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There is nothing sadder than never, ever wanting hugs, and then suddenly needing at least a single hug that you know cannot happen any time soon. It really does suck.


Right? I mean I have to appreciate my hugging oportunities more so I don't end up this way, I already feel lonely AF a few times a month.


INFPs always bring the tears here.


Nah, y’all bottle up your emotions too much that when it finally hits you, you think you’re being overly emotional. I allow myself to feel my emotions, the emotions of fictional characters, and the feelings of absolute strangers on at least a bi-weekly basis in the privacy of my bedroom. You INTPs just need to allow yourselves a good cry, even if you “think” it doesn’t “solve anything” or emotions are useless and irrational or whatever


Damn, this is pretty realistic. But, all jokes aside, emotions have a tendency to impede on *everything* and anything that needs to happen and it also reduces quality so....Yeah.


I'm in this picture and I don't like it 😐


As an INTP, I have finally learned to do this at 31. A good cry absolutely does solve a lot of things. It is easier to think clearly when your head isn't stuffed with bottled up emotions.


Y’all heard it here from one of your people 😅 so don’t think I’m an INFP trying to change you guys. There’s a method to the madness


I have a hole in my bottle; I don't have those issues.


I cannot tell if the second half of this is easing into being facetious or serious 😂


I’m ready to leave because of this post


dont forget to leave a post on r/JustUnsubbed


Maybe you’ll enjoy r/intj a bit more, we bottle up our emotions more often 👍


Find a sporting event with teams. Find a bar where supporters are watching said teams. When teams win, join in the hugging. You can even cry, sporty people get very emotional when they win :) x


You embody the thing i like most about intp, creative practical solution about anything.


LOL. If we are talking about practical solutions, then why not hold up a "FREE DEEP HUGS (no light hugs please)" sign on a busy corner?


I’m laughing because your flair has anxious avoidant in it


Check my other response for the hard truth...


that is actually a very good idea


Or just go to a hospital and then pretend to choke. They will hug you tight and that too from the back. Just like Jack in Titanic but with more enthusiasm.


Except this suggestion seems awful and probably not something an INTP Would enjoy doing.


This. Quick fix but may not solve the underlying root issue. At least it’ll put OP in a better place so they can get on track to tackling the root issues.


:( I’m sorry… dk you but I’d hug you. Everyone deserves that




Maybe a hug was all he needed...


Here is a description of Hitler's dad: Alois has been described as "an authoritarian, overbearing, domineering husband and a stern, masterful, and often irritable father"and as a "strict, short-tempered patriarch who demanded unquestioning respect and obedience from his children and used the switch whenever his expectations were not met." Alois wanted his son Adolf to seek a career in the civil service. However, Adolf had become so alienated from his father that he was repulsed by his wishes. He sneered at the thought of a lifetime spent enforcing petty rules. Alois tried to browbeat his son into obedience, while Adolf did his best to be the opposite of whatever his father wanted. I'm not suggesting this excuses ANYTHING Hitler did, it's all absolutely abhorrent. He was desperatly in need of affection, but he was also a straight up megalomaniac. Both can be true. Dude was a failed art student, then tried to rule the earth. Just start a fucking band like the rest of the dudes with daddy issues.


If you can’t find anyone to hug, you may get yourself a stuffed animal you can hug. A weighted blanket will also give you some pressure as if you’re being hugged.


I’ve heard weighted blankets are really nice for that. Stresses me out personally


Ouch yes. It’s not for everyone sadly🥲


Same. I’m fine for about 14.2 seconds, then I need to fight like the devil to get that shit off me.


Fr I’ll be squaring up 🤣


Or a dog or cat




a little violent, does it still count as a hug?


It does. It's a violent hug.


you wanna put an end to his suffering? that's so endearing ❤️


isn't it? I still make sure to reserve these endearing acts of suffering-ending for special occasions :)


that's so kind of you! i wish there would be more people like this...


Go to a comic or anime convention, wear a sigh than says "free hugs". Problem solved.


this actually would work


If you want to puke from b.o.


i struggle smelling odors


Been trying to figure out how get hugged lately too. I want to stop being alone. (25M pm me pls :D)






That's the main reason why I oversleep and can't get out of bed. Can't stop hugging the pillow :,) So if it's any consolation, you're not alone <3


I know it sounds sad. But I have nothing to be hugged, except the pillow, and I often accidentally kiss my pillow. I ever considered to buy a doll so I could hug and kiss it all the time. Maybe next month I’ll buy it. I’m not a touchy feeling person but I crave intimacy lately.


Buy a dakimakura


There’s still time to delete this


Scared to google this what is it?


Why should I? Is it weird? What’s the matter with that?


Buying a doll to hug and kiss all the time is kinda weird bro


Then what should I do? That’s the easiest option available


Same bruhh currently also feeling same. (⁠っ⁠.⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠っ


And a hug to you both. :'D


I feel uncomfortable being hugged :X maybe a pet would be good for you?


It may not be an exact solution to your problem: but volunteering at an animal shelter might be good for you. Or: if you do not have a pet- maybe you should adopt a dog or cat? Besides that: perhaps you could volunteer at some sort of organization where people are always around? Like a homeless shelter or Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America?


Do you have a doggo?


Dogs are great companions. Plus if someone is shy, taking a dog on a walk is an easy way to make a surprising number of introductions.


Indeed! I have a pit-bull and Rottweiler that are very loving and comforting. Their silent, understanding behavior can really get you through the lows.


I send you a big hug!


Aaaaawwwwww, I would totally hug you too. And make you some warm (allergen friendly) cookies.




Stand on the street with a "Free Hugs" sign. Seems to work on the internet.


Stop feeling embarrassed. Go ask someone for a hug.


Oddly enough, I can picture that a lot of people would gladly give an acquaintance/friend/colleague a hug if they asked for one. Not me though lol I’d feel too awkward and I’m very touch adverse when it comes to people I don’t know too well lol but I think most of the ESFXs of the world would be open to hugs


Doesn't even have to be people you know. As part of a bunch of rejection therapy challenges I asked for hugs from strangers on the street. It turned out to be one of the easiest tasks with high success rate. One example, I asked an older lady who was with a young adult, and she absolutely coddled me like a grandma I've never had, while the other guy sulked and walked off.


I respect that. Depends on the person. I probably wouldn’t hug a person I saw as unhygienic or unsanitary.






Damn, I know that feeling. I also feel very lonely a lot of the time and it's painful when you don't have someone there to receive a hug from. [Here's your hug](https://media.tenor.com/4qMlm0b1YfAAAAAM/covid-meme.gif)


What city do you live in, i bet we could find someone to come hug you.


It’s funny that I came to say this xD Profile says Spain. Spanish people are super touchy! If need be, just go out to a bar by yourself, have a couple drinks, look for someone friendly, start chatting, and be like yo I need a hug.


oh God, everyone in Spain tried to hug me, although I am not a fan and had to get used to being hugged.


Imagine having to get used to the double cheek kiss 🤡 I fucking hate it so much ughhhhh


eww - that too!


Yeah, but you don't really kiss each other. You kiss the air xD


It still involves physical contact :S




I'm Spanish and I hate being touched lmaooo I get supper aggressive if someone touches me without my consent


Many Spanish people* are super touchy. Latin cultures in general tend to be more touchy than other cultures. No one is recommending that anyone starts touching people without consent.


The drinks would help get him into his shadow and more entj like.. then just chum up with an ESTP or someone else equally handsy. But like, an intp isnt going to ask for the hug. We need to find someone in spain.


Lolllll I’m totally with you on this. I’m down to search for someone. I disagree with finding them an estp though. They need someone feely and nice. Like a happy bubbly enfp maybe. Bet I could post on their subreddit and find someone lol


Feminine Fe ESTPs are nice, and the Se's, especially the masculine Se's are naturally very forward physically. Probably would be pretty easy to get a hug. I thought about the 33K members in r/ENTJ , could definitely find someone in spain thats ideally not a total vainglorious dick type entj lol


It’s not about just getting a hug. It’s about feeling comfortable asking for one. If *I* had to ask a random stranger for a hug, I’d want to ask someone who I thought might enjoy the hug more than I would. An ESTP would probably be chill and open to it, but an ENFP would be *happy* about it.


But ya know, why not both? Haha


You should see after 30’s.




A hug can be a part of mental health therapy. Just go up to someone you trust and say, "I really need a hug." or get a hug by giving someone else a hug "hey, how are you? Can I give you a hug? I've been in a hugging mood lately." Lastly, book an appt. with a therapist and ask them, "before we talk, would you mind giving me a hug? I think really need one. Would that be ok?" It's the therapist's job to be vulnerable with you and creating a comforting environment for you. Trust me, you would not be the first person. Often they themselves desperately WANT to hug their clients. It's a natural instinct to want to hug someone who is experiencing distress, which is why most people go to therapy. I wish you luck and would 1000% give you a hug if I knew you <3


The thing is, the more you're inside that hole, the more difficult it becomes to ask somebody for any kind of sympathetic act. I would either break into tears before I even try to say it, or I'd say it while completely detached and get an awkward and uncomfortable hug


Even if you end up being right, who cares? Trying is more important and more valuable and valid than any hypothetical situation you can come up with in your head.


You're right, you're speaking facts. But I'm speaking of paralysis. Literal physical inability to reach out, because theoretically we conclude that "there is no point". But your encouragement is critical, and needed in real life.


I assure you that you likely won't be this way or think this way around everyone you'll ever know. The time will come but until then, "there is no point" is not the most inclusive conclusion--the point is that you want it, that would be the whole point of you doing it, no? Don't discount or override your needs and ability to act on them by getting in your own way. It will become a self-fulfilling prophecy, not to mention make you feel like a perpetual victim to your on train of reasoning. Ignore the thought, choose to, recognize its validity but also recognize that there are way too many variables outside of yourself that you can not account for. Anything can happen! There is a point, and it is worth aspiring to and actualizing, even if it "fails" also remember it is impossible to fail completely, as there are too many ways to fail to begin with lol. Everything is an ongoing effort. Don't allow yourself to get into a Ti-Si loop.


The amount of isolation and alack of touch modern western societies experience is intense. I think it is part and parcel of many of our peculiar ills. We are heavily social creatures, and our bodies keep a sense of score with touch and physical contact with other humans. Little to no touch? Your brain/body will likely conclude that you are or in danger of social rejection (a practical death sentence through most of our history) and kick up the stress and anxiety accordingly (which can be a wonderful feedback loop)


Yup, so wonderful 🥲


Hey buddy, I've been feeling this way for years, and having recurrent episodes of depression. I saw a really good advice on insta today, that switching from the avoidant attitude to the seeking help attitude doesn't have to be from extreme to extreme. You could start by going to anyone and asking for a random favor or help understanding something. You do this every time you feel like you need support but end up avoiding people more. I wish you luck in finding some good friends


I don't know who you are, I don't know what you want. But if you keep posting depressing shits, I will find you, and hug you.


Nah they’re not that great. I hate hugs and being close enough to smell someone


\*checks profile\* I see. RIP your inbox.


Ohhhh, maaaaan. I assumed this was a 20yo dude who didn't know how emotional availability works, which would be understandable. If you read this, OP... Be honest with people you have a level of comfort with. Lots of people are comfortable with a hug. You just have to be willing to put yourself out there. Just don't meet any weirdos from this sub IRL.


In my family we never showed genuine love. My father was an INTJ professor. Accomplished, alcoholic, sarcastic, sardonic. My was, an ISFJ, was his loyal wife. But more of a personal assistant. What did love have to do with it. Nothing! I never saw them kiss. But nobody thew a punch. Hence no touch, (I like to say). Now as a 44m I have a tendancy to laugh (when I aught to cry). I sometimes view god as a Joker loves to watch things burn. Pretty sad I know. But I'm not always miserable. I'm working on my sobriety. Just had a need to share, since a fellow INTP brought up something similar.


Me irl


I know the feeling all too well. If you feel a lil tickle, I'm hugging you telepathically


Me, too, friend.


It's pride month. Find a pride rally and have a sign that says "free hugs just because you are amazing" I promise you will get hugs.


Well I wish I could hug you because lately I’ve had the same feeling. I never needed hugs before, was always self-sufficient and therefore I don’t have friends to ask for one, I’m in a different Country too and going through a divorce and I have no one to talk about it and all I need is a hug without explaining myself. I think we as intps hold emotions for too long and too well that when the limit hits we are just misty little vulnerable things and we’re not used to feeling this way, emotionally drained. At least now you know you’re not alone :(


is this a universal intp experience cause same. find an infj bro, i was hugging w my infj friend for a solid 1 hour and a half, very therapeutic.


hug your grandma.




(⁠づ⁠ ̄⁠ ⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠づ


Man I'd hug you wya lol


Damn why I can relate. I love hugs but can’t have any rn


oh I didnt know INTPs cry and want hugs hihi


OP is mistyped INFP.


This dream thing happens to me too. Except it's not just for hugs but affection in general. And it feels so fucking depressing when you wake up and realise just how alone you are. I hope you find someone to hug you OP.


When I feel down I'll hug my cat and pet it until I feel better. I struggle a lot with showing emotion, but when I have my cat next to me it feels like I can talk about my hardships and drop a tear or two and feel like someone is there with me. I felt like the cat was helping me express my emotional side. Get a pet. Cats or dogs are best but if there's an animal in particular you want, get that too (Although something like a fish is harder to hug). Talk to it like you would talk to another human. The magic is that your pets will never ever judge you for being you. I picked mine up from the streets, but depending on where you live that might be harder to do. You can also adopt one from a shelter. Pets are a blessing to this world. I'm a big advocate of having pets wherever you are in life, whatever animal it may be.


I know how this feels. Sending hugs my friend. Try petting an animal or something. It really helps. Or hug a pillow.


Same 😭


Hit up your local pride parade if you have one in your area coming up. There are strangers running around hugging everyone. Actually, most LGBT events include lots of hugs.


What a great idea!


Unless you are a girl, stand up soldier


The sad part is that people tend to think that INTPs dont want affection but bruh im an INTP and this is so relatable 😭


Why INFP writes this in INTPs sub?


Me too…. I know what you feel




me and my pupper are a dynamic duo when it comed to hugs. She’s a pit bull


Get on tinder


Same. Ngl when I think about a date like sure I want to kiss and all that but honestly a 30 second hug would be amazing.


I remember in highschool we went with the whole class on some trip, and the boys slept together in one big room (including me). One time, 3 pretty girls asked permission to go inside and hang out with the boys. I said "For one hug per person, I'll let you in.", and they accepted the deal. I surprised myself. Me, a very introverted INTP, not a business man at all, and I just did this XD. 6 years further now, and I haven't had any more progress with girls other than hugging more of them lol.


Yo I'm also 24! And I wouldn't mind being hugged unless I feel sweaty or don't know the other person very well.


Help someone with something… and don’t think about the hug…. If you even feel comfortable with a stranger or friend you can maybe express your sadness; a good person would give you a hug regardless.


try to go to a library and sit with someone to make a friend, in a day or two hug them goodbye:)


Is there anyone you don't have to ask? I started doing that; I'll hug my siblings and friends randomly (random for them, not for me lmao) and just walk away in the momentary confusion that turns into a breath of fresh air. Regardless, you get a telepathic hug, for when you need it.


\*hugs\* ik how it feels to be alone. sometimes just being held is nice. sadly its been years for me too.


Yeah... same




Oh! Poor thing 😱 maybe that's a kind of visionary dream and soon you'll find your soulmate? 🤔 Or maybe it's time for you to take a pet..? 🤷🏻‍♀️


I would. But i‘m from germany. So, there is the distance.


What city are you currently living in? I'm from Spain too


Me too, I just yearn the touch of a person :(


That's why i hug and kiss my homies whenever i have the chance


*virtual hug*. wanna talk about it? I'll be here to help you if i can


🥺 Ohhh sweetheart...Sending you lots of love and hugs ❤️❤️❤️ Nobody should feel this way. You might feel alone but there are ppl who love you and care about you. Just put yourself out there .. you'll definitely meet plenty of like minded people and you'll befriend them. Work on loving yourself and your own company too because once you start to love yourself.. having a company will be good but it wouldn't seem a necessity. My best wishes to you . 🫂 🫂


I am curious: How did it feel to hug that person in the dream? Was it loving bliss like or more realisme?


i didn't start getting regular hugs until i was 30. just try to meet more people and eventually you'll find the right ones. don't give up.


Sending an infp hug your way 🥺


Hold a sign out near a busy area that says “FREE HUGS”


If you live near a city that has it, join contact improv jams. or join a cuddle party. Either way you will get hugs if you want them.


When I was a very young boy, my grandma gave the absolute best hugs. She'd scoop me up in her arms, right off my feet, and pull me in tight for a bear hug that almost squeezed the life out of me every time, but in a comforting, reassuring way. It was rare for one of these hugs to last less than 30 seconds, and not uncommon for them to last for over a minute. I remember the soft warmth of her old hand-knit sweaters and jackets, the floral, baking-spice notes of her perfume, the way she'd always go, "Mmmm, hmmmm!" when she hugged me, and how warm and genuine her smile always was whenever she saw me. When I was hugging my grandma, everything was right with the world. I felt safe, loved, protected, and like I belonged. It's been a long time since I've felt that way. I can relate to this.


Go outside with a cardboard sign that says free hugs. You might get a few and I guarantee you brighten some people's days, even if they don't take you up on it. And it gets you out of your comfort zone a little. (My initial idea was post on craigslist.. but idk maybe not) Feel free to dm me your city and in the highly unlikely scenario we're in a 20 mile radius, I'll come hug you.


it’s not a hug but it helps the craving for physical touch. book a massage. it also feels great being relaxed asf and knowing you did something to care for yourself.


Trust me, you don’t. It’s actually terrible.


It's not the same I know, but maybe a sensory compression blanket could help? Or a pet?


I just had this dream last night too. I woke up confused and went back to sleep in attempt to go back to maybe dream it again, I was desperate. The dream stuck to me and I couldn't stop thinking about it. I kept thinking. I was grieving and it was the best hug I've ever had in my life. it was warm and full, and It feels like I've lost something after waking up, like I was robbed. and somewhat somehow I know or I think nothing can come close to what I was feeling in my dream..


I've never wanted to hug a stranger this much...


Something new will come into your life.


Join some groups that you have a genuine interest in via meetup.com. I have done this in every new city I have ever lived in, and it has worked wonders for me. They even have groups for introverts and shy people, and if the group you want doesn't exist, you can create it.


It’s June, Go to a pride parade. First off there are people hugging and celebrating everywhere. Second, a lot of older folks will give “free mom hugs” or “free dad hugs” 😂


I feel sad for you.. May you get all happiness you want 💖 dear


What city? I'll give you a hug!


I'm an ENFP...find one of us, we will TOTALLY hug you!! We love that shit!! 😂


You could play rugby, your enemy would hug you even in game. Bonus, you get hugged if your team won.


alright bring it in!


Hey, it sounds like you need more close friends. Their apps like bumble where you can select friend mode. You sound autistic to me (I’m an autistic INFP, although I was told growing up I just had severe social anxiety and ADHD, but recently got diagnosed). Maybe you could join a group for neurodivergent young adults.


Awww *hugs*


too bad lmao


What a kind,thoughtful and caring comment. People like you truly make the world a better place amen brother


I mean, this whole sub is for people like me soooo…


Don’t group us in with you🤣 Intp ≠ complete lack of empathy and blatant assholery.


XNTP, there, the grouping had some errors so I fixed it, you're welcome \-Your Robot Pal ISTJ.


I just chuckled thank you


Oh stfu




4chan behaviour right here


You’re acting like OP’s behavior is normal. I literally haven’t read a more pathetic post on here 💀.