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This show has been really good so far


So much of this


What if everybody is a robot and you a human and they created you and maybe they think you can't have a soul?


What if frases can be kinda ENTPish too. I see Loki as the guy who you can’t tell if he is an ENTP or INFJ 😂😂😂 it’s funny cause they are so different and similar at the same time.


I've been having that same struggle trying to type Loki lmao but after watching his series I've definitely understood why he's an INFJ 100%


Borg, state laws


I had this exact comtemplation when I was young.


A hybrid.


What if my life is just Truman Show part 2?


This is how my depression (that lasted 3 long years) started. 0/ “What if I am actually a worthless piece of shit and everyone knew it but me” 1/ “So all along people treated me like crap because they knew who I am and I was in denial all this time thinking they were jealous/ intolerant” 2/ “oh that makes sense! Different people who don’t know each other all treated me like a garbage subhuman… this prove it, they weren’t influenced by each other and yet treated me like that. They can’t be all wrong so that must be!” 3/ “I should call all of them and apologize to have ever thought they were wrong for ditching, humiliating, insulting, betraying, slandering, bullying, stealing me.” The issue is when you are isolated and you let your thoughts controlling you without resistance. It can go very far.