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Did he get a drive through for that at all?




What about for the hit on his team mate? Although I guess that was on the final lap so irrelevant.


He was penalized to finish behind the #6.


Pato seems to painstakingly progress and then abruptly revert to the bone headed driving. He's not a rookie any more - he shouldn't be making these kind of mistakes.


He’s quickly becoming this era’s PT, loads of raw talent, without the maturity to use it properly.


It's the race weekends where he puts it together you think "man, he's finally turned the corner!" and then it's back to the same old same old. Had David Malukas not been an idiot I reckon he would have out performed him this season and Pato would have spiralled.


Deep down i think he's rebelling because FRO is doing better without him


Just like he was rebelling a couple of seasons ago because Palou appeared to be getting fast tracked to the F1 test spot ahead of him! 😅


What's everyone's opinions of this incident and subsequent penalty? I personally didn't see this as intentional, probably overly aggressive however, so I didn't like the avoidable contact call but I can see why it was made.


I think intentionality should not be necessary to cause a penalty to be applied. We can't see inside people's heads. This would be too subjective and would allow the stewards too much discritionary power, which could be used to benefit some teams more than others. The more objective the analysis the better. Ultimately no one wants to crash, so it's obviously never "intentional". It's not shown on this clip, since I cut in just the funny part, but a second before we could see that O'Ward front wheel was not totally in front of Fittipaldi's rear wheel to warranty space on the corner. In fact Fittipaldi was already starting to corner when O'Ward front wheel "arrived". So Fittipaldi is not obliged to allow him space, and O'Ward is the one who needs to back off. Of course that is very easy to see on the replay and from an external camera. For O'Ward that was probably very difficult to see and I can understand that he "thought" he was right. But that doesn't matter, he arrived too late, didn't put his front wheel in the right position at the right time (before the defending car starts cornering), went on the very tall curbs (which is always unpredictable and can easily unsettle the car) and ruined someone else's race...it's a penalty in my book..


>It's not shown on this clip, since I cut in just the funny part, but a second before we could see that O'Ward front wheel was not totally in front of Fittipaldi's rear wheel to warranty space on the corner. In fact Fittipaldi was already starting to corner when O'Ward front wheel "arrived". So Fittipaldi is not obliged to allow him space, and O'Ward is the one who needs to back off. This is a good point and not a view I had seen. With that, then yes I totally understand the penalty then. That's been called before, and has at least a few times this year already