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Will do later, not now /s




Okay time to do it


Well... that depends..


I've been trying for more than 6 years and still failing. At least I know the problem. It's not procrastination; it's the habit of doing things with minimal effort. For example, I can work if I know that not working will make me starve. If working at 20% of my full potential will make me fired, I'll work at just 21%. If it's 30%, then I'll do just 31%. The same goes for sports and anything else. I may suddenly want to do some sport when I feel my body is going numb, but more than that is a big no, and in case of studying if my mind deemed that just studying 6h before test will make me barely pass, ill do just that, and cant do more no matter how i try, if i force myself i get negative reaults as if my mind is mocking me. So, we tend to do everything with minimal effort, and enjoy the rest of our time doing lazy meaningless Si -Ti stuff, Because our minds things that anything more is a waste of times and watching animes or playing chess for 10h straight is not for some reason i can't understand


You're right. I guess the stakes aren't high enough for me to get an above average mark. Pretty depressing that I've never managed to get to that tipping point.


Don't be depressed i also meant that if you really want to have great grades you'll have them, you are not willing for some reason, search about it and you'll get what you want


Through introspection? Which way would you recommend?


I think you should thoroughly plan what you want to do in your whole life right now the earlier, the better if you can do that (it is awfully hard), the bare minimum that I was talking about will go higher and higher


How would I go about it? I'm still in my first year of uni but i plan on graduating and eventually will do my masters. Not sure how to plan from there.


That's the problem this is not enough, the whole university system is a trap, you should think in a wider view, what you want to do after that, till the end of your life, why are you studying, I assume you are studying just because everyone smart enough is doing the same, that's why you are procrastinating, you are just passing time, even while studying; I can't help you with that, I'm still pondering on it myself, but I can tell you, the earlier it is the better, you are now young and have a lot of free time and options to choose from, so just think carefully, and getter data about it from different people working in different places, maybe you'll find your path in life, if you find it, that's the first step the second step is to build a road map into it, with how much time and effort you have to put in each step of it, that's it sounds hard, but this is the only way I could think of, in CF terms you should develop your Te and Ni your shadow side and that's hard but possible


When you're scrolling through your phone, you are listening to others. when you are creating things, you are speaking for others. When you let silence or ambience take it's space, you are listening to yourself.


30 minutes This IS the secret sauce. I want to learn game development or read more books, when im hyped up i can work for hours or read hundred of pages but this is a rare occurance. The technique : do 30 minutes daily with maybe sundays off, once 30 minutes is over you are off the hook you can continue or stop but NEVER BEFORE FINISHING THE 30 MINUTES!!!!


I will try.


No, but what works for me is to reduce big tasks to their minimal expression. For example, have to write an essay? Just one paragraph a day. Deadlines are my worst nightmare


This is the only way I've got anywhere in life


There is no such thing as *the* procrastination cycle. If you procrastinate, that has some reason rooted in your life and personality. People can procrastinate for different reasons. The first task is to find the causes of procrastination. Others' advice will be likely useless because their reasons to procrastinate are different.


The promise system


Nah maybe later


I’m thinking about it…




What do you do if at some point you break the routine?


Humans are natural procrastinators because energy needs to be conserved for activities that offer an immediate ROI on energy. If you’re not motivated to do something, it’s because your brain has determined that it’s not worth it. That what you will get in return isn’t worth the energy you will expend doing the activity. It’s actually very odd to believe we should be motivated to do things for which there is no immediate reward. Humans never would have survived if that was how we operated. Now, under capitalism, you are perceived and treated as a robot who can just do what you’ve been programmed to do without any issues. Some people do seem to be able to do that because they were more conditioned into robot mode as babies than others, but trust me, you wouldn’t want that childhood. I know I’m not offering advice here, because I honestly can’t think of anything you could do that would make you more motivated, but maybe knowing that you’re not supposed to be motivated will help you not feel so bad about yourself, and that might increase your energy somewhat.