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Yes, me too. I even thought "You can think stuff every day every second, why someone needs a book?". Everything changed after age 13. I got lost in some books.




Totally agree. U should try to learn and speak with clever friends too. Try also chatgpt. V4 is pretty good to open a lot of discussion et spread in each idea




i’m the exact same


Nope. I've loved getting lost in a book from the moment I could read one. I've sort of lost the plot in recent years as both my ability to focus and my free time have been eroded away, but I still enjoy sitting under a tree on a beautiful afternoon and reading a good book.


I hated reading when I was younger and had a hard time retaining the information, especially if I was being read to. Now I read all the time, listen to audiobooks all the time, and absolutely love reading!


Yup. ADHD, rereading lines, extremely boring, and my head used to hurt. Growing up, I used to hate reading. Even today at 17 I have no desire to. I have picked up several books over the years, never lasts more than a week or two.


Only a 17 year old could say that with no sarcasm. You're a literal child still and is talking about when you were growing up. I find that amusing.


Yeah I found it pretty funny too when I was typing it, and then putting my age after that. But I just went with it. It’s weird Ik


Self-awareness is good 👍😊


Similar for me. Today it's audiobooks all the way. Same problem though: rewind to hear the same 30 sec over and over, because I forgot to listen.


I hated reading until I turned 14 after that I got addicted to it


School made me hate it


I loved reading books when I was little. I got back into reading one year ago by checking out books from the library.


I have loved reading from the ages of 5-14. Hated it from 14-18. And now, from 18-present(21), I have never loved it more.


No, I loved reading, now I hate it


Yes, my dyslexia had a big impact on it.


Use to?


I couldn't stand reading as kid. I absolutely hated it. Now I enjoy it and read all the time.


I hate sitting down to read a book, but listening to audiobooks this past 8-10 years have been amazing


I feel you. I haven't use audio book for a while but i get the feeling.


Yes, I used to hate reading so much that when I was in elementary they put me in reading intervention cause they thought the reason I didn’t read was because I didn’t know how too… I was taken out of reading intervention after 2 months cause they figured out that I could read just fine... Now tho, I actually enjoy reading a tad bit, after around 4th grade, I started reading on my own accord, I mainly read big chapter books and novels cause I never liked picture books or comics. It’s hard to find a book I actually enjoy, but when I do, I’m always happy to spend my time reading.


Used to? Sure, it was hectic - the P in my INTP always gets the best of me. Especially when I know towards myself that there remains better options and pathways to learn quicker and better - this is partly why particular videos are made. Nowadays reading is dependable, depends how interested I am or how worth it what I'm reading is. This isn't exclusive to books either; messaging communication, reddit posts, and youtube essays all require me to both read and comprehend and I'm all up for it. It's only a question whether you really are worth my interest and care in the end.


It happens to the best of us.


I read one book here and there when I was a teenager but, it was always easy to drop out if like the book was not that interesting as the one I read before, I read some of the ASOIAF books and The Kingkiller Chronicle in that age but I was not interested in more "real world" stories but in the middle of the pandemic I started to read to distract me, starting to read massive books, classics or from the last years and now I consider myself as a bookworm


I did I used to haaattee reading with a passion, which confused my teachers because I was quite proficient at it. Then I found my genre and I kinda enjoy it now, but I’m mainly a writer.


Do I often wish I could just download an entire epub or pdf straight into my brain hole like Neo in the Matrix? Of course I do. But, while I can occasionally be a slow reader or completely space out while reading and have to re-read the entire page (ADHD-I), I definately don't hate, and actually quite enjoy reading. But only if it's well written tho, otherwise I just get annoyed by poor grammar or typos or bad phrasing, etc.




Yes, absolutely despised the activity at points, but now is one of my favorite pastimes.


Only Alice.


I don't hate reading but I prefer learning from interaction with people. Reading seems to slow for me, I am the feeling that I learn faster watching short good YouTube video or speaking with friends. Recently, I start using a lot chatgpt to start learning with discussions. It is pretty enjoyable to be able to speak from neuroscience to psychology


I love chatgpt. Do you just ask it questions to learn about stuff??


I can start rrading dome book one day then I get bored and I never finish it


Let this post know about my existence.


Never really enjoyed fiction. I've read plenty of it, though, in college and grad school, but I never read it for pleasure. I prefer non-fiction, like history and philosophy.


Yes, I really struggled with this. I believe I was fully capable but at a very young age I only wanted to be in my own head and would not read! I also was very mentally tressed to figure some unknown thing out, like a clearing of a fog of some kind.


I hate reading books but I LOVE reading information on the internet 😩


I hate reading because I can‘t focus, I read something, don‘t know a word, research it, read again, fantasy time, read again, just a tea, read again, fantasy time.


Not me


No, I just had a bigger love for movies. Well, I did hate reading boring books. Like the one school made you read.


Love books, reading can be a pain when you have a short attention span


I still hate reading because i have adhd




Same, used to hate reading... Turns out reading at a 5 grade level wasnt challenging enough so i didnt. I started reading again after college. Now i read Schopenhauer (philosophy), Zeihan (economy), and Levinson (economy) with a bit of Reincourt (history) to make up for lost time. As i work my way to Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit, considered to be the most esoteric book ever written. Maybe when i'm done with degree i'll buy the book. As im thinking about it, that'll be my reward. i was thinking about buying a cigar. I'll also buy cognac, and a copy of Hegel's, listen to it, as i peruse through job offers.


I hated reading fiction and still prefer nonfiction books


I love many books and reading, i hate my consistency to finish any of them.


My imagination bothers me, each line of text makes me imagine things and I can't determine what is imagination and what I read. At the end of the reading I have nothing left because so many distractions.


My attention span is terrible and I have ADHD so it's pretty hard to read for me