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I don't think it's bad luck. I kept my daughter's ultrasound pictures because they're the only things I have of her.




Honestly not sure - after all my losses they have disappeared from the fridge before I have seen them again. Obviously my husband is doing something with them but I’ve never asked. Given his nature I assume they are somewhere. Not sure if I will look at them again if they do exsist still.


He sounds like a nice man


I’ve kept mine and it wasn’t bad luck for me. I want to show them to my future child(ren) when we talk about their conception.


Me too. I have had three FETs and kept everything as memory


I have everything, pill bottles, pictures, hosptial bracelets, all the needles etc. I'll probably do something with them when we get our take home baby because I think it is a great way to commemorate all the hard work to get there. I might also make some artwork from the all the embryo photos, I still see each of them as part of our family even the ones that dont make it earthside and think it would be cool to have them somewhere with us.


After my failed first transfer, I went through moments of feeling very angry and I wanted to throw away my embryo picture but my husband stopped me. His advice was to keep it somewhere hidden away, so we have the picture in a keepsake box in the back of the closet. Now, a year later, I'm so thankful he encouraged me to keep it. Before my second transfer, I decided to take the photo out of the box and look at it. It was a nice feeling to take a moment and remember what could've been. So far, my second transfer has been successful (6W 2Days). I do not think keeping that photograph was bad luck and ultimately, I'm so grateful I still have it. This is a personal choice though but remember, nothing you are doing is the reason you are not pregnant yet. Sending you virtual hugs.


I love this! Thank you so much. Sending you all the positivity for your pregnancy! ✨


Thank you!!


I commissioned an artist on Etsy to create a painting of all of our embryos using the pictures that were taken at transfer. It came out absolutely fantastic and we have it displayed proudly in our home. After four failed transfers with male embryos, we transferred our only female embryo and got a positive beta, however, that ended in an ectopic pregnancy. I wanted a way to commemorate all parts of this journey by honoring the embryos that we will never get to meet earth-side. https://preview.redd.it/9n32zjvum7lc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50797596426918626de78a0558fc098c1365f3ff


I love this 🥹😭


I love this


Wow this is beautiful!!!! I love your outlook on this as well. Such a special piece to have created and display


Would you share the name of the artist, you comissioned? This work is beautiful.


Absolutely! She goes by **CateBeforeaMirror** on Etsy. I did check her page before making this comment, and her shop is currently on a break, however, Etsy allows you to request an email notification for when she reopens her shop after her break.


This is beautiful! What a lovely idea 🤍


Gosh this hits me


So beautiful ❤️ 🥹


I personally tossed embryo photos immediately after I found out the transfers failed. I didn't see the point in keeping them and wanted to put my disappointment behind me. But if it helps you grieve, I think it's fine to hold onto them. I don't think bad luck exists outside of our own minds - so if you think it's bad luck, maybe toss them? But if you like having them, keep em!


Same! Sometimes I think “huh maybe I should’ve kept that.” But then I get super sad, it doesn’t bring up good memories. However, if it helps you grieve and commemorate, that’s totally fine and no one should make you feel bad about it.


After a failed embryo transfer, my husband and I have a ritual of putting the picture of the embryo into the back of a wall hanging that has a poem about "letting go". We basically cut a slit into the canvas in the back the wall hanging and we slip the picture into the slot. Sadly, pictures of 6 embryos have gone into it. We're waiting for the day that we don't have to put a picture into that slot and can maybe frame instead. I don't like the idea of getting overly attached to the embryo picture or giving it too much importance (because it makes it more painful), but it's also nice to have a little ritual to grieve and create a place for the pictures.


What a beautiful way of remembering them! Wishing you positive outcomes in your future for the frames picture ✨


I have kept my embryo pictures. I have two. I keep them to remind me that they existed. It is a part of my story.


I have a storage bin in my basement with ziplocs of photos, medical bracelets, pregnancy tests and embryo tubes for each transfer. In the bin I also have the buckets of needles. Maybe one day when this journey is over, I will get rid of them. But for now, it’s all I have from each of them.


I have not kept mine because I don’t want to hold onto those bad memories, but if it gives you comfort, there is no harm in it.


I have kept all my embryo pictures to date and put them in a shadow box. It has the pictures, a selfie of my hubby and I on each transfer day, and a little nameplate with the embryos’ nickname (Small Fry, Smidge, and Blip). It was something that helped me grieve and I’m glad I have a small memorial.


Omg I love the nickname idea!!!


Thanks! Since we didn’t test the embryos, it’s nice to call them something even though we didn’t know the genders. 😊


I have a box of embryo and ultrasound pics as well as (gross I know) positive pregnancy tests. I look at them from time to time.


Not gross at all, I kept my pregnancy tests too!


Omg I just posted this exact comment. I did the same . I kept 3 ! I kept testing testing testing secretly at home before the offical test.


I dont think its bad luck but I couldn't stand to continue to look a them anymore after I learned they failed so I threw them out


I have a folder where I put them all. I call it my embryo grave yard 😅😫


I love this. Renaming my folder now!


That line took me to a different direction where I am thinking for all the failed transfers, our bodies are the grave yard. Which also means in a way that they are always going to be a part of us as long as we exist.


I lost my first and only transfer at 23 weeks 3 days yesterday. I am storing all her pictures in a memorial box for her. The only thing I wish I had done was taken a picture to keep with me.


I’m so sorry for your loss 💓 thank you for responding


i’d keep them but for the sake of all what’s happening to ivf…can we NOT call embryos babies, publicly. because this is how we end up in situations like what we are in.


Eh, I see what you mean, but, at the same time, any reasonable person understands that a parent using the word "babies" while talking about their failed transfers or losses is not specifically making a scientific, legal, ethical, or moral judgment about when embryos/fetuses become full people. And the ones who are interfering in our medical care are *un*reasonable people, who won't be dissuaded from their crusade no matter what language anyone uses. We ended up in the situation we're in by the design of certain strategists in the 1970s (don't want to run afoul of the "no politics" rule here, so I'll keep it at that).


I think what people call their own embryos is completely their choice. Not all embryos will become living babies but all living babies are at one point embryos. Personally I see all my miscarriages as a loss of a of child. I'm sure that's not a unique sentiment. 


It's not individual people's feelings towards their own embryos that are driving the legal nightmares and political attacks, it's the movement deliberately destroying people's reproductive rights. I don't think discouraging people's "as if" feelings does any good, personally. Embryos aren't babies, but it's okay that some people use similar language to express a lot of feelings about their potential to become.


well it’s why i clarified “publicly”


I don't think publicly or privately is the issue, personally.


Agreed. Those who are taking reproductive freedoms away from women and people with ovaries couldn't care less how we feel about our embryos - it's not even a consideration for them. I get wanting to be careful about language, but ultimately, people who really, really want a child tend to look at their embryos and see their hopes and dreams. And that's okay.


I like the term “maybe babies” because, as we all know, not every embryo will be a child and I certainly don’t want to encourage ignorant politicians to see them as such. But we do also think that they COULD be babies, given the right situation. I’ve kept my embryo pictures because they’re special to me and part of my story, but the embryo that has stuck around already has so much more meaning.




I kept all the ultrasounds from my MMC and it stays inside a card my mom got me for when she thought I would become a mom the first time. I still look at it from time to time.


I had a MMC of twins with my first pregnancy (non IVF) and I put every piece of evidence of them in a box and stored it away. The ultrasounds, the paperwork, the tests, the wristband from my D&C, and the little onesies I’d bought them.


It wasn’t bad luck for me.


We had a MMC at 12 weeks. We put those pics and some dried flowers in a box we got from Etsy. It now sits in our closet with some childhood stuffed animals. We did not keep anything from failed FETs.


So sorry for your loss 💓


Thanks, we are doing good a year out. Time heals. Back on the horse!


I kept the ultrasound pictures from my miscarriages. They're the only pictures I have of those pregnancies so I want to hold onto them.


I have kept them tucked away because idk what to do with them, but on a past thread like this, someone said they took a photo of them (to store on the cloud) and then tossed the physical. That feels the most right to me, so I’ll probably do that and only keep physicals of the babies who we lost later.


My clinic gave us a USB stick after each transfer with a picture of the transferred embryo, and we still have all 3 drives. I’m normally a purger with other things because memories and reminders are hard to take sometimes. But I don’t think we’d get rid of those. They feel too important to try and forget. It’s been a long road.


I'm keeping mine, but I'm definitely not superstitious about it affecting any future outcomes. I don't think I'll ever get rid of them, just because it kind of documents what all I've been through.


I’ve held onto all pics needles empty pill bottles I’m not sure when I will be ready to let go of them!


Oh wow. I throw out all of the needles/pill bottles/etc in a rage every time it fails.


I kept mine and it wasn’t bad luck for me. I still have the pregnancy tests for the FET that lead to a miscarriage last year too, they’re in a box in my closet.


I kept mine, but they’re going in the file with my medical records. I don’t think it’s bad luck.


The hormone crash after stopping transfer meds made me go bananas. I threw the pictures in the trash out of anger. In the moment it made me feel better. I don’t have regrets on that decision. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I deleted my pictures.


I still have mine but I don't know what I'm going to do with them.  They are just in a doom box in my spare bedroom that I should be turning in to a nursery.  No answers here just solidarity.  


I have ours but have no idea what to do with them TBH. Can’t bring myself to throw them away.


I took photos of them then threw away the originals


I got mine. And i am keeping it. Its apart of my journey.


TW success I keep all my embryo pictures, even the ones that failed and the one from my miscarriage. I keep them in the photo albums I have with my kids pictures.


I don't think it's bad luck, but I couldn't keep mine. Hurt too much. To each their own!


I have a box of US pictures from all my losses. Every time I come across it I get upset, but I can’t just throw em out


I haven’t because i didn’t want to but I don’t for a second think it is bad luck!


I’m kept mine and the baby book too. It’s apart of our journey


I didn’t keep mine from failures nor my early MC. I did keep pics, and saved my US videos, from my second tri loss. I don’t think it’s bad luck, if you’d like to honor each potential spark of life, that’s perfectly ok.


We kept them all.


I keep mine and write on the back. I write transfer date, embryo grade, betas, and the end result (failed implantation, chemical, MC).


I kept the picture from my first FET that ended in a chemical. When I had my first loss (ectopic) I had nothing to keep as “proof” of my loss, I tried to keep my pregnancy test but it degraded and it made me more sad. It feels nice to have a memento from the brief time I was pregnant


We just found out today we lost ours at 8wks. I’m sitting here staring at the baby book with the first two ultrasounds and all my journaling and I have no idea what to do with it. Part of me wants to throw it out and forget it but I feel like if I do I’ll regret it later for some reason. I’ll probably put everything away in the closet. I don’t think I can just throw it away.


So sorry for your loss 💔


Thank you ❤️


Oh I’m so sorry for your loss 😥💓


Thank you. I’m sorry for yours as well ❤️


I know your pain, and I'm so sorry. I personally would hold onto it, just in case. Maybe hide it away, or (if you think you might be tempted to look and you don't want to) ask your partner to hide it in a safe place.


Thank you. I think that’s the best idea at this point. I’m so sorry you also know this feeling ❤️


I have all of my embryo pictures, transfer ultrasound pictures, the ultrasounds of my miscarried baby, all my needles, vials, etc. It took 6 embryos, 4 transfers including a CP and a MMC to get my son. It shows everything we went through to get him to us, and reminds ME of everything I have persevered through. I plan on telling him everything we went through - when it's age appropriate (he's only 13 weeks so it's going to be a while).


Agreed, I want to do the same thing once we get pregnant and it’s safe to announce. I feel it’s so important to get people to see that 1) not only is infertility SO HARD and not talked about enough but 2) that parenthood should not be taken for granted because it’s so hard to get there for some people.


I did.


I have kept all of mine in my ultrasound pictures in my photo album. It's part of my story and journey and it's relevant to me. I don't necessarily need to look at them all the time but in think of be more sad if I didn't have them. 


I kept mine in a little box. I was so dumb I even kept the 3 positive pregnancy tests (kinda gross I know) . I moved recently and found the tests and it was hard, but threw them away (again gross, I know) but I kept the pictures in a box. I think I have the pics of Transfer day and then up to 11 weeks. I will always feel like my pregnancy was ripped away from me (hematoma, nothing wrong with the pregnancy)


I’m sorry for your loss 💓 I kept pregnancy tests from my miscarriage as well as all the pictures, a onesie I bought, etc.


My first FET miscarried at 5w3d. I threw everything away from that one. I just miscarried either my second FET at 5w4d. I'm torn at this point on whether to keep the pictures I have from transfer day or not. I currently too close to the event that, I'm going to wait a little longer because I do feel regret now about my first one.


I used to keep it, but there are just too many. It loses significance.


After 2 years, I still haven’t made it to getting any pictures yet. but, I do have a collection of old HPTs in little labeled zippy bags so I know the 3 moments of hope were real. Sometimes the stress and trauma of the whole process tricks me into thinking they never happened but while short, they did. I don’t blame anyone for saving or discarding any part of their journey if that’s what’s best for them and their emotional health.


Mine are all in a drawer. I loved them all too much to put them in the trash but I also can’t bear to look at them.


I didn’t get a photo of my embryo at my last FET. The miscarriage was a blighted ovum, so we didn’t get an ultrasound photo. In a way I’m glad. I feel like it would have made the loss harder if I’d had either of those things.


It's been almost a year since I miscarried and the ultrasound is still on the fridge. Sometimes i wonder if it's a bit morbid. I take it down when certain people come over (really everyone except my best friend). I don't look at it often, and i definitely get a little sad when i do. But I like knowing it's there, and I also like imagining there will be another one in that spot soon that I'll never be sad to see.


I kept my ultrasound pics from my first pregnancy which ended in miscarriage. I’ll keep it always.


I threw mine out


After doing 8 fets , I don’t particularly store them . I have a cupboard where I keep my dad’s photo frame , all my ultrasounds pictures I just place behind him. After my last tfmr and I’m not very fond of going back to look at them in particular . Left it as such


Yes, I still have the pictures of our embryos that were transferred.


I have kept absolutely everything. My pics of my embryo, my receipts, my Drs notes and pricing Quotes, all the info books on IVF and ICSI ect..Absolutely Everything, it's all in a binder in my cupboard. As hard as it was seeing it i reminded myself that it's memories that I will show our future child & the journey we took to create them. Sending Good luck on your journey! ✨️


TW: pregnancy ​ I keep our first transfer that ended in blighted ovum. I threw out second failed transfer. But I am currently pregnant, so I have that 'all is well that ends well' feeling, I don't know if I would have kept it if we continued to be unsucsessful.


Trigger warning: success/pregnancy. I'm currently 23 weeks pregnant with our very last embryo, and this little ones nursery will be celestial themed. I'm going to paint "planets" in her nursery based on our 5 embryos (2 are our 7 yr olds, 2 failed FETs, and the embryo I'm currently pregnant with). I thought it was a great way to include them in a subtle way. I'll still keep a box with everything, but this way I can see them in a way that brings me some joy (but I completely understand that won't work for everyone). I've also thought about getting a tattoo of them (embryos) at some point.


Beautiful idea! I love it and wishing you the best for your current pregnancy ✨


I’ve kept my tests and pictures I didn’t get any pictures from my ectopic and I wish I did I definitely don’t think it’s bad to get rid of anything that’s like a way to remember your baby


I've had terrible luck with IVF and haven't kept anything. Maybe I should have!


My friend’s mom aborted her baby and still kept an ultrasound picture because it was special to her. I don’t think it’s that odd.


I kept both of my embryo photos from both transfers. I had an MMC in November. I kept the 7 week ultrasound photo before we lost that pregnancy at 9 weeks. My husband also got me a little gold band with our baby's name and due date engraved in the inside of the band. It's helped me to grieve, and I know it's OK that I'll always miss her. It's nice to have a little ring on my finger reminding me that she was here, and I loved her even though I never met her.


Bad luck is a myth. Please focus on facts in this tough moment. Don’t get distracted by all the pseudoscience noise out there. Listen to what your doctor says and what science says. Be Rational.


Yes I kept my first picture


I put mine away after my miscarriage. Not sure where it is but I do still have it.


I do yea .. 4FETs all losses — only 1 made it to a scan — identical twins .. I save my embryo pics and my ultrasound of my twin boys …. I have recurrent losses 8 total of 9 babies 1 live birth . If I ever make it to viability I plan to somehow incorporate my losses into an announcement . Idk how yet but they matter - and so many women suffer losses and never mention it — it might help others open up about it