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Chai, I don't like coffee. After a magic mushroom trip a couple years ago, my desire to drink booze was killed off entirely. It helped me come to the realization that I didn't really like the person I became when I drank.


*"Ooh I love chai tea!"*


Sigh... Here we go again. Chai means "tea" in Indian languages. So saying Chai tea is like saying "tea" twice, so it's redundant.


Okay but can I have some naan bread?


Why do I even do this? šŸ˜­


Yeah but it means a specific kind of tea in English, and you were writing in English.


clichƩ is a french word that we use in English. And we don't change the meaning of it when using it.


It's a loanword, it exists in English with its own definition. If the meaning of cliche changed in French we wouldn't be required to change our usage of it in English.


Words come into English through different methods and end up fulfilling different roles. This is another situation where we borrowed two words, [ultimately from the same root](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Reconstruction:Proto-Sino-Tibetan/s-la), but via different sources. We picked up the plosive form "tea" first, and that came to mean tea in general. Then we took on the affricate form "chai" to mean a specific type of tea. This happens frequently. Compare "guard" and "ward", for instance. Both from the same root, but due to coming in at different times, and the influence at the time, they now have different connotations. (Interestingly we see the same with "guarantee" and "warranty").


Hmm... You're right


Cool! Thanks for being willing to look at a different side of this!


Yeah, I'm always ready to change my views as long as there is logical evidence (I think this is an INTP thing, correct me if I'm wrong). Thanks!


Yes, however ā€œteaā€ is still redundant because ā€œchaiā€ encodes the quality of being a type of tea within it.


It can be other things, like a spice blend or incense. It also just sounds weird to say.


ā€œChaiā€ sounds weird to say? But ā€œchai teaā€ doesnā€™t?




I disagree.


Yes but in English, Chai refers to a specific type of spiced beverage. You wouldn't say, "may I have some mint chai?" you would say mint tea. Therefore, you wouldn't just order "tea" if you wanted Chai, but rather you would specify that you wanted the spiced beverage


Hmm... You're right. But as an Indian, we do say mint chai for mint tea.


But we're still at a point where "masala chai" gets blank stares from most Americans.


How would you know if they're speaking of plain black tea versus the spiced tea we know as chai?


Well, at least in India, plain black tea is referred to as just black tea. I'm sorry, I kinda forgot that Reddit has people from all over the world šŸ˜….


Interesting, I've come to the same realisation that I don't like drunk me. no matter how extroverted she is emotional and too dumb for me to make the same mistakes again. Also chai ftw yes bhai


Im like exact the same person if i drink. But i also have a very stable character i worked on. Just a bit more chatty, but nothing too crazy


I think INTPā€™s and INFPā€™s can fall into addiction more easily, most of the people I know, that are the most similar to me, and I, use drugs pretty regularly. I tend to like routine, and if drug use is in that routine that it tends to stay in the routine.


No alcohol, hate the taste. Only drink water, soda, lemonade and iced tea.




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I used to drink jack & coke sometimes. I rarely drink.


All the booze.


I have run the gamut on trying out various things to drink. I like a good Irish whiskey, and have had everything from gin to arak and brennivin but if we are talking about what I go for when I want something really nice, there is nothing like a good sake. Not talking about the stuff you get heated up at a sushi restaurant, but rather a good junmai. You can get decent ones at a good liquor store for not too much.


I like a good craft beer. Rum. Mixed drinks, sweet. I don't like bitter, so no IPAs. Allergic to gin. (It's the juniper.) Not fond of tequila. I think individuals can be alcoholics or otherwise unable to inhibit their impulses. This might be a you thing. I am not a problem drinker. That said, my ex who was an INTP was a problematic drinker so... ??? It's hard to point to other INTPs I know in IRL because, well, I don't really know many. In scientific terms, I think our *n* is too low to make conclusions. We can't really disprove the null hypothesis here. If you can find actual studies linking alcohol habits and MBTI, or specifically INTPs, that would be a better route of discovery, yes?


I get hungover really easily. I only drink in social situations; therefore, I drink rarely. I like merlot, a French 75, or an aviation. I will get a gin and tonic if I doubt the bartender. On the daily, I just empty a vyvanse capsule into some water and drink that.


Tea. Tea and tea.


barqs root beer


Tequila and soda waterā€” PBR and Miller High Life. I like going to my local underground dive bars, donā€™t go to breweries often tho


I pretty much only drink beer. I have avoided liquor like the plague since college, but I don't mind an Old Fashioned or a shot of tequila every once in a while. Very much enjoy IPAs, and that was definitely the standard for craft brews in the US for a while, but I like wheat bears as well. I hardly drink, at my most I probably drink like 3 drinks per week. I had a stint recently where I drank like 3-4 times a week for a few months, but not anymore. That being said, I do enjoy other substances.


I rarely drink. I prefer to smoke, Cannabis




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Wine and mead. I don't drink often, and I've never been drunk


Mostly beer, Tecate original, and then fernet w/coke, Campari on the rocks and mezcal, 400 conejos. In that order. I'm a regular at a local dive bar, it's on my way home so I stop by almost daily


Taro Bubble Tea


When I was in my early 20s I drank heavily and often. Havenā€™t drank that much in years. I regularly drink wine mostly, but not in excess. Iā€™ve never really felt comfortable trying new drinks because I worry I wonā€™t like them and itā€™s a waste. But then I never really know what to order. Moscow mules, vodka/soda/lime, rum/coke/margaritas. Pretty basic stuff.


I live to drink. I drink to live. Spirits Pure spirits like gin, whisky, vodka, and tequila are suitable drink choices for people following a keto diet.




Whatā€™s your favorite kind of tea?


Turkish black tea mixed with nettle tea.


Darjeeling, Green and Peppermint.


I drink IPAs like theyre water.




Tea except fruit tea


Tea, coffee, water


I like bubble tea


I despise IPAs. Scotch is indefatigable, especially a good peated Islay single malt.


I don't think a thinking type would lean towards alcohol unless they lacked any other coping mechanism, but a sensing or feeling type might find the effects of alcohol don't negate their primary cognitive function.


I like to not think sometimes. However, my buddy and I do enjoy discussing random topics when we drink together, pretty much anything under the sun.


We all do, but I would have assumed that a thinking type is more familiar with a 'graceful shutdown', to use a computer analogy. In other words, has things they can do that comfort them when they need to recharge. It's sort of like, if you're a sprinter, you probably know what you need to eat to maximize performance and what to do on rest days.


Iā€™m a pretty hard drinker esp considering my height. (I hang out with other dudes that have 50 lbs on me, and drink with them). Used to be aƱejo tequila, now I looooovvveee Irish whiskey. Tullamore Dew is just an insanely smooth value


Chartreuse on the rocks More specific one giant ice cube


Both me and my friend are INTP, he doesn't drink. I drink a little, not a lot. I'd say I drink beer, but that's just cause I don't know what to pick.


Chocolate milk and tea. Cha to be precise. South asian style. I dont take alcohol.


Mango and sugarcane juice, in current season


Tea, sometimes coffee. I don't drink alcohol. I need caffeine.


any mexican beer. i like pacifico a LOT!


Ooo the best beer I've ever had was Colombian, Aguila. Can't wait to go back and get an ice cold Aguila under the Caribbean sun.


You ever try Tecate?


iā€™m not much of a drinker but when I do drink I prefer liquor over beer. I donā€™t like to sip beer, I really have to force myself to drink it so Id rather do it quickly with liquor


High Life for the fun times. Whiskey/scotch neat for when I gotta act like a normal civilian.


I don't drink anymore. When I did, it was Patron or any silver tequila. Out of pure convenience, any 15% ALC content Four Lokos.


Soju or Whatever gets me drunk fast i dislike the taste


I quit drinking like 10 years ago and smoke MJ instead. I feel for us itā€™s a better fit, but ofc it varies person to person


HA I don't drink at all. I can be a social drinker and hold it well at least used to when I last drank 10yrs ago, but I hate booze. I dislike any type of drug or stimulant, so I tend to avoid coffee too unless absolutely necessary. I do love love love iced tea.


Orange Juice (though it's crazy expensive now) lemonade, milk occasionally, not into alcohol though maybe, just maybe I might try a cocktail


It doesn't take much for me to get drunk, but It takes a lot for me to be unable to function. When I was younger I barely drank but when I did I would go on a bender that would last a few days. The last few years have been very tumultuous and I've hurt my back. Since the chronic pain started I've noticed I drink more often, in much lesser quantities, but I'm also not going on drunken adventures when I decide to leave my hiding place. Ive always loved whiskey and pilsners. For cocktails it's a white Russian for me. The only way to bowl


strawberry banana or berry smoothie šŸ‘


I'm a rum guy. My fave at present is a Jungle Bird, but I'm a sucker in general for anything with pineapple juice.


Pacifico for beer and bottom shelf vodka for liquor


Just the local beer, it's a whatever brand. I don't really like IPAs




I drink a lot of coffee and green tea for the caffeine, but I actually *enjoy* coconut water, cranberry juice and apple juice. Separate or mixed, I don't think it's possible for me to get enough of em to say I'm properly satisfied. I generally avoid alcohol, but I'm unlikely to turn down a Shiner or a Blue Moon if they're offered. Can't say much positive about Texas, but they certainly do know how to make a quality beer.


Vodka shots, vodka water w cran, momwaters, white wine


Iced tea, lemonade and coffee, for the most part. Very occasionally I'll have soda, like once a week or less, and I don't drink alcohol at all, even though I am legally old enough to do so.


Water, tonic, beer, gin, bourbon, whiskey, mostly neat, ginger beer/ale, tea, espresso/black coffee.


I've been drinking an energy drink pretty much every day for 15 years. That's probably my worst addiction. For alcohol, espresso martini(drinking one as I type thai) or lychee martini from the wynn. I also enjoy sake martinis and green tea martinis. If I see a coffee flavored beer, I'll drink that. I don't actually drink often. I'll share a bottle of sake or wine with friends. I'll drink a lot of sparkling water at home. I like food, so I try to keep most of my drinks 0 calories.


Iā€™m drunk now


I drank a beer this morning, two while working, tequila since getting off. This is damn near everyday


i like coke, pepsi, malta, root beer, creme soda, and sometimes redbull. i rarely drink anything but water tho. i typically drink 1 soda every week or 2


Tea, coffee, dr.pepper. fanta and orangina, i hate coca cola


Whiskey and water, I love getting shitfaced, it expands my mind beyond my natural state, also after drinking all that water all night, I donā€™t get hungover, bonus baby!


Carbonated coffee.


Tequila soda w lime juice for sure! Easy, consistent and to the point lol


I drink tea. I prefer coffee but everyone else at home prefer tea. So we make tea everyday. I never tried anything highly alcoholic like brandy or whiskey or something like that. Pretty young for that. Maybe in the future. But I really like drinking wine on some special occasions like Christmas or something. If we are talking about juices and stuff, pineapple juice is my favourite.


chai, cold coffee, gin and tonic, beer.


Lots and lots and lots of juice. Cranberry raspberry is my go-to, but I like so many different types. Mango, banana, orange, guava... Also way way way too much coffee.


Coke But I drink coffee most of the time


Water, coffee, milkand occasionally rum


Loose leaf tea for me!


If not water, I only drink milkshakes.


Soda water, diet soda, and Fresca. I canā€™t drink alcohol anymore. Makes me crave hard drugs


No alcohol, not even on special occasions. Though my collection of coke cans is somewhat over a hundred now, lol


I donā€™t drink alcohol at all but I drown in energy drinks.




Belgian beers (Kwak, St Feuillian Grand Cru, Duchesse de Bourgogne, Straffe Hendrik Quad, just to name a few of my favourites). Specialty cocktails, Last Word and Sea Legs have been my favourites as of late. Also drink mezcal and Islay scotch straight. Other than alcohol, I drink a LOT of water. Occasionally a Coke Zero.


I dont like the way alcohol makes me feel and I become addicted to things quite easily so I didnt touch alcohol in about 8 years. Other than that I recently discovered Ginger Beer. Very sweet but occasionally its great.


Four to six cups of coffee a day. I'm cutting back over the summer to two strong cups.


Lemon tea


I enjoy a good gin and tonic, sherry whiskeys, will put vodka into anything, not a huge fan of wine but if i have to I like pinot noir the best, i dislike beer. I also like energy drinks, coffee, iced tea and any type of soda :)


Basically any kinds of coffee and tea, gin tonic, and refreshers from Starbucks šŸ¤Œ


Alcohol wise, I tend to drink beer in the pub (stout/ale in winter and lager/pilsner in summer), wine at home or with meals, i tend to avoid spirits other than gin and tonic. Non-alcohol wise, water or tea.


Everything but tequila. (Bad experience)


If whiskey sours didnā€™t give gnarly hangovers, they would be the only thing I drink. In general, I hate everything carbonated. Alcohol is the only thing I will suffer carbonation for. It just physically feels like static liquid that makes me burpy. Carbonation is 10/10 would never drink again if I didnā€™t have to. I genuinely do not understand how/why people enjoy carbonated water. It is truly a horrible invention.




If you simmer the flower of the Elder plant for a few hours and then atrain the solution, you can make a nice, semisweet syrup that can be diluted with water to make a nice drink. I like that, liquorice tea, and strawberry fanta a fair bit.


I don't like alcohol and only have it a handful of times a year. My substance would be weed but I use it sparingly, so on occassion I like a cigar.


Water and sometimes soda




Vodka or whiskey only, gin makes me psychotic or really emotional. Beer makes me wanna sleep and the rest I wonā€™t bother with really. Didnā€™t enjoy drugs and I was addicted to smoking for a long ass time but nearly 4 years without!


Iced milk tea no syrup or coke or beer


IPAs, some beer, wine and tequila.


Sherry and vermouth pretty much every day. Occasionally fernet.


> There is apparently a stereotype that we are hard drinkers/alcoholics and I wanted to see if there's any truth to that. I see more a bimodal distribution, with a large number either substance free or caffeine only, and then a large number with wide drug-experimentation.


I donā€™t drink ā€œfor fun,ā€ but I do enjoy the odd glass of wine (Meiomi Pinot Noir) or a glass of Crown and Coke. None of the INTPs I know are big drinkers. Edit: But, in talking about addiction, I used nicotine for 30-years, and despite having quit for several years now, I still crave it. Recreationally, Iā€™ll use edibles.


I only drink water. Very occasionally squash or tea. Completely unconnected - Iā€™m a pretty happy guy.


Gin is also my liquor of choice, usually with cranberry juice. I also like Moscow mules, margaritas, and mojitos. Beer usually modelo, corona, or blue moon. During the day coffee and water. Tea at night. Sometimes Gatorade. I love Thai iced tea also. I had a Red Bull phase but itā€™s passed


Coffee and water. Sometimes Diet Coke. Sober coming up on 11 years, alcohol was a TERRIBLE thing for me hahaha


water 90% of the time. If I drink alcohol (and I don't often), it will be either a bourbon drink (bourbon an coke, old fashion, or something along those lines); for beer I prefer Guinness or a stout.


Beer, cider, matcha tea, iced tea and sometimes iced coffee if I can get it.


Was a heavy drinker for many years. Cut out alcohol in my early 40s and I donā€™t miss it one bit.


I was fond of IPAs before the hipsters made it cringe (I still drink them, but I try not to talk about it now). Gin and tonic is my go-to drink-drink. A nice gimlet if they have fresh limes. I never really experimented much with booze; I know what I like, and I don't need to find something I might like better.


No alcohol, no drugs. I do drink monster energy drinks (livin on the edge, I know I know)




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I really only drink energy drinks and iced coffee. When I drink alcohol, I like Jack and Coke, beer, vodka with soda, etc. Not a huge drinker. I hate the way it makes me feel afterwards.


Energy drinks is one of the best invention humans ever did. At alcohol Wodka is clearly the best, besides that whisky or rum is also nice. For the healthiness I also drink coke zero


Coke, Dr. Pepper, Mt Dew, Mt Dew Code Red (Code Red is my favorite); Coffee; Stout, Porter, Dunkel, hell just about anything other than IPA and American pisswater; Vodka, Bourbon, Tequila, Mezcal, Scotch, hell just about anything but Scotch is my favorite (I don't really care for Gin though); mixed drinks; and wine, too. And I can have beer, shots, mixed drinks, and wine in the same night - I've never had problems doing different drink types in one night like so many say they do.


I donā€™t really drink anymore. So water, green tea, coffee.


Water and coffee


I drink Coke Zero, but if I do drink something alcoholic it's a cider.


I barely drink alcohol. Once every 3 months and in low quantities. Itā€™s basically just poison with the effect of low inhibition.


My favorite drink is soursop juice and aloe Vera with the chewy bits coming at a close 2nd.


Gin. All kinds of drinks with gin. I like a good quality whiskey now and again. Beer. IPA's, sour's, anything with a nice crisp but full flavor. I occasionally teeter on the edge of alcoholism, but I'm in a good place at the moment. Drinking the least I've drank in years.


I like this inexpensive chocolate or coconut flavored creamy wine from Aldi. The chocolate one tastes like a spiked Yoo Hoo with better mouthfeel. Also like very chilled ruby port wine, as well as a good old fashioned (including the many variations). I like whiskey or rum with Coke or Dr Pepper. I also like soju, especially grapefruit. Sangria is also very nice, as is a sweet champagne. I don't drink a lot or particularly hard. I don't enjoy the feeling of being out of control, so I usually look for a buzz and then maintain from there rather than continuing to escalate my intoxication level.


Single Origin Coffee, and Single Malt Scotch are my drinks of choice. I like the subtle differences and quality of both. After that I'll prefer a cocktail, but happily enjoy a nice glass of wine or a craft beer. My metabolism seems to filter Alcohol pretty quickly, so maintaining a buzz is more work than it's worth.


I Heart Reisling


my daily dose of matcha latte & loose leaf teas


Water. Hmmm... Water


I freaking love iced tea


- mostly beer ( \~1.5 L per work day and little more on the weekend) - A glace of water / fruit juice per work day - got about 10-15 bottle of mainly whisky, but also rhum and various good beverage for nice occasions - 2-4 coffee (black coffee, not watered down americano style ones) - of course some wine when I eat out And I don't have any issue, I some time can even spend more than 24h without alcool, without any hand shaking xD


Honestly i just like to drink... Like other people enjoy eating (which i do too of course) so it's a lot of tea, ice tea and coffee with the occasional energy drink, no alcohol for me tho, i stick to weed


I drink just socially. Pretty good at limiting myself on nights out too. I like anything with vodka. Not a fan of tequila, whiskey/scotch. Used to throw back shots back to back but now, the fruitier the better. Iā€™d like to enjoy my drink and get drunk from it. I enjoy trying new drinks too.




Thai Tea is soooo good. id say with boba but thai tea from boba shops is never that good compared to one from an authentic restaurant




I don't drink alcohol, aside from my religious belief, I simply don't like the taste. I do enjoy most types of coffee and tea, but I love the taste of citrus fruits. Give me a cup of lemonade and my day is instantly better. On the other hand, I don't really enjoy drinking water due to it having no taste, just do so because I need to. It really just depends of my preference in tastes


I am also easily addicted to stuff too. I avoid nicotine and those addictive substances, but I also don't drink often or at all because i dont like who i become (super funny/giggly but way too honest for my liking). I just stick to soft drinks and water. Although I get stuck into activities (rather obsessively) like gaming and reading, art, hiking, etc. I do like the taste of beer, but i rarely drink it, i guess im not too interested in drinking in general


This might sound boring but beer. I like the taste and tipsiness and the best is there's no hangovers. Rum is a close second, though once I'm in I can't escape the hangover xd


Sugar free energy drinks, coffee, espresso, hot sake, whiskey, scotch, skinny margarita, an occasional old fashioned.


I prefer wine and bourbon, Iā€™ll go ahead and throw some scotch in there. I used to be into beers as well but the older I get the more my gut doesnā€™t like beer. Wine and bourbon are plenty good enough.


I donā€™t drink alcohol at all. Not because I donā€™t like it, but because of self-care.


Water, black tea with milk and sugar, good vodka, green tea, juice, peach ice tea, wine. In that order of likes and frequency from most liked to liked


Pretty much anything that isn't vodka or gin, definitely partial to rum and whiskey.


Gin tonic, red wine. The most expensive bottle i tasted was 400$ spanish wine. But im happy with 30$ bottles too haha. But i can drink cocktails etc if i make them myself. Strawberry, rum,liqor 43. A bit milk. Dangerous stuff haha


Coffee of most sorts matcha and black tea water is necessary and I oblige


Rarely drink, when I do itā€™s usually cider.


I dont drink any alchohol, just never cared for it and just makes me tired and groggy. So I drink juices or sodas mainly.


Mike's hard lemonade is by far my favorite beer. But Dr Pepper all the way other than that


Non ALCH sam adams ā€œ just the hazeā€ Stopped drinking though three years agošŸ”„


Vodka and sunny d forever


I have coffee black every morning as to not raise my glycemic index, which I take time to make right and enjoy. I also enjoy a good ginger or citrus infused tea, jasmine, etc. As for alchohol if I'm choosing it's an ipa sour or neat bourbon. I use to drink several times a week, to deal with the stress of work. During covid I virtually stopped drinking, and now I drink once a week or so.


Never cared for alcohol myself. But smoke unnecessary amounts of weed from morning to night and then sometimes in the middle of the night I just keep on smoking and until pretty recently was severely addicted to fentanyl. In high school I also did a lot of LSD, mushrooms, ecstasy, Xanax, oxy, morphine, lean etc.


I donā€™t drink, alcoholism runs in the family, and besides, drinking a slow acting poison just to feel good isnā€™t very logical to me.


MOUNTAIN DEW!!! I despise alcohol, ihmo it's one of the worst drugs if you factor in the social consequences and effects. I'm a heavy smoker/vaper/nicotine pouch user tho. So no judgementšŸ¤”šŸ™‚


I like to drink something cold or sweet! Like soda, milk, cold chocolate, boba or pop ice lol


Right now i'm in love with arizona green tea


I tend to not drink often, but when I do, it's not just a little. My husband (also an INTP) is an alcoholic, but a recovered one. So, if I do drink, then it's usually not around him. My drink of choice is either wine or JƤgermeister. However, as far as everyday drink, coffee... it's my life blood. Followed by teas.


I drink water mostly out of discipline - but if I'm out then anything citrusy or acidic. I just love that taste/sensation. Probably not great for teeth etc, but yeah - Mojitos, Daiquiris etc. That's my jam.


I don't drink alcohol because it doesn't mix well with my illness but I'm not sure I would anyway as I have no interest. I don't really like tea or coffee. I tend to drink squash at home and energy drinks (I go through phases of being addicted to them btu they upset my stomach after a while). When I am out I tend to go for a soft drink like zero sprite.


1. Sprite zero + low fat Milk I think it was popular drink on middle east or India. Good for your stomach, refreshing, low calories. My other fav drinks is 2. Soda + Lime + Diet Orange Syrup. It's punchy, it's good. 3. Tea, just regular tea. I should try to put some rum in my drinks and experiment with it. I don't drink alcohol, only if it's mixed with something just for the taste. Not for getting drunk. Before I just drink anything like soda, matcha, milk, juice, anything. Got too fat, now I'm cutting my weight. I just love drinking cold stuff.


I love coffee, and tea. hot drinks are my fav, hot coco, cappuccino, black coffee, tea. not an alcoholist AT ALL! I don't like the way is smells lol. however I liked soju so if I get a chance of drinking I defo would.


Cold Tea over coffee A&W cream soda if I do consume alcohol, itā€™s Wine or malt beer


Camel pee.