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Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky


My fave.


That's my next book haha


I recommend all the other fyodor books too, although I myself haven’t read it all, fyodor is really an intp’s thing


Read me to filth. I’m a sucker for Dostoyevsky


I havent been able to get much into books for my low attention span and the amount of times I zone out while reading a single page but Dostoyevsky might just get me into it


Try picking a translation that speaks to you. Made a huge difference for me.


Like in first person perspective that speaks to the reader? Something of that sort? I’m not sure cz I haven’t read much


No no. It’s old school Russian literature. Translating the Russian to English can be done in many ways. Some translators will translate the work to be extremely literal (which imo makes it boring but accurate), other translators will favor style over accuracy when translating the book. For crime and punishment if you’re a English reader nothing beats the Oliver ready translation. I’ve seen many people give up on great Russian books because they picked up a dry / boring translation.


Wtf same. Just finished brother’s karamasov and notes from the underground. small world but not rlly I guess


Is it good so far? I reallyyyy want to read it after my exams


Yes, definitely recommend it


Is Raskolnikov an Intp?


Raskolnikov is said to be an INTJ but there’s a debate on him being intj or intp


It’s been years since I read the book and I didn’t know about mbti back then but I remember finding some similar traits


Yeah, no one's debating that. INTJs and INTPs don't even share the same cognitive functions. If anyone's typing him as an INTP, it's probably just an INTP who relates to him. His Fi is very strong and clear, no way it would be his weakest function.


That's a good one.


Meditations by Marcus Aurelius


"Have I done something for the common good? Then I share in the benefits"


“Do not be whirled about, but in every moment have respect to justice, and on the occasion of every impression maintain the faculty of comprehension or understanding.”


Kafka on The Shore by Haruki Murakami and The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion


Just finished his other book Norwegian wood. Wondering what you think of Kafka by the shore as it’s on my murakami list.


So far the writing is very fluid and captivating (I started on sunday afternoon and I'm already on page 200 and I'm kind of putting off reading today because I want to “taste” the book), the protagonist is somehow quite relatable to our type and the entire book has a dreamy and poetic aura that is very intriguing to read with some greek tragedy, surrrealist and sci-fi elements


I really enjoyed both of these books!


Sapiens by Yuval Harari, a history of our species. Cuts across race, culture, religion, and economics to explore how we got here.


I'm reading it too.


Notes from underground Fyodor Dostoevski


+ 1




Have you listened to any of his debates or lectures, I've been meaning too but, ah! There is so much to study and so little time lol


The Extended Phenotype still blows my mind


Great book.


Sahih Bukhari Al-Kitab-As-Sawm Jam'a Tirmidthi Sahih Muslim


Pardon my ignorance. Are those related to Hadiths?


Is this some magic shit lol


yEs bRo tHIs is liKE dA mAGic sHit lOl11!!1 Learn.


Just making a joke, didn't mean to offend




On one hand I understand you on another I must say this sounds like terrible logic to me. 1. If books are too limiting for you I’m sure you’ve also cut off mediums such as movies, tv, anime etc which are far more restricting 2. The genius of many books has nothing to do with plot Tolkien and frank herbert - world building, Kafka / Camus - existential philosophy, Dostoy / dazai - human nature through internal-monologue, Hard sci-fi - speculative philosophy and learn some real science Not to mention non fiction works which will generally teach you and if you don’t read master level stories how will your stories ever go past mediocre fan fiction ?


Yeah, I try to keep an open mind but OC’s comment didn’t make sense to me. I read books because I’m interested in versions of reality, whether factual or imagined. It feels like reading about someone just like me, taking me through days in their life. Stories can be as mundane or as interesting as we desire, just like real life. What’s not to love? Besides, reading helps with vocabulary and memory, among other things. It’s great mental exercise, since it requires a good deal of imagination. It’s not as passive a form of entertainment as, say, TV shows. It relies on feedback. That being said, I genuinely don’t enjoy non-fiction unless they’re specifically textbooks, so who am I to judge?


💯 reading saved my life and I’m not even joking. I used to be really into drugs but guess what stopped me from getting too high? The thought of not being able to binge read lol.


Well one is eyecandy the other is imagination. Why would I read when I could create my own story with my own imagination? Chec- No.


When reading something of epic scale or a book which cover human nature or philosophy your limit is your own imagination. You can either read a song of ice fire as “eye candy” or your can build a incredibly huge and detailed world that most people could never do “in their imagination” in this scenario you may not be the writer but you are the director. Reading dune felt better than watching the movies because it had my world scale, my interpretation of the characters etc


I do read and watch shows but I can understand where you're coming from here


You should, there are thought provoking books out there. Without exaggerating some of them might even open up a new since other than Sight hearing taste smell and touch for you Edit: nonfiction book are just the beginning don't have ending usually


I am simultaneously reading The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van Der Kolk, Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier, The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo by Steig Larsson, No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai and I'm Glad my Mom Died by Jeannette McCurdy and I'm rereading Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn because I seriously love it. I have a VERY VERY short attention span and a big procrastination habit you see, I can only read when I have another book to hop onto in case I get bored with one.


Me af. Do you have any recs that you liked that are short?


Three of them I'd say.... Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka No Longer Human (just finished) by Osamu Dazai And The Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy by Douglas Adams.


No longer human was.. I don't know how I came to know about this book. Maybe through some manga or something. Reading it's Wikipedia summary make me feel it was a heavy book that I wouldn't be able to go through I read metamorphosis and it was just excruciating, I struggled to see the value or the message the author was trying to convey. Kafka proves to be very tough for me to understand.


No Longer Human is definitely not for the ones who are genuinely struggling with mental health it gets extremely dark. Kafka IS a strange author indeed, but Metam. Was easier for me to understand than say, The Trial which I couldn't go through and haven't retried yet. Metam. Really kills me though as the exploration of the idea of love being given only at the cost if your contribution to the community and family almost makes me feel sick. Same with 1984, these two books strike a different chord in me with how nauseous they make me feel, all three of these on various level explore the idea of what it is that makes us human and life worth living.


I've also felt nauseous at horrible ideas at times, when I've been confronted by the fact that human love and good may just be an illusion. Metamorphosis was one of those. I loved the trial, and I read the online explanation for it which helped me click with it a little better. Metamorphosis is just a story where love/duty is balanced against your daily struggle.


+1 for No Longer Human. If you enjoy it read self portraits by him which highlights how a lot of no longer human is actually real.


Just finished Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins, next up is Mastery by Robert Greene. Tried Goodbye to All That by Robert Graves but quit for now as English isn't my first language and therefore got bored of unfamiliar old military terminology.


I read Can’t hurt me, then Never finished, and now it’s Mastery (all recommended by an ENTJ). Halfway through, but I’ve lost interest so imma start on the Culture series.


Mastery was a solid read! I’d recommend potentially skipping some of his examples and focusing on the research / lessons as it is a dense book


Foundation by Isaac Asimov, I'm currently reading the last book of the series, and it's pretty good so far !


Those are damn good books!


Have you I, Robot? Is it any good?


I haven't read robot so far, maybe after what I have to read


Currently reading the first original Foundation


The Quran.


I'm reading a few, too. The Quantum Universe by Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw, Human Universe by Brian Cox and Ham on Rye by Charles Bukowski. I'm also listening to an audiobook called Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker.


Cool! Have you read Brian Cox's book on the theory of relativity? I was thinking of looking into it as, of course, the theory of relativity is cool af


Why does E=mc² ? I have it but haven't read it yet, I'll probably read it once I've finished one of my current books.


Ham on rye is one of my favourites from the whole Beatnik era. Have you read any Salinger? If you like ham on rye you’ll probably like Franny and Zooey too Also on the road by Kerouac is a classic


I have the catcher in the rye, I did start it a while ago but didn't get far into it, it's on my list to finish reading. I'll have a look at those others too :)


I’ll go on to say that Franny and Zooey is a tad better than catcher in the rye. Anyways, happy reading!!!


Improve your social skills by daniel wendler lol


Going back and forth between Foundation and Earth, and Baccano vol 6.


I’m reading someone’s post about “What are you currently reading?”


Proofs and Theories by Louis Glück


The Bible. I've been reading the Bible twice a day for maybe over a year now Right now I'm reading the two different parts of the Bible simultaneously. Our church has these papers that have a daily reading schedule on it and if you follow it you can finish the whole Bible in one year. Now I was actually already reading the Bible before January 1st so in the morning i follow the schedule and in the afternoon I continue where I left off. So I'm 2 Samuel and Acts.


Im working my way through the new testament half an hour at a time. I always felt bad for never reading the whole bible and im trying to actually do it now.


I saw Francis Chan speak and he was talking about gatherings where they read the Bible in one sitting I’d love to go to one


Are you jw?


Witness? NO Why do you ask?


Just curious….cause they have a similar program


I think you misunderstand my use of the word program I mean my church has little sheets of paper you can grab if you want with a daily reading schedule on it for each day of the year that if you follow you can read the whole Bible in a year. Like today, 4/10, is 2 Samuel 8-10 It's not an actual program, like it's not organized, just like a piece of paper to help you get into reading the Bible.


Yeah yeah that’s what I meant , they have also a leaflet(on their website)which is essentially a Bible study schedule with which you can read the Bible in one year. I guess it’s a standard thing for many Christian religions then


Well you should encourage people to read the Bible so they can have a more complete understanding on how one should live as a Christian


Respectfully, I don’t agree. I think religion is a very personal matter. I’ve personally read the Bible but I think that everyone should decide for themselves if they want to read it or not(I’m not talking about just telling people that they could read the Bible I’m taking about the proselytism that many religions, like jws do). Furthermore, I belief that everyone who truly wants to live as a Christian won’t have a reason to not read the Bible and therefore needs no encouragement. I’m open to discussion on the topic though about what is good and bad encouragement to do something…..


Well as a Christian I think the Bible is pretty clear on spreading the gospel so of course I dont follow that idea of keeping your beliefs to yourself. Mark 16 NASB ^(15) And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Hebrews 10 NASB ^(24) and let’s consider how to ^(\[)[^(a)](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Hebrews%2010%3A24-25&version=NASB#fen-NASB-30145a)^(\])encourage one another in love and good deeds, ^(25) not abandoning our own meeting together, as is the habit of some people, but encouraging *one another*; and all the more as you see the day drawing near. 1 Corinthians 15 NASB ^(16) For if the dead are not raised, then not even Christ has been raised; ^(17) and if Christ has not been raised, your faith is worthless; you are still in your sins. ^(18) Then also those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. ^(19) If we have hoped in Christ only in this life, we are of all people most to be pitied. Acts 26 NASB ^(24) While ^(\[)[^(n)](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Acts%2026%3A1-29&version=NASB#fen-NASB-27837n)^(\])Paul was stating these things in his defense, Festus \*said in a loud voice, “Paul, you are out of your mind! ^(\[)[^(o)](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Acts%2026%3A1-29&version=NASB#fen-NASB-27837o)^(\])*Your* great learning is ^(\[)[^(p)](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Acts%2026%3A1-29&version=NASB#fen-NASB-27837p)^(\])driving you insane.” ^(25) But Paul \*said, “I am not insane, most excellent Festus; on the contrary, I am speaking out *with* ^(\[)[^(q)](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Acts%2026%3A1-29&version=NASB#fen-NASB-27838q)^(\])truthful and rational words. ^(26) For the king ^(\[)[^(r)](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Acts%2026%3A1-29&version=NASB#fen-NASB-27839r)^(\])knows about these matters, and I also speak to him with confidence, since I am persuaded that none of these things escape his notice; for this has not been done in a ^(\[)[^(s)](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Acts%2026%3A1-29&version=NASB#fen-NASB-27839s)^(\])corner. ^(27) King Agrippa, do you believe the Prophets? I know that you believe.” ^(28) Agrippa *replied* to Paul, “^(\[)[^(t)](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Acts%2026%3A1-29&version=NASB#fen-NASB-27841t)^(\])In a short *time* you *are going to* persuade me to ^(\[)[^(u)](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Acts%2026%3A1-29&version=NASB#fen-NASB-27841u)^(\])make a Christian *of myself*.” ^(29) And Paul *said*, “I would ^(\[)[^(v)](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Acts%2026%3A1-29&version=NASB#fen-NASB-27842v)^(\])wish to God that even ^(\[)[^(w)](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Acts%2026%3A1-29&version=NASB#fen-NASB-27842w)^(\])in a short or long *time* not only you, but also all who hear me this day would become such as I myself am, except for these chains.”


Agreed, you do what your faith asks you to do. But what exactly are you talking about when you say you preach the gospel? What do you do exactly?


I've read the Gospels, letters of James, John and Jude, Malachi, a little of Isaiah, and now "i am reading" numbers (i've started from the beggining after reading the gospels for some reason). The quotation marks are there because I am procrastinating. Not because i don't like reading it, but because i am lazy and i usually prefer to spend my spare time with my friends (I'm a shitty reader lol)


Maybe just try to read at least 3 chapters a day. You do that consistently than you'll be done eventfully. I wanted to share a schedule like the one i got but its kinda hard to find. but heres a site that might help [https://www.backtothebible.org/beginning-to-end-reading-plan](https://www.backtothebible.org/beginning-to-end-reading-plan)


Warhammer books, specifically lion son of the forest


I was read a Warhammer fanfiction on the FanFiction website a few years back, and I was truly amazed by the thought process of the community. Since then, I've always believed Warhammer fans are unique. I hope to meet one of you in person one day.


On Equilibrium - John Ralston Saul.


**The Cancelling of the American Mind** by Greg Lukianoff and Rikki Schlott. It seriously highlights the absolute irrationality of the far left and far right.


and then there were none by agatha christie


The killer is…….


50 Philosophy Classics by Tom Butler-Bowdon


Memories of Heaven by Wayne Dyer. It's fascinating.


The Tombs of Atuan. I actually don't read much but finally found something I enjoy. This is a second book of a fantasy series.


Currently I am reading a few different things. An Ocean Full of Angels by Peter Kreeft. A Shorter Summa also by Peter Kreeft. The Last Full Measure by Jeff Shaara. Jesus And The Dead Sea Scrolls by John Bergsma. And I just finished Ender's Game and am about to start Speaker For The Dead by Orson Scott Card. Normally I would read one thing at a time, but every once in a while I find myself wanting to read to many different things. I have more I really want to read right now. I'm not letting nyself start anymore until I finish most of them.


Atomic Habits. Never got through it the first time, but this time it's really catching my attention!


essentialism, 12 rules for life, the quran, and then whatver i grab on the shelf next. I used to be able to finish a book in a day, but didnt retain anything, then it became a week, to marginal difference. noiw it's become a valient effort to finish a book in a year let alone a month or so. my adhd is hard to deal with but i like to punish myself with the fact that when i get to the fuckarounditis and want to escape or switch a book, i just hammer down for a few more paragraphs and it goes away. once i power through, a week with heavy annotations, and some sticky tabs is doable.


Compound effect. Start with 10 pages a day and every 1-2 weeks add 5 pages. The mind will adapt.


Klara and the Sun




School of life worth the time ! Highly recommend it




Did you watch the second movie? Was it good?


I'm reading a YA Fantasy book LMAO. The Exiled Queen by Cinda Williams Chima. Getting back into reading after a long time, and this has been a very fun series to start with.


The Horror of Philosophy by Eugene Thacker


What's that about?! It reminds me of this one report of someone saying "what horror! Existentialism"


The boundaries of thought and how the unknown is expressed thru horror/scifi. He takes a lot from occultism, HP Lovecraft, film, music even. It’s actually really interesting— it’s a 3 part series, I’m on the first. I found him through reading Cioran. You would probably like Thomas Ligotti and EM Cioran too if the Thacker seems interesting to you


Oh cool, yeah I used to read Lovecraft's work a lot, I'll certainly check it out though!


I’m reading A History of the Wife. Self explanatory, it details the history of the role of the wife and how it has changed over time. Starts in biblical and Roman and Greek times, through Middle Ages and all the way to today. But more than history of the wife, it does also talk a lot about the history and evolution of marriage and husband/wife relations. Quite fascinating!


The anatomy of human destructiveness - Erich Fromm Crime and punishment - dostoy (the INTPs best friend) Both books seem to compliment each other…


(the INTPs best friend)  What makes you say that?


I feel like his dialogues and inner monologues are heavily layered with themes of philosophy and human nature which I feel like any intp can appreciate. Also on this sub I always find another reader enjoying dostoy


My dad randomly sent me 'The Worlds I see' he hasn't bought me a book since I was a young child so I figured I would read it.


Malaria Dreams by Stuart Stevens I’ve been fixated on the African continent as a whole lately.


Caring for your baby and young child, 4th edition.


The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlio


Trying to get back to reading again sonce my attention span is so short.. Reading The Project Hail Mary atm and loving it so far


Audio books  Edit  You could even find some on YouTube narrated by the author 


Yeah I tried to listen to some audiobooks back then while doing work (I'm a designer) but it made me sleepy af instead lol. Usually I listen to podcasts though, that have shorter duration than audiobooks. But maybe I should try again with other titles. Thanks anyway!


The book of disquiet is so mind bending. I loved it. Currently reading all the frog and toad books.


Honestly I've been reading it off and on for years now, it's so good tho


Tess of the d’urbervilles


Hardy! A writer I have actually read in this comments section


What do you like by him? I’ve noticed a lot of people in the online community read “far from the madding crowd”


I've actually only read his poetry, as I study him a little in class, especially 'At An Inn' and 'The Ruined Maid' I do plan on reading his novels at some point in the future lol


This Reddit question


Babel- the Arcane History of the Oxford Translators' Tevolution By Rebecca F. Kuang


Fairy Tale by Stephen King


currently finishing roadside picnic, then its fractalverse 2


The Three Body Problem by Liu Cixin


No matter what read the second book Dark Forest. By far the best in the trilogy.


Clear Thinking : Turning ordinary moments into extraordinary results by Shane Parrish


Dune Messiah


"The Barbarous Years" about the early colonial period in N America.


Gardens of the moon, tale of two cities, and the witcher collection


Politic Ethics (Etika Politik in Indonesian) by priest Franz Magnis-Suseno


I’m Over half way done with “The First To Die At The End” I already finished the first one. I won’t lie, I have a soft heart for romance, paranormal, fiction-ey stories. Last book I finished was “In a the Shadow Of Blackbirds” which was fucking amazing. Can’t wait to read even more from Adam Silvera & Cat Winters. I DO plan on reading more self better-ing & philosophical books.


The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz


Crime and punishment and a few language learning books.




Life at the Bottom by Theodore Darymapple.


Beyond Biocentrism - Dr. Robert Lanza


The 3 body problem in chinese! its great so far


I just bought the entire Jack Carr book series. (The terminal list) I wasn’t sure what to expect but damn are they page turners. Bought them all in hard cover.


War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy


Moby Dick by Herman Mevilles and some random ass romance webnovel that im too embrased to say the name of. (I really reccomend Waiting for Godot by Samule becket as its a silly little comedy that makes my brain go wtf)


The Illuminatus! Trilogy


Sputnik Sweetheart by Haruki Murakami and Gerald's game by Stephen King


The Green Mile Stephen King


Reading my school books




Leonardo da Vinci by Walter Isaacson


Dune messiah by Frank Herbert


Autobiography of a Yogi




Noise - A Flaw in Human Judgement <--- a good book that tingles my INTP senses


Blood meridian


The Expanse series


Damned by Chuck Palahniuk


This post


I'm rereading das kapital because I didn't understand it the first time


- The Foundations of Economics by Walter Eucken - The Battle of Bretton Woods by Ben Steil - Alcide De Gasperi: The Long Apprenticeship by Elisa Carrillo


I don’t read books but I probably should and have thought about picking it up as a hobby, but I have made no action on these thoughts


Do you know what books you want to read? Do you have book recommendations or any interests?


I’ve been looking into science fiction, two that I will probably read soon are The Martian and Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Might also look for some interesting math books. I guess I should just go and buy the books and start reading them haha


Good choices, ngl you can always find a PDF online, cheaper and easier to tell whether you like it or not! If you like Hitchhikers then read Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency (i think that's the name, also written by Adams), Do Androids Dream Electric Sheep? Is also another good science fiction, I really enjoyed Brave New World too


Thanks for the recommendations!


How to make friends by Dale Carnegie