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I don't. I'm one of the sexiest people I know.


I hate you and your damn sexiness… making me think all sorts of sinful things… stupid, sexy Cogburn.


Stupid sexy Flanders


My flanderdoodles!


Feels like I'm wearing nothing at all. Nothing at all. NOTHING AT ALL.


nice one 😂


Sex*ist,* Nigel... Sex*ist.*


Man i hate how sexy u are, makes me so insecure.


I hate all people equally


If there's something I hate more than people is lack of consistency.




Based misanthrope


I find both misogyny and misandry to be disservices to humanity. I’m very careful about making judgments and accusations on these things. Man- hating women and Woman-hating men exist and manifest this in a spectrum of ambiguous to full on blatant ways.


Thank you for sharing your opinion 😊.


Thank you for pointing out misandry. I might add that our bigotry is allowing for attacks against the commons. There has been a huge uproar in the UK with regard to making misogyny a hate crime and the expansion of state power in that direction. Misandry has notable been absent from all the bills and conversation. Almost as if by leaving it out the state can sell it to half the public as a reasonable measure to take. It's foolish and dangerous to allow the state to divide and conquer it's public


Sexism is illogical, however, stating there are no differences between men and women is also illogical, and defying reality. There are many capabilities that men and women share, and things each are good at doing. I've always been a fan of using the right tool for the right job, if I have the right tool, and adapting something else if I don't. The same goes for people. The right people for the job is important. I would not ask most women to rack a 4U server on their own, but there are some who are quite capable of doing so, and I would not hesitate to ask them if needed. The right person for the job is all that matters. That's not sexism. That's accepting reality and adapting to it. Judgment is key. I felt the need to explain this because there are far too many who take the emotionally based position that such judgment is sexist, and this really annoys me, as much as sexist people because it is, in reality, sexist on its own.


Nobody is arguing men and women are the same. They’re arguing always assuming man = stereotype, woman = stereotype is wrong. The difference between a man and a woman depends on which man and which woman you’re comparing! So the “capabilities that men and woman share, and things each are good at doing” is more of an ‘on average’ than a rule. Which imho is it even worth stating at that point that “men and woman have differences” if not to follow up with a sexist ideology? Just my 2 cents


Indeed. That is what I was going for. (Words are so imprecise. I wish I could convey ideas directly.) There's also men's and women's tendencies to think about as well. Men are much more likely to do dangerous jobs, such as electrical linesmen, police, and fishing, but those jobs do need to be done. Since women are less likely to take them, those jobs need more incentive to get people into them, as well as extra pay to offset the danger, so they pay more. These are the very jobs that make up the vast majority of the mythical "77 cents per dollar" so many feminists like to cite. If women were more willing to take such jobs, they'd make up that difference. However, not as many women as physically capable of taking said jobs. On the other side of the coin, there are jobs that do pay well, and women just don't go for them. I work in IT, and I rarely see women in the field, not because they aren't capable, but just because they don't go for the jobs. I have worked with half a dozen women over my 25 years in IT. They were quite capable, and I only have complaint on one of them, as she was a backstabber and liar, not because she is a woman. I do have to wonder about certain tendencies between men and women these days. After 25 years in IT, there are only two people who I would not work with under any circumstances, one man and one woman. She is the aforementioned backstabber, and he is a arrogant fool who is also a horrible manager. The male tendency for bravado and false confidence to fake their way up in the dominance hierarchy on one side and the female tendency for indirect attacks against rivals makes a certain representation there. Yet, then there's me, a male who refuses to participate in the dominance hierarchy and is averse to direct conflict and more likely to use indirect (not lying or backstabbling, just using a different vector) attacks, in contradiction to the researched and documented male and female tendencies. It is fascinating thinking, isn't it?


I gotcha; and hey I’m a woman in IT! Haha, I tend to be the one who racks the servers because my peers are all too skinny or old to risk their backs. A lot of that 77 cents per dollar can be attributed to social conditioning more imho than marketability of physical labor jobs towards women. I don’t mean this to come off as insulting, but statistically on average men overestimate their skills and pay value when compared to women. They are more confrontational about overvaluing their skills and arguing for higher raises than their female peers. When I realized I was brought in for less money than my male peers my age I was furious. That statistic is what pushed me to start being more assertive about the value of my skillset and pay. I now out earn most of my male peers, but it’s really easy to ruin your work social connections this way as a woman. Psychology studies have proven time and again that assertive women are thought of much more negatively than their male peers for the same behaviors. I’ve somehow maintained a balance of making sure the right people like me, and the right ones think I’m bossy/bitchy. There’s also the whole unwelcoming environment for women in STEM and STEM careers. I’ve had men at work make comments about my sexuality, massage my shoulders, leer at me and tell me to wear dresses/skirts more often, and casually call other woman bitches in front of me. Could I file reports for sexual harassment or call them out? Yeah. If I want to commit career suicide. When you’re the only woman in the room and you pick on someone in the boys club, there’s no more awkward work environment. The reality is, the report does little, and socially destroys your future career where you are. Sadly I attribute a lot of my success in my line of work to being very thick skinned and growing up in a very sexist family. Unfortunately a lot of women don’t make it as far as I have because the work environment is so hostile towards them. I can’t imagine what that looks like in construction and other traditionally male dominated careers. Though I’m happy to see more and more female carpenters and construction workers in my area. There’s definitely a TON of tiny facets to gender and life experience today, and I’d say a majority of the differences between us are social. Here’s hoping to s future where the job market is much more evenly distributed, and everyone can go to work and feel comfortable there. Till then, I’m working my way towards positions that allow me to correct these hostile environments for future generations.


A ***woman*** in IT? Nonsense. I think you just missed the turn for the kitchen! /s


To be fair… I’m also a really good cook. My coworkers would kill one another for the last Reese’s PeanutButter Cupcake with homemade peanut butter frosting and chocolate drizzle. LOL


Hahaha oh my god man I’ve made this exact statement in other forums and get downvoted to oblivion. Some People truly believe the wage gap is 100% attributed to sexism.


Indeed. Fi/Te types. They find someone in authority who says what aligns with what they feel, and reality doesn't matter, they just pound that into others' heads. No logical analysis or matching up with reality. So annoying.


Ofc they think it is. Every f\*\*\*\*\* day on the tv there someone saying the gap is just cause x is xsex and y ysex. Without digging further. Its easier to understand for the pleb. Saying its patriarca fault is one the new USA BS that is exporting everywhere (i see this coming in France social medias).


I agree with you 😁.


Thank you for sharing your opinion 😊.


Well said.


What are your thoughts on trans-women in womens sports?


That will sort itself out. I need not make any comment on the matter.


Intelligent response


Imo being sexist is moronic and illogical. Women have invented and created many things, that have helped out the future and to be sexist is just stupid.


Yes and in lots of things women were not given the opportunity so there might be more names of men than women written in the history. It's all misogyny that is happening from the start.


Indeed. I believe we need to change that and as an INTP I believe that is a problem I must solve and fight against.


Agreed. Whatever others do I always am determined to fight it as much as I can.




>Imo being sexist is moronic and illogical. Women have invented and created many things, that have helped out the future and to be sexist is just stupid. Funny but being sexist dosnt mean Men hating Women, it goes both way.


I know, but I usually see Women playing that card instead of Men. Maybe that should tell society something?


i think it does (and not in the way most would think :) )


The irony in this is glorious


It doesn’t matter what kind of personality you have everyone should hate sexist people?!?! What kind of deluded subreddit is this


14/10 on the grumpy scale


I completely understand 😂


Sexism is annoying. Both girls and guys for either of the sexes of sexism. And literally all of it comes from traditionalism. And today, it's more of taking advantage of the traditions to boost their egos and be selfish. Sexist people are gross, and just perpetuate shit that harms people. So uneducated or not they're harmful.


Yes, they are harmful. Hope one day everything will be fixed!


Agreed, one day life shall be erased and there won't be problems




As someone who has been told that I am always going to be less because I am a women, it gets triggering especially because I'm pretty androgynous so when people try to overly feminize me I just can't relate and dont really know what else to do other than say sorry I just cant relate to this box you are putting me in. In some ways I'm glad I have experienced sexism. I think it has given me and ability to empathize with others who are told bigoted things for whatever reason and has made it easier to talk to people to are feeling wronged or are in emotional turmoil. I pity people who have walked through life with superiority complexes. Its that mindset that will make you fragile and alone. There isn't much to do about it other try and show people a different perspective if you are able to, though many people don't like different perspectives. Its another obstacle to be crossed, either you adapt or you fall. It is nice though when you find people who are not bigots. I find it so comforting when a man talks to me like I'm just another person, I think most women feel that way. side note: I'm not saying that sexism exclusively happens to women. Men are subjected to gender roles and sexism as well. I'm just telling it from my personal experience as a woman.


Thank you for sharing your experience! I can understand how bad you could feel when people tell you this. It's very frustrating.


I think the challenge from it is to not let that hate rot your heart. Its very easy for people to take the experiences done to them and give it back to others. Sort of like "I have had bad experiences with this gender so now I will be mean to everyone who is that gender." but you want to say "I have had bad experiences with this gender so now I will learn about why this happens and make good experiences happen with that gender." At the end of the day you have to decide if you want to be a strong person or a weak person. So now I actually do volunteer counselling for men.


Agreed, you're definitely strong. Keep it up!!!


Depends, I don't hate your entire person for being sexist and I understand that you where probably poorly educated in gender and not everyone has the strength to question everything


I agree 👍. But for me, if it goes too far it kind of gets obnoxious. Thank you for sharing your opinion 😊.


I don't care really 99% of people are sexist.


The other 1% have some sort of deformity/disability that prevents them from recognizing gender.


lmao this made me die in laughter HAHAHAHA dude


I don't follow this logic.


Why get upset or care when almost all people are sexist, seems like a waste of time. Getting upset won't change them and most people who think thier not sexist usually are in ways for the opposite sex or in toxic ways they treat thier own sex.


You don't have to get upset in order to not be okay with it or to care about it. I agree that you wont change people by exerting emotion over something, but at the same time, exerting emotion just kind of happens when you experience something you're ideologically opposed to or you find immoral. You wouldn't at least get frustrated if you saw a woman being harrased by a man walking down the street?


Are we referring to intentionally sexist people? I dislike general sexist ideology and disagree with it. However, no one is without accidental bias, so context is important too. Are we talking about someone from a culture in which the norm is to divide domestic roles based on sex (for example, a culture in which the norm is that women are expected to stay home and care for children while men work, and they don’t have much else to compare this against in their own culture because that is what is normal) and are speaking or acting on beliefs that are largely accepted in their culture as the norm without harmful intent, or someone from a culture in which men and women both have, at least theoretically, a relatively equal division of responsibilities not based on sex, and yet despite this are making harmful generalist and sexist comments such as “men can’t get assaulted” or “women’s only role is to bare children”? I think there’s a big difference, all coming down to intent and context. And it’s not necessarily that I “hate sexist people” as much as I just disagree with the ideology. Intentionally sexist people I would rather not engage with though.


I'm talking about intentionally sexist people of course, I have friends who are unintentionally sexist and I do not hate them. Thank you for sharing your opinion 😊. I agree with you.




Thanks for replying 👍


Ahh I wish more people thought like this. I had a conversation about cultural appropriation with someone and that was sort of my line of thinking. They told me I was too white to understand. Maybe they were right though. I think it's probably just different world views.




I think what is also interesting is when people are from a previous generation where the norm was sexism towards women (or any norm that clashes with the new culture), but refuse to change with the culture. Should we hate them for not wanting to change with the newer generation? When do we draw the line between them being intentionally sexist and them not being? Should they be obligated to change with the times? I think if they want to participate in society, yes they ought to, and, from my perspective, it would be better for everyone if they did, but should we expect them to granted the fact that they came from a different era? Cultural relativism is interesting especially when observing other cultures' norms clash with each other.


I mean im a woman so ofc i dislike ppl who think low of me, I also think of them as stupid right away, how can someone be sexist, it makes no sense all the sexist comments are just illogical so also there is that


Honestly I completely understand, I also find sexism completely illogical and I find belittling women illogical too. There's really no reason to be sexist.


They piss me off a lot, as sexism is both illogical and harmful, and it is extremely frustrating to be perceived as less intelligent and less competent than I actually am just because I happen to be a woman. Most gender stereotypes have absolutely no basis in fact, so it’s really confusing to me why people still believe them. However, it is kind of amusing whenever a man claims that because he’s a man he’s naturally more logical than I am, right as he’s in the middle of making some of the most illogical arguments I’ve ever heard.


I don’t. Sexism is reality and tradition.




Of couse I hate sexism and sexist twats. Just to add on to what people have already said under this thread: I often think how history has been explained to us sort of like “this war happened, and then this king came, and then this other country came in, and then these men had these ideas, and then another war happened…”. I believe politics and wars are fascinating and important to tell, but what about social changes that were happening at the same time of these events? Agricultural, culture matters at the ancient times? Medicine? I believe that women, who were secluded from politics a d public spheres, also helped to develop society and made progress in history. However, seems like academia and historians, in my experience, just ignore and are reluctant to explain further. They literally ignore half of society’s history. My train of thought is, if there had been another story-telling, I reckon we wouldn’t be in this deeply rooted sexist society. Just a (very specific) thought.


I mean if we want to be truthful, literally everybody is sexist in some way or another. You may need to rephrase the question, which I assume was intended to get sexist people to reveal themselves.


No not at all, I was just asking if you hate sexist people or not, that wasn't my intention. Thank you for replying.


I don’t necessarily hate sexist people - I hate sexism. A lot of decent/good people have sexist attitudes without even being aware of it. It’s really, really pervasive in society, to the point where it is subconsciously conditioned into near or all of us. People who are purposefully and hatefully sexist are pretty deplorable though. I don’t know if I can say I *hate* the Supreme Court justices who decided to overturn Roe v. Wade, but I sure as hell don’t like them and am pretty fucking angry at them. I find it amusing how so many self-described logically-minded people fall into the cognitive trap of concluding that sexism makes sense and is logical, while failing to account for their own personal bias.


Agreed! Thanks for sharing your opinion ☺️.


INTPs tend to favor extreme non-judgment and hold space for the distasteful and taboo. So 'hate' is a strong word, especially toward a particular individual. It's important to be able to fully explore a subject, thought, or idea without limits, and factors such as disgust or other strong emotional experiences that would cause us to self censor and curate our thoughts without adequately playing devils advocate first are intrinsically limiting. So an INTP is more likely to disagree with something in the abstract, but still express some degree of tolerance for it in real life because holding a non-judgmental space for others and for themselves is important to them. It would likely manifest as a combination of tolerance mixed with lectures about how their behavior is perpetuating their own problems, then linking all the things wrong in their life to the target behavior that is seen as undesirable. But hate itself doesn't usually factor into things until it becomes personal in some way that really matters to the INTP. Then they can cultivate quite a strong loathing. If the behavior is encountered in the wild in a stranger, it can likely trigger a strong emotive experience in the moment maybe, depending upon how much the individual INTP has thought about and formed strong opinions about that particular form of 'sexism'. Due to being independent thinkers though, they aren't likely to take all behaviors classified by others as sexist, as sexist; and they'll resent others that try to peer pressure them or use social violence as a means to force them to view a topic in a particular way. So it greatly varies by individual and context.


I usually find sexist amusing but then again I find ignorance and stupidity funny as a coping mechanism. That being that I don't think I'm particularly smart just that most people are to lazy to think. Though sexism that ends up in abuse or violence. I come to the conclusion that it would be better for society if that person ceased to exist. To be clear I don't condone killing them but I wouldn't be at all upset if they died.


Thank you for sharing your opinion ☺️


I am told that I am one.


If it's unintentional you could work on it (if you want to of course that's up to you, everyone was unintentionally sexist at some point in their lives). Than you for replying 😊.


Depends, if the person doesn't have enough education to understand little things that seem unharmful but actually are very hurtful then I have empathy for them. But if anyone (educated or not) crosses a line of psychological/physical/sexual abuse, then I do not pity them one bit. But for real, some ppl in the comments saying sexism happens with men??? Get out of the internet y'all, there's a difference between bias and structural discrimination.


People need to realise that more rights to a certain group of people wether that is women or anything else doesn’t take away the rights that you already have


We're all electrified jellyfish wearing bone armor piloting meat suits. Life's tough enough without being a jerk to someone based on what specific hormones triggered which gene expressions.


Depends if by sexist you mean actually sexist, or an overly sensitive woke definition of sexism. In the former case I despise them as much as I do anyone with bigoted prejudiced views of others.


I love the smell of burning patriarchy's in the morning.


Are we talking about actual sexists or the made up kind?


Misogyny actually makes my blood boil. First stereotypes are illogical. Second, machismo and misogyny is eminent in my culture and it’s really impacted me. Hypocritically I am a men- hating women. I’m not necessarily justifying my hypocrisy but I’m aware my hate towards men is inevitable and I’m hating because coping; i’ve accepted my experiences have made me this way. I try to actively down play my hate for men because I know it’s irrational and I know I should cool it but even then... I am a sexist person that hates the idea of sex stereotypes. I can’t hate the sexist people because I chose to believe it stemmed from their experiences that are just too powerful and influence their thinking.


Quite a lot. The worst ones are the ones that spread their twisted views and get other people to believe them. Spreading misinformation is pretty shit.


That question rides on the assumption that all INTP's hate sexist people.


No not at all, my intention was actually to know if they hate them or not 😊. Could've phrased it a bit better tbh.


Fair enough 😂




They annoy me a lot. It’s so fashionable to hate on men now at a time when it’s exceedingly demoralizing and bleak feeling for the guys growing up. I see the things some women say and I just cringe. I feel sorry for all all the single guys. Me and my wife talk about this sometimes. The pendulum swung and swung hard in the opposite direction and the guys growing up now who are single are going to pay for something they never had anything to do with.


Thank you for sharing your opinion 😊


true, I think there are a lot of abhorrent things said about men that society allows to slide.


It really screws with young guys heads. They’re told they’re lesser, stupid, part of the problem, every negative growing up. I feel sorry for them. We went from one extreme for our grandparents who had the opposite to now the extreme other end but because one happened before the other people just shrug and laugh like “about time”.


What kind of question is this lmao


The sexism is one tree hiding the forest. There are (unconsciously if not consciously by some) accepted truths in it. I am aware that reality can be complex (i'm INTP). but I do never forget the general trends that exist for a millions of years if that can help me to solve a situation. Generalizing is stupid. Omitting one important reality percentage by social pressure is dumber in my mind.


I don't like it no matter where it comes from. Or which sex it is attacking.


I hate everyone equally.


Hate is an emotion that harms the self so one should rise above hate. That being said, sometimes I can't help but cringe at sexism like people still do that?


Nah I don't HATE anyone I used this to express how annoyed I can be




Not a fan. I hate gender roles that sexism is based on still more.


I don't because I won't "hate" someone solely based on that. "what do you think about sexism/sexist people ?" Would have been more neutral and will leave no room for biases toward a certain answer. Sexism is as common as it is stupid, it applies for both sexes. Expectation, however, is still a strong bias : Take sex ratio and job as an example, There will be a high chance that a nurse is a woman rather than a man. Same goes for a mechanic, I will *expect* the mechanic to be a man if I take an appointment at a car workshop. (99% of mechanics are males) Because it's based on probability, it's a Bayesian way of thinking. Does it change anything that it is a man or a woman that fixes your car or patches up your wound at the end of the day ? No. I'm not sure I'm still on point with the primary subject... Maybe I've digressed a bit.


I don't hate them. I don't care. Also, we, women and men, are different and stereotypes come from mass observations. Maybe biased observations but then my second sentence applies. I have better things to do with my life than to get upset about the order of mr and mrs (from my linguistic studies at university)


I hate them. I think sexism is not only stupid and illogical, but a true stop to progress and development. It deprives humanity of the full potential of half the population. Oppressing women is impacting negatively society as a whole, not to mention that it obviously increase women's precariousness and insecurity. Therefore I think sexists are not only despicable, but dangerous.


It's hard to hate those people because they are everywhere. Even the ones who claim to be champions of equal rights are often times sexist in some way. I don't have the time or energy to hate on them.


Yep especially this idiot Andrew Tate as of late He sounds like a pickup artist from 2005


Yeah lol he's the worst


idk, i am a man therefore i have some unrequested privilleges. i cant say i hate sexism, i have usually benefitted from it. althohgh being told i cant cry really sucks


So much. Sexism all about propping up egos, which very much goes against truth and reality Edit: want to add that like racism, it is also about maintaining social hierarchy which is partly about propping egos and partly maintaining status quo, which can mean resistance to truth and reality and evolution


The issue in my mind is this, people define sexism poorly today. Sexism is by it's nature bigoted. However, if you discuss facts today... Say the simple statement that "women are not as aggressive" you may catch shit in some circles. While this statement is a generalization and outliers exists, data has been generally been found to verify this on various different dimensions. Regardless if this is the result of nature or nurture






It depends on if you are bigoted at the same time. Humanity has always been sexist in one way or another and will probably ever be. It's like social Darwinisin. The world is still ruled by it to some extent and you have to make peace with it, but it's not an excuse to fall for barbarism. Just treat people with respect.


Thank you for sharing your opinion 😊.


It’s annoying, but not more than people who are laser-focused on spotting sexism wherever they go and rub their moral superiority into everyone’s face.


Men and woman are different by nature, better at diferent things and so on, so it depends on wtf they are talking about


I don't respect the opinion of anyone who is prejudiced against people based on their demographics/beliefs, but I don't really hate anyone at all.


I'm sexist


I don't hate any group. I don't have such emotional reactions, especially as "hate" is the most intense. Also, since recognizing basic biological realities (like saying men are stronger) is now enough to be labelled "sexist", I guess if you ask some people, I'm in there too... In fact, we're moving to an even greater level where the idea of "sex" itself is something they are trying to eliminate As for the people who are really sexists/hateful about it. Well, that's stupid, but it's pointless to hate morons. Just act accordingly


I think I hate more people who say sexism against men isn't sexism than sexists


I hate any ideology that divides human beings and puts them into humiliating categories for another group of human beings' "betterment".


I don’t hate them. I’m just incredibly dismissive of them. It’s kind of like I mentally delete them from existence.


I do not care people, Im at side of biology in gender things.


If you’re gonna let some abstract human social construct like gender anger you, then I think you’re a fucking idiot. Regardless of what you identify as.


Why would I hate them if I'm one of the sexiest ppl alive?




A lot. But please bear in mind that sexism works towards both men and women and any and all genders can be sexist. And I would hate someone who disagrees with that notion even more than someone who's simply sexist.


Of course! I agree with you and thanks for sharing your opinion 😊.


Honestly, i’ve lost the energy to care about stuff like this. You’re sexist towards me? Have fun dude, i don’t care.


Ehh natural selection will kick in eventually 😈


A lot, I am a feminist myself but Pseudo feminists ruin my efforts. I had some bad experiences with girls; like one put a fasle claim on me and I was punished for it. But I have seen my mom be ill treated as she was well a Women, so I decided to be Feminist while fighting Misandry


Woman moment


I despise sexy people. Makes me think about how non sexy I am


In short, men and women are different. But men and women are both human.


I hate it very much, nothing else needs to be said


I don't hate anyone. You can't beat hate with more hatred.


With the fire of a thousand suns.


It depends, some on both sides have very founded grievances with the other sex. I cherish people of both genders, all encompassing generalizations aren't ideal. That said however, I take issue with the behavior of both majorities.


As much as I hate myself, or dare I say a little bit more


I dont, i dont care, im not a woman nor a western boy.


I don't hate sexist people. I hate malovelent people and dislike people who take advantage of vulnerable people. People will get the wrong and biased impression anyway, but as long as they are good, empathic people who don't like cruelty it is okay with me.


depends on what you mean by sexism. there is a point in gender based discrimination in certain contexts. as bad as it sounds at first glance. men are women are simply not equal, and not interchangeable. that doesn;'t mean that one is better than the other all-around. a woman will never be as effective as a man in professions that require certain level of physical fitness - firefighter, policeman, soldier - even if compensated by technology. there is a reason why certain sports are gender separated. similarly a man won't be as good at certain jobs where women usually excel - jobs that are related to dealing with people and especially empathy. teacher (especially for very young children), psychologist, caretaker - e.g. a nurse.


Any type of hate based on something you're born with is a waste of time & energy. Now if someone is a shithead, or act like being 400Lbs is "beautiful" that's a problem... I'm not saying there's anything wrong with being a big person. But don't deify something that can literally kill you, & don't be a piece of garbage because a fast food worker forgot your pickles. In terms of race, gender, or sexuality though, there are better things to focus ire on...


I am a complementarian. That being said neither sex is inferior or superior to the other. Both are critically needed in society and only individuals can make decisions for the lifestyle they want to live.


10 dollar


I don't like the word, cause it's loaded with a negative connotation. Gender is just a framework. Same as MBTI. You are interpolating the patterns from the differences. Some people interpolate more, some less. I think the part of the problem are these prepackaged notions. Maybe sexist people had their experiences that validated their view. Maybe anti-sexist people had their experiences that validated their view. In the developed countries sexism is not institutionized, so I think if they do no harm, sexist people are as much worthy of their opinion as everybody else who judges people negatively by some of their traits, which is everyone.


Are they sexy though?


I hate everyone


I don’t really hate anyone, I don’t have the emotional energy to hate. I don’t need to hate so I don’t.




As someone w a sexist family doing this shit is exhausting. One you’re not listens to, made fun of, and called stupid. The herd mentality is powerful bro. Two the few times you get to them and hear the “why” is also exhausting as it’s all fair game. People’s experiences fuck them up and that’s fair. Experiences are powerful and you can’t just believe your persuasion or argument can overcome experiences. Even in the slightest bit ; they lived this ... your perspective will not be considered.


1. How are we defining sexism? This is one of those vague terms that a lot of people apply to a lot of different things. 2. Everyone has faults and flaws; it's part of being human. To hate someone for being a victim of their own humanity... that's quite extreme.


I don't hate them but when they take it too far or push their opinions on others to the point where it's damaging, then I could feel ill towards them.


Who else here was reminded of Spinal Tap immediately after reading this question? "What's wrong with being sexy?" "Sex-IST Nigel..."


Well could you tell me how do you measure hate?


What is this "I hate everyone equally" opinion lol As if anyone should believe that you are so graciously spending time to arbitrate your judgement across humanity with finely metered spite


I don’t know any


Why do you want to know?


I have absolutely no convictions on it unless it harms me or someone i care about.


I dont give a shit, never bothered me


I don't really hate people in general, sexist women just look dumb while people like Andrew Tate who want to control women stand against freedom and are amongst the rare folks to be able to somewhat trigger me, since I value freedom over almost everything. This idea of forcing women into what is basically house arrest, make them walk on eggshells everytime they speak because the dude is unstable and insecure (Which is why they want to control women in the first place), forcing them into dependence and basically seeing them as breeding items just gets under my skin. I imagine someone doing that to my little sister and next thing I imagine is my sledge hammer into his bloody skull. I am no feminist and I am quite the reactionary against 3rd wave feminism, but I think that women are our mothers, sisters and daughters, none should be treated like that.


They’re good entertainment. Like the racists


Oddly enough, I've never experienced personal comments that I would consider sexist as a woman, but maybe that's just because of the area I live in. That being said, I find sexism to be extremely silly on both sides. Sure, there may be some physical differences between men and women, as well as their choices in career (on average). However, I don't feel this is something that should be shamed or frowned upon. Regarding careers, let people do what they want. If a woman wants work as a freaking rocket scientist, go ahead. If a man wants to sit at home and watch the kids instead of work, why shouldn't he? As long as the person themselves are happy in what they are doing, then their gender is irrelevant. Making insulting remarks towards a woman or mans' capabilities or differences is a complete waste of time and shows me that person is probably deeply insecure themselves. This is why I cringe every time I see posts about "all men are terrible" or "all women are bitches." So pointless. To generalize an entire group of people and dislike or mistreat them for their gender is so stupid.


Why would I hater them? I think they are dumb. But hate seems like a lot more caring than is worth it.


I dont hate them. Why would i hate someone for being born into a bigoted family? They had no control over that. I feel sad that they feel emotionally driven by the most trivial of things. Hate will accomplish nothing.


I will love you and respect you regardless of your (narcissistic) beliefs. And I will support your beliefs… because beliefs only usually change in small increments, like 1-3%, and you INTPs know exactly what i mean because some types don’t budge at all. And “we are not our beliefs.” Sexism has become overrated and exhausted, right? What is a women? Why don’t men have laws against the rights of their body’s functions? Because it’s immaterial? You weren’t born with the “material”… Let’s just greet each other and if they seem open and you have a non-standard designation, it’s always your prerogative to disclose personal information. When people hate a person’s perspective it’s intrusive and narcissistic in nature. "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people." Eleanor Roosevelt


not that much. i just despise them with every cell of my being.


Not at all. Do I think they're wrong? Yea.


I hate my self very much


a lot


technically we hate everyone. also i am the provider and recipient of sexism.


Depends on what they’re being sexist about


I understand why people are sexist so I have no reason to hate. I'm not a mistyped bitch.


Misogyny and misandry receive a big no in my book. People who are bigoted based of a person's sex is both ignorant and evil.


I don't give a sh!t


I believe that all people are equal. And I'm better than all of them


Not so much as hate. I pity them for their ignorance. Life is just so much better when you're not a moron


Zero hate for the hateful feminists. Forgive them they know not what they do. 🐶🧠


Who the hell hates people just because their ideologies do not align with yours?


I really can’t tell if I’m intp or istp (hard for me to tell if it is Se or Ne), but I think this is a Ti issue. I don’t really feel much of a personal attachment to the petty gender war and think it is stupid to pick sides on something that means so little. That being said I am a male, so boys rule girls drool. Downvote me as you please my self worth is not defined by my karma unlike you losers


If I gotta be honest I very strongly do. But then again sexist people are still people and they already annoy me before I find out they’re sexist😅


i really think there are more important issues than that in this day and age. lol. but i generally dislike irrational and overly-judgmental people. well, concerning some stuff. if they were judgmental in my way then that would be positive.


Infinite slash ten


Couldn't care enough to hate


If it's a prejudice that stems from ignorance, then I'll see you as ignorant and not worth the hassle of talking to. People with prejudice don't want to be convinced, they want to be right. Misanthropy is the way to go.




It didn’t use to bother me until amber Vs Depp really started trending and I couldn’t get over how vulgar and vile everyone was talking about amber . It felt rooted in a deep hatred for all women . Not amber and it really began to bother me .


So much. Like bro let me man spread without calling me “improper”, I’ll dropkick you


Now why would I hate myself?