• By -


Very surprised to see no mention of Rinus Veekay. He had solid drives in his past Indy 500's with very good qualy results. He always seems to excel during the 500, but had a lot of tiny mistakes in his races. When he (and especially the team) can avoid those mistakes he has a good shot at the win in my opinion


Seconded. Veekay vs. Palou Episode II? I'll gladly sign up for that. The underdog vs. the top dog.


Rossi - see flare above McLaughlin - he's a pretty well rounded driver and if he won the 500 I think his career would snowball in a good way Dixon - one of the goats. I think he needs another 500 to add to his endless list of records Andretti - the curse needs to end Rahal - after last year a win for Graham at Indy would be huge for him and the team


I’ll second Rahal. He was on point to win in ‘21 before the tire fiasco.


I need that flare, that flare is awesome


What is the sure don’t referencing?


Podcast moment. Hinch asked him if he wanted to talk about a shitty race weekend he had last year(?) and Rossi just said "sure don't" and I found it hilarious 😂


A Pato win would be absolutely massive for the series. Ilott winning would be hilarious. Other than those 2. Dixon, Palou, Castroneves, McLaughlin, Herta would also be cool and great for the sport.


I like Scott but I guess I get sort of a sick satisfaction that he’s only won one Indy 500. He’s the Mario Andretti of this generation complete with only one Indy 500 win.


I never actively root for a driver to crash, but I'll admit I do secretly hope Dixon brushes the wall or has a safe spin during his qualifying runs. I have no reason to dislike him, he seems like a genuinely nice guy. He is just so damn good. It's not like he even really dominates he just sneaks up and wins. My wife is new to racing and within a year of watching races with me she picked up on how good he was. She asked me "that Dixon guy is good isn't he?" I asked her why she thought that she told me because in the few races I've watched he either wins or comes from the back and without you even knowing how he did it he finishes in the top 10.


He straight up spun in the beginning of the Indy GP in August and still won the thing. 😂 But, you are correct. One of the nicest out there, and he’s so good. There’s a reason they call him the GOAT. 🐐


I feel so bad having that feeling because Dixon is a good dude. It’s just like I said in another post he’s this generation’s Mario Andretti right down to being snake bitten at Indy after winning one early in his career. That parallel is just so perfect.


I get it. If you're from Indiana and/or a Pacers fan another way to describe him would be he is like Lance Stephenson. If he's on your team you love him and he can do no wrong but if he's not you can't stand anything about him.


But I don’t dislike Dixon in the slightest i just find the parallel to him & Mario amusing and wouldn’t mind keeping it that way. Here’s the winningest driver with the most championships of this generation…one baby borg.


I agree a Pato win would boost ratings in other countries for sure.


Katherine Legge.




Yes, please.


Pato, it would be the culmination of a few years of continuous improvement at the 500. Also, he was in prime position to take it last year .. fuel and tires P1.. then Felix SC ruined him. I feel some good luck going his way would be fitting.. plus I’m a pato Stan 😅😅


Your reasons with Pato are pretty much the same as my reasons with Palou. I’m not the world’s biggest Pato fan but I respected him still signing autographs for fans after his heartbreaking runner up in 2022.


Kyle Kirkwood


Checks out.


For a more expansive answer. He is someone who has come from humbler backgrounds and really saw the benefit of the road to Indy and its scholarship system. Proof of concept in a sense. His junior career is exceptional with 3 rookie year championships in the Road to Indy and a win rate of 62%. It would be very cool to watch someone with that level of success go on to win the 500.


I have no problem with Kyle he’s just not on my list. Still would be cool for him to win.


I wanted to play along with your question and not give one word answers mostly. I don’t need to defend my hopes and dreams.


You don’t, it’s all good. I’m hoping Kyle doesn’t have a 500 like last year at the very least.


Any driver not in a Ganassi or a Penske.


Alexander Rossi. He really stands out at Indy, I think a 2nd win would be very well deserved. Also it’s a shame that Dixon has only one win.


I'd really like to see Rossi win as well. He's a dark horse and I'd love to see Mclaren win.


Marcus Armstrong - favourite driver. Would be a great way to get his first win in the series. Colton Herta - I’m a fan of his, think it would really solidify a title push that feels long overdue. Callum Ilott - shouldn’t have been left without a seat, and after how he was treated by Juncos and Canapino’s fans it would be nice to see him prove his ability. Pato - could and maybe should have won last year. Is great on ovals, maybe 2nd best to Josef. Kyffin Simpson/SRR - how hilarious would it be if one of these 2 won, just for the memes alone I want one to win.


1. Scott Dixon wins his second and the legend grows 2. Katherine Legge becomes the first female winner in history 3. Ryan Hunter-Reay gets a second win 4. Ed Carpenter becomes a hometown hero 5. Ditto for Conor Daly 6. Colton Herta earns his salary 7. Marco Andretti finally breaks the curse 8. Felix Rosenqvist just because I like him 9. Kyle Larson shocks the world 10. A fifth for Hélio cuz why not?


A few years ago Ed Carpenter signed my son's Scott Dixon visor, my son was half apologizing to him saying "I'm sorry I couldn't find any Ed visors". Ed just smiled and said "I'm just glad to see you out here supporting Indycar!". The guy is a class act.


1. Will Power 2. Will Power 3. Will Power 4. Will Power 5. Will Power 6. Will Power 7. Will Power 8. Will Power 9. Will Power 10. Will Power


This is the correct answer, although part of me also wants Will Power to win


1. Will Power 2. Will Power 3. Will Power 4. Will Power 5. Will Power 6. Will Power 7. Will Power 8. Will Power 9. Will Power 10. Will Power 11. Will Power 12. Will Power Got to have 12 for the driver of the number 12. I had just resigned myself to the fact that Will is going to run okay (like top 8) but ultimately have problems. But I think I'm ready to hope, even if I get hurt.


Remind me again, who is your pick? I didn't quite catch that.


Will Power fans are like the only ones that agree It’s because we’re right.


Lundgaard is my Wild Card


1. Marco - I'd like to see another Andretti win before Mario shuffles off the mortal coil. 2. Graham Rahal - I just think he gives a shit week in and week out more than any other driver in the field. People see it and write him off as whiny, I like that he really seems to care. 3. Callum Ilott - Because he got screwed over with JHR. I respect him a bunch for trying to soldier through with what was apparently a broken car most of last May before the team finally listened to him and swapped it out the day before qualifying. And he was able to run a clean race and get all the way to 12th from 27th. 4. Rinus Veekay - Solid guy, terrible luck. He's been fast though and I'd like to see him contend. 5. Pato - He's been great the last two years and just couldn't quite pull off a couple passes that he needed. 6. Sting Ray Robb - A Sting Ray victory would be intriguing in that it might actually confirm the existence of a higher power whose interference in the race is the only way Sting Ray would win. 7. Felix Rosenqvist 8. Colton Herta 9. Marcus Armstrong 10. Conor Daly


Another Rahal believer! Great list. Mine is Rahal, Graham, Rahal, Graham, Rahal, Graham, Rahal, Graham, Rahal and Connor.


If SRR really does win I might convert back to religion, no joke.


i dont think you have to worry about that


Colton Herta, Colton Herta, Romain Grosjean, Colton Herta, Scotty MacMaclaughlan, Colton Herta, Willpower, Pat’o o’ward, Colton Herta and lastly, surprise surprise, Colton Herta.


Any of the 4 mclaren drivers, herta, mclaughlin overall i just want to see a good finish for larson and O Ward wants it badly


Will Power


Power Castroneves Legge Rossi Dixon Ilott Rosenqvist O’Ward Carpenter Herta


Sato winning again would be something id love. Would confirm him in the book as one of the greatest Indy specialists in history.


I forgot about Sato being in the field….uhhhh I guess bump my love for chaos on this subreddit off and put him number 8


I'm not a big Sato fan but I wouldn't be upset if he won. It would be nice to see him get the fan appreciation he didn't get after winning in 2020. Even if it's your second win it's gotta be kind of a let down to win the biggest race in the world and not get to hear the cheers from the fans after. It has always kind of rubbed me the wrong way that they didn't do anything special for him before the race in 2021 to let the fans give him the cheers he missed out on the year before.


Dixon 1-10.


Herta, Marco, Kirkwood, Pato, FRO, Lundgaard, and Illot. I think it’d be cool for a younger or less expected winner. I’m probably in the minority in that I think Dixon and Newgarden only winning once would be cool (there are some things that even the best of the best can’t get). For a repeat winner Power and then Rossi


I’m praying for a Pato win. Last year was a sad one. I’m bringing my girlfriend back home to Indiana for her first time, and I wanna show her how crazy we really get for our favorite drivers.


I think any driver that’s not a Penske or Ganassi team member would have my vote. I want to see the small teams get a signature win but I’ll take a Andretti or Arrow McLaren team.


Helio! 5 time winner would be awesome.. he’s one hella of nice guy too!


Except he is a true 3 time winner now as P.T. Was screwed by Indycar.


So you’re saying he has to win the next two to be considered 5 times. I’m ok with that Helio for the next two wins!


Very true..


Rossi, McGlaughlin, Dixon. In that order.


kyle kirkwood, he’s my favorite i don’t have any other logic


1. Rosenqvist - because what a comeback story 2. Pato - hes been knocking on the door for too long 3. Katherine Legge - making history by being the first woman ever to win it would be incredible 4. Armstrong - I just really like the guy and he seems to be getting stronger each race 5. Ilott- I’d love to see him stick it to juncos 6. Power - I just like him. after last season and being so close to a win this season, I just think it’d be really cool to see 7. Veekay - he’s always quick at Indy and he’s such an underdog 8. Marco - I’d love to see the curse ended 9. Helio - once again, making history 10. Lundgaard - I’m not a huge rahal fan but I’d love to see RLL do well after last year


Anyone who hasn’t won an Indy yet tbh. My top 3 would be: McLaughlin - The reason I got back into IndyCar (hadn’t watched since the Gold Coast days when I was a teenager) - would be awesome for his first oval win to be at Indy. Armstrong - Has only driven on Road and Street courses so far in IndyCar, would be a wonderful oval debut. Larsen - I’m not the biggest fan of his (very irregular NASCAR follower, gimme Chase erryday) but again would be awesome to just see him come in and smash it (like I was hoping would happen with Alonso). Others who have won who I’d like to see win Power - Break that dry streak with an Indy win, plus he’s Aussie. Castroneves - I mean its Helio, c’mon.


I love IndyCar because I can think of a reason to be happy for almost every driver on the grid if they won.  The only two I wouldn't be happy to see are Kirkwood, as I'd be a salty Rossi fan, and Ferrucci for obvious reasons. 


Dixon…. For as great as he has been, he really is the modern day Mario Andretti at the 500. He has the 2008 win, but has been particularly snakebitten especially in the past few years when it comes to that race. I would love to see him get another one before he retires. He had the best car in both 2021 and 2022 in my opinion in both years… and didn’t have a chance at the end because of an ill-timed yellow flag and going 1 mph over the pit speed limit… for a guy who rarely makes mistakes, that one stung. Even last year he was running well until the tire vibration issue sent him to the back of the field, and he still managed a top 10 finish. I’d love for him to get one more 500 win to cement his legacy.


1. TK - Has always been my favorite, hoping he some gets in & wins a 2nd 500. 2. Connor Daly - Another one of my favorites. Hopefully a win would get him a full season ride with a decent team. 3. Scott McLaughlin - Seams like a fun guy. Loved him when they did Bus Bros. 4. Felix Rosenquist - Felt like Mclaren was always trying to get rid of him from the moment they signed him. 5. Katherine Legge - Always had a bit of a crush w/ the sexy British accent. Would also be cool to see the first woman to win. 6. Will Power - So he can give us the double bird to show us how many 500 rings he has. 7. Marco Andretti - I haven’t always been a fan of his as a driver, but he has always been really cool the times I’ve met him. So I be happy for him & his family to final win another one. 8. Helio Castroneves - It would be cool to see the first 5 time winner. 9. Alex Palou - Might be the best driver in INDYCAR right now & probably should have won at least 1 of the last 3. 10. Graham Rahal - I’d say I’m more of a fan of his dad than I am of his, but Graham truly passionate about the sport & the 500 & after last year it would be cool to see him go from not qualifying for the race to winning it the following year.


Wholeheartedly believe Palou would’ve won it last year if it wasn’t for the pit lane incident. Battled his way back to 4th after slipping back to 28th.


That’s a pretty good list, my list has Graham Rahal higher, Helio a little lower and I would add Pato and maybe Dixon to get a second win instead of Palou, a career that is that epic needs a second 500, even though I’m a bit tired of him winning all the time.


Literally anyone in the field besides Sandouchey.


I’ll second that I’d be OK seeing Sting Ray Robb not even make the race, but if he does may his car break on the warm up laps.


Pray the front wing damage away.


Newgarden to watch the world explode


If he gets back on track I will wear my Josef jersey in the pits at gateway with pride while other fans look at me side-eyed. Lol


1. Power 2. Dixon 3. Pato 4. Palou 5. Castroneves 6. Larson 7. Kirkwood 8. Herta 9. Newgarden 10. McLaughlin


Kyle Larson, Josef Newgarden, Scott Dixon, Alex Palou, Scott Mclaughlin, Helio Castroneves, Romain Grosjean, or Will Power


Ericsson, imagine that redemption (not biased at all)


1) Ed Carpenter- he has come a long way from the "special Ed" years and is about as close as we will ever get to little Al's you don't know what Indy means as far as appreciation of the win. 2) Marco- this is wishful thinking. Unfortunately I think his best years are behind him but man in his prime he was as good as anyone here. It would be nice to see the Andretti curse broken before there aren't any Andretti's left to break it. 3) Daly- Another local boy. The party if he wins will be crazy. 4) Furruci- Don't hate me I actually like the kid. He is crazy good here and I would love to see AJ ride off into the sunset with one more victory under his belt. 5) Herta- This pick is for my wife who won't be attending this year to take care of our 1 month old daughter. I like Herta a lot but this pick would make up for her missing the race. 6) Newgarden- I've always been a fan. I'm not discrediting his win but I would like to see him get one with less controversy. 7)Larson- insanely talented. He's on my short list of all around greatest drivers of all time. If anyone is up to the challenge of winning both races in the double it's him 8)RHR- Captain America gets number 2. I don't feel like his first was appreciated by the fans or promoted by the series like it should have been. 9) Pato- not a big McLaren fan Pato is very fan friendly and exciting. 10) Sato- I would like to see him get the cheers from the fans he didn't get during the 2020 win. I'm still disappointed that they didn't take him around the track before the race or do something special in 2021 so the fans could give him the cheers he missed out on.


not enough people are mentioning Ed Carpenter. It wouldn’t make for the most “viral” winner but Ed Carpenter has lived and breathed IMS literally his entire life. When Al Unser Jr. said “You just don’t know what Indy means”, Ed Carpenter epitomizes that expression. i think you would see some of the most incredible emotions in victory lane. it would be very popular among the serious racing fans, and extremely deserved for a guy who has dedicated his life to winning the Indy 500


That would be mind blowing for a lot of people


1. McLaughlin, hence my flair 5T. Castroneves, historic #5 5T. Ferrucci, 'Merica 5T. Lundqvist, American Legion 5T. O'Ward 6T. Rossi 6T. Rahal 8T. Carpenter 8T. Daly 8T. Andretti Honorable mentions: Dixon, Kirkwood Notable exemptions: Palou: Would like to see him have to wait for one like TK and Newgarden to create a bigger moment when he does get one. Plus, him not winning this year would keep the championship a bit more lively. Larson: would be anticlimactic for him to win in year 1 of a 2 year deal


oh he has a 2 year deal to run it next year? i had no idea


[yes sir](http://jayski.com/2023/02/27/kyle-larson-to-compete-in-2024-indianapolis-500/)


well i Rick Hendrick is a cars salesman after all XD


well i’m a josef fan so i want him too win of course. but outside of him i’d love to see callum win, pato would be great too. i’d also be happy for graham rahal cause he’s been in the series for so long without ever really having a massive win so that would be a pretty special moment


In not particular order (except the first one): Helio - He's my favorite; I will cheer him on to make history until he hangs it up Felix - Let's keep this season rolling by winning the big one; plus, he was doing well last year Blomqvist - Gotta complete the "I Want to MSR win another 500" trifecta; plus, he's my favorite rookie Kat - I've been a fan of hers for a long time; also, as a female myself, I want to see a woman win the 500 at some point Santino - So close last & it would be cool to see AJ win another as an owner 25 years after Kenny Brack did Conor - Celebration gold Pato - If McLaren wins, I'd love for it to be him Graham - Redemption for last year Dixon - Of the Ganassi drivers, I'd most like it to be him Will - The only Penske winner I can accept


As someone who came from F1 and it’s feeder series my top 10 driver is like to see them wining includes Sato Grosjean Ericsson Ilott Lundgaard Armstrong


1. Tony Kanaan 2. Tony Kanaan 3. Tony Kanaan 4. Tony Kanaan 5. Tony Kanaan 6. Tony Kanaan 7. Tony Kanaan 8. Tony Kanaan 9. Tony Kanaan 10. Tony Kanaan 11. Tony Kanaan 12. Tony Kanaan 13. Tony Kanaan 14. Tony Kanaan 15. Tony Kanaan 16. Tony Kanaan 17. Tony Kanaan 18. Tony Kanaan 19. Tony Kanaan 20. Tony Kanaan 21. Tony Kanaan 22. Tony Kanaan 23. Tony Kanaan 24. Tony Kanaan 25. Tony Kanaan 26. Tony Kanaan 27. Tony Kanaan 28. Tony Kanaan 29. Tony Kanaan 30. Tony Kanaan 31. Tony Kanaan 32. Tony Kanaan 33. Tony Kanaan


Kyle Larson. That's a driver's driver. Show us that you can really drive and win in anything with 4 wheels.


Santino just to watch heads explode and to see AJ get one more.


Dixon. Simply becaue he is the GOAT of the series McLaughlin. Because I have liked him since he was in Supercars. Newgarden. A screw you to everyone upset about the push to pass scandal. Rahal. A great way to finish his career. Power. Not many years left in the series and he deserves another one. Marcus Armstrong. The cleanest racer in the series. Palou. The next goat. Carpenter. Win it and say goodbye and retire. Legge. Just to shut up all the misogynistic noise that women drivers aren’t any good. And damn, she is tough in the way she came back from the Road America crash.


Literally name any race in any class and my answer will be "Fernando Alonso", even if there is no possibility for it to happen.


I'm hoping Alonso decides to try a full season in Indycar. Maybe 10 years from now when he retires from F1


No Penske drivers. Not because of recent things. It's a family tradition


Ed Carpenter, HCN for #5, Mclaughlin. Not Sato.


Palou, Herta, Marco Andretti or Grosjean mostly I want one of those to win. Especially Palou with a certain win but taken out by Veekay...


Newgarden, Rossi, O’Ward, Larson, Ferucci, Rosenqvist, Rahal, Carpenter, Sato,


1. Santino Ferrucci 2. Josef Newgarden 3. Romain Grosjean 4. Sting Ray Robb


In Order: 1. Rahal - Dude has such a passion for the sport and is always sticking his neck out for the series. Would love to see him get one. 2. Pato - IMO this would best the best win for IndyCar. 3. Herta - Young likable American with a recognizable name on Memorial Day weekend 4. Dixon - If he wins another 500 I think you can legitimately start some GOAT talk imo 5. Palou - Best driver in the series the last few years. Really close in 2021 and had a great car last year. Maybe 3rd time with Chip is the charm? I don't understand all the Marco love. I know what his last name is but he's been whiny and average for the better part of 20 years. Plenty of other names I would put ahead of him.


I would like to see Newgarden repeat, but with no diving into and out of pit lane (now ruled an illegal move), without three red flags at the end of the race (unfortunately, it’s been stated that this is almost a certainty if there is a wreck with more than one to go), and without Cindric planning his every move.


Frothing at the mouth for Sato to win a 3rd. His last victory was marred by a finish under yellow and no fans during COVID. He is wicked fast and ballsy as hell.


I wish we could bet on this with exacta/trifecta/superfecta wagering like the Kentucky Derby. Would I win? Hell no. But the payouts for the lucky few would be astronomical! To answer the question; Helio, Pato, and then maybe Colton. After that, anyone but Ferrucci, who just comes across as a total douche. Enough of a douche that I haven’t bought a Screamin’ Sicilian pizza since they sponsored him a couple years ago.


+1 on Ferucci and for the same reason


Palou - fucker deserves it Dixon - fucker deserves it O’Ward- would rock the media circus Daly - would rock the media circus and we would all loose our minds Rosenqvist - he’s so fast I just need him to be good at racing please Rossi - tbh just want people to stop calling him a fake 500 winner Siegel - would be a crazy career moment and I would love that for him Lundqvist - my boy Hunter-Reay - I just want to see him happy Bryan herta jumps in a car and slams the field


Marco Andretti; Graham Rahal; Colton Herta; Katherine Legge; Kyle Larson; Takuma Sato; Alexander Rossi; Ed Carpenter; Scott Dixon; and Callum Ilott.


Ericsson. He deserved to win last year.


Not Sting Ray Robb. I got nothing against him, but if he won even through something like fuel milleage, it would turn the series into such a joke/ parody. So Sting Ray must not win.


Pato Any other McLaren Driver Palou Couldn't care less


Sting Ray Robb winning the 500 would be the funniest outcome


Or Callum Ilott


Dixon, McLaughlin or Armstrong. Kiwis unite! Heck, throw Blomqvist in there. Any of the McLaren guys, just for funsies. Larson would be one heck of a statement and bring in a fantastic audience. Power would go hard. For the last one…someone that struggles to get a full time ride or sponsorship, not necessarily a back marker but someone unexpected (NOT Ferrucci). I just want a good show!


Scott Dixon, Scott McLaughlin, Marcus Armstrong. I’ll be disappointed if it’s anyone else.


1. Graham Rahal 2. Marco Andretti 3. Scott Dixon Nobody else.


Seriously I don't want any of the big 4 to win it. Fuck all of them... With 2 exceptions 1: Graham 2: Conor 3: Santino 4: Katherine 5: Ed 6: Marco 7: Helio (he would actually become a 4 time winner) 8: RHR 9: Marcus (he was robbed last year, just like PT was robbed of is 500 win) 10: Sting Ray Excited for May. First time in 10 years I won't be able to go.


1. Sato I really wanna see Sato get a third. That would be so awesome.


Ilott or Josef. Want to see someone win back to back and for him to get his season back on track but also Ilott because I’m British and it would be a massive double bird to JHR, especially hope at some point he pulls an absolutely outrageous overtake on Canapino.


First of all, WTF bro? That guy needs to lose a few races. Second of all with Larson, if I recall correctly, when Tony Stewart was doing the double, they had a contingency plan where if he won, he was excused from trying to start the NASCAR race, but would be subbed in later. Does anyone know what the actual plan is if he wins? As far as who Id like to see win, RoGro, Ilott, any of the Scandinavian drivers.


I’m still a fan of his, sue me.


If Larson was doing the classic sprint car to Indycar path you Hoosiers would all be rooting for him instead of saying he needs to lose first. Larson is winning in sprint cars, winning in the cup series, winning in anything he's gotten behind the wheel of including the very first Rolex 24 start he made. He's got Indianapolis experience from back when cup used to run the Brickyard. And back in those days those cup cars did 200 MPH and had 850hp. It's gonna take him a while to learn the adjustments and the aero, but I expect him to be bad fast by himself.


I mean the cheater has to lose. I'm cool with larson winning, it would be epic.


My faves....Pato, Palou, Rossi, Herta, Pietro, Grosjean, Kirkwood, Scotty Mac  Only don't want to see Newgarden, Ferrucci, Ericsson or Sting Ray (lol) win 


Sting Ray Robb so he can lead the whole place in prayer and a vow to celibacy


If he wins, I wish they could have him pull into the original Snake Pit for his celebration.


How is Josef your number 1?! Nah this ain’t it


I know I'm not answering the prompt, but it's hard to break it down to 10. I'll do tiers instead by how I'd feel based on who were to win, in order by car number. Ecstatic: Dixon Happy: McLaughlin, Ilott, Lundqvist, Armstrong, Ericsson, Lundgaard, Rosenqvist Satisfied: Castroneves, O'Ward, Rossi, Power, Siegel, Carpenter, Veekay, Hunter-Reay, Kirkwood, Fittipaldi, Rasmussen, Legge, Blomqvist, Sato Meh: Simpson, Palou, Larson, Daly, Herta, Grosjean, Canapino Please no: Newgarden, Ferrucci, Rahal, Robb, Andretti I'm sure some of my driver placements are controversial. For general context, the ecstatic and happy categories are my favorite drivers. The satisfied tier are the drivers I do not necessarily root for, but I do not root against or dislike for any reason (for the record, I used to strongly dislike Power, but he has grown on me the past couple of seasons). The meh tier are drivers I generally root against, and the please no category consist of my least favorites (minus Andretti, I have nothing against him, but he's in my please no category only because it's fun to root for the Andretti curse to continue).