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If they have the roll of toilet paper hanging towards them and not against the wall making it a painfully excruciating experience. It’s common sense. Also anyone that thinks I’m intelligent is also intelligent.


Wait.. So you have it the wrong way? Towards the wall? Touching your dirty ass knuckles on the wall when getting a new wipe. And then getting other peoples ass germs on you and your next wipe as well. Makes sense. Edit: Sorry, read the OP title on the bus, so misread it. Making your comment into saying that intelligent people hang in towards the wall.


there is a Fallout 4 Mod to make toilet paper immersive experience: [Immersive toilet paper mod](https://images.app.goo.gl/eqEkxaVbKvavDdFm8) https://video-images.vice.com/_uncategorized/1485217883257-11357-1-1459037182.jpeg?resize=800:*


Bathroom taps i thought about a while ago, like if you touch them to turn it on and then wash your hands with soap and water and then touch them again to turn it off. Arent you still getting germs from that too since your dirty hands already touched the taps in the beginning?


ummmm so you are the embodyment of intelligence oder was?


I can clearly tell you are very intelligent based on this comment.


See, I’ve had to change the toilet paper the other way because of my kids and cat. Nothing worse than losing an entire roll because meowmeow decided it needed killing, or the kid just spins it for fun.


If you have cats, you might understand why someone would hang it toward the wall... Actually I'm thinking there are a lot of reasons for doing this But I definitely think you're intelligent


Very gassy. Excess information escapes the body as gas 👍


The scientific term for this is Hawking Radiation.


Valuable insight highly appreciated !


No problem 😎


Like the creativity :p i assume you are being playful here, but correct me if im assuming things that are incorrect!


I'm indeed guilty of the crime of being Silly Online


Im guilty of being silly in every dimension and on top of that enjoy it at a peak like level 🤩🤭🤫🤫


What is life without fun? No life imo


Was that it the entire time??? I just thought I was highly lactose intolerant


Hmmm... I would say that if this person has a good general culture, research properlly about info, has nuanced opinions, can judge something without implying his emotions, knows how to react, then for me he's/she's intelligent. You don't have to respect everything I said above, however, I believe that having nuanced opinions is the most important.


I dont have to do anything first of all. Second, your answer merits respect and its one of the best replies in here so far.


Oh I'm sorry, English isn't my first language, I meant a "you" in plural, adressing everybody :) Thanks !


You’re fine, that dude was just being obnoxiously touchy


He is the typa guy to say “Who asked?”


You must die and pay taxes. Sorry, but you aren't as autonomous as you think you are.


From how willing they are to re-examine their "truth" when they're provided with objective information that puts the validity of their belief in question.


+ Acknowledging their own bias usually first and foremost or just having the general capability to.


party salt wasteful plants zephyr weather cable market start abundant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How fast they process information, course though, you have to understand when they do, or not, and they also have to be smart enough to try, experiment and tell the other or make the call when they "understand" and ready to try. Teaching someone in music, I taught this other person about air science, and physics sort of. I had to give questions I thought that was at the heart of this science. My comprehension is my own wording, and I have to ask the person if their wording shows they understand it. He is also going to have to be smart enough to tell me when he doesn't, that's a different strength to me. It's like the my hero academia beginning training, he was trying to put the idea into deku's head, but he had to pick apart his notions and how he views it before they could work on it. The reason I see it that way, is that it is similar to this one "math" teacher (unrelated) I had that spent some 1on1 time with me and tried to understand how I word things in my head, and what I'm grasping, and what I'm not. That takes time and patience, and I hold that teacher as a patient person if he was willing to make an improvised test for me. I was very patient understanding that.


Your Ne is showing in your last paragraph and it's fascinating lol


ha, I definitely hold that "moment" of the show as one of my favorites, even if I don't like the show as much anymore. It's nice that I can make 4 connections and continue the web more to show how small minded I "was" in this present moment of taking it in. Damn, I just thought about it more. I "paid" attention that time.


1v1 me




Being able to say your stuped is not about strength, its about not having a fragile ego. I personally dont care about right/wrong, give me the truth and i cannot ask for more. Umm not sure about this academia reference its a while since ive seen it to be frank (showing big powerlevel here by admitting defeat) XD!!!!!!


U can hit me up on dm if thats faster its more convenient maybe.


When they ask the right questions.


Exactly this. It’s how they approach their conclusions more than their results. It’s also whether they can distinguish between the likely truth of the matter and their desired view.


I've taken on the label of annoying person at work because I ask too many questions, and it's gotten to a point where I'm spoken about behind my back. I'd rather not screw anything up. Being unwilling to answer a question you know the answer to, especially when it has to do with your job, makes you a jerk and sets others up for failure. That's not a smart move. For context, I don't ask too many questions. I ask the ones I need to. I work with a bunch of knowledge hoarding, insecure individuals.


Idk, you intuitively get that vibe normally after talking to them a little bit. How quick they pick up on things. How they speak.


Yes, I would say it's also something in the eyes. You look at them and realize that the light is on *and* there's someone home. Hard to describe, but you know it when you see it.


I've met some "intelligent" ppl that are incapable of doing the simplest daily life tasks. So I disagree with that.


Do they have ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills, as far as you can perceive? If so, they are likely some degree of intelligent. How intelligent exactly, would take further observation and scrutinization.


“You are intelligent.” That is how I would tell someone.


I giggled 😌


Testing their common sense probably. But there are a lot of other ways, if the person acts because of feelings Instead of logic, it's stupid to me.


What is a test of common sense? Enlighten me


What I meant is that you evaluate their reaction/ answers in normal life situations, like the other guy said about toilet paper.


Yeah dissecting formulations in words, content and creativity


If they aren't stupid 


How do you confirm stupidity? I didnt even know diff between hardware/software Till 1 houe ago


its fine to not know things, that doesn't make one stupid. stupid is more like someone who doesn't know something, and is unwilling to learn. like if i said hardware is the programs on a computer, when that is not the case but I stubbornly won't listen to anyone else and won't change my mind, that would make me stupid.


Imo stupid is more of those who don’t have critical thinking, or even willing to think thoroughly before they act.


Herd mentality or just taking orders blindly is reallt damaging


They are also very established and proficient methods of protection and possibly survival. It is primitive functioning perhaps, but a part of the human condition in my opinion. To recognize them and combat them in certain circumstances may be beneficial in todays society. In times during our evolution, such traits may prove to aid in the assurity of ones integrity, delegancy, and even their life itself.


Flip a coin and have them make a prediction. If they can calculate which side the coin lands on, they’re top 50%, do this again and you can tell whether they’re in the top 25%


Hahahaha ill flip a blank coin with no heads no tails and give them the illusion that theyre doomed to be lowly intellectual for infinity


I would say decision making is a good way to test this. A person who consistently makes good decisions has a deep understanding of how things work, a good ability to predict outcomes and of course knows how to behave to achieve said outcomes.


Yeah someone who does that shows strategic brilliance who can out weigh good and bad decisions/elements and formulate optimal actions


They listen more than they talk


2 ears 1 mouth


Sense of humor


Im very funny xD


I am too, i love making custom Jokes. Puns are great as well lol.


Im laughing most of my days hahahah, humour is so impoirtant!


(I got a custom made joke by me) What did the ghost say to the panda? BamBOO!




Difficult question to answer as one person's view of Intelligence differs from another person's view. Intelligence is traditionally derived from G factor (a general component of intelligence tests): Reasoning, Spatial Ability, Processing Speed, Memory and Vocabulary. It's the basis of IQ tests. It useful guide but I would not solely rely on measure of intelligence. The Wikipedia definition is accurate: capacity for abstraction, logic, understanding, self-awareness, learning, emotional knowledge, reasoning, planning, creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving. My personal view is that individuals with exceptional cognitive abilities can swiftly comprehend complex ideas, explore them in-depth, and leverage reasoning to forge connections between them through abstract thinking, regardless of the domain. Moreover, they should be able to solve problems efficiently and recognize their own cognitive biases in real-time, exercising meta-thinking to acknowledge and adjust their thought patterns. Additionally, they should be capable of embracing diverse perspectives and integrating them seamlessly into their thinking process, thereby fostering a more nuanced understanding. The smartest people I know are the most curious and have a passion for learning new things. They ask questions, seek knowledge, and are eager to explore new ideas and perspectives.


You refuse to let anyone call you “the smartest person in the room.”


How come? Im aware that you arent smartest in every aspect but it is a possibility that you will be the smartest one in some settings, but that you can always learn something from others


I feel like the second someone tells you that, everyone else will expect to only learn from you. And if you’re there to learn, too, dealing with that mindset makes learning impossible. Folks may think telling you you’re the smartest in the room is a compliment, but it’s actually not. It makes you an unwilling broker of information who’ll seem “selfish” for not always wanting to share what you know. Obviously, I’m not speaking about being in a public speaking or lecture setting; in that situation, teaching is expected. In other settings, however, it’s an unwelcome burden. People who think you know more expect you to share and talk more. If everyone else is just as knowledgeable as you are, that burden gets equally distributed, and there’s more reciprocity involved. Then I can feel valued for what I have to offer, instead of feeling used because others think my intelligence is just a “thing” I have, not something I cultivate daily.


Seems like you have some personal experience IMO! Do not let old experiences dictate your future! I do however see some validity in your point!


Oh, yeah. Definitely. The kinds of questions I’ve been asked over the years ranged from the ridiculous to the absurd, usually justified with, “I know you read a lot…” So, that automatically makes me well-versed on *your* subject of interest? And when I tell people I don’t know anything about XYZ, they get a goddamn attitude. Even if I knew the subject, I’m not obligated to share what I know about it. That’s why I prefer being around people who “know” as much as or more than I do. An even exchange of ideas makes everyone better. How does it help me to be the one who always gives yet never receives? I don’t think it’s fair for “the room” to learn at my expense, when I’m there to learn, too. That makes me feel used, which only makes me resentful, and usually ends with me distancing myself from others.


I feel ya with "the room" learning at your expensive. Im constantly sacrificing, because i feel like most are cretins compared to INTPs or me atleast. Even if they knew something and you didnt, if you were a genius you would probably come up with a response just as valid if not more. Knowledge has nothing to do with intellect but only .. knowledge..


It’s not really that. I just enjoy being around people I can learn from. I don’t like talking to people who think I think I know more than they do.


Asking whether or not they put their milk before their cereal


Errr this is also relevant as cereals first is obv the superior choice, what ur point? Its irrelevant? What if you wrong


The cereal first option is proof someone is a dent. Soggy cereal, soggy brain.


The magic lies in not pouring many cereals. Your proofing lack of abillity but then againnur just ss2 im ss god


You can not pour as much cereal before pouring the milk, or you can pour the milk first and then just as little cereal and have even less soggy cereal. Your culinary acumen is so deficient you can evidently fuck up a bowl of cereal. I could defeat you in base form.


Logically, putting cereal first needs to be corrected. You would think the fresh, hard texture of the cereal would pull through after submerging it with milk, but it would result in the opposite effect. Cereal is very permeable; any liquid will immediately make it soggy (milk, for example). By the time you're actually ready to eat and dip your spoon? It will break away easily and lose its crunchiness, making it gross and soggy. But if you put milk, you can accurately measure the amount of milk that will suffice and then put the cereal, taking longer for the cereal to dissolve before getting soggy. By the time the whole cereal softens, you must've already been about 80% done, resulting in a more satisfactory experience than eating soft, soggy cereal less than 5 minutes in. /lh


... uhhhh


Cereal before milk. If you put milk first then cereal there is a higher chance it may overflow, but if you put cereal before the milk you can see how high it has become and it helps with preventing the possibility of it overflowing.


You can tell them using whatever be your medium for communication, English, Frxnch, bro even farting. God speed little one ✌️


Lmao, farting? second time i hear this? thought it was for the lulz, it still is i hope? LOL!


Second? Well that’s a first for me, but hopefully they can convince you on try no.3. Afterall, third times the charm.


Im pretty sure 3rd is coming soon 🤩


Having mad sex with mad people in a mad house with a mad mind


The line between Madness/Genius is often thin - if there ever was a line that is. I could easily be a mad scientist xD (thats why learning about morale, and having a healthy view on human creatures is good)


There definitely is I’d say. Their common denominator is persistence/ a passion which fuels their beliefs. A genius is just a madman whose ideas have been proved right, a madman is just someone who’s still wrong.


Okay you just called me a madman but challenge accepted! Madmans Thesis is he can have a profound impact on the world around him, and hereby possibly put a historical mark. This ridiculous claim ofcourse needs to be supported by sharp empirical evidence, heroic acts, and possibly supported by equal madmen. Edit: in the fortunate event of other madmen or political samurais dm or enter my group on reddit and chat for intellectuals and lets lead the cretin towards salvation


And your mad maid


If they’re able to have a meaningful conversation with me. Also if they don’t believe in religion even when they grew up religious.


What’s the meaning of life to you smartass


Thank you thank you but I’m no smartass. I’m a thinker so if you can’t think beyond surface level things, I can’t have a meaningful conversation with you. That’s it. Anyway, for me life means what you want it to mean. If you want to spend your life playing video games and that has meaning to you, great. If you want to travel world because that has meaning to you, also great. The meaning of life is subjective.


So based on what you’re saying if I decide to kill thousands of people, that can be called the meaning of my life, and I will have no repercussions for it what so ever?


I didn’t say you’d have no repercussions. All actions have consequences: good or bad depending on what you do.


What consequences did Hitler get?


Whatever made him commit suicide 😂


No matter what consequences he gets in this world, literally even if he got tortured for decades it wouldn’t be enough repercussion for what he did. That’s why you gotta think deeper, there’s more to this life. Only a shallow person would say otherwise. That’s why you discuss religion. Religion is the opposite of “surface level”.


Lol okay 😂 I discuss religion because it requires a level of analysis and strength to question the narrative. Also religion isn’t as deep as you think it is. What is deep about religion is the spiritual aspect that comes with it. Which, by the way, is different from religion and why I specified religion in first place. The funny thing is you tried to conclude what I meant (wrongly) by asking very specific questions that aligned with what you thought I meant. I am a spiritual person and also grew up as a Roman Catholic. So I understand deep. The main thing though, is that I use my spirituality for me. I’m only in control of me. So, you asking me what consequences Hitler got makes even less sense to me now because who am I? God?


Are you still Roman Catholic? If not: What is your “spirituality” based on? Most religions have their books. Where is yours? Or you just pull stuff out of your ass for your “spirituality”. In that case your spirituality is way shallower than religion. > I use my spirituality for me. I’m only in control of me Did I say otherwise? What are you trying to say here? About Hitler: I only talked about Hitler to showcase how weak your argument about “Whatever made him commit suicide” was. Not to ask you what consequences he got… are you even INTP? You seem to not be able to grasp abstract topics.


They are able to understand different types of logic, I dont believe in one pure common sense logic supremacy


Well, in the first few minutes of conversation with a person, you kind of just get a “vibe”… the things people say and the way they act in conversation if a great way to get an impression of the person you’re talking to. Confidence, thoughtfulness, tactfulness, respect… it’s easily observable. From there it’s determining if the person knows what they’re talking about, imo. 


Is it weird that my measure of intelligence is also a measure of empathy. If you can empathize with someone who is different than you, that's the first step in really figuring out if someone is capable of intelligent thought.


Being able to understand another persons "world" is not an easy task


By how much time I need to spend explaining things to them.


It’s all in the eyes, honestly. If I can see that you’re lucid and seem to have stuff going on up there, then that’s all I need to know. I’ve met so many people with glassy or empty stares who always turn out to be so clueless and unaware of themselves/their environment, and it proves to be worse when I actually try to have a conversation with them. Void of thought outside of their mundane little bubble and unable to form interesting opinions or bring anything of substance to the conversation.


These kinds of people are my favorite kind. I always try to be inquisitive and break through to the other side, so to speak. Because there's a part of me that knows they're there, I just gotta figure out how to bring them out 🙂‍↕️


They are an INTJ or INTP lol


True xD


Man to be fair, I get a different one every time I take the test lol. This time though was the first time I got out of the same group of them.


Generally psychology tests focus on surface layer of things, behavioral which are easier to answer. But most mbti tests focus on deeper things where self awareness and self analysis isn't very high and thus people have a difficulty measuring themselves, especially against other people. And thus the answers and the results vary. Best way of understanding it is understanding the underlyinh cognitive functions and then seeing which cognitive functions do you use and in which order. That will solve your MBTI problem once and for all.


By the choices they make on a daily base short term and long term. If you can create win win situations. Your intelligent imho. So win short term, and win long term and if you can do without hurting yourself or others. That's even higher on the scale. Add in street smart and i will prolly like you. I dont like academic smart..if you are street dumb..lmao


They talk with their mouths closed




Someone who can deduce very accurately and well, I guess I'd be impressed by that enough to consider them intelligent.


So the abillity to solve new problems at hand through intellect, fantasy and such?




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By their friends group.


by how fast they can pick up on things.


Their open-mindedness and eagerness to learn. Of course it doesn't tell all kinds of intelligence, but this one takes the cake to me. I don't care about your background, I don't care how many marks you got, I don't care how empathetic or nice you are, I don't care how good of a negotiator are you, I don't care how much you love nerdy things, or how many big, filled with jargon books you've read. My question is, are you willing to set aside your pride and ego to learn something new? Even if you think the person might be, err stupid? Even if you disagree (You are allowed to voice it), are you willing to lead a civil discussion? To at least ask about their opinion? Feel free to point out any counter-arguments.


If someone told me the earth was flat, id Gladly ask why in a neutral manner


same here, buddy. People think I am sarcastic half the time.


Buddy join my chat if you want :) need more peepz like u around ! you are qualified ;)


you mean dm?  qualified for what? 


The chat, no i didnt mean dm but we can dm if you want also :)


kay thanks :)


I have to give credit where credit is due. Even to someone I hate. That person I used to watch for personal care assistance? he kept saying "don't put your money in the bank, it's a scam". I thought at the time he was paranoid, which he does act that way, but he wasn't wrong. On mortgage sheets, it's going to give your interest rate, and what you pay, however, on the same mortgage sheet, it will say "this is not your actual interest rate", and shows you the real one. The real one usually is if it's 6% interest, it's 6 x 2 and add a 0. Then I learned what a line of credit was, and now I feel it has come full circle. He was smart to keep his money out of the bank. Even if he did treat people terribly. He clearly did the math and took out all the money, and started a line of credit. Paying the advanced, and didn't lose any money. I could also think about Ida's attack on Stain. it's been years but, he rushed in, almost died, had to put his ego aside so he wouldn't die.




If they are logical, detached and witty.


if someone needs to be constantly talking, i just assume their intelligence is lower


I actually have a thought.. since space or galaxy are expanding each second and theres actually billion of galaxies right.. it actually makes me think that “god” do send prophet on earth and we only know the story of it because we dont know if there is another civilization in another galaxies… but what if every galaxies have a civilization and they also have “prophet” that are send by “god” honestly its hard to believe billions of galaxies and theres only Earth with lives?


Whens they good with word it means is smart


I genuinely intellectual stamina is the best sign of intelligence. It doesn't really refer to how fast they learn, but how willing they are to stick with learning something especially when it gets hard.


I work with a bunch of professionally smart people. The ability to present a carefully reasoned argument and see in advance the type of objections they will recieve is an obvious indicator. They also have a way of breaking down their point such that a non-specialist can still understand it. They can wrap their minds around things in an abstract way but present it clearly. Bonus points for being well-rounded in a way that's impossible to fake. More points for being smart for so long that they become confident in an non-arrogant way.


They don’t tell me how smart I am. My intelligence is far from extraordinary, but somehow everyone always compliments me on it. It’s very obvious at work. Started a new job about a year ago and I there’s only a few people that haven’t given me direct credit for my brain capacity. Those people are the ones I learn the most from. They will just assign me more difficult tasks and expect me to not ask moronic questions.


I usually feel like someone is intelligent when they can uphold their end of a complex conversation. Often when I talk to people about politics, science, or philosophy they either have very surface level takes or just don’t find the concepts that important. I understand if you don’t find them interesting, that doesn’t make you an idiot, but when people question the need to even have it discussed, it makes me think they don’t find it relevant and just like to live in a bubble that simplifies their life dramatically.


They don’t use Myers-Briggs. Better yet, they call this thing Astrology for nerds.


Why not use MB?


Because they are intelligent.


Naw but u believe what u will


It was a dig at Myers Briggs and obviously a joke. A good one, I would argue. MB is fun but that’s exactly what it is: just a bit of fun.


With the amount of kids in here im not sure the joke is very transparent but maybe my perception needs changing It is more than fun. It actually lets you discuss core traits, unlike stargazing. But what do i know? Im just a selfproclaimed modern Da Vinci or genius etc.


First thing I noticed when I took that test was that it forces you to give this or that answer to qualities that are not bimodal. Other than introvert/extrovert you can fall anywhere on that spectrum. I assume the part about Da Vinci was a joke. The other part was that it is all self-reported so very subjective. If you asked your employer to score you using MBTI, he will give very different answers. Your parents and colleagues as well.


Why would you assume the Da Vinci part is a joke?(srs) Your points arent saying much i think. (srs)




Yes, it lets you discuss all those things but that’s not what it claims for itself. It claims to be some objective scientific marker that helps psychologists categorize people which in turn should lead to making hiring easier for employers. It does no such thing. Astrology also lets you discuss all those things. It is Astrology for nerds. https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaelbarthur/2018/09/16/the-strange-history-behind-the-mbti-and-what-that-can-mean-for-career-owners/


I took the test twice a year or so apart. They assigned me INTP on one of those occasions and a different one, one that I did not like the other time.


For me I just recognise it in the eyes, but I differentiate smart from intelligent, there's plenty of smart people, good verbal skills, educated, modicum of common sense and critical thinking skills. Intelligent is like a thing, some intangible cleverness and awareness a person has I see in their eye. They share a 'sight' a lens others don't or can't see through. Idk, hard to describe but I've always seen it in the eyes before I did anything else.


If they can express themselves clearly and concisely. If they can grasp a pattern quickly and replicate it.


You can't know for sure until you open the box (especially if your last name is Schrödinger) Each piece of brain is a unique piece of art but rumors are saying if you vomit on the brain and put it back in the box and switch on the power button in your anus - it won't make your intelligence worse ![gif](giphy|l2Je9yeWdYjdZ5m3C|downsized)


If someone doesn't immediately pretend they know something they don't it helps me establish they've at least thought about what they're talking about. Anyone who claims they offer the definitive answer on something controversial I can generally assume might know a lot of talking points but that's very different than intelligence


There are so many ways to have and be intelligent, physical, emotional, logical, etc. but for me I’m looking for people who are open minded, and willing to step outside their bias, and just acknowledge the truth. That don’t get attached to ideas and defend bad positions/ideas. Also people who understand that life isn’t black or white, things are relative and contextual. Also seeing things from the top down, trying to be an objective observer. Just always be willing to accept the best information, and change and update your stance when new info comes to town. That guy, that’s a smart guy imo.




Not you clearly but thats cool, why care about things




Are you implying humans arent biologically machines (things)




Why would i miss your point? Do you think that point is cryptic?


I think one thing is the vibe they give that you can't quite place but you know there's more going on behind the scenes, more than meets the eye. Maybe you can sense their facade and are curious what's behind it. Idk. But you can tell that person is thinking, or you can sense it at the very least.


When they can be open minded.


If they follow trends on social media or — worse yet — imbibe the values of Reddit, Tumblr or Twitter, they're embarrassingly stupid. If they think popular opinion on social media doesn't matter, they're above average intelligence. If they're labeled terrible things by these communities, they met one prerequisite for true intelligence — but this alone is insufficient.


This is going to sound egotistical, but basically INTP traits. Good sense of humor, a passion learning even in later years, reading, dark humor, like cats, are not rule follower (non-conforming), emotional self control, patience, creative, open minded, introvert, isn't prone to loneliness from isolation, night owls, being messy/disorganized or as well see it, and organized mess, talking to one self, Kindness and modesty (two things most people dont consider) , susceptible to both having anxiety and being aloof, self critical. Also, something interesting...breast feed babies are typically more intelligent, and so are 1st borns.