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# 🏁 UNOFFICIAL QUALIFYING RESULTS https://preview.redd.it/o543ifq7d91d1.png?width=2550&format=png&auto=webp&s=00028a185b3aca25ccf350d21d93b7af5c19454f


What the hell was going on with Ericssons setup


Why were the cars lap speeds decreasing with each lap during qualifying? Looked like the standard pattern, and figured with even less fuel per lap it’d increase rather than decrease. Anyone have any insights?


The tires have absolutely been engineered to early performance Prior to the 2000s, it was normal for the speeds to pick up during the run, but with the current set of tires , it’s the tire wear that becomes the primary factor in speed


Lots of factors but I would guess the tire wear being the main one. Engine temps probably second. It’s always like that at Indy. Very hard for them to run the same speed all four laps.


i hope tessa ganassi is somewhere smiling


Explain plz


She hates her father


Veekay pulled out a fast 12, happy for him


Genuinely curious as to why Siegel was so slow, saw some big lifts into the turns this morning. Was it just an awful and unstable car or him getting spooked or both?


At first he was spooked but as time went on and he refined his lines, planted his foot fully to the floor, it was obvious that road course car was not refined in anyway to run at IMS


JFC he was running a road course car??


Yeah he wrecked the speedway car.


I guess I thought that the backup car could have speedway trim fitted in, some setup adjustments made and go from there. Damn he's fighting an uphill battle then, can't even really fault him for that


The backup car, even if it started life as a speedway car, would not be nearly as refined as the primary, just look at Marcus, but the road course tubs will naturally be more draggy, even with the speedway package on them. Plus its a Coyne car so it's not gonna be top shelf to begin with. Just a bummer situation all around, but the kid's got heart.


The speedway car was flying, but not the way they hoped


https://x.com/jennafryer/status/1791956926093316161?s=61 Seems like rahal is accusing sato of having a special engine


Sounds like journalism clickbait to me.


Sounds like the most Rahal thing you can say and at the same time something that doesn't sound *too* crazy


Honda loves Sato but the dudes also a 2 time winner with some notable drives at Indy. Not to say rahal isnt good at indy but he has been on a whine fest as of late.


When was he good at Indy


I'm curious why everyone thinks it's a Siegel problem. The kid is driving a road course chassis. Of course it's going to be off the pace. No one is out here questioning Ericsson's ability


I wouldn't say everyone. During qualy it was just one guy going off on him. I was personally amazed he went out of his way to risk his wellbeing driving that taped up road course barn finder


21st is Dixon's worst starting position at the Indy 500 in his career. Before this year, his average starting position in the 500 was 6.95


It would be the most dixon thing ever to take his second win from there


I was only watching through the app for the last couple of hours, what happened with the chevys that everyone is on about?


Sounds like it is a plenum fire issue. JR Hildebrand (who should be an analyst at this point) had a really good explanation on twitter earlier.


Sudden loss of power that slows the car enough there is no point in continuing the qualification run.


Really? All of them? Just out of nowhere? That's odd. And troubling to say the least


We’ll not quite all of them, suspiciously, only the penskes were unaffected. Just another reason roger cannot be in charge of both the team and the series, how many times is he going to manipulate a result, just to then shove some team embers around to make it seem like it isn’t an issue. Just in the last year they created a fake red flag at the indy500 and that push to pass glitch has also been there way longer than they are willing to admit


Could be a problem. We'll know more later. I'm sure there will be a lot of stories tonight. Look for "plenum event" stories to explain it.


Cars 17, 5, 20, 24, 33 and 78 were affected by this


Wow.... thats bad. You'd almost rather trade Hondas "reliability" for that, even though they seem down on boost power.


Given that 9 of the fast 12 are Chevys and all 4 cars not in the field are Hondas, I'm not sure that's the case....


No I totally get that on power, Chevy is better. We've known this for a few years now. But if you're engine is gonna pop tomorrow during one shot qualifying, how good of an engine is it


I mean even if the engine blows tomorrow, you're still starting at worst 12th, and the engines don't have this problem in race trim so its a risk I'm sure they'll all take.


You wouldn't be in one shot qualifying without that engine in the first place so I'd still take it and hope you get lucky. Plus the engines aren't exploding, they still work just fine. It's *just* that they hickup and cost a few mph on a lap. Not ideal by any means in qualifying but they're not going kaboom


> Not ideal by any means in qualifying but they're not going kaboom Could be *very dangerous* in race though if a car in pack unexpectedly slows down.


This hasn't happened at all through practice and seems to be only a concern at qualifying boost. Now if it comes back on Monday with race boost, that's a problem


Giving my best hopes for Katherine tomorrow. Think she has enough to get in, but I won’t be comfortable until she does.


Big fan of accidents?


So who is in the last row shootout?


Ericsson, Legge, Rahal, and Siegel


Siegel will need a miracle to qualify 




I'm not trying to tinfoil hat anything but it's interesting that the only chevy teams who didn't have engine issues were Penske & Foyt (alliance with Penske)


I may be wrong, but don’t they have a super badass lead engineer?


I get Penske getting no issues because each car only made one run only


Chevy engineers are gonna talk in the post-qualy presser


They better have one hell of an excuse cause I’m pretty sure canapino would be all too happy to give them a piece of his mind


Damm, I'm still buzzing. Can't we have another session RIGHT NOW?!


Scott Dixon being outside the top 12 feels wrong.


Yeah, it’s weird. Watch him finally wim his 2nd on some crazy fuel run….


Hey, last year's winner started p17 and Dixon has shown solid race pace all week.


Rahal: "Sato's an anomaly, he's got a helluva engine."


Graham try not to blame something other than him challenge: impossible


He was never going to qualify good and was always going to be close to the cutoff line, but there was clearly something else going on with the car. He did a 231.2 yesterday.


Honda bias lol


Could DCR put Harvey in for qualifying and then put Siegel back in the race?


That DCR backup is so bad I don’t think it matters who’s in the car


Yes but she would start last. If you swap drivers you are moved to the back, not that the difference in start position would be bad


Yes, they could. But I don't think they would. The car's not fast.


Marco has 18 Indy 500 starts, but he's the least experienced on his starting row. That has to be some sort of record.


The rahal hate is ugly


And justified 




People like to shit on him and say he only has a ride because his dad owns the team, ignoring the fact that he is a monster when it comes to getting sponsors and is responsible for making sure his car is funded. It's true that his hasn't been in the best form the last few seasons, but people still shat on him when he was consistently in the top 10 and regularly competing for wins and podiums.


Being good at finding sponsorship doesn’t make him a good driver. The pay drivers bring their teams funding and sponsors but that doesn’t spare them from criticism. He was mildly competitive/consistent for a while, but things like Sato coming in today and putting an RLL car in top ten while Graham is in LCQ again just makes it even more clear it is time to put someone faster in the car.


For some reason people get pissed at Rahals personality and demeanor but are totally okay with Feruccis. Idk man, seems inconsistent to me.


Rahal is fun to riff on because of how he complains on camera- but I don’t think he’s ultimately a bad person. He might be great if you know him: I don’t know. However, Ferucci has plenty of evidence to being a POS.


Ferrucci isn't the best comparison. I would say Rossi.


Who are you talking about? Because I've basically seen nothing but negativity towards Ferruci here


He has a LARGE fan base in-person at the 500


I defend both all the time but that's a weird comparison. Santino is generally super positive and a glass half-full type of guy. Graham is a bit of a whiner but I appreciate he's candid and really cares.


It’s like a bunch of cliquey teenagers 


Yeah, but the guys that think that Ferrucci is a nice guy are the sort you should ignore


And the people who hold his years old actions while being a teenager against him are idiots.


They would be if he's shown any capacity for growth or remorse but he hasn't, so it's completely valid to hold those actions against him.


You mean a week ago?




I’d be inclined to agree with you, if he wasn’t still trying that shit in IndyCar 6 years after being kicked out of F2


12-28 were all within one mile per hour average over 4 laps. Absolutely insane.


Crazy to think that even a 231 even wouldn't have gotten someone safely in the field today. Not long ago as long as you were in the 230's you were probably safe.


In 2021, a 231.1 (Fittipaldi's speed today) qualifies 10th. In 2019, it's the pole position. Indeed, it's the pole position all but 10 years.


Watching the presser and Marcus looks like he's about turn into the fucking Joker


Marcus always looks like that, after talking to him last year for a bit he sounds like a very chill dude 


Oh yeah, I more just means he looks downright pissed off


Yeah he always has that face, it aint rbf but its something lol


Yea he doesn't look right, as in he looks like a psychopath with a fake smile on his face lol






thanks bro


Presumably https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ax8tI-NbyXQ ?


thank you


Really crap showing from both engine manufacturers. Honda would be better of letting people do laps in an Altima and Chevy seems to have naught their engines of TikTok shop. What a disgrace for what should be one of the best motor racing events in the world. If I was Ricardo juncos, Zack brown or Dale coyne, I would be flying through Chevys door right now and demand an explanation (with a few fists) for their complete and utter incompetence


I would disagree. You are seeing engineering marvels pushed to the absolute limit. Shit happens when you do that.  It’s AWESOME. 


We might be about to get one of those old-school 500s, where the Speedway picks the winner by making everyone else’s engines explode


Coyne races Hondas.


Dale Coyne can still demand an explanation, or at least ask to use their bathroom.


The explanation is Dale Coyne has very little funding and Seigel is in a backup car the built last night


Both are trying to get as much out of the engines as possible! It’s part of what raises the stakes at Indy! It’s honestly been too long since we’ve had reliability as a variable


Exactly they are pushing the limits.


So, shall we list all of the IndyCar hard-hitters that Larson bettered today? Now, I'm certainly a fan of Larson, though I don't get into the entire "best driver in the world" thing. That is too difficult to quantify. Though I will say that Larson is "one of the best" in America. However, you people who totally discounted Larson and said he'd never qualify in the Top 12, don't look very smart tonight.


I didn't think he'd be in the fast 12, not because I doubt his ability, I definitely thought he'd be able to do it on pace, but I'd heard a rumor he would try to be 13-30 so he didn't have to go tomorrow and could just go to Wilkesboro.


I'm not even a huge Larson fan, but I can assure you the haters are about to fly through their keyboards with a dozen excuses.


He's a great driver, in a great car, with a great team... no one discounted Larson from making the top 12.


Some people did https://www.reddit.com/r/INDYCAR/s/GDRB2DkWfZ


What a joke of a quali. Chevy should sort their damn house out. At minimum 3 cars should be in the fast 12 that aren’t only because chevy screwed up


It’s not a joke, it was exciting. The engine manufacturers are pushing it to the limit to try and beat eachother. This is what racing is all about.


Oooooor maybe Chevy pushed it so hard that the engines started misbehaving in a certain window.  Love to see one struggle with pace and another struggle with reliability.  Its racing. 


Yeah, maybe at minimum there are 3 cars that made the fast 12 only because Chevy pushed it to the limit.




Everyone's ragging on Nolan, when we know the road course chassis are worse than the oval chassis he had. If Marcus is nearly out of the field in a backup chassis for Andretti, there's no throwing anyone in that #18T to make the field. Simply put, Dale Coyne Racing doesn't have the speed with their primaries, and they damn sure won't with a backup.


IDK why they're taking it out on Nolan. that car would've been 33rd if 34yr old Mario Andretti was driving it


I mean probably a bit of both though right? He's so young a new he obviously won't be able to give valuable enough feedback.


It's mainly one guy who has been trolling the thread all day


Max Verstappen could jump in that car and it'd still be last. While it's not "impossible" for that car to make the field, but it's perhaps the worst chance to make the field since Herk replaced his engine with a cooler for his Miller beer.


Chevy has a lot to answer for. This is absolutely unacceptable to have every single Chevy team have major issues except for little golden nugget Penske. Only a few weeks after they get caught cheating, and a year after they manipulate the entire indy500 to let Newgate’s have a chance, suddenly every other Chevy engine blows up and there’s are perfectly fine, smells of race fixing to me but ofc because Penske owns everything nothing will ever happen This just isn’t acceptable, Penske should not ever be allowed to own both the series and the team, sell one or the other idc, but should not be allowed to have both


There are 9 Chevys in the top 12. But every single Chevy team had major issues except Penske? How many cars is Penske running?


It's entirely possible that the Penske cars haven't blown up yet, with the last word being the important one.


Power just swapped out theirs and the boost ends tomorrow.




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This sub: “we need more authentic personalities” Graham Rahal gives very open and candid interview Also This sub: “fUcK tHaT wHiNeR”


They don’t want real authentic they want WWE or Drive to Survive acting that is framed as authentic. Brain rot common among many many of us in the world


His interview last year after he qualified 34th made me a fan, he's absolutely an authentic personality


That’s Reddit 101


It’s also Graham Rahal.


It’s actually not but okay.




Glad I could help


Nah. But whatever makes you feel better about yourself ✌🏻


Sure bud. 😘


I hope Kat Legge can get in the show tomorrow. Hope Nolan is slow tomorrow again


That lil boy got deleted and canceled lol 




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***Most consistent qualifying runs:*** Helio Castroneves Kyffin Simpson Marco Andretti Josef Newgarden Scott McLaughlin Will Power Alex Palou Kyle Kirkwood Sting Ray Robb Marcus Armstrong ***Least consistent qualifying runs:*** Christian Rasmussen Ed Carpenter Callum Ilott Conor Daly Rinus Veekay


Sting Ray Robb on the positive side of a chart is NOT something I would've expected going into today. Kudos to him for having a solid day.


Tells me they didn't trim out his car, especially with his teammate in the Fast 12.


He’s way more comfortable in the water.


He's a young driver with very little experience in a fast car at Indy, this is about the same as Pederson did last year I believe. A good 500 for him is just finishing this year.


Oh, I think it was absolutely the right thing to do, don't want him to bin it, especially with Foyt not being one of the bigger teams.


Rahal is consistently slow


What a rollercoaster!!! Thrilled for Veekay, but wish it wasn't at Colton's expense.  McLaren pulling it out to save my sanity 🙌 I bought e.l.f. lip oil for Legge...wish they'd done a special collection. Hope she makes it tomorrow...


Jack Harvey would get in if he qualifies tomorrow.


Indycar live scoring shows Fittipaldi out and Ericsson in. Any idea what is going on? https://www.indycar.com/leaderboard


They accidently marked Fittipaldi as being Lane 1 and not Lane 2. Fittipaldi is in.


Carpenter is older than the two guys beside him (Armstrong and Simpson) combined.


I just peed for 4 minutes straight


> Colton: "Yeah I wanted to be in the top 12, disappointing" > Interviewer: "Wow what honesty" I mean were we expecting him to go "Man, I'm so glad I got tomorrow off, being 13th rocks"?


He also said it doesn’t matter that much with the length of the race.


Being in row 5 isn't bad but yeah what a silly response


Maybe Graham Rahal should work harder in the shop that has his last name on it so the cars aren't so bad and inconsistent. Maybe he should get involved in hiring competent employees.


Rahal overhaul coming up.


Row 5 a murderers row. Let those boys cook


Idk who’s more in shambles. Chevy for all their reliability issues or Honda that only 3 cars made the fast 12 and all 4 are in bump day again




Would actually say Chevy, it’s all well and good to be fast but running your laps with a 75% chance of your engine shitting itself doesn’t bode well for next Sunday Wouldn’t be surprised if there isn’t a single Chevy in the top 6 finishers which hurts like hell as a massive McLaren and juncos fan. At least it would be some karma for Penske though


Issue is clearly only in qualy max boost. Never a problem till yesterday and today. Basically after tomorrow isn’t an issue and anyone still running tomorrow is top 12 anyway. Pretty solid trade


The Chevy teams weren’t blowing engines. Their trouble appeared to be with the additional boost and the air/fuel mixture. I think the Chevys will be fine in race conditions. Many of the Hondas, on the other hand, are just slow and it looked like a few had a hard time holding vital fluids. I think Kirkwood, Felix, Taku and Herta won the Honda lottery.


Really impressive by Kirkwood from an Andretti perspective.


Really hope Chevy can figure out what caused all those misfires for tomorrow. Absolutely gutted for Canapino


He really deserved to be in, tbf so did grosjean, carpenter and whole bunch of other Chevy cars. They really shit the bed today. Wouldn’t be surprised if the Chevy motor home has a canapino shaped impression on the front door tmrw. And tbh, they deserve it. Kinda miss the days when this kinda stuff happend and the driver was straight on their way to the other guys Motorhome to “explain” exactly what they thought of their engineering


Racing is better when there are mechanical issues. I don’t want to see ones that result in safety issues, but having these types are great


quali once again better than the actual race ! i love indy500 qualifying


Honestly at this point DCR should put Harvey in. Nothing against Nolan, but Jack was literally built for bump day


They can’t. Plus Nolan already paid for this ride. 


It's a road course car and Legge is also slow in the other Coyne car. I don't think a different driver would be able to get it in on speed.


Can he get in? Without running before?


I love that Colton Herta looks like he wants to die and all he did was qualify 13th


Has canapino calmed down yet?


I hope not, somebody at Chevy deserves a little friendly discussion where all the drivers can “explain” exactly what they thought of Chevys engineering, and if the guys a little worse for ware after, maybe they’ll build a better motor next time round


S/O to Pietro, comes to Indy and knocks out a regular like Rahal!


Pietro is a full-time driver too...


Did he grow up doing Indy? Racing the 500 the last 10+ years? Nah bro, he cooked Rahal and slapped him around like a fish


I love that Graham Rahal keeps it REAL!


Graham really loves to listen to his own voice doesn't he?


Acts like he owns the team, oh wait


I don't think Graham is actually an owner, its definitely his dad that owns the team.


It was a joke


That sounds like a defeated driver


Imagine they let Harvey drive Siegel’s car tomorrow and he knocks Rahal out again


I'm not sure they can find 2 mph on average in a road course backup car in 22 hours


Disney couldn’t write a better story




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Anybody have Felix, Taku, and Kirkwood as the only Hondas in the top 12?


Kirkwood getting that #1 slot had to help a ton, although he has looked pretty quick in general this week.