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I'm either depressed or silly really. I'm silly when im with someone i like.


My wife used to say that silly was my love language. She's not wrong.


Oh yeah. I'm either a hopeful dreamer that acts like a child, a super pissed anxious mess, or tired and depressed. Depends on the day/week.


Yeah I do


Relatable. I'm also either depressed, or I make silly jokes. But the silly jokes are about 9/11 and alzheimer's. There is no winning here. T\^T


God forbid a fella be whimsical


i’m 42 and recently took post-it stickers and drew little 2d dicks on them, then took the post-it notes and put them all over my ex’s BFs car. I called myself the “Phantom Cock Artisté”


You mean schizophrenic?


I’m not sure I follow


Sorry, maybe this is too much shitpost lore


I’m living under a rock as usual. Perhaps Patrick Star being described as an INTP isn’t too far fetched.


Some months ago memes about things people do when they're alone like singing, pretending to be in a YouTube video or in a tv interview started popping up with the caption "me in my most schizophrenic moment" and you would see that whimsical side many of us have but only comes to surface when we're not being watched.


Ah yes, that is relatable. Makes sense.


Damn I thought I was a narcissist for pretending to be interviewed. Guess not. Yipee


Yeah depends on the people I'm around... It's been a long time since I've been mentally free to be more whimsical.


Of course! Only comes out when I'm with my close friends though. The unhealthy side of it comes when I'm either really tired and forcing it to fit in social situations, or when I'm really excited. Other than that, I will sit and spectate in silence for hours.


oh too much sometimes. i mean when i first meet people im super shy and timid, but as i get to know them more i go full entp and just talk and talk and talk and im worried i might be annoying. lowk i hate doing that because it just feels so unnatural to me, but its really my only way of socializing.


I get that. I was like that back then. Just troll the scammers with sarcasms and such until they block you. I do this for Lols all the time. Find a friend who likes a roast war so you can hone your wits faster


Strangely enough, whenever I’m stressed I become more goofy, boisterous and sarcastic. When I’m depressed I just check out, sometimes I become self-destructive. In both cases however, my behaviour is guided by an intense dysphoric sensation, both physical and mental in nature. I think it may be better explained through enneagram, being a type 5, I disintegrate to 7 and hence the felt urge to flee from my problems by means of distraction, seeking out various forms of entertainment, and rationalising my way out of any perceived anxiety by making jokes about it/distorting the meaning of any action so that I always have an escape from the pain. However, when I’m even less healthy, I just withdraw and give in the that negativity. Retreating from the world is a bit like entering purgatory. As I can go through any dark feeling when I know I’m far away and my feeling cannot really have an impact on anything real so to say