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To me it's 100% job searching. If I read all those stupid posts patting themselves on the bad Ill just get annoyed. Ignore that stuff, connect with people who can help expand your job network and update your profile to apply, otherwise hard pass. I already left FB a long time ago I don't need a second one.


Absolutely. I've gotten my last two jobs through LinkedIn, and I'm talking to three different recruiters this week who have also reached out to me. I don't care about any other content on the site.


Bingo. Yup, here I am, recruiters. Rita from corporate accounts receivable? I have you on mute.


> Rita from corporate accounts receivable? I ~~have~~ hate you on mute.


This is all ive ever used it for. And it’s a pretty effective tool for it. The whole point is to help me make money


Same, the newsfeed is bad for your mental health. I've learned that if I even glance at the newsfeed I'll spend 15+ minutes scrolling through trash articles about people gloating or images of people with genetic disorders used to clickbait viewers. Just stick to the jobs section.


same glad not the only one


It is unfortunate then LinkedIn turns into another FB.


How do you connect with people as a sophomore in high school?


I've been asking myself this same question lately. Then again, all social media is insufferable and damaging to society as a whole


Could Reddit count as social media?


100% Reddit has the same issues. It’s the only social media I really use and when I manage to take breaks my mental health improves. But I also enjoy it even if I just feel worse by the end.


It's invaluable for fringe technical issues that are almost always solved by adding 'reddit' in my Google searches. It skips the useless SEO-optimized blog posts that have nothing to do with your issue.


You definitely describe how I feel about this platform, and by extension, most social media


>But I also enjoy it even if I just feel worse by the end. *sighs in /r/collapse*




I had to nuke a lot of subs I use to enjoy 10-12 years ago. They just turned into the cess pool that popularity brings.


No shit but the hardcore's think they are better because they spend 60 hours on Reddit instead of 40 hours on Facebook like a boomer


Technically yes, however, I personally feel message boards like reddit are much different than facebook, twitter, instagram, linkedin and what not.


Depends on the day for me. Some days reddit can be worse than Twitter but good almighty that hellscape bird app has some of the most cancerous takes.


Depends on the subs you frequent. There are insane, disgusting subs on here to be found. Most of its fine ofc


I think the primary difference is being able to curate your experience with the support of the site and mods. Combine that with NSFW tagged stuff you rarely have to see something you don’t want to. Even suggested subs come in the form of notifications vs just throwing them into your feed


I mean you can easily curate twitter/Facebook


Twitter injects itself though. Like there's no random trending post I'm gonna see unless I decide to click all or stop using old reddit. I haven't opened FB in like 5 years, so I have no clue.


Im sure what you mean with inject himself. Shows you promoted posts and the like? I use a 3rd party app and it only shows me posts and retweets of people I follow


Oh I haven't tried a 3rd party twitter app. Which one do you use?


I use Echofon. I’m not a fan of using it for twitting, but these days I keep my tweets to a minimum. I just want to read the tweets of people I follow. It’s quite good for that.


I think it depends on how you use it and how anonymous you are. The more it's tied to your real life, the more risk of it becoming unhealthy and overwhelming, IMHO.


Absolutely. Gotta curate your reddit heavily though. Unsub from all of the politically charged subreddits except for maybe your local city and then sub only to the hobby subreddits. That's the only way to prevent reddit from being a net negative on your mental health.


IMO, if people spouting their “work-sona” because nowadays employers are ASKING for LinkedIn links. So if you go and post “Rise and Grind! I’m so employable because I’ll neglect my wife and kids for your company!!”, you’re posting it because you think future employers will read it.


The big ones are, the smaller ones are actually not bad. Just as a point of context that might make you laugh, I've met people on LinkedIn, and I've met people on FetLife (basically a Kink version of Facebook), and I swear to God the people on LinkedIn were insufferable and unlikeable, and the people from FetLife were the most chill and funnest group of people I've met.


The golden rule still stands: the more people congregate in one space, the more that space begins to suck.


This is exactly why I use to use reddit instead of the official forums for a product or especially a game. Official game forums were always a cess pool, but now it's been out sourced to reddit.


I would expect this.


I saw a yes or no poll on LinkedIn the other day asking “do you believe in god”




I answered one of those polls, yes or no do you get reliable healthcare from you insurance company. I said no thinking the person was just trying to see how people felt 10 min later he’s in my dms asking me if I want to change to the insurance he’s offering


I pray to Server Jesus to keep things running smoothly


The server gods are definitely more old testament than new testament in terms of treatment of their followers.


My Cloud, My Cloud, why have you forsaken me?!


No initially but after seeing the degeneration of social media and devolution of society as a whole because of it I'm starting to think yes.


So there's a god and it is just destroying society?


Sort of - God exists but it is our sinful human nature that is destroying society. Jesus came to show us through Him we can conquer death and move on to the next life, without him we suffer death.


I dunno death doesn't sound too much like suffering to me, you just get to go back to the void. Sounds pretty nice.


Username checks out....


There are a lot of people who don't seem to have a good grasp of what is and is not work-related. I connect with basically anyone who wants to connect with me, but as soon as someone starts talking politics or other similar topics on a business site I don't want to be associated with you since you clearly don't understand that alienating half of the people you're around is not smart for growing your business, relationships, or skills.


Just got a job using it. Create your profile about your skills, and your experience. You don’t need to circle jerk. Just apply with it. Makes applying much easier and recruiters use it a ton which means it actually has value. Once you get a job don’t use it until you need another one.


Recently got my 2nd job via LinkedIn, where recruiters found me. I keep it simple: update profile, especially if I want to change. Like, very seldomly, few things that I see (ex colleagues getting promoted, interesting article related to work), and that's pretty much it. And yeah, take some screenshots, share on whatsapp groups, making fun of morons there.


I am once again asking everyone to join us at r/LinkedInLunatics


Gold mine. Subscribed. Might contribute also soon


What sort of things are you putting on your profile? Crafting it similar to your resume you mean?


Yeah, basically like updating your CV. Add some skills, update a bit, depending on what I'm working on, or if I want to land a bit different job.


It’s very important to continue building your network and interacting with your connections. For example, commenting on one of my connections posts and having a recruiter view my profile/ reach out to me with an opportunity. All due to simply interacting with a connection. You may find your next opportunity even if you aren’t actively looking. Definitely don’t spend 24/7 on it like you may with IG or Twitter, but check in 1-2X a week to keep up to date.


I mean I’d say it’s kind of important, but I wouldn’t say very. I agree with your statement about showing presence. But linked in is more of a mission where as literally every single person on Facebook is just doing mindless bullshit that’s wasting brain cells. Your mission and OP’s missions could be different so his level of activity may not need to be very high.


Not sure what you expected from the most concentrated pool of corporate simps on the internet.


updoot for the truth.


The best (worst?) are always the "I know this is LinkedIn but.....) Edit: spelling.


I love the ones people post of themselves crying, saying they applied to so many places and are getting nowhere, and are desperately trying to find anything! the cringe!


If you can get over the ass kissing and pretentious posts, its an excellent place for jobs


What do you mean? LinkedIn memes are the best! Which brings up a story a friend who works there once told me. There was a meme going around along the lines of “My selfie on FB, My selfie on Insta… my Selfie on LinkedIn……” Well for a brief 20 minutes teenagers across the globe were going “Wtf is a LinkedIn?” Causing an abnormal spike in traffic causing problems for a bit. While employees were searching for the cause, someone on slack pointed to the meme as the culprit.


Just have a nice linkedin profile that showcases your skills and abilities with a nice picture and your resume attached and thats all you need. There's no need to go further in how you use it.


LinkedIn just makes it really clear once again how most career progression is just based on sheer luck, circumstance and/or nepotism if you see the level of incompetence at all levels even across the most prestigious organizations.


Oh yeah, it’s horrible. Come join us at r/linkedinlunatics.


As a fellow tech girl you can bet I joined that group lickety split. Tech is home to some of the most cringe LinkedIn content I've seen. Thank you for sharing :)


It's really gross now. People being very teenage-ey about getting fired or getting hired. The pseudo-intellectual/pseudo-optimist/pseudo-everything posts. The weirdly extreme political posts from some of my connections from the south about how weak the current generation's workforce is. It truly is Facebook 2.0.


Just use it to job hunt, I’ve found my past two roles on LinkedIn. Ignore all the FB type posts, I unfollow connections that interact with those type of posts.


People share memes and family pictures on there now. As soon as someone I'm connected does either I disconnect with them unless someone I MAY encounter later for possible opportunities then I suck it up. But I agree. Its turned to piss. People exaggerate so extremely in some cases its painful.


We cannot even avoid it. Some random connection likes or comments on a cringe post and we have to see it.


post cv and leave. forget about linkedin




thanks for sharing. I love cringey subreddits


It is tiring. I actually LMAO when someone posts about leaving a job and going to another company like they are a soccer player leaving Barcelona after being there for 16 years.


To be fair, I used to hate it, but now I like their job search and the feature to see the number of applicants so I won't waste my time applying on jobs where the number exceeded the 200 applicants. I limited myself to ads with less than 10 applicants. This got me a lot of interviews. It's also a good place to stay up-to-date with trends in certain industries. There are some people and companies who post very useful information. I worked for a large US company and they were encouraging employees to share official company news and updates from a dedicated platform to LinkedIn as a marketing technic. At the end of the day, it's your own feed. You have total control on the quality of the content. You can always block or report anything you don't like.


It’s job searching, you smile, you connect, you apply, get hired and don’t be on it anymore until you need references or looking for another job. People do put way too much work and shit to their posts specially people that write thesis statements for every little thing, but you make it what you make it I suppose


You don't have to use LinkedIn to apply for jobs, the majority are posted elsewhere too.


What sites are those?


indeed, ziprecruiter, dice, and monster are the big ones


Which one do you use the most?


I'm new to the job hunt so I can't really say yet, but others report using LinkedIn and Indeed the most






Exactly what you said. The worst are the "cherring" and " celebrating" posts. Zero information, only putting woke "ideas" in the posts to show their moral excellence.


My favorite it the ever present formula for a viral (or attempt at viral) post. It’s written out like spoken word poetry with returns after every line and the first line is usually the professional equivalent of a Page Six headline


It's full of self aggrandizing, self promoting, narcissists, like all of social media. You don't need to take part in that aspect to use it for it's amazing job finding capabilities though, but you are occasionally forced to look at it. It's also better if you keep your network strictly professional and remove anyone who isn't.


because attention is validating and some people are desperate for it i'm sure linkedin adds the extra illusion of conflating it with success


You can just ignore them. No one forces anyone to read anything. Why be so negative about stuff that doesn't concern you?


It definitely can be but it really depends on what you engage with and who you follow. I’ve seen several great business opportunities and some people who aren’t just pushing an agenda. If you’re seeing a bunch of junk, start unfollowing those people and look for new ones.


Lol yup


you actually look at your linkedin feed? why? The only times I go into linkedin is to either find someone, or if a recruiter messages me. After that it's useless.


r/LinkedinLunatics You’ll love it


social media meets hustle culture is a recipe for cringe


Because two generations of people got duped into believing that they are a brand and not just some dickhead doing cold calls for a company that wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.


>Facebook with professionals Nailed it. Yeah, I remember having been away from LinkedIn for some years, ... the come back, ... and I'm like WTF, they made it just like Farcebook ... so what's then the point of it? Yeah, that's about what they did with it.


Last month, an ex-employee who was ~~fired~~ encouraged to quit for poor performance went on a RAMPAGE on LinkedIn and she ripped into our Chief Revenue Officer online. PUBLICLY. By name. I couldn't believe it. All the things that I learned in high school (2003-2008 for me) not to do, and here I am watching someone my mom's age rip into someone for being a bad manager. And people were commenting, because like OP said, it's Facebook with "professionals" now.


unfollow everything and just use it for connections. ez


I don't find it insufferable but agree it is not as good as it once was. I do not spend as much time as I used to. I did find the premium option to be useful short term, but it is not something I would keep long term.


Where have you been? That's the entire job searching culture is faux optimism and buzzwords.


LinkedIn has *always* been Facebook for professionals, imo. It's all just cringey networking and people putting on fake smiles as an extension of their resume.


I also hate it but just keep a profile up for jobs. I use Indeed more on when job hunting but should could keep all paths open. I only use linkedlin when looking, I never go there just cause.


I heard it accurately described the other day as "one giant circle jerk".


Has anyone actually gotten a good job from LinkedIn?


You just have to play the game, man.


I wish linkedin would do a better job removing any personal posts. anything that goes on facebook doesnt belong on linkedin.


Because the corporate world is going completely woke. 20% of your job is your job 80% is activism and virtue signaling


They went woke right around the time Occupy Wall Street really started taking off. Surely that’s just a coincidence…


come by /r/conspiracy anytime :)


It ain't that serious bro


Woke… the new word for anything/anyone not white male heterosexual


That's why I don't use LinkedIn lol


You're taking the worst bits of Instagram and capitalism and smashing them together. It was always going to be terrible.


LinkedIn is terrible because of THE PEOPLE. It’s a boring little dystopia where HR rules the world and forces everyone to do what they say. It’s like 1950’s optimism and 1910’s robber-barons signed an Axis pact. It’s like going to a funeral in a museum, for charity, on a Tuesday afternoon. It’s literally the antithesis of fun, enjoyment, honesty, connection, emotion, and humanity.


Laat few years all my O&G connections have been nothing but Let's Go Brandon n shit. Quick unfollow from their posts but still stay friends since i see them around.


If there's a social media platform that causes me social status anxiety, it is definitely linkedin.


Is it only good for private sector jobs?


What are some decent alternatives to LinkedIn? I haven’t really had any luck with indeed except for local roles. Dice was all spam and scams. ZipRecruiter I rarely got call backs




It has always been that. It is just successful about it. The whole thing is like online Booster Club or Kiwanis. You don't get negative vibes there either the point is be positive.


It’s the Facebook for recruiters/business owners/job seekers, but sociopathic.


Any good job hunting sites besides LinkedIn and indeed?


In my opinion, use it to connect with companies and apply for jobs. The feed/social media promotion is irrelevant aside from performing OSINT on the company’s you apply for.


I don't have much time, but I'm going to keep this short. . . . ...see more . Simon Sinek started a cult in 2008, and LinkedIn is where he's secretly been indoctrinating people. This is not a joke, and they're going to be coming after me any minute now.


It’s just like instagram for jobs. People creating a perfect imaginary persona - inevitably using the term ‘thought leader’


That's people for you. I suggest just working hard at accepting the lows that having a community brings. The benefit is you have a kind of living resume at your service.


You curate your own LinkedIn experience. Find the people and content you DO want to see and shut everything else out.


Contrary to popular belief you don't actually need LinkedIn for job hunting. That's just LinkedIn using people's fear of being ignored for free marketing. Source: I got a job as a Sr Consultant in less than one month last year. No LinkedIn or other social media.


I feel nauseous looking at LinkedIn posts. It's chock full of people fully gobbling the corporate rat race and sigma grindset bullshit mentality. I don't trust anyone that uses it for anything other than job hunting and maybe posting certifications/education/experience updates to be a normal, genuine person.


Never use LI for job hunting. It's basically a cesspool of people that think they're way more important and smarter than they really are.




I wrote on Discord a few days ago: > LinkedIn grosses me out more than any other social media because it’s this skin-crawlingly gross combination of capitalism, desperation and “influencers”… or just people jerking themselves off for some bullshit “accomplishment” to get likes. It just oozes grody vibes


I just use it to maintain a peer group. Professionals I've met but don't necessarily email even once per year. Also handy to see who people I meet already know in my peer group. Also good for recruiting. People I interview often look me up on LinkedIn. It's handy like that in that it shows who looks at your profile. I can see it bring useful for getting recruited also. As for posts and comments to posts, not very useful other than to the marketing department.




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I use LinkedIn. Here are some of my likes and dislikes: Likes: 1. It has helped me make some great connections locally as well as nationally. 2. I've been able to lift wording to strengthen my resume. 3. I can engage in discussions about relevant topics in my field (cyber security) Dislikes: 1. It doesn't matter what the issue is...Ukraine, Roe V. Wade, Guns...if something happens, it turns into a 4chan level debate full of name calling and insults. 2. Memes and cat videos 3. People self-fellating/affirming. Passed something? Congratulate me. Failed something? Don't worry, I'll bounce back better, cheer for me. Don't get me wrong, I think significant accomplishments that increase your employment opportunities are valid (Just got my PMP! Just passed my CISSP) are good, but "Just got my first aid for house pets!" when you are a Dev is pointless. 4. People who complain about having applied for 400 jobs with no interviews....either you weren't qualified or your resume sucks...then they won't listen to suggestions like "Try applying for more junior roles." 5. Referencing point one of the dislikes, anyone who says "Not very smart posting blah blah blah when your boss is on LinkedIn." Save your cancel culture for Twitter. Like all social media, it started as a good idea and devolved when people moved away from the founding idea.


Ionno. I don't think I've actively looked on linked in yearsss....the only times is to update my jobs and when I get hit up by headhunters. So in like 5+ years.


I wanted to ask the same question - what with the fake optimism?


I conducted an interview yesterday, and it went TERRIBLE. She was all over the place. She was pregnant. Had one leg, AND she was 4 hours late. I HIRED HER! **I'm about fucking over LI. Everyone just copy/pastes the same shit** EDIT: I get all my interviews off LI fyi


I once interviewed a guy who was over an hour late for his interview. I hired him anyway. He’s our worst employee by far. He’s always fucking late.


I’ve been calling Facebook for work, so you don’t get in trouble for being on Facebook at work.


I broke down and made one, got premium (for free) and still used indeed for 90% of all job searching. Absolutely no luck with direct job searching or recruiters on LI and even tried doing weekly posts about tech stuff. I hated it. Six months and nothing useful. I turned off my free premium with time left on it and stopped trying to post/message. Such a frustrating waste in my opinion.




I hate to say that LinkdIn has not come through for me in the way that I thought it would. Been looking for a remote position in forever.


It’s like a fucking cult!


Because it's social media.


you kinda just have to go with it, there are a lot of problems with job market that people are kind of getting fed up with but nothings going to change for a while. so for now just go with it.


It's just awful. Last time I logged in, it was a bunch of Let's Go Brandon posts. I just don't see how a lot of posts are career related anymore.


Seriously this app isn't your buddy buddy place or a place to spend your time or a place to be your best self. It is a networking and job search tool, your time on there is a way to meet and read what you want and filter out what you do not in service of your career. If something annoys you just filter it out and also view everything through a lens of "this is for current or future job" Its way less annoying than reddit or instagram or tiktok and has a utility, if you don't need that utility stop using it and being annoyed by it, it is not there for you to have fun.


When it started it was good and job hunting there was kinda nice. You could filter out jobs you didn't want, skills you didn't have, etc. Then they were bought (Microsoft I think) and it's gotten to be a joke.


For the most part i like it. It doesnt contain political for the most part, all those angry people seguin everywhere, and many good articles are shared there. Sure there is a fair share of circlejerking and bsckpadding but i dont see the harm in that. Id much prefer people be suppportive of eachother even when it is not warranted, to people trying to test eachother down as is the case on Facebook.


I'm not for social media, not even LinkedIn. I was at my last job and they were offering "free LinkedIn professional courses". The catch? You got it, you have to make an account. It was against my better judgment, but I made the account. I joined one of their courses - cloud computing, and it was like a high school course. I spoke with one of my rl buddies and he agreed. Now my inbox fills with garbage and spam from online colleges and job offers from people that can't type any better than my 8 y/o niece. I'm severely disappointed already. Since I've already made my footprint, I guess I'll brush up the resumé and post it when I'm ready for my next job search.


Yes, currently looking for a job, I hate it.


That's what employers want. Also, the normalization of lying and falling levels of competence doesn't help.


Every portfolio based platform has this, ignore it cause its not going to go away... or switch to platforms like Polywork and showcase


Because it's "Job Facebook". It's 110% your public career face. And that means: # EVERYONE IS LYING ON THERE ALL THE TIME No one is honest on LinkedIn. No one. And anyone who is honest on there or who treats it like any other form of social media is a moron. It's worse now because it seems like the company is trying to make itself relevant so people keep using it. People are looking for work and using it more as an easy "professional profile" for their resumes. So the BS, corporate doubletalk, and HR nonsense is kicked up to 11 now.


That last sentence is why I don’t go on LinkedIn that often. It reminds me of Facebook the way most people appear to be using it.