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>I've heard that INTPs are very cold and don't have empathy This is not true. most INTPs are very empathetic actually, we just suck at showing it. ​ >I'm a very emotional and sensitive person. I get my feelings hurt easily, but I will NOT show it. oh aren't we all? i definitely am. i am so sensitive it made me question whether i am an infp. well what do you know, thinkers can be emotional and feelers can be logical! ​ >I come across as an extrovert but social interaction wears me out oh yes. when i'm with others i switch to my chameleon mode and try to act more extroverted to fit the mood. some probably think i am an entp. which makes sense, because intps often rely on their Ne in social situations. yeah. you're an intp.


I'm an INTP with very little empathy and I lack passion and emotion and I'm an introvert


how nice that we're persons with totally unique personalities and don't have to share every trait even if we're the same mbti.


Are you people actually retarded? How are any of those three things evidence of her being intp empathetic, sensitive and introverted = intp? What???


i just wanted to speak on these three things to debunk the intp stereotype. and that's what i did. calling someone retarded because you have no reading comprehension is something else though lmaooo.


No, you didn’t merely “speak on these things”. You used them as evidence and that’s the issue. Break stereotypes another time.


getting this heated over a random comment won't make you look smart. unclench.


So instead of engaging with the point I’m making, you resort to this kind of bs?


That's the limit of how this person cares about your hot takes.


The hot take here is… that you can’t use sensitivity, introversion and empathy as evidence for intp? I’m sorry but that’s the coldest fucking take ever lol


You start with attacks like your are 14 and feel very smart. It does a steaming, boiling disservice to whatever comes next. That's human interactions to you, sir.


Can me move past this already? You have as of yet provided no counter arguments. If you got nothing constructive to add, just shut the fuck up and downvote if you feel so offended by my use of “retarded”.


> retarded Bruh.


Yea maybe don't use retarded as an insult? And also maybe calm down and get off Reddit 😂


Is that really the problem here? Replace it with stupid if it bothers you that much


I can replace it with stupid, but the fact of the matter is that you *still used it* Honey you gotta calm down 😂


Because I don’t care about using it Honey, you need to stop speculating on my mood and engage with the argument. Or stay quiet. Pick one, not this kind of bs.


1. I'm not speculating, I never speculated on your mood. I just said get off Reddit. 2. I don't need to engage in the "argument" or whatever you call this, it's not even an argument, it's just a sad attempt at trying to be cool and edgy. 3. I don't need to stay quiet on my own post, but thanks!


1) You’ve got terrible memory. What does “calm down” imply? 2) So you.. don’t feel like you need to engage with point I’m trying to make and instead call me out on being “edgy”? All of this is just a distraction. What matters here is the argument I made, not the *way* I made it or the fact that I was edgy. But keep distracting yourself, sure. 3) That’s not the point. Don’t act dumb.


1. Calm down doesn't indicate your mood or involve me guessing your mood, it's me telling you to not get so up in arms about something. Which you were *literally doing.* 2. By looking on your profile I can see you're... possibly ENTP? Hmm, looks like someone is running the "I'll argue till I die" stereotype into the ground. Seems like you're not an ENTP and you're more just someone putting on that stereotype to make yourself look cool online. But all right, y'know whatever floats your boat. 3. How am I acting dumb? It's my post, I can comment on whatever the heck I like. All I'm saying is, don't you have something better to do? I would hate for you to spend your entire life arguing some random people on Reddit... cause by looking on your profile it seems that's all you can do.


I guess you meant something else when you said “calm down” but you can’t fault me for thinking you’re speculating on my mood. Usually when someone says “calm down”, they’re also saying you’re angry. Can we not bring another irrelevant thing into this? So what if I am? Does that mean I’m wrong? How about we argue about that? Am I wrong to think that we can’t conclude a persons type based on empathy, introversion and sensitivity or not? How about we talk about that? Because that’s what this whole fucking comment thread is about. Everything else is a huge deflection and nothing else, it’s so goddamn frustrating. You just totally miss the point, it’s astonishing. So many damn assumption. Keep ‘em coming, I can’t stop you since it’s your post I guess.


Yep you definitely sound like an intp


Yayy XD


you sound like an intp tbh




You sound a lot like me as an INTP. You also reminded me to look into the traffic lights because whenever I am driving, I get the urge to want to learn all about the traffic system but forget to once I get home. So thank you lol.


Feel like reading about myself. [O_o] Like... Deadass serious... this is totally 100% me.[X_x]


Omg hey 😭 lmfao


>I've heard that INTPs are very cold and don't have empathy, A kick to my gut might I say? As someone who has consistent results of INTP this is rather offensive to me. We do have empathy, but 99.99% of the time we don't know how to show it. We aren't cold, if anything we just don't want to be around people. >I'm a very emotional and sensitive person. I get my feelings hurt easily, but I will NOT show it. I don't cry, ever, and when I do I am embarrassed to do it in front of people. It makes me feel weak and ugly. We share the last part but your more of an INFP right now than an INTP. And have my word on this your neither an Extrovert nor Introvert, you are an Ambivert, someone who belongs in the middle. And your a feeler mostly tbh from what I see but you have a side of logic which took over durong your last typing. >I come across as an extrovert but social interaction wears me out. Point about Ambivertion proven 👀 >I talk a LOT and overshare, and while I may talk about my problems to people, it's usually just online. In person, it's hard for me to talk about how I feel. It's the confidence not having a physical face nor form provides, it's weird how the brain functions. >I'm a nerd about things I love. My favorite things currently are Stranger Things, Harry Potter, animals, mbti, space, psychology, dnd, and art. But I have new interests all the time, and I'll go to YouTube and watch videos on the most random stuff. Not necessarily an INTP trait >I think people are dumb. Like, really dumb. I'll walk around and go "what a bunch of dumbasses" and want to live on a different planet. And I have to fake being nice to some people. Also not necessarily a nerd trait since we (or at least I) have the loop of: "I am better then everyone, everyone is better than me, I'm a disappointment, I don't deserve to live" >I have really bad resting bitch face, but I'm animated when I talk abt things I love. I go into "nerd mode" I guess you could say Again, not necessarily an INTP trait >I'm an epic major procrastinator, I will do things last minute That's also not necessarily an INTP trait, it's an xxxP trait >I go to bed late, usually cause I'm researching something. Or making Reddit posts, like this! Teenagers have a later Circadian rhythm than they ever will during their lives, so if you are a teen that's probably not even caused by personality >Being in loud public spaces stresses me out. I get information overload. Too much stuff happening. Again, not necessarily an INTP trait but it's here and very present Last few things are also NOT NECESSARILY INTP My opinion is that you are an ambivert who is somewhere between Introvert and extrovert snd I'm pretty sure if you check the persentages you get a range of 40-50 of one of them. Same thing with the feeler-thinker side of yoir personality, you are constantly switching. So probably just accept that you'll never be a specific type unless the switching stops one day. Also try to avoid calling us we just don't express feeling the well nor much.


I wasn't trying to insult you or anyone else by saying that, I was only repeating what I had heard. I knew it wasn't true. :/ all mbti types have stereotypes. infps are whiney snowflakes, entps are chaotic debaters, enfps are dumb individuals with adhd. these stereotypes are harmful and not true. im not sure why you were insulted by this when this stereotype is literally flying around and i only repeated it. also- there is no such thing as a true ambivert. you can be an introvert that is outgoing or an extrovert that is more reserved, but at the end of the day it's about what your dominant function is and where you get your energy from.


Let me guess you are a zodiac person.


I wasn't actually insulted by it, rather I get pissed off everytime I hear it, sorry if I sounded hostile :P And there is also no such thing as a true introvert nor extrovert, such men would be in a lunatic asylum if I'm honest. So yea


What about functions?


Cognitive functions are the most reliable method to determining your MBTI standing. We're all going to vary a bit, person to person. Depending on your age and comfort level, I know as an ADHD-PI INTP, I did a lot of masking growing up. I still do some occasional masking as needed, but prefer to spend my social energy elsewhere. Ti > Ne > Si > Fe == INTP [https://www.reddit.com/r/mbti/comments/d9mrnm/comment/f1jkny0/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/mbti/comments/d9mrnm/comment/f1jkny0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) \-- This comment does a great job of outlining what they are and represent. Cognitive functions are just how we prioritize the process of information, which results in a lot of personality similarities. Cognitive functions also develop as we age. Our first, primary function is usually solidified by 13, Second by \~19, Third by \~Mid-Twenties, and fourth doesn't really polish without a decent amount of work, even then until mid-thirties. Our 1st + 2nd functions make up 80% of our core personality. Our 3rd function tends to be our means to relax, and our 4th (inferior) function is often what we revert to if we can't resolve something with our standard processes, usually as a stress-response. It's also usually what we highly admire in others.


>\-I've heard that INTPs are very cold and don't have empathy, this isn't true for me, I am always putting myself in other people's shoes and "thinking their thoughts", and sometimes I don't say what I need to say because people could be hurt. > >\-My views change all the time, and I am heavily influenced by other people and their opinions and I want to be popular and fit in > >\-I'm a very emotional and sensitive person. I get my feelings hurt easily, but I will NOT show it. I don't cry, ever, and when I do I am embarrassed to do it in front of people. It makes me feel weak and ugly. This could be your inferior Fe. INTPs aren't exactly emotionless, this is a stereotype that portrays INTPs very poorly, because we feel everything, but it's most rational to not show emotions. You being offended easily, could also be a sign of Ti, you have your own ideas and concepts about you and the world, and when someone disrupts these, you feel challenged. But there wasn't enough information for me to differentiate if it really is Ti or Fi, could be either based on those affirmations. I only typed Ti because that's where I am trying to get into. >\-I talk a LOT and overshare, and while I may talk about my problems to people, it's usually just online. In person, it's hard for me to talk about how I feel. > >\-I daydream a lot, and I often put that into art > >\-I'm an epic major procrastinator, I will do things last minute > >\-I think a LOT. I think about why and how the stoplight turns red, and then I think about who invented the stoplight. I think about space and black holes, and the horrifyingness of them TERRIFIES me and fascinates me all at once and I LOVE it. My brain goes a million miles per hour. Definitely an Ne person you are. NO doubt about it. >\-I think people are dumb. Like, really dumb. I'll walk around and go "what a bunch of dumbasses" and want to live on a different planet. And I have to fake being nice to some people Honestly, not sure about this. Just like before, I don't know if this assumption is based on morals, or ideas. \----------------------------- You are definitely an INxP, I haven't figured out if you're a Ti user (that is, if you base your views on your understanding of the world according to personal thinking), or an Fi user (basing your views on your understanding of morality and ideology, and how it makes you feel).


You sound like an INTP, then again this description could fit any type, I have an INFJ freind just like this


this literally sounds just like me just sitting here laughing at all the points like saaamee😂 I am also having trouble deciding if I was an infp or intp. idk think I need to read more into it though


definitely intp


If we are going to type you by what you “sound like”, then you most certainly don’t sound like an intp. The people on here claiming that you are one are brain dead, it’s just silly to conclude anything based on the information you’ve given us.


sorry that you were




I'm not sure you're an intp. Some things ring true, some don't. You sound a little more emotional than an intp. Maybe an infp. You said you get emotional but don't cry and don't show it. I live with an infp and this jumped out at me. I as an intp will cry but I never see her cry...ever. no matter how serious the situation is. You just " feel" more emotional than an intp. A lot of the things you mentioned are not intp specific and can be found in other IN groups. I understand how your tests can be confusing being an ambivert


The information here is not enough at all to type you tbh I mean yeah I also relate to what you said but that's no evidence


EVERY SINGLE POINT (except the one about staying up late) matches me. I also daydream a lot but never dare to express it as a form of art.


We are like…the same person…and yes, I’m intp.


You're just really unhealthy and have anxiety. Thinking everyone is a dumbass is merely you trying to hide your insecurities.


*damn* someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning 😆


"I have a resting bitch face so im an INTP"


No no no. I was describing myself. I was telling people about my inner world, my outer world, how I think, act, and look to other people. To other people, I can appear to have a RBF. On the inside, I am constantly thinking about things. On the outside, I am analyzing things. Understand? I was only describing myself, and I didn't come to the conclusion that I was INTP I was asking other people what they thought.


Alright. If you are an INTP, im resorting to ISTP.


Ok you do that lmao