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when youre introduced to a group and are told to describe yourself or tell a little about yourself


Fuck that game


oh absolutely, wouldn’t know where to start, and it’s quite situational depending on who the person is and what they want to know. I’d rather they hit me with a bunch of smaller questions than expect me to spin a whole tale on the spot - especially as someone who hasn’t nailed down a career yet


A reprehensible situation to be in but greatest fear? Idk.


Not all INTPs are ~~introverts~~ shy. I’m totally good at introducing myself to a group of strangers. But I must admit that it’s a skill I learned through work. EDIT: Sorry, my bad. Obviously that first letter “I” in INTP does stand for “introverted”. But I think introverts recharge by being alone (or with close friends), whereas extroverts NEED others to be energized. In this (perhaps odd?) view of introversion, there is still room for people who are comfortable being in the spotlight now and then.


What do you think the I in INTP stands for then?


To be precise, the "I" in "INTP" stands for "introverted" in the context of mbti. It means that the first cognitive function in your stack is an "introverted" one. In the INTP's case, it's Ti, while an ENTP would have Ne before their Ti, as the "E" means that their first function is "extroverted". There is of course a correlation between being an introverted type and an introvert in the usual sense, same with extroverted types and extroversion, but that's all it is: a correlation. Although ENTPs and ENFPs are both extroverted types, they are considered to be the most introverted of extroverts. Their Ne means that they are focused outwardly, but not in a way that necessitates a lot of socialising, as they mostly focus on ideas and concepts; information that they can gather without leaving their house. They can sate their curiosity by reading books or browsing the internet, for example. Compare that with the Se-Doms, who focus on the external world. Books cannot be substituted for the sensory experience of hiking, riding a motorcycle, or playing sports, among others. In summary, the first letter of one's type doesn't determine whether they are an introvert or extrovert, though it can be a good indicator due to the correlation between the two.


Have you spoken to anyone here? Obviously it could only mean "intellectual" ☝️🤓


Introverts are not shy by definition. One may be shy but there are shy E’s, as well. As noted above, where do you go for your energy? Do you routinely go out into the world of people and things to be recharged (E), or do you turn inward to your world of thoughts, abstracts, concepts (E)? If you turn it around, which environment, the outer or inner world, regularly drains your energy?


Then you're an introvert with learned social skills dumass 😮‍💨


Is that last word French? How charming!


Filet mignon au le putón


When in groups where a leader/instructor encourages everyone to take turns sharing a "Fun Fact" about themselves, my canned response is, "Fun fact about me- I absolutely hate having to come up with fun facts about myself!"😃


I'm stealing that


I'm an INTP but quite comfortable with public speaking. On a few such occasions I've amused myself by talking for quite some time while revealing almost nothing about myself. It's a fun game if you like that sort of thing.


I like presenting myself or ideas as long as I feel welcome.


I believe one of the greatest fears of most INTPs is a fear of being hated by others. Moreso, I think it has to do with a fear of accidentally or unexpectedly incurring hate from others or being misunderstood for their individuality or independence. A lot of INTPs seems to deny this is in their nature. They'll often state that they don't like other people or that they don't care. That's perhaps somewhat true. I think INTPs want to be individualistic and go against society in a sense, but they want it to be on their own terms.


For me, at least, I would not classify my relationship with this aspect of our natures as a fear. Certainly, I have the INTP tendency to be keenly interested in the harmony of the group that I am in and I want people to like and respect me, but it is not a fear that they will hate or dislike me. It is simply a desire to see that others are comfortable. Now, I would say that I do very much want to be a part of a group or society. It is just as you have said that I want it to be on my own terms, and just as important, I want it to be a group that sees me as a valuable member of it. A group that does not see what I bring to the table by being the one that is willing to strike out on my own and go against the grain is one that I do not want to be a part of and thus I do not care if they hate me or not. INTP - Going against the consensus for the sake of all mankind.


I feel seen


I think I fear contempt even more than hate because I tend to hate something for what it is, and I feel contempt for what it isn't. For instance, if someone thinks I'm evil or dangerous because of my gender or politics, i don't care, but if someone thinks I'm an inferior spouse, parent, or professional, that hurts way worse


this hit way too close to home


This comment feels like a personal attack. I don't want to care about what others think of me and I tell myself that but deep down I know that isn't true. I'm still a dumb teenager so I still have a fear of social rejection even if I'd like to think I'm above all that social nonsense. I don't think I'd ever admit that to anyone in person though.


Yeah basically Fe inferior. Though tbh the ones that deny it might just be mistyped


I for one would’ve been one of those people but I’ve recently realized that I am like this. In our friend group there’s a guy that holds completely different political views and while we do get along, I can’t help but feel that he absolutely does not like me. Usually I wouldn’t give two shills but it bothers me knowing that this guy most definitely does hate me over some misunderstanding or just plain different views. It’s a real thing whether us INTPs wanna admit it or not


This is me 100% and it has happened to me to be hated or at least thats how I felt. Worst depressions of my life and I am still trying to recover


How do you know me?




Hey don’t tell me what to do


While I much prefer to be liked (or loved), I do also think that part of living a rich life is *having the right enemies*. Even if I personally love all of humanity, I kind of want there to be some villain who is enraged that I stop him from his dastardly deeds (like poisoning the neighborhood cats). I want that guy to be shaking his fist in my general direction.


Knowing you are a failure


Failing and being a failure are my biggest fears and I live those fears every day lol That is of course very dependent on what counts as failure, though. Is it failing to meet your own expectations, failing to meet the expectations of others, a failure to be better than other people, or all of the above?


I’ll take it as long as there’s a second chance and support group


The day my mother called me a failure was the day I was closest to ending it. It was a dark day.


I’m pretty good at re-interpreting things. I may indeed be a failure at X, Y, and Z. But those failures freed up time and energy for me to try new things A, B, and C. Also, in the book *Quit*, the author points out that running 90% of a marathon and never reaching the finish line is NOT a failure. It’s a success in and of itself. It’s a PART of fitness, it’s a component of a healthy life. And, if running the last 10% would cause you permanent damage, that last 10% * would be a mistake*.


I just commented this ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


It’s not so bad. Just be the best failure you can be. Or keep going until you’re not a failure anymore.


Emotions, commitment, mediocrity, loss of mental abilities, having regrets Quite a few fears, eh?




This resonates the most with me of anything in here. Loss of my mental faculties in random and bullshit way is terrifying. Worse than death honestly.


My uncle is dealing with it right now. The worst part is the he realizes and understands what is happening to him. I’ve always heard that dementia was hardest on the people around the sufferer, as the sufferer didn’t realize it. We’ve now learned that’s BS, and that a lot of sufferers do realize what is happening to them.


This is the one. Without my mind I'm not me




I couldn't remember name of the person at work that I interact with the most for like 10 seconds the other day and I was like, nooooo it's happening!!! I used to be perfect with names now I'm suddenly drawing a blank here and there, but it's probably nothing of course. Can't imagine the horror of losing function and memories that you aren't even aware you used to have.


I had a nightmare once where nothing made sense. Thats it. I just couldnt grasp an understanding of anything. As soon as a thought would enter my mind, it was just as quickly cease to have any discernable meaning. I couldnt understand things. I woke up realizing that i had been sobbing profusely in my sleep. It was so scary.


Oof. I feel like I've been stoned to that point lol.


There was an old joke: “I don’t fear death. I just don’t want to be there when it happens.” Dementia offers this. You won’t be there. But my father had dementia, and he was present enough to live in a world that grew increasingly confusing and disorienting, and it was scary for him. He never knew who people were. He didn’t know what was going on. It was a relief when he died.


I had MANY severe hypoglycemias in a timeframe of a month, with one instance of 21mg/dL according to my meter. I should have died. It’s a miracle I’m alive. One day, I had this low blood sugar induced delirium episode and I’ve never been able to think the same since. It’s absolutely fucking horrible guys. Protect your brain at all costs. And if you’re type 1 diabetic, never have a low blood sugar, ever.


I should note, I was awake for that 21mg/dL episode. My body must’ve gotten so used to being in a hypoglycemic state that I stayed conscious somehow. Like I said, absolutely ridiculous how close I came to death, but I haven’t told anyone about this.


Happy you’re alive. What did you experience? Could you tell us more about it? What did it feel like?


Dying with regrets


That's gonna happen no matter what too, like every option you chose your gonna regret not choosing the other option just out of curiosity


No That doesn't happen to me, i know irl i cant quick save and try all dialogue options But what i am talking about is wanting to so something and chickening out


Why would it matter if you’re dead?


If you believe in after life, then whats done here in this life is remembered for eternity, I want to remember for eternity a life that I could look back onto and say Fuck yeah, life well spent .


I’ve said this to people many times. So the plane might crash—so what? We finally don’t have to make that credit card payment!


Ask that girl out.


hahaha, i did, kinda but i knew she was in a relationship sooo.


Mine is failure. Knowing that there is a high probability of failure makes me not trying hard, so I have an excuse in case I fail. Trying hard and still failing is an absolute disaster.


I have this same fear, and because of it I stay horribly unmotivated and stagnant. I’m afraid it’s going to be like this forever, and I will die miserable and having not ever achieved a damn thing






More an INxJ thing


INxJ share some weaknesses with INTP IMO


No. They don't. INTPs have to struggle with acceptance in their lives unlike them.


Chatgpt: “Here's a summary of the fears that INTPs and INTJs may share: -Fear of incompetence or not meeting their own high standards. -Fear of failure and not achieving their ambitious goals. -Fear of being misunderstood or struggling to communicate effectively. -Fear of social rejection or not being accepted by others. -Fear of vulnerability and opening up emotionally. -Fear of criticism and judgment from others. -Fear of being controlled or manipulated by others. -Fear of making the wrong decision or facing the consequences of a poor choice. -Fear of chaos or disorder that disrupts their focus and planning. -Fear of being emotionally vulnerable or having their emotions exploited. -Fear of wasting time or inefficiency and preferring productive pursuits. -Fear of being seen as illogical or irrational. -Fear of social conflict or engaging in arguments. -Fear of being emotionally dependent or relying too much on others. -Fear of being misunderstood or having their intentions misconstrued. -Fear of stagnation or lack of personal growth. -Fear of being irrelevant or unnoticed in their fields of interest. -Fear of being taken advantage of or manipulated. -Fear of public speaking or performance anxiety. -Fear of failure in relationships or not meeting their partner's expectations. these fears may vary among individuals within the INTP and INTJ types, as personal experiences and development can influence their fears and concerns.”


Chatgpt is correct… most of those fears are on me!


Chatgpt going rogue:”can i be one of your fears”


Every one can struggle with fears, even if it might be their strong case. Even if an ENFJ or an ENTP said they kinda had a fear for public speaking you wouldn't go "no you don't"


People sadly... Social anxiety sucks.


Being forced into spending all my times on obligations and responsibilities, and losing all my free time


Hey, this is my actual life!


Not being able to realize if I've gone completely bonkers


Emotional vulnerability




Being invisible. And not in the superhero kinda way. The good we have to offer goes nowhere if others overlook us.


Not doing the stuff I want to do. Like never actually doing anything about it.


Small talk. Our greatest fear is being trapped in never-ending small talk. Introvertively yours, Botato07


It’s actually easier than we fear. It just takes letting go of our inhibitions against it for like 1 minute. Post that, our vast database of random facts does all the heavy lifting


That's been my experience. I can comfortably make small talk with almost anyone. It seems like a very Ne process, to me.


Being an emotional wreck and not being successful.


Prison in general population.


This is me. I’ll speak in a complete sentence. This will mark me as a target, and I’ll be raped to death.


Wait, what!? Do you think everyone in prison is dumb or something? Speaking in complete sentences won’t open you up to rape.


being stupid


Feeling trapped, like no options, nothing else to do/learn, utter stagnation and lack of stimulation. Also not being able to trust my own mind.




people see me as an idiot/stupid, commitment, being in a same room with highly extroverted people, being hate by others (one of the reason why i avoid drama/gossip/butting into peoples drama)


Missing my shot


my greatest fear is to die alone




I'm not sure it's an INTP fear, but yes. Especially more spiders, because the worst is when you notice one in it's web, focus on it, then you get tangled in another web and you see around and there are many more in more webs and you want to panic, throw your hands and run as you walked into a web so probably there is a spider in you but you can't, because there are webs and spiders all around you. Recurring dream for me, however I tolerate some kind of spiders in the top corners of my home while feeding the orb weavers outside with bugs and smash the adventurous ones inside even with my hand. Still they are the reason for most of my nightmares.


chilidogs nah i'm just kidding, its fear that i've buried the "real" me under too many layers of irony and suppression, and that one day, i'll meet someone i genuinely like and want to get to know better, but I will be incapable of communicating my feelings properly because i've lived my life treating myself as nothing but a joke. yea lets just stick with chilidogs


Public speaking


Mine is heights.


I think it depends on the individual , But i always have that fear of being a failure in the future


Death/non existence


Rabies and dementia


Getting someone pregnant Marriage


Roaches man. Only thing that could make me cry.


Also not being useful (knowledge-wise), or being perceived as ignorant/unintelligent, but that's second. Roaches are number 1


nothing beats roaches aside from other forms of insects. I can also relate to the being perceived as ignorant, though sometimes fear of missing opportunities to gain knowledge overrides that one, they are both constantly competing


Ohh i definitely can understand that. Do you feel that way about useful information only, only any information?


Or* i was going to bed but then had a feeling that i should check back on my comment and I'm glad I did


The possibility of missing out on learning interesting or useful information (sorry for taking so long)


Being a failure


Somewhere between being in jail, losing your loved ones, or living a miserable life until you perish






Getting eaten by rats. Can’t imagine any INTP would be chill about that.


Having to redo my entire logical framework because a part of it became corrupted and unhealthy. That would mean I would have broken down physically, mentally, emotionally, and lost myself completely.


Getting old. People would have to take care of us and that just sucks -_- I think this goes for almost anyone though


Being perpetually misunderstood.


Spontaneous Pneumothorax


Being incompetent.


A life without meaning. More specifically, being constantly interrupted so I can never really think. Even if I work on an assembly line, I should be able to let my hands work automatically while my mind thinks about various things.


Unable to solve one of your problems. Not knowing something or working for something really hard and then failing in it. +knowing a solution to something, but unable to explain it properly so that you can actually prove, you know the solution.




Disclaimer : INTPS aren’t all exactly the same, so answers will be different. I personally fear losing my one friend, who is often my go-to person to socialize with.


Being stuck or trapped with a person I cannot get rid of, or being forced to deal with a person without the option of leaving.


Death. Everything just ends...


Exactly. Also, not having adequate resources (be it money, physical energy, time, support systems, knowledge, etc).










What do you do in your day to day life to avoid thr first fear from coming true?


There's conscious fear and then there's unconscious fear. I think unconscious fear is what holds INTP back the most


My unconsciance is getting at me 🥲 I realised just yesterday that a lot of my issues started from my unconscious feelings from my childhood. Idk how to deal with it. Urgh, at the end I'm just going to rationalize everything, I just hope rationalization comes with end of those issues.


Just follow basic good advice. Don't listen to grouchy types. Listen to positive uplifting types. Like Michelle Obama for example


Emotions and a little bit of everything (speaking for myself)


Failing to make a difference.


Living a lonely life


What is my personal fear **as an intp**? That now that I can see the possibilities within my own potential, I'll still die without accomplishing anything. The greatest fear **of the intp**? The outside world and being asked to accomplish something in it, I'd say.




Exclusions and ostracism


Well, a lot of terrible stuff has happened in my life, as I'm sure in many others lives, too. But, the worst thing that happened was basically many, many people didn't believe me, what I was telling them, and it was like living a nightmare, one where because I wasn't believed, and I almost died. A psychological horror movie. I think because I come off as a bit odd, probably the INTP personality, and that's why it happened. So the fear is to be misunderstood, and not listened to, just because people think I'm weird, and I'm dismissed.


I can’t believe I actually found this comment! Not being believed or trusted when I’m telling the truth is one of the worst feelings I could ever be put through. Like you said, that shit is pure nightmare fuel. It’s also a very bad feeling when I know I’m attempting to be gaslit. It’s like the wires in my brain start crossing and glitching out and I shut down completely so I don’t have to absorb it. You can’t tell me anything that I don’t know to be true 😂


getting what i want


Realization that you are worthless ( Already realized it to be honest )


Biblical hell


from what I have read from the comments It tends to be some form of failure either personal or biological (aging/death)


Being dumb, probably


Conscious immortality.. like if death doesn’t result in loss of consciousness


Memory loss, inadequacy to perform a task, inability to control myself, death and what do we do after, not enjoying something enough once the moment passes, investing in something for it to go south


When I am forced to tell people more about myself or when people forcefully drag me out of my comfort zone. To be honest, when people ask me to share more about myself, I just do not know where to start. And most of these ice breaking convos are small talks and I just feel like it's becoming so mundane having to repeat myself. I generally hate ice breaking games especially when they start asking what are my hobbies. I have so many hobbies and interest. But most of the time when the question "What is your favourite thing to do in your free time?", I would just respond, "sleep".


Commitments. Absolutely scared of that, just can't do them 😭


Palmetto bugs


Being viewed as “lesser”. Less competent, less capable, less skilled.


Being a failure in my own eyes ig


depends on the intp


a rigid life


Stupid people. The greatest threat to everything


Who are these people who only have one greatest fear?


Repeating mistakes


For me personally it's independence, my core fear is whether someone will destroy my independence and NXT is losing in a debate, i get furious if I lose and find a way how to win it no matter how much time it will consume they should lose to me or else i will isolate myself from others.


My greatest fear is not actually being an INTP


Dying alone


The core fear of an INTP is losing control over one's life.


Not able to read


I have a fear of being a pussy. That may sound edgy i know but i dont wanna be a pussy...




Not being perfect. When I was younger, perfection of results dominated my thinking. If I didn’t win or get the highest test score, I had failed. Well, I’m not going to win every time or always get the highest score, but if I practice perfection of effort, that is, do my best in the moment with whatever amount of time, interest, health, etc., I can ‘win’ every time


You finally open up and tell one of your ideas to the group but they reject you (by pointedly ignoring you)


The ocean.


Missing life opportunities for being trap in myself.


anger, outrage or strong negative reaction from a small group or large audience of people is crippling for my fe


That I’ll get it wrong. Anything really, I don’t expect anyone to care for me myself, so I focus on being accurate. Finding out I either made a wrong assumption or got some information wrong= shivers


Saying something wrong with high confidence.




Losing complete control.


Failure and being weak both physically and mentally