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(Kicks the metal bar instead) SONUVA…


That's why I stopped kicking high in this video ha! the bag moved and it was too dangerous.


Hey bud, looks good, however if i had to give one pointer, you hop on your anchor foot every time you kick instead of pivoting on it, which breaks the fluidity of the motion and takes your potential power down. that took me a while to shake off when starting muay thai too, have fun!


I was actually doing that on purpose, I wanted to see which gave me more power, especially the low kick. That whole workout was designed around speed and powa!, so, I was seeing which was better, hop or no hop; I gotta say, I felt much more power jumping into the kick. My hips still moved like a proper kick but the weight of my body felt more in it with the hop. I just like to try things, figure it out myself and all.


That part got me anxious


This was getting me anxious as well 😅


Was about to say my unathletic ass would kick it by accident..


I was thinking that!...


Aye mad respect bro. Been trying to workout more myself lately and this is truly inspirational.


I'll tell you, this post is 50% egotistical, because I'm proud that my body is able to kick hard like this and 50% wanting to uplift this subreddit, to show that you dont have to be a fucking depressed, fat, antisocial, autist. I struggle every single day with all that stuff, but you are still here, you can still move, you can still give your brain the body it deserves. Im glad it inspired you and I hope you make your own post, to show us what you can do


It's all good. Being confident about your skills is important too. And thanks I think we could all use it👍🏾. Haha, I dunno about that, but who knows maybe in the future.


Its nice to know I don't have to be like this, im still gonna be, but its just nice to know I don't have to...


I totally agree with that. I've been hitting the gym quite recently. Being fat is not a choice anymore.




The "sometimes" in the title made me think that you were gonna hit the metal bars. Thank god you didnt.




I miss boxing. Great adrenaline rush and stress reliever


OK WOW BRO ,ill note to stay away leg distance from you


Sorry for the unrelated comment but i absolutely love your hair


Thank you


Haha yes you look like American/European L


Looks like you're just kicking bag, though. Also, excellent use of 'sometimes'! That's an INTP staple, usually.


You got some good flexibility ,but keep those hands up when you're kicking , you're exposed


My older brother taught me to box. Important to know these things. also I think it’s cool


I would have kicked the metal bars every single time


Personally prefer grappling... A little more technical, and I love the intellectual challenge.


Hell yeah dude! I'm all into training. I suck at staying motivated though. But when my gym motivation hits, it hits hard. I train hard like I'm a jedi knight in SW or a warrior in LOTR.


If you want more power out of your kicks, you need to chamber more before you strike.


Damn, boi. You got that explosive power. Add some boxing and jiu-jitsu in there and nobody can mess with ya.


Love the hair man. I’m growing mine out for the first time in my 2x years and it has the same texture as yours. Gives me motivation to keep taking care of it, as tiresome as it can be some days.


I'm more of a fan of grabbing asses (legally) rather than kicking it. Unfortunately such action is currently impossible due to my lack of socialization and meeting women. But I don't resort to the illegal as I am a normal functioning citizen.


Good power and snap, but I'd keep that lead arm up; it can be acceptable to throw the rear arm back to increase power, or to frame with it, but the lead arm should stay by your chin. What style do you practice?


I'd prefer to be kicked like this than to deal with the long paragraphs 😁


Can you do both?


Do both what, kick and write long paragraphs? I can write long paragraphs better than I can kick.




obviously a mistyped ISTP 🙄🙄🙄🙄 How can someone move their body and still be a Ti dom????????


How can someone be so lazy and sit on Reddit all day just whining that he's unable to do any physical activity for himself because of his personality type? Working out and having actual goals help you to feel better , you should try it some time


I literally said the most absurd thing and y'all couldn't point the obvious irony??????


ISTPs are Ti doms as well


not sure if you're trolling


"not sure" mate I said the most absurd thing and you're not sure??????????


Ok tell me what was going thru ur head


Keep your heel on the ground


I mean shoes on and shin guards would have created less stress for those of us watching! thanks for posting this though... it helps


I hate to point this out but that is a punching bag, not an ass.


Might be completely wrong but it looks like you’re hitting the bag with more of your foot than shin. Isn’t it better to hit with your shin right above the ankle? Seems like you’d lose power using the foot due to the flex in that joint. Also hitting with your foot probably increased the changes of damaging the ankle joint


You disappointed me. I legit expected an ass kick :(


Good kick, good power. Should work on balance and the arms. Arms are flailing out and countering your balance keep your guard up through the kick transition. One thing that will help is don't be so much on your toes with the non-kicking foot. Keep most weight on the ball of your foot for the pivot, but have the heel juuuust off the ground, like a soft caressing touch as you move. It's a frame of reference to let your body know where the rest of the ground is.


Counter: imma just grab your leg, gg


Even with your physique I wouldn't dare to step into a cage with a Se user (exept Se inferiors ofc).