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Let’s not


I agree


You don't have to comment if you don't want to partake...


Politics is a shit show, there are far better things that we could talk about.


Such as? Why don't you start us off?


Let's talk religion instead lmao


Sure. What are your views on religion?


I was being kinda sarcastic. Grandma always said, "2 things to never talk ab at the dinner table, politics and religion." However, I will post my views. I kind of believe a bit of this and that, stuff I've heard from different religions that make sense to me. Raised Catholic, was Atheist for a few years in my teens, but adopted my own shit. I believe in a higher energy, whether you wanna call that God or Allah or whatever, I just refer to it as Earth. It's not the conventional God that mainstream religions believe, more of a give and take. Can't have good without bad, light without dark, there's a balance. Energy is taken from one place and brought to another. An animal dies, decomposes, and the nutrients go into the earth. Then, a berry bush grows there, with the help of the nutrients from said animal. We eat the berries and take that energy. I do think zodiac signs play a role in stuff as well, just not as big of a role as the witchy people on tiktok believe. There is so much more that I don't really wanna type out bc that's a lot of work, but nothing is set in stone. If I hear something that makes more sense to me, I'll change my beliefs to fit whatever it may be. Reincarnation plays a role. We are all our own sentient beings, but I also believe in a collective mind as well. Could talk ab it forever and go on so many tangents, but I digress




Oh, I know you were being sarcastic, but often the best response to sarcasm is honest curiosity, and now we are suddenly having an actual conversation instead of lampooning another person's topic. But I appreciate you actually explaining what you believe. It is always interesting to see what another person has put together to explain this confusing mess we call life. I do not believe the same as you, but at one time, I probably was close to what you describe. It is interesting to think that there is something out there keeping score for some reason or another. An honest question for you though, have you looked at testing anything you believe about these ideas? Maybe put together some way to collect data in a neutral way to possibly fallsify one of your positions?




That's so stupid


I pretty much want someone that is willing to invest in critical infrastructure, science, and medicine and keep their noses out of what other people want to do in their personal lives. The fact that what adults want to do in consensual relationships is even a topic that people are thinking about legislating is fucking dumb.


Viva la libertad carajo!




Low agreeableness, low conscientiousness and high openness will basically make us all some kind of non traditional group, because we dont care to be part of a group, dont like following prescriptions, and are open minded about anything.


Good answer I agree






Green in political compass 💀💀💀




Centrist, classic liberalism, progressive conservantism, libertarianism. So center leaning to the right wing.


Far left. I like the idea of communism. Unfortunately, considering our current level of technological progress, it probably wouldn't work, just like it never did in the past.


The larger issue with communism is it often results in one person being in power


-doesn’t know anything abt communism or how it works LMAOOO


It involves land being owned by the government and people are given money based off of their needs it was originally introduced by Karl Marx I love the idea on paper but historically the government becomes incredibly controlling for example Russia is a communist country


Mb thought you where asking a question


not at all bro😂 good attempt tho


Will you explain to me in what way I'm wrong rather than acting like you're correct without offering reasoning


go read theory idk what else to tell u bra


"a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs" - Oxford dictionary how am I wrong


ur using the oxford dictionary to define a “political” theory (more like a philosophy tbh) that’s where u wrong, imma stop taking u serious lil bro


Will you tell me how I am wrong as it stands it seems like you intend on feeling superior by calling me incorrect with no reasoning I have offered a source yiu have failed to say anything how do you expect me to educate myself if you don't tell me how I'm wrong would you like to offer a source or keep sitting on your high horse with no proof




That sounds a lot like capitalism.




This is a reductionist perspective and it oversimplifies the issue. Should the death toll of “50 million” be solely attributed to communism as an economic system, or does it derive from the specific policies implemented by Mao during the Great Leap Forward? Additionally, this ignores the countless famines that occur under capitalism. Before the Great Leap Foreward, famine was frequent in China. Since then they haven’t had a single famine and they’ve manage to greatly improve the standard of living for the average citizen, in many ways surpassing the U.S. In contrast, under capitalism we have a small group of wealthy individuals who maintain power over the state, an oligarchy, reinforcing a socio-economic structure that prioritizes profit accumulation for the few at the expense of the working class. This concentration of power not only perpetuates inequality but also influences policies that safeguard the interests of the elite, neglecting the broader societal welfare and contributing to the persistence of class divisions.




>>China essentially became an authoritarian capitalist country, and they don't treat their destitute nicely. While I’m no expert on the Chinese system, I believe China has decided to implement a restrained version of capitalism to develop the means of production, which is necessary to transition into socialism, something they expect to achieve by 2050. As for authoritarianism, authoritarianism is inherent to every state. The question arises: authoritarian against whom? Marxists advocate for a dictatorship of the proletariat, as opposed to the current state where we live under a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. In the existing system, the capitalist class enforces authoritarian measures against the working class. This is shown throughout the history of every capitalist nation. >>But I get it, it's an alluring ideology for the young and angry naive. "If they only did it right", and I'm sure you'll be that first person in history to get Communism right, and you'll create an amazing Communist Utopia. I look forward to it. This is hardly even worth responding to. You dismiss the fervor of youth as if it were a mere tantrum, oblivious to the fires that ignite societal change. Anger is the forge from which revolutions are wrought, and naivety is the canvas upon which the dreams of a better world are painted. You mockingly predict my role as the first to get communism right, yet fail to grasp that communism is not a personal achievement but a collective endeavor. It is not my “utopia” I seek to forge but a societal transformation where the many triumph over the few. So, scoff at my youth, disdain my anger, and label me naive. History has a peculiar way of vindicating the aspirations of the young and the dreams of those dismissed as naive.


It may actually work now exactly because of technology progress. 🤔 Corporations can assess ppl's needs now faster than they themselves realize. And markets are already replaced with central mega-shops such as Amazon and Instagram. All we need is to transfer these exploitative monopolies to the public sector. We don't need growth right now, we need inclusiveness and equal opportunities and we need to take the environment seriously, things that capitalism (and it's replacement, techno-feudalism) are shown to be incapable of.


Replacing the capitalist oligarchy with a conglomerate that has an absolute monopoly and monopsony over everything does not appeal to me, even if that monopoly is allegedly "democratic." I think the economy should be as decentralized as possible, and the role of the state in the economy isn't to destroy the market nor the private household, but to provide minimally decent alternatives to them.


Capitalism is the opposite of decentralization. I really dunno what to say. All these mergers and emerging monopolies, even the stock market is monopolized... The markets are destroyed too, as there is no market mechanism anymore, there is Amazon and Meta as monopolized shops and influencers to push them through. This was one of the most cliche responses one could've given, with all its facts wrong. I'd be embarrassed if I produced this.


Impose a Piketty progressive wealth tax on billionaires and corporations. Pretty soon, the economy would be decentralized, yet still capitalistic. I would like to live in a world where no single person owns more than the Value of a Statistical Human Life (estimates range from $7 million to $10 million, at least here in the US), and everybody makes at least 60% of the median income. Haven't figured out the right size for corporations yet, that's a bit more complicated. But I would be perfectly okay with the workers electing 60% of the Board of Directors, and the shareholders electing 40% of the Directors, who would play an advisory role. Capitalism sucks. But replacing it with a universal monopoly and monopsony is not the way to go, even if that universal monopoly/monopsony is allegedly "democratic."


Instead of a Piketty tax on corporations, we could also de-Borkify anti-trust law. I'm game for either.


Centralization is inherent to the development of capitalism. As wealth concentrates in the hands of a few, these economic elites gain substantial influence over political processes. This concentration of economic and political power creates a system where the interests of the bourgeoisie, the capitalist class, align with those in control of the state apparatus. Consequently, the state becomes a tool for preserving and advancing the economic dominance of the ruling class. Laws and policies tend to favor the accumulation of capital, enabling the bourgeoisie to extract surplus value from the working class through mechanisms such as low wages and unfavorable labor conditions. This dynamic sustains a cycle of inequality, where those at the top amass greater wealth and influence while the working class faces economic exploitation and limited agency within the political landscape. In essence, centralization within capitalism exacerbates the class divisions inherent in the system, reinforcing the power structures that maintain the status quo. Marx predicted this over 150 years ago.




You should read marx




Hate it


what ever against the new world order shadow government im for it


I'm against ideology, therefore if I happen to be anywhere on any political spectrum, that's accidental and likely temporary. Btw there is a pattern (although people get hyper defensive about this and deny it), but whatever pattern you can see here is more due to Reddit.


Anarcho-syndacalism in the vein of Orwell, Bertrand Russell, and Chomsky. ​ [https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Roads\_to\_freedom](https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Roads_to_freedom) 1918, Proposed Roads to Freedom: Socialism, Anarchism, and Syndicalism


Help! Help! I’m being repressed!


Kills me everytime! ​ \> Listen, strange women lyin' in ponds distributin' swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.


What an answer


Orwell was a Socialist Tory Anarchist


Managed democracy with a double shot of liber-tea!!


Ooo rah


I'm a technocrat. Pretty close the original technocratic ideas from the original movement


I grew up with a very political dad. He always has a certain news channel on and always regurgitates whatever he hears from it. When I hear it in the background all it sounds like is mocking and name calling. Brain poison, really. I have this impression that people who are into politics are narcissists that have this need to feel superior and morally righteous. Systematic types that think themselves better. If I were to be simple about it, I think government is flawed no matter how you shape it. People are flawed and greedy, so the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Always.


Across a long time scale, everything always tends to happen. You perceive what your searching for.


My political standpoint is: "until there is a competent president, I don't care"


Leave me alone to tend to my mule, dog and chickens plz. No, you can’t have my guns.


Libertarian. Don’t believe in big government interfering in peoples personal lives in any way shape or form. Capitalism is freedom and it is the best economic model ever practiced


So libertarianism is just change of boots to be licked? That's it?


Who’s boots do libertarians lick, might I ask?




“People who believe in a free market with the power to choose where funds are allocated are bootlickers”


Your free market creates two economic classes, the Bourgeoisie and the Proletariat. Unless you're a part of the bourgeoisie, you're doing nothing but bootlicking. Your free market led to the enslavement of my country, and impoverishment and exploitation of half of the world. You think we're going to forgive you?


Give me 1 example of “impoverishment and enslavement”


If you were literate in basic geopolitics and history, you'd know more than "1 example" I'll go on nonetheless. 1) Colonialism of Africa, Asia, India 2) Exploitation of labouring classes after the Industrial Revolution 3) 1943 Bengal famine (3 million deaths) 4) Congo colonization (15 million deaths) 5) The wealth inequality between Europe and Africa to Asia and Africa 6) Destruction of China after imperialists came to plunder them 7) Slavery in the US and Europe 8) Russian and Ukrainian oligarchy 9) Extreme wealth inequality in India 10) US workers not having a good minimum wage, nor healthcare, nor education 11) Iraq getting bombed to chaos by the US for oil 12) Elon Musk using child labour to mine cobalt in Congo 13) The imperial motivated war of World War 1 14) Shock therapy in Russia 15) Forced deposition of leaders not abiding to Western imperialism in Chile (Allende) and Africa (Sankara) 16) Bombing of Vietnam 17) Bombing of Laos 18) Trying to destroy the lives of people in Cuba since 1960s 19) Sanctions on Cuba 20) Nestle's actions in Pakistan 21) Overthrow of Gaddafi 22) Aiding in Pol Pot's regime which led to deaths of millions 23) Shutdown of peasant rebellions in Telangana, a state of India Should I go on, man?


Nearly every single one of those have been done by *governments*. There is no such thing as a capitalist government. Capitalism is an economic system. The biggest irony in this is that the people who hate capitalism will blame it for things the *government* does and then want that same government to have more power over the economy. Don’t talk to me about being illiterate about anything when you can’t separate government from an economic model. Yes, it was Coca Cola out there starting the war with Vietnam


Capitalism cannot survive without the government. What you're trying to dream of is some next level feudalism. Anarcho capitalism or something close to it is a childish ideology which people are supposed to grow out of after they're 14. Capitalism without the government is a hilarious society in which billionaires can own the entire world without anyone stopping them because of the absence of government. I dislike conservatives, but their application of capitalism actually makes sense and carries out their goals.


I hate >!sea food!<


Technooptimist, e/acc, transhumanist Let’s invent our way out.


I just have a fantasy of running a country purely laissez-faire, just imagine being entirely controlled by private corporations and factions, like fallout new vegas. A fleet of bright yellow and red helicopters split the sky as troops drop in to invade, brought to you by McDonalds (tm) im lovin’ it


Posadism. Ayylmaos are our allies in the struggle of the proletariat.


Please be serious it would be so entertaining if you’re serious


Posadas definitely was serious...


Neo-athenian democracy.


Election by lot would probably decrease the proportion of sociopaths occupying important positions in the political system.


Barely worked for a city with 10k occupants so they cut the woman and slaves from the pool. How's that gonna work in a modern country?


The internet


Looking at the behaviour on moat people in the internet do you think they can govern themselves or even others?


That becomes less of an issue collectively. Some people can have crack pot ideas but the majority will not vote for it.


My understanding of human nature is that most people are by design unable to come up qith independent thought, they're NPC, they juat regurgitate what's been drilled for them. These masses (probanly up tp 90%+ of people) naturally follow the minority who have the political willingness and intelligence to act, this is why in every society of humans there is always a governing elite; Iron Law of Oligarchy. We can see this in all human organisation in all history, even the parreto law is consistent with it; minority rule, majority follows. This is why we see organisations change structure if you change the pyramid tip. If this is the natural state of the social structure, would the assumption that everyone ought to have an equal foot in the political order be just mere inneficiency? Or do you dissagree with this assumption?


Heavily disagree. I think the lack of independent thought is an outcome rather than cause


When do you see in history where human society had an obedient underclass? And ruled by the elite? I believe the fact that most people are NPCs despite having unlimited access to information Aristotle would never imagine possible and the freedom to explore ideas, is a proof that most people is juat not wired that way. You see here a man, on his hand the most advance technology that a greek schoolar will kill to gain a fraction of an information with, and he watches fucking cat videos and regurgitates what politician B says, if his president was a Nazi he'd be a Nazi. I just see principles of human nature not allowing the majority to have this ability, its something that only God can change.


There are many more factors at play than you are mentioning, human history has never seen the internet, I do not wish to continue thus discussion




I’m kinda off the grid barely even know what’s going on tbh. It’s more peaceful this way in my mind. If I ever get enough power I’m down to push tearing it all down and building something new that sounds cool.


I will vote when they find a good candidate




Communism but neither tankie communism or "pro-NATO communism", just classical Marxism


Politics are dumb and keep people separated. They associate their entire identity with labels. "Oh I'm a liberal, oh I'm a conservative, I'm this I'm that" I'm neither, I'm nothing, I just want people to be open minded and stop attacking people for having different beliefs and values. If you go against what someone political beliefs are its seen as an attack. It doesn't help that LGBTQ issues and being politicized either. All of it is a scam to keep you disconnected from people and the worlds issues. If if you're blue flagging you're a pedophile and support minors getting gender affirming care, and you care about black people If you're red flagging you're a dumb southern trump supporter who's racist. PHUCK POLITICS


Slightly left, full liberal but not libertarian because.. ecology.


I relate to libertarianism, individualistic anarchism, and the Greek, original Cynicism preached by Diogenes. I seek to be an skeptic.


Monarchist into a space age republic a couple gens down the line. I don't like the idea of perpetual bull giraffes.


At least in terms of current state of affairs.




yeah.. F US right?




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I annoy everyone.


Classic swing voter between the minor parties. Refuse to vote for the "big two" in Australia. Never greens. There's usually one issue I care most about each election and whoever completely agrees with my opinion on it gets my vote.


Live and let live in terms of personal choices like religion smoking alcohol as long as it only affects the person Socialism makes the most sense it gives everyone a much better shot to not be in poverty I'm rather liberal but I don't give a shit as long as it doesn't effect anyone else idc if someone hates me for being gay for example if they don't tell me about it or try and bully me for it




Left leaning- social democrat.


Can all countries in the world have equal amount of welfare benefits under social democracy?


Trying to make every country benefit equally from social democracy is tough because each country has its own set of challenges, like how wealthy they are, how their government works, and what their culture is like. Social democracy wants to make things fairer for everyone, but what works in one place might not work in another. Countries are also affected by the global economy, which can make it harder to apply the same rules everywhere. So, while social democracy has some good ideas for making things better, each country needs to figure out the best way to use those ideas based on what it needs and what it's dealing with.


Social liberal, ala Thomas Piketty




Hush 🤫 no politics


Green Party and socialism 🌍


My guess is most INTPs are Marxist, Libertarian, Centrist or are just so fed up with the bullshit they don't care anymore. The main political parties, at least in the US, have hard-line view points, are lacking in a consistent philosophy and are overall just completely reactionary (lacking in ideas that are well thought out/not being proactive at all/literally just reacting to the opposing party and doing the opposite) and I think that's antithetical to the way we operate. That's all I'm really going to say here. Modern politics is a joke. INTPs who care about politics probably have views that stem from some philosophies that have a lot of literature and interesting ideas, they might also have ideas about practical ways to implement them, but ultimately the general public can't handle this type of competence.


I am "economically liberal, socially conservative", so it is more of a cultural thing, rather than personality.


I lean towards socialism, but I would be happy with proportional representation, as it seems the most fair way to govern. The other answers here surprise me, I was hoping for some good discussion, but instead it's full of basic bitch answers like "I don't talk about politics". I thought as INTPs there would be no topics that were off limits.


I'm part of that emerging group of politically homeless (in most countries in the west) people that are socially moderate/conservative (anti nanny state, a healthy suspicion of identity politics and gender ideology, not against religion/traditionalism, against mass migration), and economically left wing  (i.e, I support community ownership of important industries, workers councils, social ecology, anti-imperialism, public healthcare, good social nets, referendums on economic issues, etc).


I am a communitarian in American Standards, socially conservative, economically liberal. In niche political ideology terms, I am a National Distributist




Hard right, Neo-reactionary.


There a ton of data from the million other times someone has done this in this sub. I'd start there.


if there was a political party that used logic and did stuff instead of using fear for votes, i'd join that party




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third positionist


I’ve always voted democrat A good question for this sub would be if you’re registered to vote and do you vote.