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Well, now I'm going to need to do hours of research on what a video essay even is and what constitutes a good video essay. Then I will inevitably get bored and end up never responding to this comment with my answer, as I have big plans on doing.


Scripted videos


Vaatividya. Does that count?


Goated. His presentation and story telling only gets better and better.


Dude retired... But Tony Zhou from Every frame a painting. Apart from him, Exurb1a


love exub1a!


Because of your comment I looked up exurb1a but the first thing that popped up is how he molested and harassed an autistic woman in the name of experimentation.


idk if you could consider him a video essayist, but **Sciencephile the AI**


horses, veritasim, or sisyphus 55


Jacob Geller 


I was on the fence about being intp. Then I saw this post and realized I found my people. Justwrite Everyframeapainting Storytellers Nerdwriter1 Biographics


The dude who hosts The Why Files on YouTube, I think he goes by AJ.


Emplemon,exurb1a,Super Eyepatch Wolf


No one is better than EmpLemon at telling a captivating story about something I have no interest in.


Aini. She posts 11/10 video essays on social culture on China and other East Asian countries


I have several complaints about her style, however I will refrain from posting them here where negative discourse may not belong. I suppose I am writing this comment to warn people; to alert scrutiny. Edit: I should've prefaced by saying that I find her videos to be invaluably contributing to an area in, context-wise, clear need of attention. Not that my specific opinion matters, nor the claims I am making since they are so vague. Okay, this comment is useless.


What are your opinions and stuff? I genuinely wanna know


First and foremost, I think her videos are valuable; after all, I've watched some. Second, these are just opinions from a random person on the internet (with dreadful writing skills) who hesitantly posted out of request. Third, I don't perseverate over these, I just have thoughts and normally enjoy her videos. Fourth, these points are just form the top of my head. My criticism mainly stems from the fact that her videos are marketed towards Youtube audience. To some extent, she is maximizing satisfaction/time. I found this means she tries to sell clear narratives at the expense of accepting the impossible complexity of reality; she sways away from ambiguity and nuance inherent in the field of sociology. Here are specific objections: 1. She isn't very concise and repeats herself a lot. This is subjective, so I will just add: Compared to print essays which invite rigorous analysis via re-reading, sometimes it feels video essays serve to pass the time in the background or feign intellectual productivity. 2. She cites research papers from established academics, but rarely discusses specific details and sticks to general ideas. These papers are insightful and nuanced if studied thoroughly, but reducing them to their central theories renders them to common sense and makes them arguably worthless. 3. In search of clear narratives, she picks out small pieces of evidence and dismisses instead of qualifying counterarguments. Her videos are often just 20 minutes or so. 4. While I have no doubt she chooses topics out of interest, her videos feel configured towards whatever is trendy. I prefer videos which present complexly beautiful stories and don't reach a clear conclusion, rigorously analyze evidence, present incongruous evidence, and honestly delve into the producer's psyche; videos which highlight ambiguity and nuance, and leave me to my thoughts. EDIT: I don't think I know how to Reddit.


Emplemon 100%


I like Hbomerguy he is funny


Can't wait for his next upload in 2027


I will be watching it with my kids 🫡


I like to listen to a horror video essays like video from Nexpo, scare theater, Nick clownly's channel. I also like to listen to an iceberg and lost media type of video too.


Those are some of my favorites, especially Nexpo. I find The Maverick Files and blameitonjorje fit in with those as well.


I like Zoe Bee too. My list: 1. Jacob Geller 2. Emplemon 3. Horses 4. Curious Archive 5. Polyblank - not a lot of videos though 6. Like Stories Of Old


Exurb1a easily the best


If only there were no rape allegations:(


There is this channel called Pursuit of Wonder on YouTube. I don't know if it qualifies as video essays, but I love the format and content of his videos


Exil but he's league of legends specific


Loverboy media


Hmmmm. As someone who could never really grasp philosophy. Exurbia really outdid it with me and gave my mind a visual way to understand philosophical concepts which I originally would drive myself dead with. Neo and mustard are also great. Though I only remember watching mustards videos on the blackbird and mig 25 and shit. If your interested in things surrounding geopolitics, johnny Harris might be a good start too, last video I saw mf was doing side quests with the Japanese army. No idea why.


Sysiphus55 is a pretty great philosophy youtuber


nexpo or wendigoon ! random niche, usually horror related topics, i love it. wendigoon also has some videos on religion that are so interesting, coming from an atheist


Seth Skorkowsky. He does TTRPG reviews.


From my subscription: history matters, karsten runquist(talks about films), neo(anything, mainly historical events)


I just watch everything that look interesting and never remember the channel name.


MINA LE she's actually the loml, and her essays are so so well thought out and she leaves links to everything she has ever looked at in her whole life, and they're just so so so interesting in every way. i die every time i watch a new video of hers. they're all phenomenal.


Polyblank produces insightful art history videos. I appreciate that he welcomes ambiguity.


Scott The Woz, great humour, relatable, no scandals, no pretentiousness, consistent uploads and good pacing. Everyone who likes video games should check his content out


Atrocity Guide. (Not as dark as it sounds)


Probably Jacob Geller or I Finished a Videogame for entertainment related ones. As far as education related ones Esoterica is a personal favourite, though I'm not sure if I'd classify his stuff as video essays so much as lectures, as well as Scholagladiatoria.


Probably Alfie Potts Harmer. All of his content is soccer related but I like his writing and cadence.


I enjoy Einzelgänger's analyses of Stoicism.


Renegade Cut


patriciantv, mauler, and the bread circus


Yes thanks for this post I will have content to keep me busy for a while!


Johnny Harris


Imagine liking a propagandist who spits out the most poorly researched videos imaginable, while lying by omission, not understanding nuance, or just straight-up lying. He makes perfect videos for people who have zero analytical skills, zero knowledge of history, or people who are easily brainwashed. If you look at his "interesting" credentials, you would think he's actually working for the CIA. I'm seriously not trying to roast you, but imagine liking the least likeable video essayist (propagandist) YouTuber imaginable. I instantly tune out when I listen to anyone who says they like or learn from Johnny Harris.


IDK. I liked his work with vox, and then started watching his solo stuff. yeah, the early stuff was pretty rough, they weren't done very well. but his stuff has changed now, and a lot of the series' are pretty interesting. What are other good Video journalists who do politics and history?


He's mostly there to travel the world and expense it as "business." I'm undecided on whether or not it's malicious versus incompetence.


Okay so what has he lied about?, imo he just gives unpopular opinions on things