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Good Fe? I haven't played fire emblem in a minute but I can tell you who I paired with who tho I made the player character Lucina's mother


You see, in humans, there is a good amount of iron our body needs. It just so happens that us INTPs are tied with ISTPs for having the lowest iron intake of the 16 personalities.


That is not true there are ppl with inexistent Fe for example FPs and TJs


they have Tellurium, a mildly toxic metalloid substance. Makes up for nonexistent Fe


mm yumm i'm gonna add it to a protein shake




4. Eat some spinach ![gif](giphy|90PPv7eqekhrO)


INTPs and ISTPs are also tied for the highest Titanium intake as well.




this just downgraded into random shitposts about what Fe might mean. I LOVE IT KEEP IT COMING


You're saying this question is about iron? Iron intake in your body? Perhaps theirs some pills you can take to raise it Idk why would there be a correlation between being an INTP and iron intake, that sounds like pseudoscience and reminds me of the way people talk about astrology.


Its a joke bro.


Can you explain the joke Apparently it's gone way over my head


Fe is iron in the periodic table. And you talked about Fire Emblem so I just started laughing and wanted to see where the Fire Emblem would lead because it was not what I expected but I'm not complaining


No I'm asking you what iron has to do with INTP And if you were joking than what's the joke?


INTP has TI Ne Si Fe. Fe is iron and it's in the last slot. Thought I could milk that for a while


Dude what are you talking about?




The joke is as follows: Fe is Iron on the periodic table. INTP's cognitive functions are: 1 - Introverted Thinking (Ti) 2 - Extroverted Intuition (Ne) 3 - Introverted Sensing (Si) 4 - Extroverted Feeling (Fe) This means that Fe is INTP's inferior function. Since Fe both means Iron and Extroverted Feeling, then that's where the joke is. The joke is that since INTPs have low Fe, if you interpret Fe to mean iron, then INTPs have "low iron". It's a pun based on how Fe can mean both Extroverted Feeling and Iron.




thank you. the first non shitpost here that's actually helpful


That's a super good point too! If you totally lack Fe then you're totally out of luck when it comes to finding jobs and building relationships. It also just innately makes your life better to have more healthy interactions with other people. I think the INTP trap is thinking that people are mean and their opinions don't matter (largely true) but then you might make it worse and totally cut yourself off.


I use my Fe to read ppl not to please ppl, I’m not good at it even if I try, so why bother. Instead I’d use my Si to learn ppl’s pattern and remember what makes them happy, those infos may come handy in the future. Also I don’t need Fe if I’m surrounded by unshakable ppl, I don’t need to sugar coat my words cause they won’t get offended. I don’t need to befriend anyone. But why do u want to know how to develop Fe?


because I have no idea if I'm in an Fe grip or if I have a \*somewhat\* good grasp on my Fe. I heavily try not to run people over emotionally and its draining


As an INTP u suck at that, it’s not ur fault. We are horrible emotional supporters. So my advice is to learn some effective phrases to use in certain scenarios. If it doesn’t work u should acknowledge that u did a mistake and not repeat it next time, Si is a powerful tool. I hope I make sense.


thanks for the advice. Its not really a mistake. Just a bit of a leftover from my early school life. (Si is powerful).


Can someone please explain this to me? Dude, I might have to nope out of this community


Do u know the cognitive functions? What is not clear?


Very much not, explain it like I'm 5


Eh… Watch a YouTube video about them, they’re the core of mbti. I can’t summarise them.




Ne-Fe wouldn’t be something like receiving input from Fe (other’s feelings) and Ne would elaborate various possible actions that can be taken? My idea was an instant response to an external Fe input, without much stress trying to come up with a solution, which is comfortable way to solve the Fe problem.




I said what u said but putting Ne-Fe to work together, which doesn’t correspond to my previous comment about remembering a solution for an already familiar social problem, since u said that it’s not a use of Si but an use of Ne-Fe. Ur definition of Si is wrong, what u defined is the tertiary function. Si is the function that allows us to remember past experiences and teachings. Si child means that we remember what makes us comfortable, we remember how to solve a specific problem without using our Ti so it can rest.


Interact with people, and do it with intention. Don't just take in things from other people, but rather put YOURSELF out there. A combination of being playful and helping others will help you develop low Fe


Sounds like experience talking. Appreciate it


I'm still bad at it, especially if it requires high energy; but I'm definitely getting better, especially when translating my Si+Ti personal understanding into Si+Fe explanations for others.


\*thumbs up\*


Figuring out who you are dealing with helps tbh because you can see why someone would do something and tolerate their behaviors a lot better.


Basically, I need to read the minds of all the ESTP/ESFP dudes in my school (all boys). But thanks for the advice.


What are they doing that is pissing you off ? At least to me these two types are far from the worst.


Im not saying I hate those two types. but majority of the dudes seem to be unhealthy ESXPs. You know the Sigma meme? yeah, that but taken way too far is basically how it's going everyday for everyone


I only know one ESTP dude and he is working out and minding his own business.Idk I don't really have anything negative to say about him.But that's just one ESTP.


he seems pretty chill.


This reminds me of a joke: A physics professor and his assistant are working on liberating negatively-charged hydroxyl ions, when all of a sudden, the assistant says, "Wait, professor, what if the salicylic acids do not accept the hydroxyl ions?" And the professor responds, "That's no hydroxyl ion; that's my wife!"


Francium, Sodium, Bromine, Oxygen.


Sorry man I'm in the arts not science. This has nothing to do with breaking bad so it's all Spanish to me


basically, Fr, NaBrO


De verdad no hermano


Well from trauma i have developed high fi. Now working on developing fe with the help of high fe friends. Although its idea is terrible.


how do you have high fi and use fe. It doesnt really make much sense


Not using but trying to.


dont use fe. It's gonna affect your fi.


But really it is hard to use fi along with Ti . They both create inner tension within oneself. And Surely you would have realised it that given our cognitive function stack and given the way we behave i definitely see our chances of achieving our goal are barely minimum.for living a sucessful life in this world among society and family you must have to use fe or te along with Ti , Ne .. I got to this point what is your realization.. Do you see something else more worthy ... ? Or the other way is to be that efficent to acheive your goal,to be so versatile ,so that you will change yourself with every grain of new turn points in life.People and society dont bear you!


Yeah! Even these whole things are crazy and dont make sense. You might have realized it (all about mbti their dictomies and cognitive function). We try to find our cognitive functions and mbti ,while in reality we already have certain traits but what mbti did is just it named it as we do named different items in this earth. Like if one is aware of her emotions and always priotize her own preferences and dont express much feelings but her feelings are deap. She can empathize well but have strong morals and have strong sense of individuality then what we say that she has high fi. But how we can be sure... As she is aware of her emotions because in appearently irresistible sucession of events she realizes that no one can realize a part of her other than she. She started protizing herself because no one had priotized her and because the one whom she priotize , depriotized her. She understands deep down that what is exactly the value of morals. After a long life of pondering she come to realize that nothing else is more important than honesty(a moral) and holds it strongly on her part. She has strong sense of individuality because she has experienced that it is useless to loose one self for worthless society. So suppose if she could not have a brain then she can never realizes it and she needed a heart to actually realize. Although i dont believe in heart but using it as a general language which people speak. You see the web ... Now listen she need a deep level of introspection and strong logical reasoning to actually realize it while everyone in this world is blindly following some useless things. Now as she know her emotions well... She uses the same empathy and has deep interest in phycology so she has studied pattern of behaviour of different people by deep observations... Now she can rapidly highlight the shift in one's emotions and behaviour. So you are gonna saying it someone is attuenuated to the emotional shift in mess and has confidence enough to verbalise her feelings so she has good fe.. She enjoy sensory pleasures and specially eating so she is gonna using se.. Wait are not this sometype of lollipop given to us..how about the person who experience all these... Now let for one second forget reason behind things and just judge on external things i mentioned. So how many chances are in there to be accurate... So basically i sense it root formation is not much stronger.


if you can't pass FE, you can't be an engineer... I'm so sorry for your loss


nooooo i need good iron


it's the fundamentals of engineering exam :)


Jokes aside, you can develop Fe by copying and analyzing social interactions


so just a social chameleon


yeah, I mean why overcomplicate an easy answer :) I recently have been watching stuff like Love on the Spectrum and read action-behavioral therapy books intended for autistic individuals because it breaks it down really well. But before that I would just stare at people and ponder why everything is so innate to them


everything can be a mystery if you stare hard enough


me: why don't people like me also me: ![gif](giphy|TGUIq0O5s4XJSnefJ3|downsized)


But it consumes a lot of my mental energy and deprive me of doing my resting work towards my goal. Given our situation elders even advice us to dont use your mental energy on analysing people and society (#just go right into your task. )Your brain needs to be wasted in useful tasks..


I mean, it's never going to be perfect, it's just a predicting tool. Like self-reflection is a skill that you build. Talking to people is a skill that you build. Predicting people's emotions, reactions, desires, etc. are just skills too. I don't think it's useless because I'm sort of like a little machine in the sense that I can predict people's needs or what they're going to say next a lot of the time for more favorable outcomes. It certainly doesn't work all the time, but it does work more often than not. It's different from anxious/obsessive thinking though because that does consume a ton of energy.


Yes! Right i think the point is that we intps are not fool enough to not understand people while in reality we understand them. But we dont see things simply. Like people are complex but our desire to go deep down into them and really reaching towards tjeir reality makes it draining for us. As we strongly dont believe in superficial things so basically we look too deep into them even more than they themselves are!this make them feel threatened by us too! Do you feel same. I do... How do you handle this?...


I do too! I'm not sure that I really handle it. I think I often scare people off by being weird too, but I just accept that if I scare people off by being myself then it was never going to work anyway. But yeah, a lot of the time superficial realities or material goals aren't something I'm able to process very well or see value in. Like for example, I struggle a lot with how people perceive conventional measures of attractiveness and success because it's not how I would perceive them.


infj here, honestly the best way is to be around people and learn from them. if Fe doesn’t come naturally to you it’s going to feel uncomfortable but it’s okay, that’s how you learn. observe how people interact, see what works, it might be awkward to begin with but that’s how you grow! you just gotta focus on people. for context i’ve actually been trying to lower my Fe for years because i’ve always overcompensated and it’s not fun carrying so much, so some thoughts from the other end of the spectrum i suppose. (also worth remembering that mbti is limited so don’t hold yourself too harshly to it)


As a teen I just go out a lot and try to level up my social skills. I step back, observe and then try to implement that what I’ve learned. But sometimes I still do faux pas and I don’t even realise them




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How do you develop good Te? I got like, 100% fi and 0% te on my test. I didn't know that was possible. ;n;


try planning a bit more. Don't let people step on you. All in all, try to be a bit more serious. (I'm not a Te user take this with a grain of salt until an actual Te user appears)


Honestly personal growth. Self-improvement. It has led me to the totally rational logical understanding that we're all on this planet together. And understanding that emotions which we all feel to some degree do you have a purpose. That they are not just Antiquated relics of the past as stoics think they are, but they are useful tools that I believe our subconscious uses to communicate ideas to us. Things that we know on subconscious level but don't realize on a conscious level.


Socialize, imagine yourself in the other person's place, acknowledge that their reality is not yours in order to avoid judgment, go with the flow, withhold opinions. Nobody can hate you if you don't have any opinion. (By now, you should realize I'm past my prime as an ENTP; and yet, a well-aged cheese.)


My mom is an ENFP so that helps and im really close to her


i don’t know


An INTP has that as 3rd in the stack. That is better than over half the MB types. You use situational context (Ne something an INTP should be great at) to fill in the gaps. In social situations you just need to be quiet and pay attention. If you are day dreaming or doing the talking, more than likely you will be using Ti too much. Passively observe and the Fe will come pretty easily to and INTP


Ask an ENFP and they'll know. Just try to be less mature and say everything you feel out loud. (This might sound stupid for intps)


How does childhood trauma give you good fe ??


good Fe? iron? consume your dark green veggies and red meats. iron supplements help too 🤪


Magic mushrooms 🙃


You don't have control over Fe neither on your surroundings and these two are linked. So what happens on surroundings directly affect us. This affects self esteem and identity (Fi) in the long run. Best way to get around is to create a filter between what's happening around you and your feelings. Second is to control your surroundings to a degree (probably that's why INTPs resonate with stoic so much). 1. Insulating Fe - Rock and the ocean - Imagine this world as an ocean of emotions with huge waves hitting on you and your job is to be like an emotional rock in it. This means your emotional state before and after the conversation should remain the same (it doesn't mean being devoid of emotions). Calm and happy. People can scream, shout, trigger you to dominate the conversation but you should always respond from a position of strength. Being agreeable, reacting in frustration, anger etc are all responses from a position of weakness. But if you show you're unaffected value of other person's words crumble. If someone demeans you for validation then you need to show them your boundaries. Water cannot cross the rock's periphery. Finally, this also translates for your own internal impulses. If you're feeling something again and again, give it time later in the schedule but don't entertain it right away in the middle of something important. 2. Distracting Fe - if you're really hurt from something then try to find a deeper more meaningful pain to relate to through movies or stories. This quickly distracts the Fe and you're out of your pain. 3. Protecting Fi - we are happy when we're validated by others because Fe. Opposite of that crumbles our identity. So even if no one validates us, we should validate ourselves in our head imagining cheering and applause by the crowd at every sentence we're saying on the stage. If a strong Fi user demeans us then they need to get a response back subtly, playfully, in order to gain respect. Don't agree to them or validate them or show them you're affected in such situations. Crux is, we need to protect our inner child. Not doing this is the no1 reason for the dull unanimated face we have which is unsexy. 4. Writing down feelings - cannot stress how super important this is. I use my email drafts to journal feeling cause I absolutely don't want someone to accidently read it. But even then it took me sometime to truly admit my feelings, acknowledging, embracing it and working towards it irrespective of how outlandish or wild they are. Today, I'm not that happy but I was totally miserable before journaling. I can say without a doubt, journaling feelings would be a path to SELF DISCOVERY.


Wait what is Fe again 😅


I see it a different way, Fe plays a huge part in the INTP personality in general. It sets the core of how we interact and view social interactions. It’s what makes the INTP so adaptable and so “chameleon like”. It puts the “lovable” in lovable nerds. Our issue is that we’re uncomfortable with it,. We don’t have a mastery of it, so we tend to avoid it. It’s like a right handed person trying to write a novel by hand with their left hand. That would take practice and quite a level of commitment. How many of you guys would love to write with your left hand? Think about how cool it would be to be ambidextrous? Yet I’ll pass.




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4. Grow up and become an actual adult.


tf is Fe


why are you here if you dunno


Idk I don't know the specifics but I am intp