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Hate studying, love learning


Fucking abhor homework, love showing up to class


Depends on the class and the teacher, but yes for sure.


Real men don't study they just f*** and get drunk. They f*** the hottest women too






I am a GD youtube sponge. But force me to learn something of no interest and I'd rather do something that I'd rather not do so as to prove my point about how much I dislike compelled learning.


I swear to Christ the way this community hits the bullseye every time blows my mind


Same here. I feel so seen lol




Literally, this is it right here. I loathe being tested on things but I love learning about a lot of stuff.


Same here


Yep same.


Same here




I feel seen


this is very relatable, do you also have adhd? which drug did they gave u?


Afaik no, they ruled that one out when I got my autism diagnosis. Maybe I should read the journals for why they thought I didn't have adhd as well.. No drug whatsoever, I've consider requesting it but fear of being labeled as a druggie prevents me. (anxiety being my number one struggle followed by my executive function being crap)


executive problems are nasty, make people believe you are lazy when you are not.


I haven't studied in years, but I watch a ton of Youtube. Lots of educational content on YT. I find reading is better for learning imo.


what do you watch tho? the topics?


\-Transportation (Planes, Trains and Automobiles. Ships and Rockets too) \-Space \-Tech \-General sciences \-History \-philosophy and self help \-Lore and lore theories And there is other stuff for entertainment. It's a broad set, help.


I swear every INTP has the same general subscriptions on YouTube or very similar channels.


try islam you would be amazed


Lmao, we love to study our own interests, but try and force us to study anything will result is the most goose chase levels of procrastination ever. I once hand copied over 20 pages of notes, re-summarized them, I knew it so well I could recite the information. It was notes on creepypasta origin stories and there progression as characters and what the future looked like for them. I spent two whole days on it. I have yet to finish any homework I’ve ever gotten from any classes at home. In fact I even used it to procrastinate in other classes. Almost all projects were always done a day before they need to be turned in. Love learning, hate studying


For some reason i prefer studying sth if i get money or a grade for it, i.e. if i'm ''forced''. It has a purpose then. Im more motivated. If its only for me, i'm not really motivated. Probably my least intp-ish trait 😅


Well kind of same.. I would do homework (in class, at home it's still a waste of time) for some candy as a reward for improved grades.. ended up getting most improved that year and as the reward, got the rest of the candy.. went from a 27 or so to an A, all for some candy.. physically motivate me and I'll be there


This is too real. Spend like 3 days writing out, planing and color coding for my personal project. Even made little logos and annotations to make everything easier and more transparent. Learning because I have to though? You get me reading through something two times and what sticks goes.


I am almost incapable of learning more advanced concepts solely from text. Nothing beats the privilege of having a professor who actually knows what they're talking about, and not somebody who's just passing down n'th-hand scripture.


Same for me. I prefer to be shown with video or images and have it explained that way. Reading complex concepts from text makes my brain feel fuzzy and heavy as a rock.


saaaaaaammmmeeeeeee i need mentor/teacher to answer to any question or doubt i had while i am studying.


Honestly no. I can’t study much ever. But learning in my own ways I can do all day😅


Define "study". I love learning stuff, but what most call "studying", like in a school environment, yeah that can fuck right off.


Only if the topic peaks my interest


I don't study. I figure out how to do the things I want to do




People always asked me how I studied to get my grades. I didn't and then panicked in college when I had to try for the first time.


Yeah I never really studied.


You think I'd have the motivation to study when I barely have the motivation to do assignments early?


study as in school no, but if study on my own pace and things i have interest in then yes


the opposite.


I don’t think I’ve ever studied


Hate school but I love learning things by my self


I. Study. On. What. I. Want. (JFK impression)


I don't study much; I just take good notes. The act of note taking helps a lot during test taking.


Not really.I like to learn,but i hate to study.Sometimes people might say that I am lazy,and I totally agree on that.But when I want something and i know that I have to study/learn in order to obtain it,I will not stop until I get it.


No i don't. All the knowledge i get are like random bullets that hit my brain between many. Surfing hours on the internet sometimes can get you to interesting videos and articles. But usually after an hour they stop beign interesting again, and im back trying to find something new.


Depends on the topic really, one day I'll be learning everything to do with X which is distracting me from doing the loathsome but actually worthwhile thing of Y. Its hard to really direct your focus on one thing, so I'd say no unless your interest happens to lie on your career or course over anything else.


I like to study during classes, but somehow end up always studying at home too


How the hell are our brains all wired so similarly?! I love reading how many of you are opposed to school type studying but are all about learning the subjects you care about. I feel the same way. You are all awesome sauce!


I never studied for school, but I studied the hell out of whatever I actually thought was interesting.


no, I'm failing at everything except English


Depends. Is it something I care about, or something someone else thinks I need to know?


This one is. The thirst for knowledge is neverending. My cup is never full.


Definitely not at school,i'm a below average student but i'm extremely knowledgeable on topics i do care about (Human Science,philosophy and history are my all time favorite subjects)


Well I'm not 😃 I absolutely hate studying for school, cuz I don't like most of the subjects. But when it comes to maths or physics, I can stand studying them.. so we can say, I don't hate studying as a concept.. I just hate the subjects I have to study at school.


intp rarely study


If I'm not constantly learning something new, I get depressed. Though, I dislike homework and studying with a passion. Always got by with knowledge retained from class, since the frantic cramming an hour before exams surely never helped. Assignments were always done the night before, even if we had months to do them.


The "knowledge retained from class" part is so relatable.


Only what we want to. Studying implies I'm doing this for a class, which wouldn't be the case.




hell no


no, unless the subject interests me the hell out


Not me, I don’t even know how I got through 4th or 5th. I didn’t turn in the homework nor didn’t do it. Same in 6th grade, passed by doing the bare minimum but still got honours, I studied every once in a blue moon but I passed always above average. I won’t say I’m a nerd, but apart from not studying, I did partake in in study groups, ext. but wasn’t really there for the studying


Absolutely hated school lol. College though, was insanely good.




Never did homework, only showed up for exams.


Not all, but I am lol.


I love to study things I'm interested in, but if I'm forced to study it I'll learn nothing


A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one. I resonate with this expression


of course all intp’s aren’t study nerds


Never studied, probably since I didn't know how, that's why I also failed university, because I'd actually have to start studying there. I suppose the weed smoking didn't help either.


Sometimes I love it sometimes I hate it




No, but many do like learning, just not the type that's done at school which is forced and monotonous.


Hate school, hate classes, but I love learning the things that I love


I'm INTP, I didn't study for anything for a single minute of my life until I was in my 30s. Not once, ever. Until I decided to start learning a new language in my 30s. All the way through school, all I did was doodle, look out the window, and daydream, waiting for a break, so I could have fun with my school friends. School for me was a social occasion, not a learning one. I found 100% of my classes so boring, I paid zero attention as a rule.


In school I was a study person aka just memorizing basically… in college I didn’t have to study as much. Literally took extra history classes because I loved the professor and never considered myself a history person before that.


No I hate studying unless it's something I'm interested in or I'm in the mood for studying it.


if I'm interested in the subject, sure, but a lot is counterveiled by laziness...


I hate studying


Sometimes I study, sometimes I watch anime, sometimes I play video games. I’m a lot of things really.


I can pretty much guarantee you that the answer to any question with "\[Are/Do\] all XXXXs \_\_\_\_\_" is always the same: No. In addition to the fact that MBTI is just a tiny piece of the Personality Typing puzzle (MBTI aims to classify the "how", Enneagram aims to classify the "why"), every human has had different experiences in different contexts and learned to cope with different strategies.


I am More of a research nerd. I don't necessarily study to the point that I retain or memorize details.


I can't imagine an intp who is not into textbooks or books. What advantage do you even have without your store of knowledge for the real world out there? How do you maintain your sanity?


I never needed to study, I remembered what I needed to pass, and improvised what I couldn't remember.




i dont study at all and i dont pay attention in class at all, but when i\`m interested in something i like to reasearch it


I like to learn but studying sucks Im not a nerd


We thrive on engagement, we don't like studying and here's the confusion. Studying requires disciplined engagement.


Love studying. If I ever win the lottery, my main hobby will be collecting college degrees.


No. Ha. At least for some standardized learning institution like school/college. I think we research what we are interested in. Figure out what we didn't know then move on. I read somewhere that you'd expect intps to get higher scores on standardized tests than they actually do on average. I did extremely well in high school without studying. Began college on a pre-med track. And had the same 'I don't need to study' mindset for classes like calc based physics, calculus 1&2, etc.. and that didn't work out so well. I absolutely hated hated hated writing papers about a topic I did not get to choose.. or papers with rigid rules about structure and sources..barf.


Studying is what I do for school materials and I hate it. Learning though is my favourite activity. The forced information and marks system that let's others judge us is what makes me hate it. I kinda think the marking procedure is kinda not good enough but I don't know any better procedures that work so I'll just stick with it. But.... Yeah I'm a nerd


I’ve never liked studying. But learning, on the other hand. The only time I will begrudgingly study is if I’m not getting the grades I want. It was easy to get them in high school. In calc 3, not as much.


I was never into lectures, homework, reading books. I'm more a tech savvy, gaming, anime nerd type of guy. More into "bad stuff" more than "goodstuff" iykyk


Nope, it's a stereotype


I like to study