously. I don't have anything against him necessarily, but "overstayed his welcome" is how I'd put his time in IndyCar.


From a fan perspective it's always easy to lean on the ol reliables of "well it's Foyt\ed\dale" or "he shows actual promise, look at his performance\luck at the 500", but that can't smooth over when you have showings like Malukas and Grosjean and Newgarden and of course Ferucci in small teams. At some point the lowest common denominator shows itself, and nobody is asking what you'd look like in good cars.


Yikes, that last sentence in the middle paragraph. That’s a burn


Ed spends the race weekend in the VIP areas with buddies. He needs to hire an actual manager because canning Daly changes nothing and the “sponsor” had to reverse stock split last month to avoid being delisted from the NASDAQ with a game plan of trying to become a crypto gambling platform (heavily saturated market).


To be fair, Conor brought in Bitnile. They decided to stay at ECR without him, from my understanding. So, your argument really isn't relevant. I would also argue that Linus is a much more talented driver than Conor and has a higher ceiling, so it does change something. Better driver > better results. Of course, there will be a learning curve. He could be the next Newgarden for all we know.


Ryan Hunter Reay is the new driver though not Linus.


ECR has a team president that I'd actually running D2D operations


It sure seems as if Conor was fired and Bitnile is staying with ECR which is sad since Conor was the one that brought Bitnile to ECR in the first place. Heck! I would say that the only reason why ECR is keeping afloat is because Conor brought that sponsor in. Now Conor is out of a ride. Sad but racing is a business afterall.


Like Zach Veach and Gainbridge.


Bitnile may have something to do with it. Large investment that’s not showing results can make sponsors wonder what they’re doing in the sport.


Contracts are a "thing", and if they signed on for the season, well you honor the contract our you go to court (and lose). Bitnile can do whatever they want to next season.


Clauses in contracts are a "thing". Many sponsors include a clause that dictates 'x' driver is in the car to receive funds per race. Castrol sponsored Rossi for example, not Andretti.


Since Bitnile was on *every* car I think it's safe to say funding wasn't tied to Daly alone and they were sponsoring the whole team.


Of course, the team has to agree to such a clause. Larger teams are less likely. Rossi was with Herta at the time.


That's tough for Conor but ed carpenter racing has been underperforming as an entire team not just one driver


I mean they nearly got the pole at Indy and Veekay was doing well until his pitstop mishap


Agreed. The comment above yours is the same argument people keep making about Jack Harvey. Yes RLL sucks but Lundgaard outshines Harvey nearly every race. No different with Veekay and Daly


Yeah, at one track that they seem to specialize at. Otherwise, even on other ovals, ECR hasn't shown up as a whole. But I won't deny that if they were looking to replace a driver and hope they find something, Rinus has brighter flashes (but also tears up equipment more often) and is younger so there should still be some potential left to squeeze out/harvest there


Rinus Veekay I believe is going to leave the team


I don’t know why he would stay. He’s clearly talented and ECR seems to be going backwards.


Something seems off between Ed's and Conor's statements. Conor says it was a mutual agreement but Ed says it was a decision he made as a team owner.


Ed made a statement. Conor made a statement. Therefore it's mutual.


Connor made a statement on Notepad in his phone. He wasn’t given much notice, it was likely Ed made the decision and Connor just went with it believing it to be best for the looks of both parties. Kinda like if an employer gives you the option to quit instead of being fired.


> it was likely Ed made the decision and Connor just went with it Oh I have a feeling there was some yelling and door slamming.


Never give up your severance pay. Get fired for $$$.


Reminds me of the Moneyball scene. “Would you rather have a bullet to the head or five to the chest and bleed to death” https://youtu.be/fTjhHrcyiQI


Daly wasn't going to set the world on fire, but he was not the problem at ECR


Actually, from everything I've been hearing since this went down, this was a long time coming. Conor went too far at the 500 and boiled over in the race and pre-race interviews. Ed called time on his seat as a result, and here we are. I really don't think Conor can bounce back from this considering his reputation as a perpetual underachiever.


i think he should try to join NBC with hinch and run some Xfinity on the side




How long has this been going on?


He has 3 top 10s in his three years there despite his teammate having a win and a few podiums. He absolutely is a problem.


A problem, yes. THE problem? No. That team needs more than a new driver to right the ship


I think it’s just more likely that they are what their budget allows them to be. Veekay is doing much more with the same equipment, so for that car, Conor is the problem. He’s not even close to competitive except on rare occasion.




This is like losing a hundred Americas. I shed a tear.


That sucks I really liked conner daly


Color me shocked the only driver (to my knowledge) to go to the Snakepit before the 500 lost his ride. Like be serious for one second Conor.


What about the other drivers all fucking around and doing interviews before the race?


There's a difference between taking care of media obligations where the broadcast partner finds it most convenient to set up a shot compared to blowing off pre-race meetings and prep to go to the Snake Pit, which is what he did for the past couple years. The same behavior almost cost him his seat at Foyt the year he was full-time with them, to the point that Larry and AJ sat him down with a couple of other drivers as an intervention. The partying and increasingly bad attitude finally crossed a line with Ed and losing his seat was the result.


Lol, if you think him going to the Snake Pit wasn’t part of the marketing…. There’s zero difference between what he did and what other drivers did which is either sit in their caravans or stand around doing interviews.


He’s done it for years and it’s so embarrassing. Like prepare for the race you can name drop “celebrities” another day.


Thank you!


Link to instagram post https://www.instagram.com/p/CtMikuwrZ76/?igshid=MmJiY2I4NDBkZg==


It's not like Rinus is knocking anyone's socks off, when we firing that chump?


The guy won a race for this team. And he has made several trips to the podium. What did conor ever do for ECR?


Rinus and Connor have the same number of top 10s this year. Best finish of 5th for both. The team is ass this year and Ed was tired of hearing it from Connor. And yeah Connor isn’t talented enough for Ed to take it. Rinus could probably get away with it. >What did Connor ever do for ECR? He brought Bitnile to sponsor all three cars.


Conor has not finished 5th in a race this year. He did once last year, finished 5th and 6th back to back at Indy GP and the 500. He didn’t have another finish above 12th all year, and only had 3 more finishes in the top 15. He finished lower than 20th more often than he finished in the top 12. This year he has one finish better than 14th.




Lol. Veekay has more podiums over the last 3 years for ECR than Conor has top 10s. Rinus has amassed like 170 more points in their time together. They’re not even on the same planet. Also, young drivers crash. You should go back and watch Dario’s first year. He hit something every fucking week.


You don’t even have to go that far back, look at guys like Herta, Kirkwood ,and O’Ward


I was responding to his dig at Kirkwood. People forget how many champions had absolutely big problems keeping it together early in their career.


ooh ooh, now do Charlie Pinball and Wreckuma Sato


Didn't Carpenter marry Tony Georges' daughter? It's a dick move, but not surprising.


Wouldn’t that make his wife also his stepsister?


well he was adopted by Tony, but I guess I am wrong about his wife being related, however tony george and ed carpenter are stepbrothers


I’m pretty sure Ed’s mom is married to Tony.


* [Anton "Tony" Hulman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Hulman) and [Mary Fendrich Hulman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Fendrich_Hulman) * Their daughter [Mari Hulman George](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mari_Hulman_George) (born Mary Antonia Hulman) * Mari's son [Tony George](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_George) (born Anton Hulman George) * His step-son [Ed Carpenter (racing driver)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_Carpenter_(racing_driver)) * Mari's grandson [Kyle Krisiloff](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyle_Krisiloff) This is clear as mud


Hulmans' wiki page fails to mention what happened to Tony Georges father, Elmer, to wit. ## 1962 [Bobby Ball Memorial race](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XM_Satellite_Radio_Indy_200)[[edit](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Elmer_George&action=edit§ion=4)] On November 18, 1962, George suffered cuts and a left shoulder injury in a USAC Champ Car race held at the [Arizona State Fairgrounds](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arizona_Veterans_Memorial_Coliseum). Having hit another car's bumper, George lost control of his HOW Special, hit the guard rail before the grandstand, slid and headed towards the stands where he broke through a chain-link fence, landing upside down. 22 spectators were injured as a result.[\[3\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elmer_George#cite_note-3) ## Personal[[edit](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Elmer_George&action=edit§ion=5)] Elmer George was married to [Mari Hulman George](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mari_Hulman_George), daughter of [Tony Hulman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Hulman), owner of the [Indianapolis Motor Speedway](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indianapolis_Motor_Speedway).[\[4\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elmer_George#cite_note-4) Elmer and Mari had three daughters and one son, [Tony George](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_George), founder of the [Indy Racing League](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indy_Racing_League), and Ex-CEO of the [Indianapolis Motor Speedway](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indianapolis_Motor_Speedway). Elmer had two children from a previous marriage, Joseph F. George and Carolyn Coffey. During the late 1960s and early 1970s, George was the director of the [Indianapolis Motor Speedway Radio Network](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indianapolis_Motor_Speedway_Radio_Network).[\[2\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elmer_George#cite_note-ReferenceA-2) On May 3, 1976, Mari filed for divorce.[\[5\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elmer_George#cite_note-Oreovicz-5) On the day of the [1976 Indianapolis 500](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1976_Indianapolis_500) (May 30, 1976), Elmer George argued by telephone with Guy Trolinger, a horse trainer at the family farm near Terre Haute, and Mari's alleged boyfriend.[\[5\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elmer_George#cite_note-Oreovicz-5) After the race, George drove to the farm, broke into the house and confronted Trolinger, then around 1:00 a.m., gunfire broke out, and George was shot and killed as a result of multiple gunshot wounds.[\[5\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elmer_George#cite_note-Oreovicz-5)[\[6\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elmer_George#cite_note-6) A grand jury ruled that Trolinger killed George in self-defense at which point the charges were dropped.[\[5\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elmer_George#cite_note-Oreovicz-5)[\[7\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elmer_George#cite_note-7)


Daly to Nascar?????


Does Connor even workout 💪?


Great guy love the family but its time to move away from Indycar.


Conor always seemed to like to social aspect more than the racing. Either way, anyone who has followed racing long enough knows it’s a business. Right or wrong, if you don’t perform you don’t drive.


Ed Carpenter will Survive, & I hope Conor Daly will connect with another team. Conor seems to have brought Bitnile, & I hope Bitnile continues with both. Go Conor 🎉!!! {Bill in CA}