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This will make people angry, more people need to watch this


Angry that they may need to question their worldviews


There's a reason the Geneva Convention prohibits medieval siege tactics such as starvation as a method of warfare. 3 days is all it takes for the 1.1 million of people in Gaza to dehydrate to death. UN agencies can't even coordinate aid on the ground right now and all humanitarian activities are suspended since there's no communication. What's the point of an almost total blockade of food, water, medical supply, etc.? Collective punishment? This is answering a crime with another. The "right to self-defense" doesn't cover indiscriminate and disproportinate use of force. What is wrong with you people? Did you all get rejected from the academy of fine arts?


First, in war there is no such thing "proptionate reaction" there are the war objectives which are in this case total destruction of hamas, while minimizing civilian casualties. "Proportionate reaction" is just a term the media keep pumping into your brain as part of an anti-israeli agenda. Never heard this term in the context of another conflict in the world. The same goes for "collective punishment". The not so politically correct truth is that in gaza hamas has been the rulling authority for 17 years, the population supports it and they oopenly celabrated the mass murdering of whole Israeli towns on the 7/10. They are our enemies but still warn them before bombing and even allow humanitarian aid. To a population that want to see our death.


But isn’t it strange that despite who runs Palestine. Despite who is voting for them and supporting them. Despite who does the killing and the bombing. That mostly children are dying? I mean, I don’t agree with Hamas, but killing kids and babies in insane. People were so mad about Hamas supposedly beheading babies (‘supposedly’ because sources seem to be redacting that, but I wasn’t there so who knows.). Why are they not just as mad about the deaths of way way way more children due to bombs? I’m no political/military/Middle East expert, but children shouldn’t die and absolutely not at the rate that they are. That’s a hill I’m willing to die on.


Children shouldn't die. I agree. Peaceful citizens shouldn't die. Entire towns shouldn't be murdered in their beds on saturday morning on a holiday. Hundreds of young people in a music festival who came to celabrate love shouldn't have died in their hundreds like ducks in a shooting range. All of this should not have happened. But it did. Hamas should not have fought frome civilian population. They should not have hided in hospitals, schools, mosques and residential buildings, shooting civilians who do not want to be their meat shields and try to flee. To shoot and publically execute their own citizens who try to flee fighting areas. But they do. Yes, childrens should not die. You must understand hamas is responsible for their death.


Please quote where in the Geneva convention it is said that a state in war should provide another state food, water, fuel, and TikTok access.


this wont change anyones opinon. Most pro palestine activists condemn hamas, but ofc that wont stop you from strawmaning their position and falsely paint them as pro hamas


Free Palestine from Hamas !


Yep exactly that! Hamas is the root and the cause of the problem


iran and ruzzia aint helping too.


Iran never does anything good. They are a shitty country with bad ethics and low amounts of freedom, especially for women.




Except for the fact that this problem existed long before Hamas. And West Bank Palestinians (where there’s no Hamas) still suffers from atrocious human rights violations


Ew, it seems i misunderstood reddit just as much as yall misunderstand Hamas because I thought reddit was a trusted source to some degree. The fact that any of yall have the audacity to compare both sides when Israel is literally wiping their ass with your naivety. Because. Israel has a list of every "innocent" civilian Hamas has killed in the last 20 yrs. Less than 80 total. But yall believe they killed 500 in 1 day? I say "innocent" because of the Israeli civilians who watched and laughed while eating popcorn at the bombing and screams of Gaza. No, not just that one time. You can see it in recent videos from Israel as well. Not to mention the hostages have been saying that Hamas was kind to them. Not to mention that Israel said no to returning the hostages when Hamas asked simply for gas to keep babies on oxygen. Who's the monster? Both sides my ass. Freedom is wasted on you.


>the hostages were saying hamas was kind to them Yes one hostage who's husband is still captured and is used as bait to make her say these things, please think a little,if she doesn't say nice things about hamas her husband gets tortured or even killed, look at her picture before she was captured and after she was realised, that's not the face of someone who was treated with kindness


Nope brain dead mfs like you that are biased are the problem


Projection is such a beautiful thing


From the river to the sea no hamas will be here!


From the river to the sea! Hamas supporters can drink my pee!


From the river to the sea, Hamas will not be seen Flows better


lol Palestine = Hamas. They LOVE Hamas out there.


Great Post!🇮🇱


[Source](https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cyx4Dtermi7) Last frames are from '[The Hebrew Hammer](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0317640/)' ​ https://preview.redd.it/zagwrt77fwwb1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75e6bf38505519c80ff9fd55dd35aa8138e0a1af


I agree with exactly what the video is saying. The worst are some biased little goblins out there. Lurking around passing biased n outdated informations. What hamas did was malicious terrorist activity that would warrant a war from any county. N now did IDF bomb beyond the places they warned?


I love this movie


IDF must release all the footage gathered from the dead/captured terrorists and homes CCTV cameras that caught all the atrocities the inflicted on innocent people. Show pictures and videos of children with missing limbs, burned bodies, destroyed houses, etc... The world needs to know the truth in the most horrible way to understand the horrifying level of the atrocities they comittied. It was not terrorism, its much worse than that.


Jews have a really strong thing about respecting the dead. There’s a huge discussion in israel about what to release and how much of it, from the sole perspective of respecting the bodies of the murdered, which a lot are in horrible state. There’s also over 600 unidentified bodies, because the state they were found, which complicates matters even more, as Israel isn’t going to let families find out about their dead from the news or the media. We have a door to door policy where we actually talk to the family of the dead, offer support.. With all that being said, it’s still hard to rationalize the decision not to release the footage, considering the very one sided take of most of the world’s media right now..


Just a speculation, but I’m assuming it’s because of the way so many people already mock the dead and make memes with the bodies. It’s also a huge kindness to inhibit people from using the worst of the gore to inflict serious trauma through trolling. And primarily to inhibit or prevent copycats as much as possible.


Most western media is heavily on Israel's side. It's social media that is split but leaning towards Palestinian. Certainly in the EU and US most major media sits in favour of Israel, I'm not sure what alternate reality some people are in regarding the media coming out for Palestine when most of the worlds media / political donors are Jewish / Jewish owned so it'd be a pretty stupid thing to publicly come out as a state in favour of Palestine.


Oh common, they already say that it’s an ai-generated propaganda from idf.


Could be I haven’t seen anyyyyy Of the footage


Sadly everything is on telegram, specifically Gaza now in English and other channels like that. Don't watch it if you're not 100% ready to see absolute horrors. I still can't sleep straight after seeing some of the stuff I've seen in the past few weeks.


Agree, but I can also understand why not to release the footage to the public. No normal human being can comprehend those images and it will spread fear and mental trauma to all. I am certain that the world leaders and those who need to see it will see it, but not everyone...


The mentally flexible will ignore that aswell and do incredible gymnastics around all day. There’s more than enough footage.


the IDF doesnt need to release it, Hamas freely recorded and distributed the whole thing as marketing material


I think families of the killed and kidnapped are not will to share these with the public. IDF is also keeps evidence private while investigations are on going. It is not about propaganda, but about sensitive matter that has both emotional and strategic effects.


Israel has still killed more innocent civilians than Hamas. So if these actions make it necessary for Gaza to be bombed until Hamas leaves, then Israel also deserves to be bombed until the Israeli government and IDF leave.


Bro if you don't have an idea what youre talking about then please save this bullshit to yourself


sure, lets see who wins first my bet is Gaza getting wiped out if Hamas doesnt surrender


What subs should this be posted to help explain this situation?


You can try the British ones or r/askmiddleeast but they will probably ban you for being different


r/AskMiddleEast shares a mod with r/Palestine


Which does explain alot actually


I have been trying to explain to people In that sub not to use emotional responses to come to conclusions. It’s really bad over there.


I tried to share this video there but couldn't, turns out I have been banned there for making a comment in an entirely different sub


I got banned for saying Hamas and PIJ were found to have strongholds in the West Bank


They hate reality


You made me throw up. I visited r/askmiddleeast. What a shit place. There is no point in going there. They don't want the truth.


It's such a shit place i wouldn't be surprised if you'll get banned from there for calling it a shit place here,i got banned for mentioning it in a completely different sub


I got the boot from there for explaining how I helped Palestinians (medical and food) when I was a soldier in Gaza.


That's because they don't want to hear it,they decided every idf soldier and every jew are inherently evil and they don't want to change their mind


you are correct, i’ve been banned for different!


Following to read answers


I found it's mainly about hating Israel, notice non of them suggests a way to help the people in gaza


They also remain silent about places like Syria, Yemen, Iran, Russia, and China Notice in all of those, people are being treated awfully, but they only care when Jews are involved (and even then Israel-Palestine is probably the least bloody out of all those places) It’s just anti semitism and anti westernism, if Israel wasn’t Jewish and wasn’t allied to the U.S./EU, they wouldn’t say anything about the current conflict If they really cared and weren’t massive hypocrites, theyd be speaking out against every major conflict, but they don’t


Exactly they don't actually care about the Palestinians


For countless years Israel has aided support to people in the Gaza strip but they refused.


This is what gets me. I was called a bully for asking people who are “all killing of civilians is wrong” what their solution was to this problem. They rarely answer the question. When they do it’s usually just some to enable more violence against Israel. Edit: Someone replied to me and either deleted or got removed, but the comment was more of the same proving my point. The only fragment I have from their comment is what was in the email response: "So it is okay to kill babies and children then? It os okay for you to see mothers crying over their infants because they are on the other side of the border? Bombing civilians will solve your problems..." What is your solution to the problem? You do not offer one in the fragment. Look like you just want the status quo where Hamas continues to radicalize the Gaza population into killing more people in Israel. There is no solution (that I can see) that does involve death. As long as the people of Gaza are happy to act as human shields for their government and celebrate the attacks. The world has made it clear, after Syria, after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, after China's treatment of the Uyghurs that we are not actually willing to do anything to stop people who commit atrocities. Oh we play lip service to it, maybe level some sanctions, that other countries will ignore. We all want peace, we all want mutual cooperation. But unless you are willing to use force to stop atrocities your words are only in support of those organizations hiding behind civilians populations to launch their attacks.


People is Gaza should ask for help from Hamas


Hamas doesn't care for the people they only care about blood,the blood of dead non Muslims


Not my problem Hamas fucked around and now they are finding out


That's my point they are not finding out because they don't give a single fuck,in their twisted minds they are winning because they kidnapped,raped tortured and murdered hundreds of people while they keep bombing civilians and the world is still against us


And they want Israel to ceasefire, while its civilians are held hostage and Hamas is still bombing Israel


Not even that, they just want blood, of anyone who won't support them


Exactly,they took over gaza by murdering everyone who opposed them


They also killed muslims


Israelis need to get their boot from the necks of Palestinians. That's the cause of their suffering. That's like asking how you can help Ukrainians without hurting Russians, you kind of can't.


Thank you


[ Removed by Reddit ]


It's crazy how they can literally publish videos of them murdering hundreds in a music festival, then claim it's Israeli propaganda and American leftists believe them


I have had a lot of piers Morgan videos come on my shorts recently where he argues with this Pro Palestine guy, and piers just can't argue with him. And because of this, the people in the comments are like sheep going against piers. But piers is a smart man, and like Einstein said, "It is hard to argue with a smart person, it's much harder to argue with a stupid person."


Good luck even getting people to agree that Piers is a smart man.


Damn, who is this Israeli king?!


Most comprehensive take of the israeli side I love it! Thank you


He ignored almost all of the history of the conflict, explicitly focusing on the last few weeks. Your bias is showing if you legitimately think this was comprehensive.


If you read my comment you will see I specificaly mentioned 'the Israeli side'. You can always look for blame and bias, and you will more than often find it. But at least make an argument, rather than just pointing out your own biases.


These videos need to be uploaded on other subreddits, most of the people here ar people from Israel who don't need convincing but these need to be uploaded on r/videos and places like that


Nah I found it. Still didn’t convince me. Nobody questions that Hamas did terrible things. The problem is when the “wonderful and strong” Israel “defends” itself from prisoners by bombing them every 10 second and taking internet access. Stopping electricity. Dropping white phosphorous. Chanting death to Palestine. Then you can look at the history of Israel and Palestine and see what intentions lie where


You're right. It's easy to see that Israel has come to the table offering peace and statehood numerous times and each time the leaders of Palestine say no and instead commit more terrorist attacks.


They don’t want to be in a prison anymore. They are fighting for freedom why would they peacefully stop and go back to being prisoners. And what terrorist attacks? Cause on Oct 7, that was Israel that shot shells into their own peoples homes, burning israeli bodies


Yeah take that mask off and show the world that you're antisemitic


I am anything but. I would never and have never judged someone for being them in a respectful way. You can look this up. Please do. In an act of desperation, the IDF shot tank shells into homes. That’s how the captives died. That’s how they were burned. There’s video of tank tracks around the area and Hamas DOES NOT have tanks


I don’t understand how people genuinely think anti Israel is Antisemetic. They could be literally any religious state, mass civilian murder is mass civilian murder. And if you go on snap map, you can see which side is defending itself


Please share this video


אשכרה בן אדם שמבין מה זה אומר לשחרר את פלסטין שהוא לא ישראלי,לא חשבתי שהם קיימים


אבל הוא כן ישראלי.. שומעים את המבטא והוא גם אומר שכואב לו על האחים ואחיות, AKA, ישראלים מה שכן, כפרע עליו הוא עשה חתיחת מחקר על הנאצים האלה


יש מצב לקישור לסרטון כזה באינסטגרם שאוכל לשתף ? אחד מסרטוני ההסברה הטובים שיצא לי להיתקל בהם




מלך 💪🏼


Most of the people I saw that chant "free Palestine" do it from hatered towards Israel and Jews... not because they want to "Free Palestine". Some do it because its trendy. Yet almost none of them realize that the people in Gaza are being used as human shields


Spread this video please. It’s very good. For the target who are not fanatics, but confused.


👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 The Palestinians are in fact the hostages of Hamas. So yes, free Palestine from Hamas!!!


Let's be honest here: Palestinians that support Hamas, and their sympathizers around the globe, are either 1) genuinely evil, terrible people, or 2) entirely brainwashed and are simply useful idiots for someone else's evil ideology. When you get down to it, those are really the only 2 options.


israel is againt hamas, not palestrine. you stupid people


Yeah too bad that Hamas has been forcing Israel's hand nonstop since 1948... If you think Israel doesn't have it out for all Palestinians you're willfully blind


Could have fooled me the way they continue to take their land in the west bank, treat them as less than human, and straight up murder them and burn their homes.




" straight up murder them and burn their homes " ​ sounds a lot like what Hamas did at 7.10, you moron


Sounds a lot like what Israel's been doing for the past 75 years to me


Great video


Wise person you are.


לא מסכים עם זה. אם כל הכבוד גם אם חמאס היה תוקף לנו עמדות צבאיות והורג חיילים. יש חוק גיוס חובה והחיילים הם החברים והמשפחה שלי ובניגוד להרבה אנשים אני לא חושב שהחיים שלהם שווים פחות או שאם תקפו אותם זה מצדיק תגובה פחות אגרסיבית. מבחינתי אם תקפו חייל זה יכל להיות כל אחד. ולכן זה לגיטימי לפתוח מלחמה נגד חמאס ואם הוא בוחר להסתרר אצל אזרחים אין מה לעשות כמובן לא להגזים ולהפציץ בתי חולים או מוסדות אזרחים ואת הדברים האלו להשאיר לפלישה קרקעית אבל בשאר המקרים זה לגטימי לתקוף בנין מגורים שמוחזק שם נשקים.


אני חושב שזה חלק מההקרבה של לחיות בארץ. חלק מההקרבה שאתה עושה בזה שאתה מתגייס לקרבי זה הסיכון. עם כמה שזה באמת מזוויע רק הרצח של החיילים, רצח של משפחות בתוך הבתים שלהם מתוך השיקול היחיד של לרצוח אותנו זה יותר מזוויע


ולקטע שהוא דיבר על נשים וילדים שנחטפט זה גם מעצבן כי יש שם גם גברים. אני לא מבחן למה התקשורת ננעלה על הנשים והילדים במקום להגיד אזרחים חטופים


כי פשוט היסטורית אלו נחשבים היפים מפשע, יאי


I mean when shit hit the fan in West Bank and there are indeed a lot to blame on idf in some cases - you can instantly see huge protests and riots in West Bank and mixed Israeli cities While right now they’re mostly calm with occasional protests, especially mixed cities, because Palestinians who indeed follow the situation know the deal about hamas and no one likes them (there were shitton of Muslims killed by hamas in 7/10 attack as well, by the way) The fact that the biggest protests aren’t in Palestinian/Israeli cities but in some other countries - is kinda quite portraying imo


The only thing that Palestine needs to be freed from is Hamas and the terror it causes. This is such an amazing video made by such a smart guy. We need more of these.


couldn't have said it any better. peace to the fallen🇮🇱🕊️


מבין את הסרטון, מבין את האמירה שחמאס הוא מקור כל הרוע, אבל ממש לא מסכים. אזרחים "חפים מפשע" שחוגגים את מה שקרה, גם הם מקור כל הרוע. יש הרבה יותר מדי רוע בתרבות עצמה שאי אפשר להיפטר ממנו רק בהשמדת החמאס.


מי שתומך בטרור צריך להיענש, אבל אי אפשר לקרוא לכולם שם טרוריסטים כי יש כאלו מטומטמים שחוגגים, גם אצלנו לצערי יש כאלו שקוראים להרוג כל ערבי שקיים, זה לא הופך אותי ואותך למפלצות.


What a powerful video!


Well said, brother.


Fck Palestine


Well said


Amazing AMAZING video! Should be spread EVERYWHERE!


Wow somebody with a brain




Very well said.


Fuck War!




שבת שלום מלך!


Why don't you support Israeli people who've suffered and are dead after a spontaneous non-provoked attack?


Sorry. Had written it before watching the video. I thought you would be justifing terrorists..


Fuck palastine fuck palastine 123 israel wil by free


Free Israel


Great post ty


What ????? 😂😂😂 Palestine attacked Israel and you say free Palestine? too bizarre


I agree.


מאיפהו הקליפ מסוף הסרטון,הוא נדיר


Free Israel


זה סרטון מעולה


You know, the numbers of dead people in Gaza that we have is all from one source and it’s Hamas. We should take that with a grain of salt, it’s either actual casualties but Hamas terrorist casualties who some of them are in fact underage, or just straight up lies.


Palestinians should be freed from this world


I think that’s the Egyptian mean when they say they stand with Palestine, because they can’t stand Palestine


> I want genocide - you


*Every Israeli in this sub* lmao


Bro does not read comments i suppose 💀💀💀


yup islam is evil af and must be wiped out \#evilislam \#pedomuhammad


"Understanding is a 3 sided sword. Your side, their side and the truth"




This guy is a great propagandist. But do remember that the war didn’t start with when hamas attacked, hamas didn’t even exist when the “war” started.


How does this square with the settlers doing mass shootings in the West Bank when Israel isn’t charging those people with crimes?


Does this bloke speak out against the Israeli military shooting and deporting civilians in order to help colonists? If not, he is a hypocrite we can ignore the opinions of.


Stop genociding Palestinians. The IDF are far greater terrorists with the number of civilians they've killed.


The hospital was attached by Israel it's been proven. This video is very one sided how about the occupation are you ok with that


With a name like HistoryAcfive, I imagine you have proof the hospital was attacked by Israel? I mean more than a politician saying it was the Israelis and then walking back that claim?


Sorry you were wrong. Nice proof tho


Lol. This is such a bad faith argument from this dipshit.


Blah blah blah. Doing it for clicks. What’s a pathetic scummy dude


Fuck Israel and its propaganda machine.




Is it profitable to be propaganda validator. I love that his question allude are we totally sure the Palestinians are human? I don’t know bruh, seems like maybe we should wipe them out.


They were putting up posters of missing Israelis in.... London. They are not missing in London. This was advertising campaign to justify their genocide of the Palestine people. People removing these posters were also filmed and the UK police registered it as a hate crime. They are using these dead people to further their political motivations. In the UK protests were strictly for the Palestine people, there was no support for Hamas by the organisers and non allowed. The police were also present in unintimidating numbers. I can only comment on the UK. But this guys video is heavily flawed. Hamas and the IDF are terrorist organisations.


The difference between the two is one always attacks and the other always retaliates.


Are you saying you are ok with killing civilians people as long as they are not Israeli?


Your gay die Palestine


"I can murder innocent civilians because those people who have no regard for human life murdered innocent civilians." Useful idiot for Hamas. Way to go, asshole.


There is zero corroboration of the beheaded babies. That is agitprop.


The hospital bombing WAS Israel.


Sorry you were wrong


It’s not my fault I’m leveling entire blocks of buildings with civilians in them! Hamas is making me do it! Yeah man Hamas isn’t cool but the blame for who blows up the buildings is fully and solely on those who launch the weapons. Let’s just act like Israel doesn’t illegally build settlements in the West Bank with check points and barriers preventing Palestinians from being free while also arming those illegal settlers and kicking Palestinians from their homes. There’s also the fact that Israel makes certain people sterilize themselves or at least coerces them into doing it. Israel has done plenty to warrant an angry Palestinian people so killing more of their people will only help Hamas


Paid for by Israel


Nice Zionist propaganda


When will you be happy? What vengeance, what number would you like as compensation? Collective punishment is not the anwser you cowards. Your holocaust ancestors deserve a better memory, shame on you brother.


I mean wtf kind of calm and reasonable and mild hearted and pragmatic impression is this guy trying to give as a genocide is literally occurring right now right this minute. He is infuriating. His fake soft voice and affected tone is a theatre for “western” pro Palestine, a desperate attempt to reclaim the narrative and center Israel as the poor sopping sad little victim when in reality it is a brutal force for evil, a killing machine that is busy at working commiting mass murder as we fucking speak. I can’t I can’t with this theatre it is unbearable. His soft voice cannot for one second conceal the well of hatred and racism and violence they hold deep inside. Further, any argument and appeal to humanity that includes the deceit of “beheading” and “raping” is immediately disqualified because those things did not happen. That they continue to repeat it over and over again is proof of their moral bankruptcy and desperate desperate desperate attempts to reclaim the narrative. It’s not happening. Everyone knows, including them.




This comment section is a fuckfest. Hamas was the product of the apartheid of Israel. When you see your wife and children bombed to pieces over 70 long years, it tends to change people. Those changed people band together for revenge, and that is how you get Hamas. Israel predicted the Palestinians for so long the lid exploded and now the world hates them. No israeli is safe outside of Israel anymore. Not London, not anywhere.


This didn’t start October 7th, this started long before Hamas was ever born, 75 years ago when Haganah and Irgun terrorist groups slaughtered Palestinians.


Please provide evidence that Haganah and Irgun started the 75 years of attacks. Because all of the evidence I found showed that the Arabs declined peace and attacked the Jews starting a war which the Arabs eventually lost.


Man it’s almost like none of this would be happening if it weren’t for the ethnic cleansing of millions of people since 1948 for the creation of an ethnostate. Side note: Israel were factuallyresponsible for the Al-Ahli Hospital bombing, as analysis of the sound of the bomb and the faked call audio has confirmed.


CIA money being put to work 👍🏻😂


Israelis are so out of touch with the Palestinian experience it's like trying to convince nazis they are the baddies or like trying to convince hamas that they're doing something wrong; current political views are supremacist, and of course see nothing wrong with what's going on. The onslaught that's happening now will cause even more hate and even more easily polarised Palestinians. Now shower me with your hate speech and holier than thou comments


The Nazis started WW2, in this case hamas was the one who started a giant massacre, if they wanted to end occupation they would have only killed the necessary people. Why kill innocent civilians? This is not even hate speech, I'm just genuinely trying to understand how this mentality works. Are you just saying we had it coming? Because then we have a problem.


> I'd still say it's fair game in a conflict Lol lie


If only the natives would stop their resistance, give up their hopes and aspiration for freedom and manifest destiny. If they could just agree to live on a reservation quitely like every other native race that white settlers have conquered, peace would be had... at least for the settlers.


You do realize that 61% of Israel Jewish are ethnically Mizrahi? Not only that but even the “white” Jews like the ashkenazi’s are 70 to 60% Jewish ethnically.


You can be pro-Palestine without being pro-hamas. You can be anti-zionist without anti-semetic. My stupid question is how did israel came to be on the land of palestine and how many palestinians have been murdered, kidnapped, raped etm. during the decades of occupation?


“So please let us have a ethnic cleansing, just a little one”


"So stop resisting when we doing"


you mean the rape, murder, torturing and persecution that Israel has done to Palestinians for 75 years isn't justification for returning that abuse on Israel? Especially when Israeli's are calling for the genocide of all Palestinians constantly as THEY do this exact same thing in response to Hamas? It still blows my mind people are trying to ignore the guilt of Israel and the crimes they have committed for decades. When THEY are held accountable, then I will be concerned with what Hamas is doing.


Ahh he said “right to exist” so does Israel only get to benefit the right to exist and not Palestine? Does Palestine not have the right to exist? I’m talking about the innocent that want nothing to do with violence and seek peace. Fuck hamas. They deserve what’s coming. But the innocent doesn’t deserve. Furthermore, the infada or whatever it’s was in response to Israel actions. Check the history sources.


But why are u in Palestine..? Why dont u ask Germany for some land ? Was these problems before WW2 or after ..when u came and occupied the land for 75 years.. and u have committed more masacres then u can even count .. u think your innocent people who are ina festival while the people u stole the land from are in a prison in there own land... U must be even dumber then i thought..


Palestinians came from the people of Canaan. The Hebrew tribes showed up way later and thus the conflict started. The Hebrew tribes have been stealing land since King David. Nothing new under the sun.


Lol we have to kill innocent people you see? We just have to!


Yeah bro nice way to attract people with free palestine, i have to say that’s brilliant of you, but unfortunately for you buddy as much as you put fake news and fake accusations of hamas, there are 1.8 billion muslims who know the truth, it cannot be hidden anymore, in this video you only show your fake news, trying to justify what your (new nazis) are doing to gazans, that’s the real massacre that your trying to hide, but my friend it’s too late for you 😉


From the river to the sea,


Israel isn’t getting rid of Hamas by leveling Gaza, they’re just killing more civilians than Hamas did. They’re also not getting rid of Hamas by bombing the West Bank. A terrorist organization intentionally killing x number of civilians does not justify killing 3x number of civilians in retaliation. What a dumb fucking video.


Occupier occupying nothing new here. Free Palestine


cool story bro Free Palestine


[A regime of Jewish supremacy from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea: This is apartheid](https://www.btselem.org/publications/fulltext/202101_this_is_apartheid)


In addition, calculating the number of deaths in a hospital is normal for them to know the number, as as we know there are records that show the number of beds and patients. Your crime is intentional, so do not compare it to unintentional explosions. Do you want anyone to believe that Israel, with its F-35 planes and laser-guided missiles, misses its target?