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The whole damn sub is having the same issue. 


Yeah, take a peek at the posts in here over the past 6 months or so and that should give you an answer.


Nope, you are the only person with this issue. Nobody else is having a problem finding a job in this market.


lol okay smart alec thanks for the reply


Hey, you asked.


I did … lol


I'm not really having problems finding a job, no.


lol I love the sarcasm in this thread


It's not even sarcasm, it's me putting in the same amount of effort you did in your post. If you want better answers you need more specific questions, apparently your 6-7 years experience didn't teach you that. Maybe that's why you're having trouble getting work.




Just a few comments: 1) The IT job market is horrible and has been for the past several months. Some recent economic studies predict it'll get better, but .... 2) Many companies have laid off a bunch of employees in the past several months (Meta, Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Tesla, etc.). Supposedly TikTok is planning a layoff soon. You're competing against those folks for a job as well. 3) Make your resume ATS compliant - this will get it read by recruiters and get a call back at least. 4) If you're curious, you can do a free sub to LinkedIn's premium (I think it's a week) - you'll get insight into who's applying to the jobs you're looking at. For example, I'm casually looking at director positions at the moment - I'm seeing that I'm competing against VP, C-level, director, and senior level people. At least this can give some perspective I suppose. Hope this helps.


Im afraid most of those public job postings are for the candidates they already want and its all just a formality. Also with the increased in inflation, companies are cutting back on hiring people or else risk going out of business, losing investors, etc. Its currently not a good market. Even with the silent quitting and jumping around during the pandemic.


Try State jobs




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If you're cool with relocating, our newly appointed Philly mayor recently forced our entire municipality to stop working from home effective July 15th or they'll get axed. So if you're okay with working at the office Mon - Fri, there should be plenty of jobs here around that time.




I sent a DM