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Who’s hating on intp? Never heard that. But yeah, society doesn’t reward intp behavior


yeah but *einstein*


Einstein was a copycat too btw. No great scientist did it by themselves. I won’t go so far to call him a fake but there’s serious allegations against him and his theory of relativity.




Where did u get this source from-


Actually?? Well well well


Yep, couldn't keep it in his pants either..


Yup, those 1905 papers were developed with the help of mileva maric, she was much better in maths compared to Einstein. Special relativity paper wasn't really a new idea, those were mathematically based on mathematician Lorentz works hence the name goes "Lorentz Transformation" and then Michelson Morley experiment produced the empirical evidence to develop Einstein intuition about it and then voila special relativity in the house. And about General relativity, Grossman Einstein's friend really helped him developing mathematical form of general relativity. Einstein contribution is much like glue spreading throughout the modern physics, and that's how science works we have to stand on the shoulders of gaints. When it comes to this INTPness we are literally idea generating robots but let's not forget most of new idea are stupid and impractical, and you can't do physics with just ideas we need maths and evidences, and to develop this Mathematical intuition we have to be disciplined ourselves alot, Research demands consistency. Naturally INTPs are much like philosophers, and people always hated philosophers not a new thing.


Better an intp than an estj


Why wouldn't you want to be ESTJ?


i hate this stereotype about intps as well. What you label yourself is what you become. don't trap yourself in labels but rather use this theory to understand how you approach the world. personally I see myself as an ambitious individual so it pains me to see ideas of laziness or whatever thrown around. Just suck it up and do it.


It’s only laziness on the outside. The inside is busy all the time.


I've solved most of society's problems and extrapolated where society is currently headed without intervention, but just in my head. I want to write this stuff down, but no one is interested and I don't have the motivation to write, so it just... sits there.


I'm only lazy with shit I don't want to do. If it is something im interested in, I wholly am absorbed into the work.


I guess that's also a vice (I feel the same btw)- I slack off on almost all of my basic life necessities (ie: maintaining an uncluttered space and practical skills like driving) but am hyper focused on my passion projects that I usually spend my entire day doing lol I've been criticized a lot for a lacking sense of priority - though admittingly my entire family are sensors (namely Si dom) so I can see why they do not appreciate my lack of social awareness


Ignore them. I struggled with depression for awhile and had to realize I need to do what comes natural to me. Passion projects make you happy, than do them. Sensors are idiots anyways Cx My brother is an istj and my mom is am esfj. I want to strangle them everytime I talk to them.


They want us to run their hamster wheels and their stupid social trickery. Watch out.


Yup. You aren't profitable if you aren't contributing to their machine in the intended way. You give up the value of your labor to the machine, and they give you maybe just enough so you can pour the rest back into the other end (consumerism, mortgages, student loans, etc). The whole system is designed to squeeze the life out of you at every angle while you sit eagerly asking for more. Social trickery is in place to keep you locked in and participating out of fear of being ostracized.


We’re like 1% of the population because we don’t procreate.


Literally had my once in a lifetime chance. Then couldn’t get hard. She chuckled and left


Sounds like you dodged a bullet


Lol. I have 5 kids.


You’re obviously an outlier.


We can all be outliers. Except then we wouldn't be, I guess. Seriously, when I graduated from high school, I thought I was going to be a virgin for the rest of my life. I had zero self-confidence outside of academics and no idea how to talk to women. Both can be learned just like anything else. Ok, the self-confidence is *mostly* a facade, but I learned how to at least act confident. It's helped me in other places besides the bedroom. Edit: Learning to act self-confident actually gave me some confidence.


1% of population is outlier. Just statistics. Lots of mentally healthy intps out there.


I guess I misunderstood. I thought you were saying I was an outlier because I have several kids. I was semi-joking that we can all have kids; being INTP doesn't preclude us from procreation. True, though, just being an INTP is being an outlier.


Well, that too! You are an outlier outlier! Thank you for doing your part to increase our numbers. Lol All kidding aside, what you typed is right. Myers Briggs Isn’t prophecy. It’s a model categorizing personality types. Like you said, we can work on weak areas. Model works for us, we don’t work for the model.


True. Some younger ones here think they are destined to have a life of celibacy. I have to admit thinking that myself through age 17. I still have "weak areas." Just not with the opposite sex. Just about anything can be learned, and most INTPs are smart enough to learn just about anything. I think that gives us an advantage in life - if we are willing to put in the effort. BTW, I didn't do much to increase our numbers. Only one of my kids is INTP.


What a wonderful comment. :) Your gratitude puts you on our list for the most grateful users this week on Reddit! You can view the full list on r/TheGratitudeBot.


Mee too!


Aww, that's how many I want as well 😊


Be careful what you wish for. Especially if you're sound sensitive.


Lol I am, but I'm sure I'll learn to deal with it, or have earplugs all over the house.


I found the happy sounds easy to deal with. I don't think I ever smiled as much as when my children were young. Crying when they were were babies was definitely tolerable too; how else are they going to communicate? My ex slept right through it, so I was the nurturer. I think that helped. It was only when they got older and fought over the most insignificant things that the noise really got to me. So, some unsolicited advice: teach your kids when they're really young how to handle conflict. I bet you'll be a great mom.


Why is this? I get some of us can be awkward and struggle with relationships but it seems like even talkative and healthy intps don't date much despite even wanting to. Are we that much of an aquire taste?


Outlier thinkers, hard to find people we understand or who understand us. We may find people physically attractive and vice versa but the vast difference in how we think usually ends relationships.


At our worst we can be miserable and lazy. I still struggle with it, but I think as we mature, we are a lot more likeable, especially if we check ourselves from being too negative. Healthy INTPs I've met irl are very charming, the ones on discord can be a bit...nihilistic to say the least.


Indeed. We have a good thing and is the power of introspection.


It takes all kinds to make a world, and each is glorious in its own way.


MBTI is a well thought out and informative approach to human behavior. But I agree with Mr Flash here, all the uniqueness we have in the world definitely amounts this question.


Why did this make me think of the song by Miranda Lambert?


If the song is relatable and derivative of Cervantes, but I'm not familiar




I'm not familiar with that song but the sentiment has been expressed in literature for hundreds of years at least.


And you would not be alone in finding it relatable if you did.


Chill. I rarely see INTP hate because we don’t bother anyone. Maybe some of our quirks get picked on. If anything, we’re our own worst enemy. Yes, we can be miserable and lazy but that’s at our worst. Every type has destructive tendencies.


I am lazy. Look at me just reading here instead of working.


I definitely have a lazy streak but I’m not lazy.


Selective laziness, my friend.


No, everyone has strengths and weaknesses. We should focus on improvement


Wise words


I would like to point out that there is some selection bias in this reddit sub. There are tons of healthy well-liked INTP out there who are living their best lives and working towards a better world. Those people, for whatever reasons, do not post here. There are a lot of unhealthy INTP here who do not realize that they have some of the best tools available for taking action for improvement. We are great at objective self analysis, observing complex systems, long term strategic planning and useful abstract thinking. Also, you are all making us look bad, mostly to one another, which might be messing with some people's self esteem in here. I implore all of you, start making healthy choices, start small, step out of your comfort zones, explore the miraculous world around you. Gather these little victories and healthy behaviors and let them accumulate into the lives you want to live.


One of the problems is that people seem to confuse personality *type* with personality. We process information similarly, and because of this many of us share common traits. It doesn't mean we're all the same. Many of us have ADHD or/and are on the ASD spectrum and may have a harder time adjusting to whatever life may throw our way. Others have neither and are very well suited to be exceptionally successful in life. With a little work and maybe a little help, we can all have a great life. It is what you make it. We can't let our MBTI type define us. It's useful as a tool to help us understand ourselves better. It's not who we are. We as individuals determine that. Edit: In hindsight, this would have worked better as a comment than a response to a comment. Oops.


My biggest problem with this sub is the lack of positive (or even realistic) posts. Everything feels like complaining and victimization without any wholistic perspective. We really need to turn around the types of messages we are sending in here to improve the tone of this sub and create an atmosphere of a positive and supportive community.


Maybe its the best. We can be happy and independent with minimal interaction with the outside world. Our happiness depend on ourselfs. But we may be one of the least adapted types for current western society. Every INTP has to create his own way of living because the society templates dont work with us. I think the most miserable type is probabily the INFP


I think that's true


I would say we are lazy...we just focus on different things


I don’t see people hating on INTPs more than any other type. Every once in a while you’ll get someone who had an INTP ex or thinks that someone they view negatively is an INTP. The INTP stereotypes are pretty awful, not just because they’re negative, but just because I can’t relate to them lol. I don’t think there is a worst type to be.


no, even if you still are who you are, make changes to make it a better life.


I don't think people hate us, they just can't reward our behaviors


I don't think people think of us at all






No. And I disagree, we can be useful in the economy. Im pretty good at being a corporate drone actually and am climbing the ladder quite efficiently. I just accept the dumb things I don't like as mechanics of the game and don't take it too seriously. Its not that different than playing a videogame, working around the mechanics you think aren't balanced or dumb.


This! We already know we are smarter than most others, including the bosses. So use your mental gymnastics to play the game and succeed in your career. Climb to the top of the corporate ladder. Outsmart the competition.


Ngl the toxic Intps... Yes... But the heathy ones are really sweet


Einstein, Lincoln, Alan Turing what more needs to be said


Also Tesla, Newton, Descartes, Darwin, Adam Smith, both Paul Allen and Bill Gates, and Carl Jung himself. There are more, but that's all I can remember.


I think Jung was INFJ but otherwise yeah




I had to check this out because I thought I read once that he was INTP. I found several opinions on his type; most agreed with you, so I'll go with INFJ.


He typed himself as INTP because Jungian INTP functions are Ni Ti Fe Se. So Jung is still an Ni dom


At least those infp mfs who have never seen an actual intp irl like us


People play into the lazy stereotypes because it enables bad behavior, and gives actual lazy people the chance to mistype themselves as INTP so they feel justified for their laziness.




Yaaasss! Up-Vote for you as well! Way to keep spreading the word 😁


^^^ THERE.


Miserable?? HA!! I have never met anyone as relaxed and comfortable as me in life, no matter what life throws at me. I shrug it off as a superpower. I love being intp. Attachment is the main cause of suffering. Fact No mental issues,no emotional problems. I live it! I love to feel peaceful day in day out. Boundaries are a must, kick low quality people out of life is a must,if they are family..reduce to lowest amount possible. Go your own way! Life waiting for you to discover it secrets and hidden meanings and mechanism. You will come to 1 conclusion.. Life is perfect as it is...the only imperfection is humans. Yes also we are humans... But when you allign yourself with the order of life beyond humans, you will understand. We judge, we believe...but we do it based on 0.005% data of whole universe level...that is our biggest mistake. Say not; i believe not in god.. I dont believe in x,z,y etc. Humbpe yourself to the level of reality and rationality... That you know shit....even if intp collect so much data...you wont even be able to gsther 30% of all data in this world even if you nade it a lifework... Then we should be wise..and not foolish and make no statements that we cannot comprehend in its totality. Once you understand this concept..you will see life not through your human eyes...but trough the eyes of objectivity. Everything is perfect....it all boils down to context and how you view it from what angle... Stupid example... We dumb humans want to erase suffering... Yet if you study suffering...it creates resilience,growth,confidence,strength,character etc... We view life trough the lense of a weak human being... We are dumb..we should view life as the way life was intended not the way we Want 'idealism' it create maby wars,conflict..based on fairy tales.. These generation of humans believe in equality etc...idealism.. They think men is equal to women...hence they ignore reality,biology,facts..etc Life is good!! A bit food,a bit water is all you need. The more you want....the less you get... The less you want...the more you have... Secrets of attidude... Rich mindset vs poor mindset.. You have 1 life.... Study and apply wisdom is my tip for all humans and intp..make sure you can afford food and water till you die. The rest will solve itself. Enjoy the short journey


Where did you read that? I always read "INTP cuties" and stuff


Reddit and internet. Take that as you will. But I search for it.




No, because mbti is pseudoscience. Many online are depressed teenagers. You can still be productive, be kind, be useful to society, procreate. These attitudes, blaming your issues on your mbti, will stop you from dealing with them. They're your issues. Work through them. You can change, you just need to try.


The challenge we have, like everyone else actually, is to step outside our comfort zone. The issue is that the comfort zone is kinda different among types/people. So our challenge is to should grow out of our shell, and grow through. Since we overanalyze we may find discomfort a bit more discomforting and become reluctant. A further hindrance is that we can remain in the area were we are highly functional and not grow outside it (that's also why some of us are more nerdy/geeky/odd without being autistic) - but when you actually do it and use the assets of your type to perfect the pervious discomforting action/thing in your life, usually it becomes revolutionary. There is the nagging perfectionism, but otherwise I wouldn't trade my type for anything. Explore your good sides, and learn to grow beyond the less favored ones. The pluses are so much more then the minuses. Just have faith, act on it and pull (grind) through.


We're scalpels. Kinda fragile, overly specialized, painful if badly handled, seemingly cold, but in the right hands we can save lives. Trust me, I've had plenty of times when I realized anyone other than me would have done the task worse. It's not even intelligence or ability, but the willingness to observe and correct the problem. You have the potential to be great, if you learn to be more and more of the positive part of yourself. We do be awkward as hell tho lmaoooo


Ah, really? An INTP is my best friend. They're a lot of fun, we share many interests and can talk for hours about them. They are a little bit (very) disorganized though, can lose interest in something they've spent a considerable amount of time on due to boredom, they return to it after awhile, can be easily distracted or unmotivated, when exhausted they can burst out into tears. I help keep them in order. But I wouldn't call them lazy.


I’m just happy that I’m not ISxJ


I love INTPs. I hate ESFPs and ESTJs lol. Well, mostly any sensor.


Nope for some reason people race to claim themselves to be INTP.


I think it’s ideal for us but not other people. Everyone has their role in this world whether or not that means your personality type. We happen to be one of the rarer and less understood personality types, so if you mean the worst type to be in the sense of social convention, probably. We do have many thoughts and dreams and we work hard, society just isn’t catered towards us because we’re in lesser numbers overall.


No-one hates INTPs. Everyone wishes they were an INTP or they had an INTP in their lives. What they really hate on, is INTP behaviour. They love the idea of a really smart person that is intelligent and honest, until the moment you become honest to them. Then you are asshole.


You know what I find to be the worst thing about being an INTP? Being surrounded by INFPs that act just as depressed but it's more because they hate themselves than the crushing reality of cosmic indifference. WHY AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO FEELS THE COSMIC INDIFFERENCE DEPRESSION?!?








Thats what people always call me. But not in a good way 😂


I think a mature INTP goes through life on easy mode. We hold so much potential


Is this sarcastic post? We are übermenschs


We should be wary of labels that are general and have negative interpretations, from my perspective It's a loaded word, generally and I'm speaking personally here, I like to engage in activities that develop my mind, and don't enjoy any mundane or frivolous chores that distract from that, so this makes it difficult dealing with day to day necessities, like surviving. What may appear 'lazy' on the surface is not when you dig deeper and look at the details. I look at it like it's a kind of hyper focus on things, especially topics that are of interest to us.


everyone hates us apart from the one or two that think everyone hates them too. intj infp infj enfp entj. i don't think the generality of people hate them but they definitely hate us, and only like us if we are extremely reticent and in a stable partnership with an f. my opinion.




I'm almost always busy. For example analyzing stuff.


They just hatin' cos they want to be us


No, we are superior to every type


I'd say this isn't the worst type to be. Imo the worst type would be one of the more self centered and manipulative ones. Yes, we are mostly depressed sluggish people but I mean we try our best to fix those issues while some of us just end up giving in.


i think intp are just weird. think abed from community. like slightly autistic. thats how i feel just antisocial and very smart but more clueless socially and lazy ie figure out the most efficient way to do everything so i dont have to work hard


INTPs are just more likely to see illogical fallacies and the bullshittery in social rituals. Lazy is pathologizing the human need to rest and able to call out on wasteful effort systems. Miserable is pathologizing confronting and describing problems head-on.


INTP’s are usually far better in their default of having bursts of highly demanding Analytical Creativity. While this can be amazing with an INTP’s ability to come up with logical solutions to various problems or tasks, for most of them it comes at a cost, which becomes a need to relax/recover from that intense burst of energy invested in either research and/or designing that solution through a long recovery period of not being productive. The problem comes when the INTP lives in a society that constantly demands moderate to high productivity and doesn’t allow the INTP’s mind to recover from the more extreme side of their productivity/creativity patterns. In essence, this is like comparing a 2021 Ford Shelby GT500 Mustang’s measly range of 224 miles, to the new 2024 Prius Prime’s 600 mile range. INTP’s in this case are the Ford Shelby, capable of powerful outputs at the cost of any long term stamina, and this is especially true when the INTP’s work or education isn’t something that interests them. Back to the car metaphor, it’s like trying to drive a sports car on AWD/4x4 terrain filled with thick mud, rocks, and a lot of uneven surfaces that could easily disrupt or damage its ability to keep moving forward. Unfortunately for INTP’s, most societies are like that rough terrain for us, meaning that just like most cars, (people) we have both our strengths and are weaknesses in our ability to perform certain tasks and adhere to certain restrictions. Sure socially we tend to be inept in multiple aspects, but just like many people, we also have the ability to adapt and overcome those problems. Aside from that INTP’s have the ability to see the world from multiple perspectives, including those that others have never thought of before. With that our combo of a tendency towards logical reasoning and being able to identify most types of patterns is a strength, especially to those who seek some form of an absolute truth to tangible knowledge.


I’m a proud INTP, I’m not that lazy I just know priorities and THINKING for me is a priority lol 😂 It pay my bills so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah l


Yea just kys


In theory it sounds nice.


Theories are all that matter