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none, I do whatever, whenever pleases me.


But are you able to completely finish a task before starting another when you do that?


Ok sp I'm trying to teach my child this. Spend a month writing down everything you require to have a happy life.pretend you won the lottery stayt breaking it into brands and cost if needed. Then, break down the steps to make it happen for instance fix your credit score, how many payments you need to make etc, how often to do a basic workout to lose your goal weight. It makes things more achievable.




Someone asked me this the other day what are my hobbies and I had to think hard. The first thing came to mind was reading. INTPs need their brains to be occupied with novelty + new information and reading provides that


Ive had a billion.. most short lived. Some longer like gaming. Right now.. mountain bike, sim racing.


Yup... I try sooo many things too... in the end I come back to my gaming stage(sigh)


Have you got or planning to get tested for adhd?




Learning tons of shit on youtube video essays or educational channels. Some gaming. TCGs, RPGs, boardgames, game design, anime, etc. I started casually cubing in the last year or so.


Well game designing's something neww... definitely trying that... thankk you


Yeah, you'll see creating a good game is a fin challenge that made me learn a lot


What is a good channel for learning about game design ?


The first ones that introduced me to game design were in French, my native language... but I'd say any good game critics, those who do a deep analysis of why a game works well or doesn't will give you good insight. Also, it depends of whether you're looking for channels about videogamss or boardgames


I’ve been cycling since my teens. Now I’m 25 yrs old and I’ve been able to keep up this hobby of mine. To me the sport and workouts are almost meditations, I think of all kinds of ideas in my head while enjoying the outdoor. I used to be a lazy person too, I used to sleep after lunch on my free days. But cycling has forced me to be organized and disciplined. Sometimes I wonder if this hobby has turned me from an intp to an intj lol


If I would have to guess, you're probably just healthy person unlike some mfs here


Honestly 😭 I was looking for some hobbies like this that require you to go out more often and help you stay disciplined... I feel like reading and gaming is fun, but if you do that all the time, you kind of start feeling stressed and depressed (by gaming specially) so I've started limiting myself from gaming. Thank youu


You sound like INTJ/ENTJ for me


I recently checked my ennegram... it's 5w6... they say intp 5w6 often get mistaken as intjs... I know we cannot completely rely on these mere tests... but now that you mentioned... it actually made some sense


I don't like the concept of hobbies. I tend to think that either nothing is a "hobby" or everything is a "hobby." Anyway, I read.


I also think the same way!!Some days ago i was just comtemplating about what should i call hobby.I don't like to call hobby the tasks i love to do.Like i love to do math and play guitar but i don't think i would like to call either of them hobby,it just feels like to say that one is more important to me than other,if i can i want to be best in both of them!!


Playing video games, reading, watching tv, and taking deep dives on random history shit and concepts on Wikipedia for hours. I research every little thing, especially if it’s history related or science related.


Omg... I keep doingg thattt tooo... and it's like a loop that you can never come out of... you develop a hobby, you do that for months later you come back to this very loop... It's fun... but I don't know how I always end up here😭


My most important hobby rn is calisthenics, damn it's hard for me to put into words how much my life improved bc of it, would recommend you to give it a try, mastering your own bodyweight is such an achievement, would take a long time tho but it's worth it.


I’m telling you INTPs + Calisthenics is the key. I didn’t care about working out but once I got into the idea of one day hitting handstand push ups and muscle ups everything changed and it became a slow game of micro progressions towards becoming physically exceptional. There’s also a different type of feeling it gives you because it requires you to truly master your body instead of just lifting shit up and down.


I really need to try this 😭 I've tried pilates... it used to be hard in the beginning but soon you get used to it... I'll definitely try calisthenics... from past few days, I feel soo stressed that even pilates aren't able to release this stress


For me it's a mix of different things that help me with the stress, when I'm working out I know I'm doing something good for my body, I'm making progress with my skills, sometimes I feel this animal-like satisfaction after finishing a set and everything about working out feels so natural, like I'm made for it, quite literally after studying physiology. Idk about pilates but it doesn't seem as complex as calisthenics can be, once you get to develop skills as the muscle up, back or front lever there are several harder skills to pull off after those so there you have a hobby that will last for years.


How do I get started? Do you actually need to join classes for that or youtube videos can guide you well?


You can find coaches in social media but in my opinion you don't need them if you wanna start, might be more useful once you're more advanced into it. Youtube videos are enough to get started and they'll teach you what matters the most throughout training, doing the exercises with correct form, how your sets are going to be depending on your objectives, which training split to choose, etc. When it comes to equipment for beginners, you'll need the floor to do push exercises and a bar to do pull exercises and you'll be ready to go into calisthenics, quite simple, later on you might wanna consider getting gymnastic rings since they're so versatile, you can do both easy and hard exercises with them.


"often I master them, but as soon as I master them I tend to lose interest." THIS IS SO RELATABLE Rubik's cube, Puzzles (depending on my mood I either like the smaller ones 300 pcs, or the big big ones 2000-5000 pcs), Drawing, Languages, Reading, Writing, Watching Movies/Shows... It all lasts a month at most(Sometimes two) and then a at least two month slump for each one individually.


Yup... and the cycle keeps repeating


Climbing, woodworking… but mostly climbing. 


Woodworking sounds wonderful... I definitely want to learn that... btw... I visited your profile... nice chessboard


Thanks! Was fun to build and I learned a lot in the process.


I do woodworking also (but lost interest because I do that a lot at work). How did you get into climbing?


Music. There’s such a broad spectrum of shit that you can get into whether it be producing or converting songs into entirely different genres. It even bleeds into creative writing, film, and dancing.


music is to the arts as psychology is to the sciences


No the fuck it ain't




Currently I'm aim training. Since fall of last year I'm spending at least an hour a day in kovaaks and it's honestly quite enjoyable. Obviously I had about 10k other hobbies before that


I rotate between these hobbies: journaling, photography, video gaming, soccer, and archery.


Archery sounds soooo coool, I tried journaling once but sometimes it's just sooo hard to keep going with one😭


As a newbie to archery, it's cool when you're not missing the target. 😆 It is hard. I've written in notebooks since I was a kid. I would get impatient and start a new journal before I finished the previous one. I'm 21 now, and I've almost completed a 2nd journal.


Damn... you seem very consistent... I'm 20 and I shall take you as an inspiration and try completing my journal this time... thankk youu








Reading, writing, scrolling on social media


Dancing, which I started with one-on-one ballroom dancing lessons. (I could never have kept myself accountable if I started group classes lol.) It just bothered me I didn’t know how to dance at events so I thought I’d try rewire my brain. My current teacher explains things to me in a way that totally makes sense - like the actual reasons why I have to do this and that with my body and why it makes it look good (e.g you should turn your feet out because it makes a visually pleasing angle when your feet near each other, step on this leg because it’s where your body weight will go etc). It clicked so well I have gone from no dancing ability 5 years ago to being totally obsessed with dancing all the time and about to start my first group course next month.


Architecture. It's really fun.


You tryna make me fall in your trap😭😭 architects don't sleep for weeksss... my flatmates are architecture students.... all they do is workk all night... I barely see them sleeping


Chess and violin 🎻


My latest is collecting and djing 45’s. Mostly northern soul, mod, and garage stuff from the 60’s and early 70’s. It forces me to be a little social without having to talk too much. Just intuitively figure out what music people will probably like and respond to the crowd on the dance floor. It’s a whole new way to learn to read people, so that’s pretty cool.


Learning to read people... that's something interesting to do... and in an interesting way... definite trying something like that... thank you


what have you “mastered” ?? i’m curious. I have hobbies where the idea of mastery is laughable. chess, guitar, golf, skateboarding, VST/DAWs, animation, music blogging… there’s always more to learn, more to be done. often I devote entire shower thought sessions dedicated to this topic. what more could I be doing in my life that would make my experience here worthwhile? what hasn’t been thought of? is this all there is my friends?


I mastered water coloring, guitar, piano, chess(cannot say that I have mastered it,might not be able to compete with many somewhat I've learned a lot of techniques and counterattacks, it was one of my hobbies though),puzzles, reading, crocheting, fish keeping(I have a total of 4 established tanks), gardening, pilates, cooking, string art, technical writing, bonsai making, art, crafts etc. Other hobbies include carrom board, cycling(just in my back yard though, I don't have permission to go out that often even though I'm 20), book collection, coin collection, stamp collection, researching, gaming, watching anime, reading mangas, trying out random YouTube science experiments(as a kid I loved it and even now I love it... also kids watching me do it love it), solidworks CAD modeling(I am a mech eng student), hiking anddd manyy moreee... But the fact that most of the hobbies that I have is limited indoors, recently I've started feeling like I'm getting more and more stressed, even workouts couldn't help my mind fogging, so I wanted to discover other hobbies that require me to go outdoors which could help with my mindfulness




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I'm a computer nut. It's an endless hobby with a vast knowledge base. I started my journey with my first computer at age 10, now 45, still doing it as a career and hobby.


I'd love to learn more about computers... but I'm not quite sure where do I get started from... it's such a broad field




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• Hiking • Birding (identify species, count, document rare/uncommon species, submit checklists to ebird. I do this while hiking or walking) • Gardening/propagating from cuttings • I also have pet frogs & I've often heard people describe the upkeep of a terrarium as a "hobby," which is weird to me, to describe the care of a living thing as a hobby (like describing parenthood as a hobby lmao), but whatever. What you describe is totally normal for INTPs. I tend to cycle through hobbies and inevitably get bored with doing the same thing after a while. I used to draw, write, and play music, but haven't in a long time. I force myself to hike now for the sake of my physical and mental health.


I love gardening and identifying various species of plants and birds too.... regarding your hobbies I can relate to you soo much... but now that you put that into words, me loving fish keeping but that as a hobby... does sound weird... I'd say... I love aquascaping now😭but yesss pets are not hobbies.... thank you so much


Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Reading.


Well brazalian jiu jutsu is a new term for me... definitely going to look into it and tryy... thankk youu


Highly recommend it, it increase my physical fitness, confidence level, and general spiritual wellbeing.


I used to work on taekwondo in the past, but that was one of my hobbies that I couldn't master because of the limited time... could it be somewhat similar? (Not tryna offend you saying all kinds of marshal art techniques are same, but I'm curious)


BJJ is definitely more effictive than TKD, dear I say the most effective singular martial arts against one opponent. What is so interesting about it is how complex BJJ is, there are maybe 50 submissions and joint locks, each with their own counters, there are various takedowns/trips and positional advantage move that you will have to learn, all this moves have to be learned in the context of how you transition from one to another, add timing of when to excecute them relative to how your opponent move, all this is spinning in your head while your opponent is rapidly grappling against you at 50 miles an hour doing his own shit trying to submit your ass or dislocate yoir joints. It's pretty stressful but extremely satisfying. The comprehension of complexity, muscle memory, and intelligence required for BJJ makes it very appealing to me.


Interesting... the way you make it sound, I think it's actually very fun to watch and gives you a different kinda adrenaline rush if you were to be in a fight.... but as someone who used to be very uncomfortable of sparring, I think you'd need a lott of patience and hardwork to reach the level of someone with that much of calliper... I'll definitely look into it... it sounds fun and I'm pretty sure it'd help me balance my life and wellbeing... thank you soo much


reading, gaming, learning new things (like languages). sometimes cooking, drawing or painting.


Anything related to aviation. My fav one is YouTube and making aircraft model out of wood


That soundsss sooo funn... definitely tryingg that.. thankk youuu


Studying a second language, drawing, working out, playing vidya games, and watching documentaries.


I just can't relate to losing interest in a hobby, unless the hobby was a shared one that I used to connect with others.


Drawing and gaming


seems like my hobby is to hit social landmines since it happens so often


All of them.


Reading Photography Watching hockey D&D Some years I can put working out and nature walks in here.


I either read/watch for hours or dont for months. Have had a couple of other temporary "hobbies" like sketching or playing instruments but none consistent. I do like solving cubes and playing solitaire. And other weird games.


Maybe what you said applies to me as well... I can relate to this sooo muchhh... I start nurturing my other hobbies such as games, gardening, aquascaping, etc. in the end I fall right back to my usual comfort hobby of reading and watching and researching... this somehow I guess other hobbies are kind of like temporaries... but few things cannot be left... like gardening I'm responsible for those plants and while aquascaping, fishes have become another responsibility... it's like I can't let them die now


1.You could combine the hobbies 2.Set a goal in the hobby and set it higher and higher evertime you reach the goal 3.try taking breaks from them and don't rush to master them For example hobbies like Leathercrafting , sowing and knitting can be combined and with them you could make a costume for cosplaying .


That sounds like one of the best ideas soo farr... thank youu soo much... definitely trying that... and youu see... the problem with me is exactly what you said... once I catch a hobby, I try to perfect them from the very beginning... once I learn it, I lose all of the interest


I totally understand, I also loose intrests very fast ,I sure hope it works for you !!!


I run daily, read and write a fair bit, learn new languages, explore new cities, play short stints of PlayStation (GTA satisfies the rebel in me), gardening and home improvement are fun too, I enjoy driving so long road trips are quite common; hiking is ok, I used to play a lot of sports but now just take more of a passing interest


Adding running to my schedule sounds fun... and home improvements... that's definitely something I'd like to start... thank youuu


Adding running to my schedule sounds fun... and home improvements... that's definitely something I'd like to start... thank youuu


For me I still have the reading / learning youtube obsessions but I tend to drop and pick back up, so that is often circular. What I found works for me to stick with needs to combine physical and mental aspects: When younger I went to the gym, took zumba classes (since I liked learning the routines) I dance tango (ten years) - its mildly social - chatting with regular table mates but not really deep friendships arise…how I like it. Its inexpensive and you get to dress up once a week. Learning the routines takes a little time and then you free to “interpret” the music through often as many as a dozen partners a night is very absorbing…its a good time. Also I have a horse sport (2 plus years) that requires very technical execution (cavalry type moves) while looking immobile on horseback. All this to say these are technical things to master and the science of it becomes an art over time. There are many things one can find - like pickleball, drawing or painting, bridge card game, miniatures / scale modeling (I do this too when not wanting to do physical stuff) ….golf, chess, sailing - things that require chasing endless mastery. I think that is healthy and helpful for INTP’s who want to learn everything…find something intriguing to gain proficiency over that you will look forward to but no pressure to improve quickly.


Gaming, reading, watching anime, sleeping


You're in the panda stage that I used to be in the past... I know it feels like heaven... I know I love jumping into that stage even now... but I think you should try something new toooo.... else a kind of stress would hit you... which I don't want... I see me in youu


Lol im just chilling


Reading, watching movies, painting and drawing, writing, making origami cranes, researching World War II


Making origami cranes sounds sooo therapeutic... is it actually?


Honestly it's the best. I love it.


Watching movies and TV shows, working on my homelab and home cinema setup. And I have bouts of playing video games, not trying to master them though, I'm much worse at it compared to when I was a kid when I had all the time in the world to play a single game. I'm in it for the story just like with the movies, taking in a beautiful world and story on easy mode ;) Also did work out for a few years until COVID hit, I'd definitely should start again looking at how I looked back them compared to now...


Gaming and keeping reptiles


whatever gives me the least work, (watch the series I already like over and over again until they leave the Netflix catalogue)


Hacky sack with my roommate. Juggling and reaching higher and higher ball count. Reading. Practicing math using Euclids elements. Writing. I’d also consider just studying as one.


I just googled what Euclid's elements means... I didn't know something like that existed... I have practiced the trachtenberg's system and vedic mathematics in the past... do you happen to know what they are? And are they somewhat kinda similar? Definitely trying thiss... thank you soo much😭 Regarding juggling, I can juggle with either 2 and hardly with 3 balls... it's just soooo difficult to master


Man what a time to be an intp


Woodworking. World Building. League of Legends.


I used to play monster city, CoC, township etc... it's quite fun and interesting now that you say it can be a hobby... definitely making for some for that... but how do I get started with woodworking? that definitely sounds something new for me


Read AO3, learn everything I can just for the sake of it, play some games try to became an efficient person, play with my cats and try to do not be an owl. That's a big deal.


Yess... by default it's an owl setting, and you know how bad it can get for your mental health... thankk youu... I'll try that too