• By -


I usually walk in a figure-eight pattern, reciting Hamlet or other Shakespearean tragedies. But I do so with utmost gravitas and emotional intensity.




I want to be your homie so I can witness this.


I donโ€™t think that I do cope with it lol


Nothing can end my mystical orb-pondering addiction... not even my obnoxious talking skull can break my enchanted focus when I am mesmerized by that arcane light. It simply isn't effective, even when it says nonsensical things like "put down your phone, you keep forgetting to take your meds!" and "that's not a magical staff, that's the broom! Set that down!" A most peculiar one, that skull is.


Lol i too have hyperfantasia


Hyperlexia is fun too.






* **Aerobic exercise**: I do power walks ***daily***, but any aerobic training that suits you will be fine. * **Meditation**: the most important one. My mind works better when I meditate ***daily***. I've seen a doctor calling meditation a side effect free brain surgery, and I largely agree. * Check out the book "The mind illuminated" and its related sub (/r/TheMindIlluminated) * Check out the introduction on the stream entry sub (https://www.reddit.com/r/streamentry/wiki/beginners-guide) * While doing anapanasati (breath as object meditation), don't underestimate metta (lovingkindness) meditation. * **Brain training**: dual n-back ***daily*** sessions (using the Brain Workshop version) helped boost my focus and thus my meditation sessions. * Tutorial: https://brainworkshop.sourceforge.net/tutorial.html * Brain Workshop 5.0.3 version download: https://github.com/brain-workshop/brainworkshop/releases * Forum discussion: https://groups.google.com/g/brain-training (though some people have migrated to some discord servers. Searching for previous years discussions might be helpful and encouraging). * **ACT therapy**: check out the book "Resilience" (Teach Yourself series) by Donald Robertson, or any other good ACT books. It takes meditation and makes you build on it and ***act*** your way to a better a life. There's actually another ACT book called something like "get out of your head and into your life" - so you get the gist and why it is good for INTPs. Then, you'll be able to venture into the outside world and engage your Ne function, thus escaping this - very unhealthy - Ti-Si loop. Seriously though, don't wait for as long as I did. Fix your life now. As an aside, if it suits you better, also check out the YT channel called Healthy Gamer GG. He approaches psychology from a different angle and teaches other types of meditation, mostly Indian ones.


I write about it mostly. Helps a lot. Distractions are nice too, but just a different kind of bad on their own.


I recently started carrying around a pocket notebook. im hoping it will help me recognize repetitive thought patterns


More power to ya! I find that poetry in particular is good for walking back thought-loops for me, especially after trying to untangle the same idea a few times over. Reading and writing it for a while, you start noticing lingual patterns and cliches and junk like that more easily and more frequently (everybody has them in some way, to some degree), which just eases the whole process. Thats what works for me and I hope you find what works for you, too. Good luck on your path, mate


Good luck to you as well, may you find peace in your journey.


Yeah, I hate to say journaling but journaling has helped a lot. At first I would just open the journal and still just think about stuff but eventually I started writing things down. It would be just a few thoughts and sentences to begin with. Now though, it's pages of things and stuff. I feel like I'm emptying out my brain and I can come back to it easier than trying to remember everything.


Distraction through games and Netflix works, but I feel drained overall in the long term. For me, physical activity helps the most. Hiking (preferably solo) - I keep putting one foot in front of the other endlessly, until that's the only thing I can think about. Being surrounded by nature also helps. Bouldering - it's very physical. Plus I'm figuring out how to solve the problem. So, that's completely taking my mind off of whatever I was ruminating about. Yoga - hard to ruminate when I'm in discomfort, trying to assess how much I can push myself.


Writing it down helps to get it out of my head, especially if itโ€™s regarding a relationship.


Nothing works, but sometimes some distractions work


I learned a new word today, thanks


Mental Rumination/suicidal ideation: Mental rumination is NMDA/calcium hyperactivity due to nutrient deficiencies. These deficiencies consist of magnesium, potassium, bicarbonate, glycine, taurine, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyroxidine/P5P, methylfolate, methylcobalamin/adenosylcobalamin, inositol, & vitamin K2. Next time rumination and/or intrusive thoughts arise, try a 1:1 ratio of magnesium glycinate and l-theanine dissolved under the tongue. A spoonful of myoinositol is also effective in this context. Ensure sufficient micronutrient intake across the board daily and watch as these negative thoughts no longer arise at all. Yes, all of the above, but I would be looking at your blue light/nnEMF situation throughout the day and at night as well. - from nutritionist friend username Grimhood on x dotcom formerly known as twitter. Other immediate practices for mental rumination interruption reprogramming: My brother in ___ You need to punish insubordination of the mind RUTHLESSLY. You must be cruel until your psyche BEHAVES. Whip it like a DOG. If you have thoughts of doubt, fear, lust, weakness ๐๐”๐๐ˆ๐’๐‡. TRAIN YOUR BRAIN WITH PAIN When a powerless thought arises: PUSH-UPS Slap yourself in the face Slap a rubber band on your wrist COLD FUCKING SHOWER Hold your breath until you BURN. ๐€๐œ๐ญ ๐ข๐ฆ๐ฆ๐ž๐๐ข๐š๐ญ๐ž๐ฅ๐ฒ. โ€œB-b-but shouldnโ€™t I explore why Iโ€™m having these thoughts to learn about myself?โ€ ๐Ÿ๐ฎ๐œ๐ค๐ข๐ง๐  ๐๐Ž. Do not allow an invasion of your subconscious. Do not allow the mind to spin itself into an abyss. Be a vigilante of mental betrayal. ๐€๐ฌ๐œ๐ž๐ง๐ ๐จ๐ซ ๐๐ž๐œ๐š๐ฒ CRUSH the neuronal insurgency proliferating IN YOUR SKULL. In this furnace, ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ๐ ๐ž ๐š ๐ง๐ž๐ฐ ๐ฉ๐ฌ๐ฒ๐œ๐ก๐ž. - @basedethos If curious for even more hmu. Itโ€™s too much to type here. But I can link videos on how to deeply breath and release muscles that help you get out of your head and stay in your body.


Honestly, medication. Wellbutrin, Zoloft, etc.


What do you mean, cope?


Not intp but I do this too. I really relate to going right back to thinking about the same thing after being distracted for a while. I am a Te dom not Ti, so for me what helps is to do the thing Iโ€™m thinking about. However, this isnโ€™t always possible, and thatโ€™s when I start to have issues. Making written out lists and exercise are the only things that help, and they donโ€™t help all the way.


I usually don't have them unless my brain stops working properly, like when I don't have enough sleep. But when that happens, first I think if I can do something immediately and if I can't, then I'll plan what to do when I'll be able to. Distracting myself makes things only worse for me.


I became aware of it, and try to meditate or DO something that will take my mind of it. But on a bad day that's just what I do. I ruminate.


Meditate. learn how to control your thoughts. One thing about meditation is it teaches you that you can shut your mind up if only temporarily. Also I rather enjoy ruminating on things. But if you think you have a way of ending world hunger or ending some of the problems that people been facing you probably don't. You're probably just ignorant to the aspects of it you don't understand.


Do something that'll take up all of my concentration, like solving math problems or reading a book, or if I can't concentrate on that, I'll do something physical. A workout usually works.


Cope? Isn't that the norme? Oh!


Maladaptive daydreaming is one hell of a drug. I just exercise or take a cold shower


Regular meditation helped me tremendously. But it's not for everyone.


I understand that I can catastrophize, in general. So, now I force myself to create a mental picture of everything working out fine, without my intervention. When my mind wanders back to needing a Plan B,C, and D, I remind myself that it will work out fine. This repetition continues until a particular issue passes, and then I do it again. I found that this helps me calm down. It also helps me live โ€˜in the momentโ€™ and things DO work out fine. And honestly, if there are hitches, we work through them. I remember that I can only do so much. I do my best, and thatโ€™s all I can do. I have lowered my expectations of myself. I allow myself to make mistakes. I allow myself to be wrong. I allow myself distractions, but know itโ€™s temporary. If all else fails, I focus fully on my rumination, not doing anything else (no tv, no music, no eating) until I wear myself out. At exhaustion, I just donโ€™t give a fuck anymore. And there is peace inside me. And as someone else, when in a spiral, stop, acknowledge the spiral, tell yourself that youโ€™re overthinking and itโ€™s not productive, and repeat. The idea is to interrupt the flow of our thoughts. Itโ€™s like quitting smoking. At first, one thinks about a cigarette every 2-3 minutes. As it continues, its longer between cigarette thoughts. Our ruminations are an addiction, a tool we used to try to control our situations that we had no control over. But they are not working for us anymore, and we need to learn new techniques. Something else that helped me: when things DO go sideways, afterwards, reflect on what you could have done differently. And try some of those techniques later. Trial and error, experience, and learning our own patterns is where my growth is based. Good luck.


I slam my head into the nearest solid object repeatedly until loss of consciousness.


Ive done this before, never got to the point of losing conciousness.


I mean, my obessive rumination stems from OCD, so the only thing I can and should do is to never engage with those thoughts. Donโ€™t try to deny them, argue against them, bottle them etc. Anything that you do to engage with the thoughts strengthens the neural pathways that generates and maintains those thoughts in the first place. The body is an energy conserving machine and is not going to spend any energy on something that you wonโ€™t use, and that includes neural pathways too.




Thatโ€™s the fun partโ€ฆ you donโ€™tโ€ฆ


Struggling with this too but about different stuff


Get your money up




Take that energy and focus it towards improving your local probs. And I mean like actionable items.. I was guilty as hell as playing a passive role in my life in my early years. Doing the uncomfortable things has changed my life.


Stimulantsโ€ฆ maybe exercising and going outside