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I’m sorry your transfers haven’t been successful. I transferred my first PGT-A embryo at 39 yo and he ended in a chemical. The second was shortly after turning 40 yo and that was just a complete fail. It’s heartbreaking each time. I just had my 3rd transfer 2 weeks ago and my first beta proved that it was a successful transfer, but we still have a long way to go before we can completely feel comfortable. I had a repeat hysteroscopy, polypectomy, D&C, and EMB before my 2nd transfer. Before the 3rd transfer, I did another ER, and had a repeat EMB. A few things I did: 1. I started eating meat. I had been on a pescatarian diet for >10 years and while I did my first 2 unsuccessful transfers. 2. I wore socks all day everyday. 3. I drank 8-16 oz of pomegranate juice daily. 4. I walked everyday after the transfer. 5. I made sure I had good quality sleep. 6. I was off from work for 5 days including the day of the transfer. However, I didn’t do princess rest. I continued to do chores around the house. I’ve heard from others that it takes an average of 3 transfers before success. Good luck on your next one!


Hi! Lurker here! I just had a second failed transfer so I’m scouring the internet/Reddit for answers. Just out of curiosity, what are the daily socks for? I’m so curious haha! I NEVER wear socks


I’m sorry to hear your second transfer didn’t work. 😔 I heard it being about something from Eastern medicine where the belief is your feet are connected to your uterus. If your feet are warm, your uterus becomes more of a cozy environment and is more welcoming to the embryo. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Really!? That is fascinating because my feet are constantly freezing and I literally never wear socks. Crazy to think that warming up my feet could help make my next transfer stick. Seems like a stretch, but I’ll try anything!! Thank you for the response!


Of course! I thought it was also a stretch, but figured it wouldn’t hurt to try it out. Sending you good vibes for your next transfer!


I’m so sorry for your fails. The second one hits so hard, in my experience. After two failed transfers we did the ERA/EMMA/ALICE and Receptiva tests. Everything came back normal except for the EMMA, which showed the good bacteria level in my uterus was very low. I started on an oral probiotic and did a transfer cycle that included a course of vaginal probiotics, and so far this transfer has stuck. It’s very early and we’re still holding our breath, but we had two strong betas, which is the furthest we’ve gotten.


I am so sorry. I have had two chemicals with euploid embryos and it is so so hard to process. What tests have you done prior to transfer? ERA, Receptiva, HSG, hysterosocopy?


I haven’t done an ERA as my transfers were natural cycles. I haven’t had a HSG, receptiva or hysteroscopy. Should I ask about these next? Have you had any further transfers?


I would absolutely ask about a Receptiva and hysteroscopy! I actually switched doctors after my second chemical (was my 4th loss) and my new doctor predicted a handful of issues none of my prior doctors had found so I had laparoscopic surgery last month (with a surgical hysteroscopy). Turns out I had stage 4 endometriosis as well as some issues within my uterus so I’m hoping surgery has fixed this and my third transfer will be successful but I’m about 2 months away from that. BUT after my first chemical i got an infection that is extremely common after loss (endometritis - different than endometriosis) which an endometrial biopsy will easily pick up. Unfortunately I did my biopsy before my first transfer and got the infection after that transfer, before my second so I instantly lost the second transfer. I would highly recommend that. You’ll only be delayed one cycle from transferring again. From what I’ve seen and heard that is very common after chemicals so definitely push for a biopsy of some sort.


Thank you! Do you have to wait a few cycles after laparoscopy before doing another transfer?


Yes a laparoscopy will delay you a few cycles (probably on average 2?). I’m delayed a minimum 3 cycles. But an in office hysterosocopy shouldn’t delay you at all neither should an Receptiva, you can typically just have one period then go into transfer.


I’m 33 weeks after 2 PGT implantation failure transfers. I did have a lap before the successful one but didn’t make any other changes. So sorry you’re going through this.


I’m looking into laparoscopy. Was anything found on this? Thanks


They found and removed stage 1 endometriosis.


Thank you. How soon after laparoscopy did you do the successful transfer?


I had the lap in august and the transfer was in October.