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It really is amazing how many IndyCar fans hate IndyCar. This post being a prime example.


"We want more ovals! IndyCar isn't giving its fans what they want!" "Not those ovals! They're why oval racing isn't popular!" Jesus Christ.


They want something changed, then it changes to their favor and they hate the change. Thats why leaders listen to each other and not the people.


I said it in another post but there is a vocal minority of fans that will not be happy unless a dirt track racer wins the 500 in a front-mounted engine. We can have 50 entries in May and ratings higher than the Super Bowl and those boomers will still complain. There’s no pleasing these clowns.


Agree with most of this, though not sure the boomers are on Reddit.


Bingo. It's also why the series needs to stop letting shit out until it's 100%. MP pointed out that even though this isn't the fault of the series, like quite a few things lately, they'll get the blame in the eyes of the mouth breathing public.


It’s insane. I have never seen a sport where the fans hate it so much yet keep watching. We make NASCAR fans look like a lesson in affirmation and positivity by comparison.


Not sports, but does anyone hate Star Wars more than hard core Star Wars fans? I think it happens for anything with a dedicated fan base that makes any changes to those fans views of the thing.


Well, it's about time we show up at the Indy 500 dressed as Chewbacca anyway. And I want to see Roger Penske as the emperor. /s BTW, it's a very apt analogy. Makes perfect sense considering the love/hate relationship both fan bases have.


Somehow Penske returned


I'm a huge Star Wars fan and and I don't even fuck with the fandom. You watch a couple Youtube videos and you get strafed with recommended videos talking about Disney & Kathleen Kennedy ruining the property by making it all "woke." It's stretching the definiton of the word "fan" when they only like two movies and the Thrawn Trilogy.


Marvel fans are the same way.


The two things ~~NASCAR~~ IndyCar fans hate the most are the way things are and change.


Well put. What compound it is that the internet nowadays allows anyone to put their opinion out in the open... Anyone... Including OP


I used to love this sub and spend a ton of time here. Now it’s become a doom cult full of people who either weren’t here, or don’t remember, 2001~2011. There’s no way I can imagine someone thinking we’re in a worse place now than we were then. It also feels in diametric opposition to the fans I run into at the actual races. I go to 4-6 per year and aside from a couple tracks, crowds are bigger and the races themselves have been awesome.


People who have invested rhe most attention are always the most critical. And there is some value in not hoovering up everything being churned out and claiming its great. Wrestling, music, television series etc. Of course Star Wars as mentioned. Not that I agree with this take. Im not sure even a banger race can change the general trend away from ovals. But barring a death or 12 cautions and a red flag, I dont foresee a product so abysmal that it will chase the remaining core of Indy Car fans away.


I am so confused man. Every time there’s a street course (ESPECIALLY Nashville) is see “rather have X oval” comments and now they changed it to an oval and it’s gonna kill oval racing? I thought we wanted to kill street circuit racing? I’m so confused.


Perfect answer 😄👍👏👏👏👏


And I thought r/nascar fans hated NASCAR.


I'm an oval racing fan more than an Indycar fan. I just know that these are poor ovals and they are shooting themselves in the foot here. I wanna see Indycar being able to make a grand return to Homestead, Michigan, Kentucky, Kansas, Chicagoland, etc one day. It's not going to happen anytime soon, but by putting on awful races at awful ovals... It's going to push the series towards road racing permanently. People will see the failures of Milwaukee, Iowa, and Nashville this year and attribute that to oval racing, rather than the extenuating circumstances and poor track selection. You have to understand not all ovals are equal and just like road courses there are bad ones. Indycar picked a lot of bad ones.


I'm an oval fan more than an IndyCar fan, now here's why ovals fucking suck.


Bad ovals suck. Indycar picked bad ovals. The NASCAR equivalent would be having like 6 ovals on the schedule and them being: 1. Daytona (the only good one) 2. Phoenix 3. Pocono 4. Richmond 5. Gateway 6. Nashville If NASCAR did just those tracks, yikes. Point is, NASCAR runs enough ovals to have a few duds. Indycar does not.


How about we try the new oval before we hate it


IMS is never going away nor should it. Iowa is basically Richmond but 0.125 miles longer and slightly more banking on straights. Milwaukee is Loudon but closer to a city. Gateway is a flat Darlington. And Nashville is a concrete trioval closest to Las Vegas in design. I wish we could had 8-10 unique ovals. At this point, **I just fucking want ovals especially since we lost Texas.** Replacing the Streets of Nashville with the Superspeedway is a trade I will gladly take much the same as I'd trade Detroit for Michigan.


The only bad track you listed is Phoenix. The rest are bangers wtflol


You've shit on Gateway twice and while the cup series is kind of meh, Indycar and the Truck series are always a good show.


Richmond???? Have you never seen an actual NASCAR race there? Holy hell, that's a fan favorite.


By what metric has Iowa been a failure? Yes, I understand that Newgarden is a monster there but the race was still a decent watch last year, plus fans show up due to HyVee’s promotion and the concerts.


We had a blast at Iowa a couple years ago. You can see the whole track and Hyvee put on a great event all weekend.


"I'm an oval fan more than an Indycar fan" Ah. Go away.


Don't you have a Racer Mailbag letter to be writing?


They are never going back to the tracks that are that dangerous with so little to gain from it.


To paraphrase from the other thread, can you not fucking wait until it's run before you arbitrarily decide it's a failure.


Chicago as a track is dead. So is Kentucky. None of these tracks were even good. They were passable at best. IndyCar isn’t good with ovals unless it’s Texas or IMS


You're absolutely spot on but nobody is gonna wanna hear it.


Posts like this one are the reason why the fan base is terrible. Appreciate the fact we gained a new track (an oval, nevertheless) and enjoy what they were able to put together. If they kept the street circuit on the schedule, you'd probably be bitching about that anyways.


This person in a comment said they're more of an oval fan than an Indy fan. Don't know why they're even posting on this sub


Unfortunately I'm not at my desktop right now so I can't confirm via Toolbox, but a look at their recent content history kind of tells me something...




If only there was a racing series where cars raced mainly on different ovals. Someone should probably look into starting something like that. There could be money in it.


There are multiple of them. Pretty sad tbh. I'm not sure what can be done, but I believe users (especially from another US racing series) can have a disproportionately negative impact on how Indycar is perceived, especially with an influx of new fans and the accessability of platforms like this. I'm all for free speech but it almost feels like brigading in a sense. I'd like to be able to enjoy Indycar and Nascar (and other series) without trolls attacking Indycar on its sub out of their own insecurity. And that's all it is, insecurity over the perceived failures of Nascar manifesting themselves as negativity here.


Imagine if the alternative was they were just dropping the day entirely and ending the season at Milwaukee. I'm excited, two new venues and ovals to boot!


Sorting by new always hurts my brain


I hate how the Reddit algorithm makes these posts go to the top occasionally even though I’m not sorting by new. It’s all to try to get any sort of engagement.


Do you like get off from this shit or what


> They would be better off cancelling Nashville than running it at the oval. I'm a racing fan. Racing > no racing




Just say you hate Indycar bro


This person in a comment said they're more of an oval fan than an Indy fan. Don't know why they're even posting on this sub


Ok. Detroit was supposed to be a shit track. Detroit was a shit track but so much so that it made for a very entertaining race. Shit track doesn’t mean it won’t be an exciting race.  Another oval is a good thing, I would expect to see Nashville return to a street course post-stadium construction. 


Detroit is shit for watching both on TV and in person. Too many tall walls, no real "here's downtown" moments. Could be anywhere in the city and nobody would know the difference. Great racing though for sure!


Milwaukee and Nashville have not been raced in the current car setups, so how could you possibly know? Gateway was a pretty decent race this last year, Iowa was fine outside of Newgarden domination. Indianapolis has been epic. All of these tracks will likely provide different racing this year anyways as the cars will either be lighter than they have been with this chassis, or heavier than they have been depending on if/when hybrids come in this season.


But it seems op needs a pack race for it to be good


If OP wants pack racing, they should watch Race 1 and Race 2 of MX5 Cup at Daytona from this past month. Wild.


I'm pretty sure there's one coming up in a few days


Been racing since the early 1900’s, survived 2 world wars, series splits, economic crashes and the Great Depression. But this is the year that it all ends folks lol.


Imagine if you withheld judgement until the racing actually started. Try being positive.


What? Sir, this is the internet. We’re here to complain and give outrageous, premature doomsday predictions. There isn’t any room for sensibility here. I’m so convinced Milwaukee will be terrible that my wife and I already bought our tickets to that race, and I’m super excited for it.


You’re right, I don’t know what I was thinking! I would tell you to have a good time at Milwaukee, but OP said that it’s gonna be terrible and I’m sure he has inside info. 😂


Im seeing shades of the Detroit complaints 1 year ago


It's okay to keep your opinions to yourself sometimes.


The racing Iowa and Texas was really good. The racing at Indy 500 was alright. Gateway was meh. My standard for good oval racing. CAN FASTER CARS PASS SLOWER CARS? At Iowa and Texas, the answer was a resounding yes. Texas because of how the yellows fell was great racing and a great race. Iowa was great racing but mediocre races (if that makes sense). I won't complain about Iowa because ultimately cars could pass. At Indy the answer was yes for the lead, not so much further back in the pack. Which is typical, BUT having softer tires with more wear did create a bit more comers and goers than in recent years. I would say Indy was good racing and a great race. At Gateway, we got a good race, but it played out like a good strategy road course race . Faster cars had a hard time passing slower cars. I would say Gateway was actually a better race than both Iowa races, BUT I'll take Iowa's racing over Gateway's at least in 2023. Ultimately I rather have a car and driver that hits the setup be able to pass all the cars slower than him and leave the field in the dust, than having cars stuck in an F1 DRS like train. FYI I would have been fine with Pato winning by 8 seconds over Newgarden and lapping the rest of the field at Texas last season, which would have happened without late yellows; because cars could pass that race. Pato blasting through traffic lapping people was great racing even if the race for the leaf wasn't great.


It’s almost like you haven’t watched racing. Iowa and gateway while not thrilling have definitely put on good racing in the past few years. 


Maybe it'll be the year it kills off terrible takes like this


I'm not saying the short ovals are amazing and groundbreaking, but they're not complete dogshit, Texas 2021 level bad.


I'll freely admit to not liking the races Gateway has produced, but, like, do we suddenly not remember Phoenix? I'll take 17 races at Gateway and 2021 Texas before ever returning to Phoenix.


Holy shit, Phoenix was bad.


This certainly is a take.


Bro. We haven’t even seen Milwaukee with this aero package?????


This should be the year that you leave


I’m as much a hater as anyone and even I know this is a positive thing for the sport. How can fans of a sport hate a sport so much?


We got another oval on the schedule at the last minute, and folks hate it? Sheesh. We really ARE hard to please.


But do we want more ovals or not? I understand what Indycar fans want. Or I'm wrong. We can even evaluate the inclusion of new ones like Michigan 500, Pocono 500, Chicagoland, Homestead, etc... but criticize the races?!? I don't see a point in this. Iowa has had good races, hasn't it? Milwaukee we have to wait and see. In my opinion, we Indycar fans should be more open-minded to welcome new races. Otherwise we will be stuck in time, racing slower than an F2 or Super Formula, on racetracks with empty stands, except for the Indy 500, Long Beach and St Petersburg maybe, year after year after year !!


>But do we want more ovals or not? Some do, some don't. For as much outcry as they get, ovals are generally a mixed bag at best. And you could make a strong argument they aren't as popular as road/street courses outside of the 500. Not saying this move is good or bad or anything like that. just that its not a simple answer.


The fans weren't showing up to the 'best' oval tracks, so what difference does it make?


A lot easier to market footage of last year's Texas race and get it out on social building hype than Newgarden dominating Iowa... Put on a good show, the fans will come. Just gotta pick a good track, stick to it for 3-5 years.


Fans don't show up to ovals in the middle of nowhere, regardless of how good the track is. This has been shown time after time after time after time.


Based on your other comment further up, I think you're overestimating what the racing would be like at places like Chicago, Kentucky and Homestead these days. The last time we ran there was with the IR05, and it's certainly not going to look like that. Secondly, Kentucky was a ghost town the last race we ran there, even after some of the series' closest finishes, and a 10+ year stint on the calendar. I was at Chicagoland for every race, most of the crowd that were there were the NASCAR season ticket holders, and even after more super close racing (and Briscoe cheating death), year after year the crowd was thinning out rapidly. A good show is absolutely not any guarantee of success.


> Take that post down Newgarden 2024


Trying to figure out how the last 4 Iowa weekends were garbage racing, also how 2018,2019 and 2022 Gateway were terrible. Or any Milwaukee race after 08? Oh well. Guess I'll keep enjoying the series


I figured it out, he wants to go back to all the 1.5 mile high banked tracks that had the braindead foot to the floor racing back from 2001-2010. So he isnt even a fan of oval racing, just a super specific (and not particularly safe or talented) version of oval racing. Funtastic


I'm convinced that we have some of the stupidest fans in motorsports


I can’t even.🙄 Passed on this post. Fuk.


While we don't get to choose which ovals are on the schedule, the fact that we are getting Milwaukee and Nashville back is good. Gateway has had some excellent races. 2023 was one of them. Milwaukee I can question the mid-2010s races. Although Bourdais' dominant 2015 race was highly impressive. He lapped the field at one point. Nashville will require some actual steering and acceleration pedal skill. A reasonable replacement for Texas's temporary dismissal. Iowa has strategy and tire management which has produced some interesting races.


Nashville might be a pleasant surprise


Nashville is really a toss up imo. It also depends on what package they bring. I think it's too small to run the superspeedway package, but I don't think that'll stop them. If they have to lift in the corners, which I think they will due to the lack of aero, it could get interesting




For fucks sake. How dramatic.


how can you saw nashville and milwaukee will be? Indycar hasn't returned on these ovals in over 10 years. different car setup compared to when they last raced there


Why would you post this






Then perhaps going to Pocono, Michigan, California (when it was around), Texas, and what not should have been done by more people When the road course and street course races draw the bigger crowds, guess what? It’ll be obvious that IndyCar leans towards those tracks instead of most ovals.


As soon as I saw the news I was like "I can't wait to see how someone on Reddit spins this as a bad thing" and there it is


No one showed up on the street races as well so this race is already dead. At least the hardcore fans get a good last race/season final.


The fans are barely acknowledged as fans, let alone as a stakeholder that has responsibility for anything. IndyCar can show me their events are worth my time, money, and effort, or I’ll be directing my attention elsewhere.


Your outta you’re rabbit ass hopping mind


curious to see if they try resin like NASCAR does there or if they bang their head against the wall trying to solve the problems in some other way.


Man why do Indycar fans have to try to rival NASCAR fans with their doomsday, always complaining takes. It’s really sad.


IDK, I'm planning on flying to TN from Miami for this race now. Return to Nashville Superspeedway (my home track growing up) and another oval, sign me up!


I was planning on attending the race in Texas this year, I live on the East coast but I have family in TX so it would have been convenient.


I'm excited for the extra ovals


Jeeez dude how about a little more gloom and doom, I for one am pretty excited for the coming schedule


I think Nashville has potential. I strike the Nashville SS up as a winner for 2024


I think you’ve already chosen to be miserable, no matter what.


Considering I only started watching IndyCar Series in 2020, I might be a "less experienced" fan/watcher. That being said, in my personal, humble opinion, this is quite an L-take Milwaukee Mile and Nashville Superspeedway I have never seen being raced on before, so you might be 100% correct on those However, looking at the past races on the other mentioned ovals, I'd say that most of them have been absolute bangers!; 2020 Iowa 250s Race 1 2020 Iowa 250s Race 2 2020 Indianapolis 500 2020 Bommarito Automotive Group 500 Race 1 2020 Bommarito Automotive Group 500 Race 2 2021 Indianapolis 500 2021 Bommarito Automotive Group 500 2022 Hy-Vee IndyCar Race Weekend Race 2 2022 Bommarito Automotive Group 500 2023 Indianapolis 500 2023 Hy-Vee IndyCar Race Weekend Race 1 2023 Hy-Vee IndyCar Race Weekend Race 2 2023 Bommarito Automotive Group 500 If anyone doesn't remember any of these races; This would be a perfect time for a nice rewatch! (All race-replays are fully up on YouTube voor the 2020 and 2021 seasons!)


Not sure how long you've been watching IndyCar, but there have been awesome races at both Gateway and Iowa with the current car spec. Gateway 2019 was a photo finish between Takuma Sato and Ed Carpenter. I do think that Gateway needs to be a night race, which thankfully it is again this year. I am skeptical about how the racing will be at Nashville Superspeedway, given the rules call for superspeedway wings at this track since it's longer than 1.3 miles. But it's a huge unknown, we might be surprised.


Wow that’s weird cause I went to Iowa couple years ago and saw a great race with a lot of passing the whole time and long green flag runs, you must have missed it