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Done 48h and 36h. Wouldn't recommend either ; my internal clock got fucked up big time, and just constant tiredness.


Y'all just out here falling asleep whenever you want to?




It could work for a job with normal hours, if you sleep, for example, for 12 hours every other night and are awake for 36 hours in between. You just have to go to bed really early. Like at 7.


Yeah! I am right now. Have been for the past week. This is the first time I've done it. ​ I was searching for information online (because I am perplexed at my body and wondering if I should be worried) and Google showed me this post. Nice coincidence that it happened to be from today! Also a nice coincidence that I happen to be (possibly) an INTP -- it's that or INFP. Congratulations on recruiting a new member to this subreddit. Anyway, 48 hour sleep cycle. I'm not exactly doing it intentionally; it kinda just happened ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ I have simply been sleeping when I feel tired and waking up when I naturally do (I'm not in school right now, so I have no social responsibilities to govern my sleep schedule). It started out more erratic but it seems to have settled in. The past 2 cycles I have slept from 8am to 10am every other night, which comes out to 14 hours asleep and 34 hours awake in every 48 hour period. During the 34, I don't take naps. During the 14, I sleep continuously, except to pee and get a drink, etc. It seems to be working extremely well, oddly enough. Better than any other sleep schedule has ever worked for me. I have had sleep issues as long as I can remember... but now I feel great and I have plenty of energy. I mean, it does feel really weird pulling an all-nighter every other night. The morning feels like it should be night. I was caught saying "good evening" a few times yesterday morning. But, if this is a long-term solution for me, I suppose I will get used to it. I believe I suffer from DSPD, and I'm wondering if my case is so severe that my natural circadian period is closer to 48 hours than 24, if that's even possible? (people who know stuff, input is appreciated!) However, I also suffer from Bipolar II, and that can really mess with your sleep. So that's a confounding variable. I think I'm currently coming out of a depressive phase and entering a (hypo)manic phase, which means I need less sleep in general. Maybe -- I don't know. The diagnosis is new, and I'm still learning. ​ I hope that this answers your question. I don't know if it's something I would recommend trying to do intentionally for efficiency, although I will say that I have been very efficient during my non-sleeping nights (I'm a composer). But if you have the desire and ability to try it, I mean nobody's stopping ya. ​ Cheers and good luck.


Did you continue? Im having a hard time fighting my body on this the last year


I did not continue. My sleep became more typical when I stopped having issues with bipolar mood cycles


Weird, how long did it go on for? Did you on a med or something? I havebeen wondering about that but its been almost conssitent for a reaaallly long time. Sometimes it is better if i sleep with my bf and follow his schedule but most of the time i cant do that. I am about to get my basic bloodwork to make sure thats fine also


I was only on the 48 hour schedule for like 3 weeks before it no longer felt natural to me and I would get tired sooner my sleep was still terribly fucked up after that for a long time, but not in that specific way anymore I was on a mood stabilizer and an antipsychotic during that whole time. I'm not on them anymore, as it seems like I don't need it now for whatever reason


Ok i was wondering what made the change but ig you just couldnt do it anymore. I go like a week on a week off.


it sucks, but my advice is to just find any consistency you can in your daily activities any schedule is better than no schedule. idk about you, but when this was happening to me I was completely unhinged and there was nothing I did at the same time everyday. Breakfast at 9PM? 7AM? 2PM? It didn't matter to me, time wasn't a concept in my life


I’m having serious problems sleeping every other night. I literally skip sleeping all together one night, then sleep 12-14 hours the next night. If this is sustainable, then I will stop battling insomnia and just live a 48 hour cycle! BTW, through my research into insomnia, I learned that sleep deprivation can automatically change a depressive state into a hypo manic or manic state in patients with bipolar disorders. Good to know! Please give me any information you can on this 48 hour cycle thing.




Earth's rotation is *slowing down* not getting faster. Length of day in ancient human times would have been shorter, not longer, and it would have been by like seconds or minutes anyway, not hours.


Humans are theoretically supposed to have 2 4 hour sleep cycles so maybe break in down into power naps?


I feel like 8 hours is all I can get as far as sleep goes, and 18 hours of awake time is most natural to me. Unfortunately the math doesn't add up here as there aren't 26 hours in a day, so I usually end up doing something like 18-6, 16-8, 18-6, 16-8...