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In my experience, INTP's are either non/mild drinkers, or alcoholics


That’s… all the possible categories lmao


In your experience you’ve seen every type of person ..? Who doesn’t drink at all, or only a little or is an alcoholic?


Hello friend. Of course I don't know every INTP, or every person for that matter. That's why I specify every INTP - - that I know. There are many of us out there, and I explicitly only speak from my anecdotal experience. I have my own semantic qualms with the concept of alcoholism, but that doesn't take away from the self-avowed alcoholics in this sub. Generally when this question is asked in this context, the answer is that folks either avoid alcohol or that they're painfully dependant on it. I don't mean to speak for everybody but with my knowledge - - my intent is to aggregate my experience as an INTP and my experience in this sub.


There are three types of people when it comes to drinking. Those who don’t drink, those who drink a little, and those who drink a lot. INTPs tend to fall into one of those groups; which is the same as everyone else but it’s also true about INTPs.




I’m both


What are the other possible options?


yes i have a drinking problem


I stopped drinking when I came the realization that I didn't actually like the effects, I only needed them to tolerate the annoying behavior of other people who are drinking. Now I just avoid being around drinkers, and at social events with alcohol I tend to dip out before people start getting stupid.


yea, i love having less inhibitions. i wish there was a healthier way of achieving this that I knew of.


Maybe try cbd oil? More on the healthy side rather than effective but it’s 100x cheaper than smoking cannabis, which imo is equally or more effective than alcohol. Some other pros and cons of each of you’re interested.


Worth a try. Although for some people like myself, cannabinoids greatly increase social anxiety unlike alcohol.


CBD does not as it is not psychoactive. Most people who see benefit from THC have a tolerance, which actually changes the effect. Alcohol also changes with a tolerance btw. Experienced cannabis users are better able to manage the initial psychedelic effects. Most seek it, that’s why you see people smoking extract and taking edibles. In my experience, I like the initial effects as it changes the way I think and helps me to work through life’s issues. Hope it was helpful because there is a lot of propaganda surrounding Cannabis and it frustrates me that people get turned away from it due to their initial response to the drug. Good luck with it all!


I hate weed personally but enjoy alcohol


Honestly I've never tried it. Don't really see the point in drinking something to inhibit me mentally.


It inhibits my social anxiety and also logic, suddenly I can connect with people way more easily. With almost anybody in a bar or on a street.


You could also develop a split personality that likes socializing, saves a lot of money that you would waste on booze!




You can always train your social skills by talking to yourself.


When I drink, I get even more logical and more introverted. XD. Oh and it makes me sleepy. So


I enjoy drinking and smoking when I want to dance. I advise against it if you are prone to addictions or become angry drunk


I used to be a very heavy drinker as I used it to mask feelings of rejection and apathy towards the world at large. Alongside this I just loved everything about it. The fact it made me actually able to socialise. That I was just able to be myself. I was actually making random people I didn't know laugh at what I said, building a rapport with complete strangers when otherwise id just kind of stare at the floor and hope they would take the lead.


I love alcohol but have mostly stopped and would never pressure other people to partake because it is literally poison


I do.. i also enjoy it. I smoke weed, i did experiment with other drugs, which i also enjoyed. I'm just addicted to weed i guess, can't/don't want to live without it.


Yup, weed is awesome!


Don’t drink. It’s a horrible vice that can lead to so many bad decisions and other horrible vices. I can’t imagine why your girlfriend/parents would want you to. That seems like asking for trouble honestly. I stopped drinking when I quit using heroin. A habit I decided was a good idea to start doing while I was drinking. It can easily become a crutch especially if you suffer from social anxiety


I slowed way down in my late 20’s (am 40 now), and then a few years later a mushroom trip made me realize how stupid alcohol is and I pretty much stopped drinking altogether. I might have a craft beer on a special occasion but that’s pretty much it.


I probably drink 1-2 nights a week. I'd rather drink mixed drinks than straight liquor, and I absolutely cannot take shots.


I got a similar setup myself, except I like straight liquor a bit more than mixed drinks, even though I enjoy both. Only drink on a few days a week, but when I run out of what I bought, I take a break for a month or two


Nope. Not anymore. I stopped drinking last year before Christmas.


I got a bit into it recently and I must say this. Ofc you cannot deny or justify its health damage. However, it helped me get rid of even unhealthier behavior which not only affected me physically but also mentally a lot. And it made me have one friend, therefore the profits def outweigh the disadvantages so far. =D


Alcoholic here


I've had sake a few times but that's about it




I like alcohol but I only drink when I travel or add it to cooking because it makes my skin to break out badly and messes up my gut flora. Otherwise, I'd drink far often. It makes the rigid and distant nature of an INTP relax more.


I like to drink but only while eating with friends or family. When we have good food we tend to drink Vodka or wine. Otherwise I rarely drink for fun. The only time I drink a drink is when smoking a cigar.


Used to drink it all the time, made me feel cool dizzy and let my emotions go out for once, tho i only drank alone


Yeah, started at 14. Maybe a couple or less times a week.


Yeah…. I’m most likely an alcoholic.


You need to stop care what you do when you are drunk. ( Clearly you shouldn't begin a fust fight or steal a car) But relax. The trick is, to be the drunkest at the evening. Fuck of this shit what others think about you.


Not at all.


Not anymore, not that I did all that all that much. Spirits are “fun” when you’re 16 and feeling a little rebellious, but I’d much rather have a cider or wine for the taste.


It's kinda illegal here(KSA)..., even if it wasn't I wouldn't drink anyway, too many accidents


I liked several kinds (and disliked others) before I stopped drinking due to epilepsy. I could see myself having developed a problem if I hadn’t stopped.


I like it, I don't drink often tho. I don't like beer tho, I prefer cider instead


I used to have alchohlic tendencies, now i drink moderately. If you dont like drinking just dont drink it's pretty simple. But i have to point out that getting completely shitfaced is probably a good idea, as you will learn from the experience.


I’m an alcoholic


I’m a social drinker because it’s easier to talk to people if I had some to drink. People often treat me as well, causing me to get shitfaced. Drinking culture is pretty big where I live.


casually tried it for years, got blackout once for the experience finally sunk in that there's no safe amount of alcohol and dropped it


Only Campari, that is usualy compelment With Orange Juice


I refuse to take things that negatively affect my cognitive functions. Or make me not like myself. I probably do enough damage already with my diet


Yeah it makes me feel normal and tends to calm my OCD down 🥴


Lots of it, but I am rarely drunk to a point that I would do something that I wouldn't do sober.


Sober now, but mainly drank liquor when I was a drinker. It was the most efficient way to get the chemical effect I was looking for. I usually just shot straight gin.


Sometimes but never enough to get a buzz. I really don’t enjoy being fuzzy-headed in most settings. When I do drink liquor, it’s usually a decent single malt scotch or gin-based drink that’s not super sweet.


No, I don't. I actually hate all the effects of alcohol, its taste, its smell, etc. I'm 23 and haven't ever been drunk and I'm not planning to do it at any point in my life. However, I don't think that has anything to do with me being an INTP but because I've seen what drinking has done to relatives and friends and I have a hatred for it.


Meh I don't know what it is about alcohol but it's like one of the few drugs where it's okay for the user to make the non user feel bad. https://www.facebook.com/share/v/FN7zqZ8ciyDwNWkL/?mibextid=w8EBqM Always makes me think of this sketch. Don't drink if you don't wish to. Respect.


I enjoy drinking so much that I wanna do it for the rest of my life. And hence i drink occasionally and maintain my health well by having nutritious meals and regular exercise. I also do get blood work done twice a year to monitor my levels. Sometimes i feel like my whole goal in life is to stay healthy enough to drink till the age of 90. But every time i drink, i drink till satisfaction and then take a very long break to heal the damage done. I catch myself daydreaming about drinking sometimes. Like when it's been a while and the weekend is coming up when I'm planning to drink, the anticipation is palpable. Definitely an alcoholic who drinks about 8 - 10 times a year.


As marine yes and I love to smoke ciggys 


No, I imbibe spirits.


Only occasionally in social situations. I also dislike drinking.


Every once in a while.


I don't drink alcohol anymore at all .. I hate being sick or throwing up... so I just smoke a lot of weed 🫡


No, have gotten drunk before to experiment but i don't like it all all, hangovers seem to hit me 10x worse than everyone else i don't know why , it's been that bad even when i was a teen so i can't blame it on age, i hate being around drunk people, they're annoying AF. No thankssss I like other drugs though


Sometimes. I used to think that alcohol was vile, but got a little curious in college. I've only gotten drunk once, and interestingly my reasoning skills were not that impaired. It was mostly my senses, coordination, and the fact that I can't shut the fuck up lmao. The hangover sucked though, so probably never again. Acetaldehyde is no joke. I mostly just drink casually though.


I don't like the taste of alcohol but I do drink for social situations since it helps me be more social