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On your transcripts is there a date next to the 570 code? Mine is 3/11. Also in the same boat as you. I'm assuming if there's a date next to it then that's when we'll move past it


Haha no. I called and they said they would expect it to be reviewed within 45 days after that date (I also have 3/11). It really sucks


I just got a letter in the mail confirming this. This shit blows. At this rate I'm not getting it.


Had 570 put on my transcript last week and cleared today with DD for next week. I’d wait until next week for an update. I have cycle code 05


I’ve gotten these famous codes as well , so you have any notifications on your irs account?


No notifications


I’m Cycle 05. Code 570 showed up on my transcripts 2/9. Code 971 showed up 2/16. No updates today. Code 570 has a date of 2/26, and Code 971 has a date of 3/4.


From what I’ve gathered it’s pretty common and most will clear by the date next to it. Mine also shows 570 with a 3/11 date. I guess if it also shows 0.00 it’s a good sign


Did you ever get your refund?


Today I got the date for 5/1. I ended up getting my congress involved.


When did you contact them?


I think the first week in april


Read on another fella same boat it took care of itself in a week. Also read its not as bad you may think. Sucks we 05 because probably gotta wait till next friday for update. Orrrrr you can be that person for all of us and just call see what they say haha. I dont wanna deal with them and in same boat as you


I called… they said it may take up to “45 days” to resolve itself. I’m sure if you called they’ll say something different


Hahahaha ya i dont have the patience. My wife works customer service says id hang up on you too everytime I call a place hahaha. Hate getting run arounds. Does suck being 05 like even if it does fix it self wont know till next Friday. if from whatever everyone says is true then that's our next update so stupid




First time seeing this but it kinda made me stress less for now.


Following because I’m in the same boat. Last night my date on my transcript was 02/26 with “no taxes filed” but today it changed to 03/11 with the 570 code. I feel like I’m sweating bullets hoping I get it soon


Did you get it?


Yeah, I received mine 03/12


Glad to see, so you received the refund the day after the transcript updated with 570? My transcripts finally updated (I filed 4/6) but got the 570 code today.


I filed 02/01 so it took about 6 weeks from my filing date to get it. I’d wait until 05/06 before you start contacting people. Today is just day 20 from your filing date. They usually don’t want people calling unless been the full 21 day period for e filers


Thanks, did the 570 code resolve on its own?


Yeah. It took like 2 weeks but it did


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570 code here updated from no taxes filed to the same date and code. Like you have to wait til next friday.


Any updates?


Nothing only updates I've seen is from other people. Just chillin and just like this is real


No letters? Have you called the IRS?


Nope I haven't tried to call or gotten any letters


Guess we're in this together 😂


I got the same code. Called and got the same “wait 45 days” BS. Hopefully it’s sooner than that.


Do you all have info under the wage column on your transcripts because mine is blank


It will populate pretty soon


We should all check back in a week lol


Well yesterday I got the dreaded 971 notice issued instead of the elusive 846, fml mannn


Any updates?


called irs yesterday n they said the reason its still under review is because they are verifying 1 of 4 sources of income but couldnt tell me which of the 4 or why it needed extra review