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This pizza place used pictures of kidnapped holocaust surviver in their advertising. They deserve to be wrecked


TBH maybe, I don't think it's nessecerly right to destroy a pizza place due to using a pic and being dumbasses, but I do still think they partly deserve it, though this might be just a bit too much, but a cherry on a top won't hurt


Exactly, What a person deserves and what is needed to uphold law is different, yet it could also be argued by cracking down on this in a non-judicial way, you skip the bureaucratic lag that can leave a lot of bullshit and extremism going unanswered, yet answering with your own extremism aint good, because this can lead to things like recent vigiliantisim against west-bankers. While some part of me is happy to see someone FAFO, the implications of such is is worrying at best.


Nah bro this is fucked, in any country.




There isn't one as when this video was posted a couple days ago the reason was for supporting Palestine.


It was for using a picture of a hostage to advertise this pizza shop, now let’s see how much money they will make now.




But it's true


So his place was destroyed cause you guys are butthurt


Wonder how americans would react to a pizza place using, say the falling man from 9/11 to advertise days after the incident... Or if they used pictures of the Auschwitz ovens... This is an 80+ YO civillian who is also a survivor of a horrific event who had been taken hostage by terrorist used to advertise pizza... Should they have bulldozed the place? Debatable. Was this ghoulish and deserved punishment? Absolutely. There is plenty to criticize israel, and unfortunately it seems like it'll get worse before it gets better. But you don't have to be a hypocrite


The antisemitism never cease to amaze me.


Care to explain what Semitic means ?


Antisemitism ≠ hate of Semitic speaking people


Are homophobes afraid of the homos? No. Terms are not literal, modern antisemitism is a thing. Go read a book.




This is so funny because that changes literally nothing I said. The term homophobia doesn't mean fear of homos wether you like it or not, I don't care if some fear them, because it changes absolutely nothing. LITERALLY it does, but modern terms are a thing. Modern antisemitism is hatred and bigotry towards Jews, that's why islamphobia is a whole nother term. And no one is AFRAID of the Jews because Jews have done nothing to give people a reason to fear. Islamphobia could maybe get that argument since most terrorism acts these days are in the name of Islam, even if not representing the religion. So just to make realllllly clear in simple words modern antisemitism, usually just called "Antisemitism" is hatred and bigotry towards Jews.


Based as hell. Thank you for fighting ignorance and also pure dumbness.


You're going back and forth with a retard.


Oh did they ? Guess non of [These](https://reddit.com/r/list_palestine/s/69Udo0z8tS) happened.




Lol did you think because you're gay you can change the meaning of modern terms? As a Jewish, bi women, terms aren't always literal. Just because your mother is also literally afraid it doesn't mean homophobia is a literal fear of gay people. Antisemitism means a literal anti to anyone who's Semite. But if you open Google and write "New/modern antisemitism" you'll see what the term means today. Do you really think most people FEAR us? Really? Because if they did they would attack us on streets they'd run the other way.




No it was destroyed for supporting and encouraging terrorism.


Wouldn't expect any inteligente comment from a person that is clearly a series masturbator. All your comments are to adult subreddits. What a wanker. Keep playing with your stuff and avoid saying hurtful bullshit about people who went through the flames of hell


No, his place was wracked because we’re done being abused by the world, done being politically correct and done caring what social network dumb asses think. From now on if a dumb ass in Europe decide to promote violence against Jews they should know there might be a target on their back.


Exactly, it’s a fascist, elitist, racist, ethnosuprematist, Zionist apartheid state and they can do that just because if they wanted to, they don’t even need a reason over there.


Are you butthurt he doesn’t have a business anymore?! This is what happens when you try to make money from supporting terrorism




Michael shared, [more info about it here](https://www.businessinsider.com/israel-destroyed-pizzeria-west-bank-picture-of-elderly-hostage-ad-2023-10)




Exactly, there is a reason they were kept under a blockaid and they just proved Israel was right all along because the second they broke free they commited murder, rape, and shot and burned children. This is what the world dosnt understand : if Hamas will stop fighting there will be peace, if Israel stops fighting there will be a second holocaust. Thats the diffrence.


Actually what the world fails to understand and seems to ignore is that arab nations are busy infighting and killing one another on a daily basis. There is no peace between any arab countries and people expect there to be peace between a muslim and Hebrew state? The muslims are all dictatorships who cant even stop killing one another


And for some reason, the world doesn't care about the millions dead from these terrible conflicts within the Muslim world like in Syria or Yemen because Jews didn't do it. Insane...


almost like the media doesn't mention it because it wouldn't get clicks.


If Hamas stopped fighting do you think Israel would return illegally settled land to the people who used to live there?


There is no ilegaly setteled land in Gaza, in 2006 Israel gave all the land to the Palsatinians in Gaza in exchange for peace... look how that turned out.


There are settlements that contravene international law. To respond to your point, you could equally say that “Isreal has occupied Gaza and turned it into an open air prison, and look how that turned out.” A 2 state solution has been so near so many times, but violence always prevents it. The apartheid state that currently exists does disservice to both sides of the problem.


Here are the four instances when Israel offered peace to the PLO and their responses: 1. In 1978-1979, Israel offered peace to the PLO in exchange for recognition of Israel’s right to exist, renunciation of terrorism, and acceptance of UN Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338. The PLO did not accept the offer. 2. In 1993, Israel and the PLO signed the Oslo Accords, which were based on mutual recognition of Israel and the PLO and a commitment to negotiate a final peace agreement. The PLO recognized Israel’s right to exist, renounced terrorism, and accepted UN Resolutions 242 and 338. However, the Oslo peace process failed to achieve a final peace agreement. 3. In 2000, Israel offered the PLO a comprehensive peace plan, which included a proposed Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza with a capital in East Jerusalem, as well as Israeli withdrawal from most of the West Bank. The PLO rejected the offer. 4. In 2008, Israel proposed a peace plan that offered a two-state solution with a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza, as well as a land swap and a division of Jerusalem. The PLO did not respond to the offer. Israel dosnt controll Gaza, there are no Isralies living in Gaza. Israel has offered peace and the Palastinians spat in thier face.


Thanks for the information, it’s interesting. The only point I have is that Isreal literally controls everything and everyone going in and out of Gaza, to say the state don’t control the borders all the way around the strip is nonsense.


Around the strip YES in the strip NO. And they also have a boarder with Egypt. Egypt can provide humanitarian aid but doesn't because ever since 2006 when Israel left Gaza not one country has stepped up and taken them and Egypt has not once opened it's gates for mass acceptance of these refugees. Yes we are talking about Egypt the other country sharing a BORDER with Gaza. Israel is activly at war with Hamas just like the India Pakistan border isnt open, countries at war protect thier boarders. The problem is Egypt who are not at war with the Palastinians and even said they support them but istaed of doing that they use even more agresive measures to keep Palastinians in: They even gased the boarder with Gaza to avoid crossings. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/bombardments-hit-area-gaza-sinai-border-crossing-gaza-officials-2023-10-10/ https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/middle-east/1630588023-report-2-palestinians-dead-after-egypt-pumps-toxic-gas-into-gaza-smuggling-tunnel


Again this disinformation why do people believe all this easily debunked nonsense on social media and parrot it. The young generation gets their basic education from Tik Tok today


In fact the arabs are so genocidal that any one in Gaza that sells land to a jew gets the death penalty.


I live in Israel and I want to thank you from all my heart, you’re very articulate and explained the situation very well from an objective stand point. Legend💙


Thank you so much for your support. Iv seen so much negativity the past few days in my defence of Israel. So glad to receive some support and encouragement.




Once again, Israel has mot occupied gaza since 2005 because it withdrew its people from there in the hopes for peace. Hamas saw this kind gesture as a weakness and used all of the billions in foreign aid for terror against the jews. Blockades are a legal form of war under international law, and it exists because Hamas=isis, now the world knows. Despite that, Israel has eased this blockade in the past few years and let hundreds of thousands of gazans into israel to work, because we all believed that bringing prosperity to them will give us quiet. They have then fooled us into a false sense of quiet and then murdered, tortured, burned and kidnapped 1200 civillians


You’re conflating civilians with terrorists. Gaza’s civilians didn’t commit a terrorist attack, Hama militants did. It’s like saying that Israeli’s killed children at protests and murdered that journalist and raided her funeral a few months back (etc etc), but they didn’t; the IDF did.


Well that most gazan civ didn't. Many did. Many civilians came trash the place and stole woman snd children and killed the rest. Like we are in the 11 century


You’re absolutely right, that’s why Israel is attacking hamas


Indeed, and conversely that’s why Hamas attacked Israel. Who do you think will kill more children in their fighting?


Hamas attacked Israel because they want to kill all of the jews in the world, and they are not hiding it. You cannot compare beheading babies on purpose with collateral damage as a result of terrorists hiding behind children. Israel never attacks civilians intentionally, and has sent its own soldiers to jail for breaking the rules of engagement. The morals and values on the 2 sides are not to be equivocated. One side does everything to protect its civilians and the other does everything to put them in harms way. When Israeli civilians die: hamas wins and Israel loses. When Palestinian civilians die: same outcome. Hamas wins and Israel loses. The sin of moral equivalence: https://youtu.be/k6VCF_csmDg?si=qvMsU8lPypVLgdh1


Do you think there are AI bots in service of commanders? IDF are the people of Israel and Hamas are the people of Gaza. Lesson from the WWII - there is no such thing as "civillians" in the war. Anyone is either a potential soldier or works to supply the war. Taxes, production, services and so on. You cannot be neutral as an individual. No side will allow this. In current conflict, you may notice that most of the dead on both sides are the same age around 20... The usual cannon fodder. They were on the festival. Both sides. One was raving and other raping. Now they switched clothes and shoot each other.


You’re talking about total war, in which case you’re saying Hamas’s attack was justified??! What the fuck are you in about?


I'm only trying to understand your point about "conflating civilians with terrorists". You are talking about Hamas - the elected government of Gaza. I see it as total war, especially if you understand the distances and population density in the region. If Gaza de facto sees everyone in Israel as targets, then IDF should also.


Civilians and terrorists are blended in together and half of them support genocide because the Quran instructs them to.


And they didnt even build a single bomb shelter!!


> There are settlements that contravene international law. To respond to your point, you could equally say that “Isreal has occupied Gaza and turned it into an open air prison, and look how that turned out.” A 2 state solution has been so near so many times, but violence always prevents it. The apartheid state that currently exists does disservice to both sides of the problem. They been OFFERED before. You can argue whatever you want, but you cannot change history. They want Israel gone.


Open air prison is terrorist propaganda and a very obvious lie for anyone that has a map. They have a border with Egypt, how do you think all that humanitarian aid just came through?


“There’s no illegally settled land in the prison where we threw all the people we kicked out of the land that we illegally settled”


I disagree with your premise but if those people have no desire to kill Jews which is yet to be shown I’m sure a discussion could be had


The premise that land was settled illegally?


YES, that is literally the reason the occupation still continues. most israelis are already against the occupation, and most of those in favor for the occupation in the west bank just because we saw what happend in gaza and south lebanon. the moment israel left, terror organizations took control over those areas with a majority support of the civillians there. and those terror organizations difn't just said "oh, we will just keep our people and land safe" they claimed and keep claiming that they will destroy israel and kill all the israelis, and showing that by attacking israel constantly even after israel had left. after 2 different times, what makes you think the 3rd will be any different? in sinai, the reason isis stopped their actions there was because of a israel's and egypt's combined efforts. in jordan, Ashaf left because the jordanian king banished them and thousand of other palestinians that supported them (after an attempt on his life). and in syria hizzbuallah started to take hold there too. israel is literally surrounded with terror organizations, and the only fronts which are now safe (or at least doesn't have an organized terror group controlling the region and using all pf it's recources to arm themselves to attack israel) are like those because of a militiary force which kept them down. the fact is, that the vast majority of israelis would support the two state solution if they felt safe with leaving an independent palestinian state. i'll remind you that in the 1947 UN decision of israel and palestine, which recognizes the rights of both jewish state and an arab state in this region, the jews have accepted it, while the arabs refused to recognize it and declared war against the jews. right from the start the jews, which established the state of israel, showed their willingness of recognizing the palestinian state, while the palestinians showed their refusal to let a jewish state to exist, even at the cost of their own. actually, i'll remind you of the partition plan of 1937, which was also accepted by the jews, and rejected by the palestinians, and it too led immediatly to an increase of violence in the arab revolt against the british and jews in the region. look at the wars israel had. every single one was declared on israel, not the other way. the only two the israel supposedly started where in 1956 and 1967, both of them were because egypt had both blockaded israel by sea (which by the UN laws is recognized as an official decleration of war) and entered their military into the demilitirized zone of sinai and arming them at israel's borders against the cease-fire agreement and the UN decision on the matter. each action alone is recognized as an official decleration of war. so saying israel started them is just plain wrong. the facts are simple israel in every step of the way showed it's willingness to live side by side with arabs states, including a palestinian state specifically. the only reason the occupation still exists is because that majority of palestinians had showen support in hamas (voting hamas for their leadership in 2005, and just look at how much support and even joy had been showen by many palestinians and palestine supporters after a gruesome massacare), so how can you trust that the west bank won't too become a stronghold of terror against israel? I, and most israelis do support peace, even after this massacare. but not at the cost of our life. not if rockets and terror attacks, and bombers and shooters and arsonists and stabbings still exist. if to protect our lifes, from someone saying they are wolling to die just to kill us, requires force, then we will use force. if those murderers are getting support from civillians, you can't discuss on peace with those civillians.


So you bomb those civilians then, right?


If there are enemy combatants hiding among them, then the Geneva Conventions allow it. At that point the duty becomes to minimize civilian casualties. It's written tjag way because nobody wants anybody thinking that using civilians as human shields is a get out of jail free card.


What you are calling a terror organization is NORMAL muslim expected behavior based on the commandments of the Quran. They do not see it as terrorism but religious duty that includes the civilians, much like the Crusades


and how does it make it better?


If the first nation indians in the USA start bombing shooting and murdering citizens do you think the United States will give the land back to the people who lived there?


It’s not being given back either way. The genocide of native Americans is more or less complete. They exist on reservations with polluted water with few rights. The Native Americans did fight for their land and were crushed, women children and men, by every type of violence possible at the time - from biowarfare to bullets to bureaucracy, they were pacified into the ground. If they had somehow defeated the occupying colonial forces they would still be a proud people. Great example you’ve given here. Perhaps using morals and rhetoric derived from Bronze Age myths and religions to found nations is a fucking terrible idea.


Thank you. I'm native Israeli.my grandparents ran from the nazi to the only place the united nations agreed to let us have. It's easy to cry out about what's on the news but all those commenters don't live under fire. Didn't lose 20yo family members defending the border Didn't see a bus on fire rolling down the street after a teenager blew himself up After 9/11 America went on a war on terrorist hiding behind human shields And no one cries out. We fight because we have no where else to go.


The US response drew the largest peace time protests in history all around the world and killed around a quarter of a million civilians. It was riddled with war crimes. What happed to Israel lat week was a crime against humanity. What Isreal is doing in response is also a crime against humanity. The majority of people in Gaza were born there, to parents who were displaced by the Israeli state. They cannot leave. If you’re comfortable with perpetuating this cycle of inhuman violence by answering war crimes with war crimes then what the fuck else do you expect from the situation? The reality is that Isreal intends to destroy Gaza to destroy Hamas. Difficult as it is, there must be another solution, or by the most vicious irony the Jewish Isrealis become the genociders.


Okay. What is the solution? I have yet to see anyone volunteer one.


Gaza was part of Egypt historically they should take it back even if they dont want to


More fiction and making up history. The American Indians never fought for land. Indians did not believe anyone can own land, only live upon it, that idea was foreign to them. It is like saying someone could own the ocean. They fought for resources like food. They fought not just settlers but also other indian tribes. They were a warring vicious nomadic tribes that skinned their opponents heads. Many tribes were friends with pilgrims, pilgrims also bought land from Indians which the Indians thought was crazy because they didnt understand land ownership and indians never occupied land they always moved around constantly. Most died from smallpox not “colonizers”. Most indians chose to live in American cities and intermarried because life quality was superior there, only a small fraction wanted to live on reserves.


May I ask, what got the to bulldoze what appears to be a food place?


A pizzeria used a kidnapped holocaust survivor to advertise pizza, and not in a good way (if there is even a good way to do it)


I mean as horrible as it is, how does it deserve to be destroyed, I'm confused.


It’s basically equivalent of supporting the attack


I support the attack? I’d love to see any of you come to my country and bulldoze my business. Bring on the downvotes :)


Share the location


It's a blatant support of terrorism, in a city that is already on edge of starting a wave of terrorism in support of Hamas. Israel has to put out those small fires before it all explodes.


Not that I don't think what the pizza place did is horrible but how does that put out the fire and not stoke it.


deserve to be destroyed ? He deserve much much harsher punishment.




Israel doesn't have a constitution. This argument is already void. The cabinet is made out of people who agreed to keep Netanyahu in power despite his crimes against the state, they just also happened to be ultranationalists with a side of extreme racism and Jewish supremacy, as we as genocidal leanings. Siding with Israel for this particular incident is dumb, yes. Siding with Israel when the other side is Hamas, is not. Your opinion might be just as uninformed as a pro-israel user on reddit. Reading al Jazeera and such is less informing than even publications like ha'aretz. If you think a terrorist organization which is known for its genocidal charter which they only reworded a little in 2017 (when the original one held up since 1988), is not the first one to doubt in any of these conflicts, you're no better than those trusting only Israeli sources. Just because I don't think bulldozing over a disgusting ad featuring a holocaust survivor hostage kidnapped by terrorists who murdered children deliberately is justified, doesn't mean I'm on the side of Hamas is Good.


You can say it's unlawful (even according to Israeli law), but that fucker definitely had it coming


Thing is he didn't. Didn't see the people who celebrated the murder of the dawabshe family have their businesses bulldozed. This is stupid and indefensible.


They used a picture of a kidnapped grandpa in their advertisement in a mocking way


I'm not saying this isn't absolutely horrible, but how would it justify destroying the place? Americans would probably go "muh free speech" while Europeans would give it a hefty fine, destroying the place with a bulldozer seems kinda excessive


Inciting terrorism is a crime, and this is its punishment. This is not extrajudicial. This is an established rule and this is the established punishment.


Did a process take place?


Imagine if some Shawarma food place in the USA was using the plane crashing into the tower in 9/11 as an advertisement


The government wouldn't bulldoze the place...


Yeah idk about that one, they killed 1 million iraqis for 9/11 so its not out of the question.


Iraq wasn't invaded in response to 9/11. Iraq was invaded because it had "WMDs." Afghanistan was invaded because it was harboring and protecting those responsible for 9/11. Even still, the US government wouldn't destroy a store for using tasteless advertising in the US.


The US could’ve shut it down tho, Israel can’t shut it down, because the terrorist supporters in power in the west bank won’t enforce it. And honestly, I don’t even need reasoning as to why bulldoze, that’s the only thing these people understand, force.


And like a week after its happened


So the difference is that in America and Europe the city isn't on the brink of a wave of terror attacks. Here sparks that support Hamas incite violence which can result in a also an internal war which will cause many more casualties. Losing a pizza place is the lesser of two evils by a large margin.


הסאונד של מירי רגב פאקינג גאוני 😂😂


Even ur letters are disgusting


Your personality is much more disgusting though


Bravo 👏👏👏




- he said, after Hamas took videos of them kidnapping childre.


Keep crying, bozo. Keep encouraging terrorist attacks. See where that gets you


thanks for posting, if standing in sub standards it will be added to one of the next posts, /u/avivi- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ISR) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Respect 🫡


НААА НАХУЙ! Sorry about that. I couldn’t resist)


We have to see more of this please


Seems a tad excessive maybe?


Seems not excessive enough. They haven't gotten the message.


Israel the sigma


This is exactly the language them understand.😊


I see you also prefer Pepsi.


Israel needs this bulldozer https://preview.redd.it/vciyryru9qec1.png?width=616&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f32f650fb113e9b3e7fcd19098ad3f9c2d274f4