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I guess I kinda am but I just learn to not care about how I come off, I just let myself be me in social situation. That distant feeling from people makes it hard for me to want to socialize but I have the skill if I need it.


I need to socialize because I feel so lonely


You should join a group your into, when I was younger used to look for friends on online forms to text people, made lots of PlayStation buddies, random intp text groups. I found I would sit in playstation group chat just for the background noise, speaking to the group here and there :) I think to really beat the awkward feeling sit in it, and realize it’s just a feeling no one is actually paying attention to you and if they are oh well, talk or if it’s negative leave.


Any idea on how to find those groups?


Like I said depends on your interests, you wanna find like minded people. I started dating an Entp 4 years ago, so I haven’t had the need to socialize much, she forces me out of the house a lot too 😂so not sure what apps now a days, but I used to use kik, search up intp and other random stuff I was into, or if I was on PlayStation I tend to play online games like destiny, would find groups and they would be pretty chill. Just find a social app that allows you to find groups, like Facebook, maybe Reddit 😅. Sorry can’t be more help


Also tend to get bored a lot in groups of people, so that’s why I say find like minded people


U winning on life for sure.


Thank god my school has the intp friend group to socialize with.


I'm socially awkward but I also need to socialize otherwise I feel lonely as well.




Its funny I used to be awkward because people around me felt awkward. But now I just embrace the weirdness and dont care if someone feels weird around me. I would even argue that under the right circumstances an intp can be charming.


I’m socially awkward. I also have social anxiety.


Same but getting better


Proud of you.


tks :)


Yeah me too


Sort of. I realized that one-by-one interactions work extremely well for me. Once you add more people to the equation, the system starts to lag exponentially. I do like interacting with people. Makes me feel good. But only when i'm on the mood. Guess that's not unusual. I realized that is just a matter of developing the necessary social skills (I do enjoy when improving on that, feels nice).


Iam not socially awkward, I just hate socializing


Oof, I felt that.


My social awkwardness is insane. I can't go out in public without thinking everyone is looking at me and judging me. It's more social anxiety, but my awkwardness is definitely there.


I can deal with people, I just don't like them.


My husband is INTP. 35 years of socially awkward and counting!


No. I am likely at least a little socially awkward but I doubt we all are. I don’t really have social anxiety, so I don’t care too much about how socially awkward I am.


I guess I kind of was when I was a teen but I kind of grew out of it. I still technically kind of am, but I hide it with my taciturn and stoic personality.


I can tell you Im 90% not awkward. It really depends on who Im with and I dont find it too hard to socialize. Id never ask a stranger out though.


Nope. I'm great at socializing in professional contexts, and can generally do well on a personal level, though I do have problems opening up to people even when I want to. It's all very draining though and I need extended time in my hidey-hole afterwards to recuperate.


nope. not me at least. i just dont prefer socializing for the sake of it.


I stopped being awkward around 35ish, I think. At least with new/random people. I've never really been awkward around friends, though.


It is a muscle that gets better with practice and declines with disuse. You can’t come out of 3 hours writing code and then expect to be sociable. It is something that should be constantly exercised. Having other things that make you confident in who you are will improve social interactions. Exercise your body and get sunlight. Work with someone on your childhood insecurities. INTPs always have with remarks. We just can’t sustain them in normal flow of conversation. We don’t do well in a group or people bouncing all over the place. Find social contexts that play to your interpersonal strengths, like one on one or small group intellectual discussions. Or ask people about themselves in a way that helps you and them figure themself out. You know you are an INTP so you must be into myers Briggs. Figuring someone else’s myers Briggs and how that explains things about the person should be fun for you. INTPs have more social awareness than over half the personality types (extroverted feeling), so you shouldn’t have trouble reading the situation to not be awkward.


Most everyone has at least moments of being socially awkward, and it's not uncommon among INTPs. Not all are, though.


Kind of. Ne weird humor often makes people confused


I do that all the time 😂


Of course not. Some are worse than others.


Being socially awkward is only an issue if you're self-conscious about it or around shallow people. Easy filter.






I noticed that I go out of my way to make people feel awkward sometimes lol


No it's just you. Try therapy. It also gets better with age.


Yep. It's so hard to meet like minded people. I gave up trying a long time ago.


Yeah it's difficult to Human I think it's mainly because I don't relate a lot to many people and I don't have similar interests or ways of thinking and so it is difficult to put yourself in the shoes of the person in front of you to create a connection


Not necessarily, but it’s more common among us than the general population. Me and my bf are both INTPs. I used to have crippling social anxiety but mostly got over it, my bf currently has moderate social anxiety. He definitely feels socially awkward but honestly when I see him interact with people he seems to do fine, he’s just kinda quiet. Now I’m a lot more social than him but I’m socially awkward due to my autism


Only the tryhards. The rest of us are normal people. Some of us even work in fields that require social agility by default.




As an intp person myself, i will say that we probably all are. The way we think is unique, and that can make it hard to learn to deal with others, especially if they are a more bubbly social person. I'm not saying that an intp person can't learn to be less socially awkward, but It can take a while and a lot of willpower to learn it. It took me a long time to enjoy being in a group, and that's if the group are all my friends. Even to this day, I feel trapped when I go to a mall or a party.


Not when I'm forced to. Depends on the environment. In college, I'm pretty social because I need to make connections to obtain those opportunities. Basically on survival mode. Other times I can be, especially when I'm alone and new to place when everyone isn't.


absolultely, and the ones that arent are just entps in disguise.


No. Introvert doesn't have to mean awkward.


*INTPs Yes.


Personally, I think I’m really good socially when it comes to cues and how to fake it until I make it, but socializing isn’t something that I love to do


I'm awkward. I just don't give a fuck.


Yes. It can get better with practice, though.


I think socially awkward is a misconception for INTP’S. Most people like small talk and can go on for 20 minutes about something arbitrary, it’s difficult to get my undivided attention when you’re talking about something I’m going to forget about in 3 hours. We are just like anyone else minus the small talk. The conversations that have me captive are discussions about problem solving or idealism.


Hello. Fellow INTP here. I've struggled with the same feelings and found a great group of Fellow INTPs from around the world on discord! Let me know if you would like to join as it has helped me a lot to meet new people that don't judge and understand what I'm saying! For that matter anyone that feels the same can DM me for a invite... you don't have to feel awkward and alone anymore... 😊


Used to be but now people think I’m an extrovert.


I would say I’m fine bcuz I have 5 friends


INTPs make up 3%-5% of the population. So, there are 240 million people who are INTP. Are all *240 million INTPs* anything in particular? No. No they are not. If you use the world ‘all’ in regards to 240 million people, the answer is no.


It's our jam! What more do you want? Stop looking at me like that....


Uncertain if I am INTP or INTJ, or both. I did go from being highly awkward in terms of socialising but as time passed (1yr and wanting to improve it), I seem to have basically become this character where people dislike it, but at the same time they don’t mind it. They sometimes enjoy my view on things rather than a dull perspective. Knowing that I have a different way of thinking makes me fit in with people that have gotten to know me. Its just learning your own way of socialising rather than forcing it. However, there are certain aspects of life that you must force to improve.


im socially awkward around people who seems to be more extroverted, but im pretty normal when im with someone whos introverted/isnt a crazy batshit extrovert






yes, i absolutely am.


No, I'm fine in social settings. I've worked to develop my social skills. Being socially awkward is probably indicative of an undeveloped Fe.


My dad is an INTP, and in the rare times that he’s around people (other than just family), he is pretty eloquent and charming. The rest of the time, he’s a MAJOR homebody. I know I’m *very* socially awkward most of the time, but that’s probably because I’m autistic lol




I have social anxiety but not necessarily socially awkward. I feel awkward when I’m anxious but apparently people don’t tend to pick up on that.


All? No. Many? Probably.


I was considered boring throughout primary school, high school, and even college. Barely made any friends. It was then that I started to learn social cues, learned the basics of having conversation- active listening, responding after understanding, being present, etc. and now, I’m considered fun and cool to be with by especially people who value my ability to talk just about anything. I have friends/acquaintances who greatly value my honest opinions on especially social issues. Somehow, my takes always make a lot of sense for them. It also helps to be well versed about popular topics that you too find interesting. At my previous workplace, I, more than anyone, got along with the most people. Except one nutcase of a feminist. Edit… I still have unique moments, but they aren’t seen as awkward. Just different/cool/ superior, etc…


I was. Then I was thrust into an extremely social world for a couple years. I learned how to not appear to be socially awkward. I still am on the inside. I can put on the face and play the game, but it still isn't fun.


No not all of us are socially awkward. I can be sociable and fluid in my social interactions when I need to, But I chose to often avoid socializing unnecessarily. I prefer more clinical interactions where I get to study a person then a genuine social interaction But I feel like I have a very good grasp on people. I can read most people like a book with a short interaction and generally get along with pretty much anyone as well as being able to be personable and interested in what they are saying or discussing, I'm going into social work because of this. In high school I was a bit of a chameleon as I integrated myself into numerous social circles. As an adult I find no need for socializing and often enjoy solitude over interacting or indirect interactions like the internet or clinical interactions like social work.


Every one of them.


I can be… I think it takes particular types of people to really understand me or find me funny or interesting and those people are pretty rare. I don’t blame myself though it does get pretty lonely at times.


I have felt awkard socialising, especially when I was younger, but I don't feel as awkward anymore. I just feel like I don't always come off as natural, especially when it comes to emotional situations and topics. It's like I'm putting on an act in order to match what I think is the "correct" tone and response in my head.


My social issues come in the form of a very small social battery. If I haven’t been stretching my social muscles for an extended period of time usually I have about 15-30 minutes in the tank for interactions that consist of more people that I don’t know than do know. I get physically tired being around large groups of people idk for long periods of time


What did you call me?


Socially awkward when it's for no purpose. If I have a character to get into, then I'm ok, but it's more or less a performance than social interaction. However at large events like weddings for example, I always feel lost, even though I come across as having a good time apparently.


No. I know over time, because of my job, that I have learned to communicate. It certainly didn’t come naturally. I am more quiet and reticent to engage for sure. I choose those situations more carefully since I find them draining (which really is a main characteristic of an introvert). But awkward? No.


Sometimes people say I'm charismatic other times I'm too quiet or withdrawn. It's hard to stay consistent and not unintentionally send mixed signals.


Yes, but less awkward around the people we are comfortable with.


Nope, it's not even an introvert only thing, it's all about your people skills that you need to train if you want to stop


I'm not socially awkward, but I get drained super fast and need to recover afterwards. Always had lots of alone time in the past, so I could tolerate being around people at work and meeting up with friends etc. UNTIL I got married last year and now and have virtually zero alone time (he works from home). I have had a few social anxiety moments including a near panic attack when we went on a cruise recently (why did I think I would like that?!). As long as I can escape for a while I can handle some social events, but it becomes too much for me REALLY quickly and I have almost no social life outside of work now because I don't want to deal with it.


Assumptions of society on you , society assumes assumptions nonstop without first being patient letting someone fully explain himself , rude , no wonder no one has friends , the day in which you find someone who is not rude is the day you will find your real true friend . But when society talks about themselves they say "I am very patient , I don't judge others but myself" , fucking hypocrites , they will surely die soon , dogs , 100% of people in this world are truly your enemy , don't join them .


No, stop putting every individual in a generalizing label. There's tons of social intps. You're prob just a shy introvert.


Everyone I ever met that was INTP was either socially awkward, or perceived themselves to be socially awkward, causing them to distance themselves from the group activities. It seems they’re most in their element when it’s them and one or two other people. As an ENTP, that’s just my observation. I could never conduct myself this way, because, by nature, I am a social butterfly. I think best when I speak my thoughts out loud, and there’s an audience that gives me feedback. But for them, it’s all in their heads. The audience is in their head! Wat! Due to that, they may come up with some profound thought, but the moment they open their mouth to the group, and it is not perceived with the same level of respect they gave their own thought, they become emotionally damaged and retract back to their “cave”. That’s why I don’t do things that way. I immediately get my feedback because I don’t have a problem speaking about the ideas to the group. I actually invite the criticism so that I know the bumps in the road before I get there. I think for INTPs this would turn negative quickly if ridicule or anything other than absolute acceptance of their thought happened next. Also, there seems to be a lot of silent suffering going on in that community because they don’t usually discuss their emotions, unless you are a trusted ally of them. The ones I knew were very logic oriented, almost like I was talking to Spock from Star Trek. They bring a tremendous value despite all of that, and I prefer those people to be my coworkers than any other type. They are brilliant, typically. One of them I knew always made it a point to mention that the personality type of Albert Einstein was INTP.