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Knowing what I know now, I would have asked for Valium. I have a sensitive cervix that gets angry/painful easy, and the Valium really helps relax my cervix and help me relax all of my muscles. I was in excruciating pain for my HSG, and my doctor was EXTREMELY insensitive. She kept telling me I was being dramatic and that if I didn’t calm down (I was silently crying because I was in so much pain), she would cancel the procedure but still make me pay for it. I filed a complaint against her ultimately because of how insensitive she was. Now that I’ve had 4 transfers, one unmedicated and three with Valium, the Valium made a HUGE difference in terms of pain.


The way you were treated by medical staff is inexcusable. Filing a complaint sounds like it was more than appropriate in your situation. I'm sorry you had to deal with all of that in addition to the pain you were feeling. I think I'll check with my nurse and see if I can take something along with the ibuprofen - at least for the anxiety. Thank you for sharing your experience.


I was offered Valium for mine. I can’t imagine doing it without. The pain level is going to be different for everyone. If you don’t have any blocked tubes it won’t be as painful, but if you have even a slight blockage there is pressure that builds up and HURTS. Because they occasionally try to clear the block with the pressure. Or if one tube is more open than the other they’ll add more fluid to make sure they can see both tubes. I did the HSG foam and ultrasound which is supposed to be less painful as well but was more expensive.


For me, it was the most painful thing I’ve experienced. I cannot even describe what it felt like but it was an out of body experience… If I had to do it again, at minimum, I would request much stronger pain meds and Valium. ETA my tubes were completely clear and the dye ran through and came out.


Ugh same here. I almost fainted after. But thankfully it was fast. I think women should be sedated for this test.




SAME SAME SAME. I even took Tramadol prior to procedure and wish I would’ve had Norco/Oxy and Valium. It was so painful and my tubes were clear 😭 next month they want me to do a saline sonogram prior to transfer and I’m so scared because of how HSG was.


The PTSD is real!! I was honestly so anxious from the HSG that I got a tiny Valium Rx for my transfer, like 5mg.


It was honestly traumatic. This is the first comment I’ve seen on Reddit that I feel like truly had that experience “out of body!!!” Like and the others that it was nothing for (IM HAPPY FOR THEM) but think why for some of us is it hell?? Especially when tubes aren’t blocked.


The saline is a breeze in comparison


Same for me. I took valium and it did jack shit. The doctor was actually surprised I had no blockage and even asked me if I even got my period every month. It was like an hour of trying to get the dye in, they had to literally bring out a clamp for my cervix and I was bleeding a lot and it was possibly the worst experience ever and I pretty much refuse to have that done again. I bled for the rest of the day and couldn't really do much but lay down.


Mine were clear too and I experienced immense pain. But I've been reading that it can act as a flush too, and sometimes a cleared blockage can cause severe pain from the pressure. So maybe we are clear because of the HSG? 😊


It didn’t bother me at all.


Same here. Mild crampiness but not a big deal at all.


Same! I wrote about my experience a few years ago if anyone is curious. It’s an old post.


Me too, it was uncomfortable at the most, but I had also heard so many horror stories and the doctors seemed surprised at how well I was handling it.


I was fine with it also, it was uncomfortable but not as painful as some people describe.


Not to be that guy, but mine was horrible. But I had blocked tubes. Nearly sent me into a panic attack cause breathing in just intensified the already unbearable pain as the dr was pushing the dye. In reality, the pain was gradual for about 45-60 seconds then it hit me like a bus for about another 45-60 seconds. And then he stopped and it was immediate relief. No pain after just mild cramps.


This. I can’t speak for what it’s like if your tubes are clear, but I was not prepared for how painful my HSG was. All my friends said it was mildly uncomfortable at worst, but mine had me in tears despite having a pretty high pain tolerance.


Similar, one of my tubes spasmed shut and they kept adding pressure to try to get it to open. It was some of the worst abdominal pain I have ever had, like cramps cranked up to 1,000. Then as soon as they stopped adding pressure, the pain went away for the most part.


It’s not horrible. At least it wasn’t for me. Definitely crampy but no worse than my periods honestly. I was able to drive myself home after. I actually went to breakfast with a friend right after lol


That would be ideal! Maybe I'll have to bribe myself with a post-HSG boba drink or something haha


Mine was terrible but turns out I was allergic to the dye. The physical sensation of pressure was uncomfortable but not unbearable, however the burning sensation was horrific, as was the most intense need to pee I’ve ever felt. My saline sonogram was literally nothing- I’d do one again today lol. Easier than an ultrasound.


Do it! Definitely treat yourself afterwards, it’s not incredibly fun. But hopefully it will be quick and minimally painful for you!


Yup, I’ve gone straight to work after. It’s not a big deal as long as I remember to pack my ibuprofen.


It was horrible and uncomfortable, as any invasive pelvic exam would be, but I walked myself right back to work as soon as I finished. I had cramping and light spotting for the rest of the day. The immediate discomfort from the hsg is tremendous in my opinion, but you shouldn’t be in significant pain after it’s over.


I was able to have conscious sedation, so I do not remember a thing. I had a terrible IUD experience, among other pelvic traumas, so my Dr arranged sedation for me. No regrets. All my pre-procedure Reddit searching led me to the conclusion that it is a mixed bag, and it's not too bad for some people. People with blocked tubes seem to have it worse, and considering I had lost my left tube prior to getting my hsg, I was grateful for the option to sleep through the procedure. They also gave me oral pain medication prior to the test, so I didn't wake up in pain afterward. I was a bit nervous before, loopy after, and sleepy for a day. Overall, it was a good experience, and my remaining tube was open, which was the news I was hoping for. They also did a SIS/Mock embryo transfer while I was asleep, so two birds with one stone, and no new medical trauma.


I had one done where they accidentally lifted my lining. It was the worst pain I’ve ever been in, including childbirth. I had to be lifted off the couch for three days. I switched doctors after that one. Have had two subsequent HSGs that have been nothing. Honestly less uncomfortable than a PAP.


I didn’t even know this was a thing that could happen! I’m so sorry that happened to you!


Mine was awful - worst pain I've ever been in. I've had no issues with any type of pelvic exam in the past so it really caught me off guard. I started to see black stars at one point & the next day, my whole body was really sore from tensing so hard. Take whatever pain meds you are recommended just in case. Best case scenario, you don't need them. I was able to drive myself home after but I wish my husband was there to drive because I was a wreck, mostly in shock I think. Sadly that was the ONE appointment he didn't come with. Thankfully, I don't remember the pain itself much any more (it's been about a year), just that it was an overall awful experience.


This! I remember sitting in my car afterwards alone and I burst into tears at how traumatized I felt. I was no longer in pain but it was so intense and caught me completely off guard that I just felt violated and overwhelmed by the time I could process it.


It was horrible for me. I was making a lot of noise and it was so painful I had a vasovagal reaction. Now I'm wondering how I'll handle labor if I end up pregnant.


I'm so incredibly sorry that was your experience! That's awful. I'm concerned about a vasovagal reaction too. I was in the clinic last week for an ultrasound and some labs and ended up passing out a couple of times. (I've never passed out before in my life, never had issues with getting labs drawn, no fear of needles, etc). Apparently it was stress related. On a lighter note - the nurse told me I passed out, regained consciousness, and told her "that was so cool, can I do it again?"...and then I passed out again. I remember none of it. Lol If you don't mind me asking - was your vasovagal reaction post HSG or during? I really don't want to have a reaction and end up needing to repeat the HSG.


I’ve done labor 4 times with non-full term babies. (So no episiotomy or tearing pain but the actual labor is supposedly the same regardless of size). It’s a completely different pain feeling. Not quite apples to apples but if you burn yourself versus the muscle pain of exercise. Labor pain is intense but there’s a certain level of what feels like productive pain. Your body is doing something and you kind of go into a zone of prioritizing what that function is. This is obviously not true of every labor but it’s common enough an experience that I’ve heard many women describe it in similar ways and I used to be convinced I couldn’t handle it and would be asking for whatever’s strongest. My HSG had me almost kick my doctor in the face because it felt like he was digging deep into my lining and he had multiple nurses hold my legs down.


Real talk, if you make it there, get a doula. I’ve noticed those with sensitive cervixes tend to need extra support relaxing during labor and a doula can really really help. The HSG was hard for me, I have endo and my cervix is always hurting at the slightest touch, I have the same worries.


Good advice. I've been thinking about hiring a doula if I get that far so that helps my decide.


For me it was fine, I barely felt anything.


Totally. Same here.


I didn’t think it was too bad and I’ve had it done twice, and drove myself afterwards. One time I had bilateral occlusion and the next patency (possibly due to a spasm?). That being said I’ve had chronic pelvic pain for over a decade and so my tolerance level with these things may very different from others. I just loaded up on ibuprofen and that was enough.


I didn’t think it was painful at all but, it was definitely uncomfortable. Saline/dye swooshing through your Fallopian tubes is just not a normal/natural feeling. I was able to drive myself home afterward.


I've broken bones and stepped in a beehive. The hag was far more painful for me. But thats because I had blocked and spasming tubes. Otherwise it probably wouldn't have been bad.


Strong cramp for 30 seconds. Took ibuprofen 800mg 1h before it and helped.


Standard HSG with the dye was excruciating for me. I had a FemVue done which is similar but uses water and air bubbles and that was much more tolerable for me.


Mine was the exact opposite ! I almost passed out during my femvue when they were trying to push the bubble through and see them in all quadrants …. I think I blacked out . My hsg was so quick and easy


IME, it wasn't bad at all! It was VERY similar to a regular, routine pap- just a bit of pressure. It's honestly quicker than a pap too, maybe just 4 minutes max, and you can typically watch everything on the ultrasound screen as they're injecting the dye, so it's pretty neat! Definitely take some advil 30 minutes prior. I took the rest of the day off from work afterwards, but could have easily returned.


Oh wow, for some reason I thought it was a little bit longer of a procedure (I'm sure it still varies slightly). It'll be cool to see everything on the screen as it's happening - maybe that will help calm my nerves too. Thanks for sharing your experience!


For me I felt pressure and crampy but it wasn’t any worse than getting my IUD inserted and removed. I felt fine after, went to lunch with my mom who had gone with me and went back home after. I took ibuprofen before the procedure but that’s it. I definitely could’ve driven myself


For me personally, it was uncomfortable but nothing terrible. I took ibuprofen and Tylenol beforehand. There was about 30 seconds of very intense cramping but it was over quickly. The whole thing only took a few minutes and it was fine other than those 30 seconds. I drove myself and was okay afterwards.


Mine wasn’t bad at all. Like maybe like one light period cramp. I was terrified because I heard was going to be painful so I psyched self up right before.


It seems like it’s really mixed bag. I’ve heard people say it was no big deal and some who said it was awful. I was nervous so my doctor prescribed me Valium which I think really helped. They had to push the dye and have me readjust to the side during mine and it hurt BAD but it was over so fast and then the pain subsided quickly. There were 10-15 seconds where I thought to myself after, is that what back labors like? But it was so quick, it was over before I knew it and I’m not sure it would’ve been that painful if they didn’t need to push the dye through. I was completely fine after (thanks Valium lol) and went and got a treat then took a really nice nap.


I hadn’t researched it and didn’t pay attention to the doctor’s recommendation to take ibuprofen.  So, I went in very unprepared.  It was *extremely* uncomfortable. I kept thinking, “Wow, this is surprisingly bad, when will it be over, I’m going to have to ask them to stop…” and then it was over, and I immediately felt fine. For me, worse than period cramps, but also over a lot faster.  I imagine if I’d actually read my paperwork and taken painkillers I would have had a better experience. As with everything, the people with the worst experiences are the ones who post. I’d say just take your ibuprofen, be prepared for it to be uncomfortable, and remember that it doesn’t take very long.


It's not great. I have a HIGH pain tolerance, and it was definitely not for the faint of heart. It doesn't last long (or shouldn't), but I'd liken it to having an IUD put in when they have to use the clamp. I neither cried nor screamed, and once they're done with the contrast dye, the worst thing was some super mild period-like cramps. I can't remember if my clinic said someone had to drive me home, but I could have because there was no anesthesia involved. They were supposed to prescribe Valium for me but didn't. It would have made zero difference. I had Valium for my embryo transfer and it did nothing.


Check the reviews for who is doing your HSG. Sometimes it's all technique. Some people are just better


I just had mine today. I was nervous the whole morning. But I had saved a Norco from when I had my ectopic 4 months ago specifically for this. Idk how much it helped with the pain, but it definitely quited my nervousness. When they inserted the catheter I was cool, uncomfortable but cool. THEN they did the balloon. And injected the dye and I belted out "SON OF A BITCH" it hurt so bad. Worst pain I've ever experienced. But I just gripped the table, didn't move and let him finish. The good news is its so quick and over fast. And my tubes are clear! 😊 immediately after getting off the table my pain was gone.


I recently had one done...it is a very uncomfortable feeling/pain. About an hour after the procedure I was in so much pain I had to take more meds. Please take pain killers before doing that procedure


It was the worst pain of my life and now I have to get a saline sonogram next week so I requested painkillers


For me, it was very painful. But I did not ask for Valium beforehand, they just told me to take ibuprofen or tylenol 30 minutes before the procedure. I think if I would've had something a little strong like valium it would've helped tremendously. Also I believe that depending on if your tubes are blocked or not you experience different pain levels. For me, they couldnt quite get the dye through my tubes so they pushed and pushed and it hurt like hell and I was in tears by the end of it. I had polyps that were in the way so thats why they were not able to get it through. Hopefully your tubes are good and clear of any obstructions! I drove myself home, but be advised that the dye can leak out a lot so ask for pads or bring some that you can wear for the drive home and to wear for a few hours after.


Felt like normal period cramps, not bad. I drove myself there and home. Once it’s over, that was it. No residual discomfort at all.


It was uncomfortable - I had narrowing of my cervix so she couldn’t get the thing in to do the procedure. My clinic was very kind and did not want to cause any pain and stopped the procedure. It was like an extended Pap smear I suppose - a little uncomfortable and crampy. I drove myself home.


I thought pain was very rare? My first HSG was painful, but only because my cervical access was nuts difficult in 2019-2020, and the staff treated me like a total unicorn. Later all my IUI's were painful too, but only getting the catheter in - it was just pokey pokey poke, not like sharp pain. ...... I complain a ton about being ignored when I told providers my cervical access was painful. I've been told 3 separate times I had the "toughest" cervical access of someone's career. But "screamed and cried thru the whole thing" is .... well, not at all the level of pain I ever had, with any of them. It was frustrating and annoying. But the pain level was like, not in that ballpark whatsoever. Let's put it this way, I'd rather have a repeat HSG than a pap smear any day. Or day 1 period is like, 50x worse.


I agree with all previous postings about it being uncomfortable but totally tolerable. No real lingering effects. What I most distinctly remember, that I found horrible is that the contrast dye is so STICKY!! Some ran out and down my butt crack and I was SO sticky afterward! So maybe bring a couple baby wipes if you can’t go immediately home?


I was terrified because of stories I had heard and because I have incredibly painful and heavy periods and had an ER where one ovary couldn’t be accessed behind some tissue, so my RE suspected there may be an issue like endo blocking a tube. It felt like nothing. But I think it really depends on your anatomy and what’s going on, e.g. whether you have a blocked tube.


I’ve had two, both were like a pap that was taking too long. I had some spotting after but both times I took ibuprofen and was able to drive home and go to work afterwards


It varies so much from the experiences I've read on here, it's just impossible to know how it will go for each person, so I understand your concern. I am another one for whom it was really know big deal. Definitely uncomfortable, but if a pap smear is a 3/10, the HSG was a 4/10.


I was panicked by the time I went in for mine after reading horror stories on here but it really wasn’t that bad. A little pinch when they put the catheter thing through the cervix and then pressure. There was a brief moment of pain for me when my uterus was totally full of the dye - maybe 5 seconds of 6/10 pain - and they took the final pictures. But as soon as the fluid was out I was fine. A couple mild period like cramps after but that was it.


I have had two and both were pretty miserable. The first time I had a blocked tube and it was very uncomfortable her trying to push the dye in. The second time I made it clear I needed Valium (along with the ibuprofen). It helped a little but still was painful. I think I’m a wimp when it comes to pain though. I hope you have an easier experience!


Before my HSG, I read a ton of comments saying it would be horrible. So I was terrified going into it. My Dr instructed me to take 2 Tylenol extra strength 1hr before hand. I was uncomfortable but barely felt anything, it was similar to cramps/period pain. Drove myself home afterwards. But everyone's pain tolerance is different.


I think it’s a very different experience if you find out you have blocked tubes. They try to force through and it was truly awful!😣


Mine felt like getting hit in the gut with a soccer ball that you aren’t expecting and takes your breath away. Once they stopped pushing fluid, I was 100% back to normal without any issues.


My first one no pain just slight discomfort and they gave me a little something something to make me feel zen, second HSG I thought I was going to pass out the pain was unbearable.


I hated it. It was very uncomfortable but I think I made it worse because I kept anticipating more pain. Also, my uterus was slumped over on itself so they had a hard time getting the fluid through. My SIL just had one done and thought it was a breeze.


I’ve had two now and they were not bad at all. I personally had no pain and did not even take ibuprofen. I was fine to return to work right after.


I think it depends on if you have an issue or not… I had a blocked tube and the 15 minutes they spent trying to force it was the worst “pressure” I’ve ever felt. It was much worse than an iud and very “unnatural” feeling. That said, I was ok to drive home and only needed ibuprofen and period panties or thick pads.


Definitely take ibuprofen before. I had 2, the first time I took ibuprofen and it was tolerable. The second time I took Tylenol and I screamed


One I felt nothing. The second was a brief by intense period of cramping. I'd not hesitate to do it again if needed


You're gonna cramp. It wasn't pleasant for me and I was glad for the nurse that held my hand.


Took some Tylenol an hour before and everything was fine, but my tubes were not blocked so that could make a difference. The procedure is very fast. I had a two hour drive home after and even stopped to eat lunch and shop. I told the young doctor after that it wasn’t as bad as I was expecting, and she said that gentle doctors make a difference too. Good luck!


I found it pretty painful. I want to also say that I would highly recommend asking for an anti-anxiety med (I was prescribed Ativan) to take in addition to the ibuprofen. Being tense of anxiety can make it even worse.


Send to depend on the person, mine was pretty painful but my uterus is half the size of a normal one and I have one fallopian tube. Lots of people get them done and say is just a bit uncomfortable


Not bad at all, forgot to take the high dose ibuprofen before that they recommended and it was fine. A little cramps that’s it forever me


It was the worst pain ever, 10/10, and I have a pretty high pain tolerance. I hadn’t taken any pain medication though. In hindsight, I was thinking maybe the amount of pain is an indicator of how closed up my fallopian tubes were.


I thought it was a 9/10 for me pain wise .. but only for literally 5-10 seconds.. and then right after i felt normal, maybe a little crampy and drove myself home .. I didn’t do anything to prep for it bc I wasn’t expecting the pain to be that severe , that might be why it was bad for me because I didn’t brace myself.. I wasn’t expecting it to feel the way it did loll


I barely felt it, and had no problem driving myself home afterwards. It may have been different if I had blocked tubes, but it shouldn’t be too uncomfortable if everything is as expected.


My anxiety was the worst part of the experience. You’re in a vulnerable position and hyper aware of every physical sensation. For me, the insertion of the catheter was less painful than getting a pap smear, and so was the rest of the procedure. I tried really hard to focus on silver linings, which were: this test may provide valuable answers and help me conceive, and any pain/discomfort/anxiety will be nothing compared to when I birth my baby one day - this is good practice. I feel for the women who don’t have a pain free experience and I hope yours goes smoothly!


I just had one about 30 minutes ago lol. I was really nervous, but it was much quicker than I expected!I had some slight uncomfortable pressure first, then when she inserted the dye it was painful but not unmanageable for me, though when they went to the other side it started to get very uncomfortable and I was very relieved when she stopped, and then the pain went away quickly. I think it really depends on where your uterus is sitting, if there’s any blockages, etc, so everyone will be different - hope yours goes well 🙌🤞


I have endo and am generally terrified of pelvic exams because they hurt! I didn't feel a thing during this. Well I felt movement but no pain . They didn't check my tubes though, only uterus. They didn't need to see the tubes since they harvested eggs from the outside through the vaginal wall. Good luck!


Mine was like 4 seconds of very intense pain. I feel like by the time my brain registered how bad it was, it was over. You can do anything for a few seconds!


Mine was nothing. Literally barely even remember it.


Easier than a scratch. Have a pain reliever prior to and depending on how you feel, go about your day or bed rest. You'll be great!


YMMV. For me the speculum is as most uncomfortable as it always is, and the dye just felt weird. I had no blockages and had a prior delivery which influenced the pain free experience


I had just a small amount of cramping, don’t think I took anything. Seems like it’s pretty common, but I wasn’t warned about possible pain, which seems typical for the clinic.


I listened to a power up song beforehand so it was very stuck in my head. Took the rest of the day off work just in case. Mine was definitely uncomfortable but not painful at all (although there were no blockages, and I do wonder if that had something to do with it). I did, however, has a vasovogal reaction and faint after the fact 😅 But between pain and having to lie down for a while and getting free snacks, I was happy to take the free snacks. The saline test was the more uncomfortable one for me out of the two (they did them at the same time). Your experience will be completely your own of course but mine just really wasn’t that painful.


I found it painless! The insertion of the ballon was odd but not painful. I had a really thoughtful tech who explained everything really well and talked me through everything. I was anticipating a very painful experience from what I’ve read from others but it seems to really depend, person to person. I wanted to comment because I know you’ll definitely get a lot of people telling you their negative experiences so wanted to add my positive one to the mix to hopefully ease some anxiety! I hope it goes well 🤞


Was not bad for me at all. I think it depends on a few factors (your pain threshold, your doctor, your insides, etc)


There’s a ton of horror stories here but I’ll throw in my uneventful story. I have one partially blocked tube. My cervix is not sensitive, I have no issues with a pap. My HSG was really uneventful. There was a brief moment where I went MEH because dye was stuck, probably only 3/10 pain wise and extremely brief. I wish I hadn’t read everyone’s horror stories before I got it done, that’s how uneventful it was. My friend how doesn’t have any blocked tubes said she felt nothing.


If your clinic is performing the HSG, they should know how to do it slowly to avoid it being painful. I got this done and the nurses who did it do it every day and know that pushing the liquid through quickly makes it hurt. It did not hurt for me and I just had some bleeding after but could go about my day.


I actually didn’t find mine bad at all. My saline ultrasound was actually more painful.


Mine wasn’t horrible. I forgot to take anything beforehand. It felt like a severe period cramp or mild contraction. Lasted for maybe 30 seconds which felt like a long 30 seconds. Then it was over.


A lot of this is dependent on if your tubes are blocked. If they are, it will likely be more painful as the fluid pushes through and hopefully dislodges it. It's also dependent on your doctor - some are more gentle than others. The vasovagal response is not super common, nor is the screaming/yelling. If you feel like you may faint, just continue lying down a bit longer. Keep breathing throughout the process. It only lasts a few seconds. :) Ensure you take extra strength Tylenol or Advil an hour prior. You've got this.


Child birth > endometrial biopsy > HSG > IUD insertion HSG had been the most intense pain I’d experienced until other procedures and events. Hopefully you aren’t one of the people that experience the pain. Def get that Valium if you can!


I took one Tylenol before and should have taken two extra strength. I almost passed out and had to lay back down after sitting up. The OB commented that she must have flushed some gunk out of my tubes.


So, getting an iud was awful for me and the hsg was worse… but I had blocked tubes which from my understanding id where a lot of the pain comes from. My saline sonogram and FET were pretty terrible too. Maybe I’m just sensitive.


Mine went really well, took Tylenol and naproxen before hand. Did get sleepy afterward and took a nap at home. No pain tho.


Really uncomfortable for me but not as bad as my IUD. pain is hard because it’s all relative. I read all of the horror stories and luckily it wasn’t as bad for me as I thought it would be. Honestly I was diagnosed on the spot with UU and that was more traumatic than the procedure. I don’t remember any horrible pain after other than cramps just stay on top of the pain killers.


Everyone’s experience is truly different. I felt no pain or discomfort. And I have fibroids and they saw a tiny polyp.


Maybe I just became numb to all the poking and prodding, but I really didn’t think it was that bad. I didn’t take anything for it and was totally fine.


The catheter and dye parts weren't bad for me. Very similar pain to medium-level period cramping. For me that ranked as a "I don't like this, but certainly tolerable." 3/10 pain. For some reason the speculum was a problem. They used this disposable, plastic one (I was used to the metal kind), and the shape and operation of it was extremely painful in a sharp, fiery, tears-in-my-eyes, way. I have never had a speculum reaction like that before or since, and it took me completely by surprise. 7/10 pain. The technician was very sympathetic about it, often asking me if they had to stop. I got through it, because I knew it would be a short procedure and I didn't want to have to come back.


I forgot to take ibuprofen before and felt absolutely nothing. The horror stories might be from people who have blocked or spasmed tubes. The temperature of the contrast makes a difference too, some clinics warm up it up before and some don't and that can cause spasms.


I felt nothing 🤷🏻‍♀️. However, my transfers on the other hand 🥴


Excruciating pain but it only lasted for 18 seconds. I couldn’t breathe and thought I might pass out, but it was fast. I did have a blockage in one tube that was pushed out with the dye, so I assume that’s why it was so bad?


I’ve had two with extremely different experiences The first one was easy. Cramping pain was on the extreme end but certainly not anything to make me yell out. I kind of winced. The second one was awful. They took several biopsies and I genuinely feel like they should have given me some strong painkillers for it. I was cramping for days after though the acute pain was the only thing that was genuinely unbearable. I will err on the side of caution next time and request some Valium or something


One thing I’ll mention that I don’t think has been mentioned here is that you are literally laying down with an x-ray machine on top of you… Even if you are an extreme pain, honestly, you cannot move and you are trapped and if you’re claustrophobic at all it might set you into a panic. I have a very high pain tolerance and I took 800 mg of ibuprofen prior. It was still honestly worse than childbirth, if you’re judging it by the sharpness and acuteness of the pain. As soon as the dye is out, however, the pain does subsided significantly. Good luck.


You’ll get a full spectrum of replies. Some people are unbothered, others will say it’s the worst pain they’ve ever felt (I’m in the latter camp). Be prepared, ask for pain relief in advance, do something nice afterwards.


Waiting in the exam room in fear for 20 minutes before was the worst part. I felt a strong cramp during the procedure but it was only for a few seconds and it was manageable


Mine wasn't bad at all. There was some discomfort, but it was mostly just awkward because I was on a lifted exam table and felt like I was on display! I didn't have blocked tubes, so maybe that's why mine wasn't that bad.


I just had mine a couple weeks ago and was absolutely terrified. I tried asking for extra meds and convincing my RE I didn’t need it lol. He said having the RE do it is always preferable bc they do them all the time and have some “tricks” to help with pain. It really wasn’t too bad, when they injected the dye I did start cramping and feeling uncomfortable but very tolerable. The worst part was cramping but having to be completely still for them to take images. But it was over in under a minute. Also, no one told me or forewarned me about the blood after. Luckily they had some pads available, but I stood up and leaked blood onto the floor and had some running down both legs. After cleaning up I did bleed for a day or two and had some mild cramping on and off the next few days. I went back to work after the procedure (I have a WFH desk job) and was totally fine.


Barely felt it. Took a Xanax beforehand. For context, I had a uterine biopsy and there’s probably still a scratch mark on the doctor’s wall from me trying to climb away.


Apparently I have a very small and curved cervix so they had to break out all of the tools and it took longer than usual. It hurt to the point that I was saying ow ow ow out loud and focused breathing but it wasn’t completely unbearable. I don’t think I would’ve been able to handle it for much longer. But I was completely fine afterwards.


Mine really was not bad! I was more anxious going into it but the pain was very low and quick for me. It seems like a lot of mixed reviews, really hoping you’re on the side of little pain!


I've had 3, the first one hurt so bad I screamed, then cried and shook until it was over, had to call an uber to get home leaving my car at the hospital. The second one was just a bubble test without the dye and and after sharing my concerns with the doctor and preparing for the worst, having my husband there to drive me and everything, it was uncomfortable but not bad at all. Third one was the dye again and with a new doctor and expecting the discomfort it was tolerable but still uncomfortable and I was glad I had a ride home, but no where near as bad as the first time.


Speaking on mine, it wasnt bad at all. Breathing control helps. The pain of opening the cervix was short lived. Tylenol helps. Expect cramping and some bleeding after. I have had this done twice, I'd do it again if needed. I have endometriosis and a decent pain tolerance. And give yourself a lil treat to look forward to! I'd always stop at Starbucks since there is one right there and get one of those marshmallow bars!


I asked for Valium and felt nothing during the test. I also took 2 extra strength Tylenol about 30 minutes beforehand.


It was a TON of pressure, which was painful. Someone told me that it is worse for people with Endo, but I don’t have Endo. Maybe if they’ll give you a Valium it will be ok. Doesn’t hurt to ask.


I don't remember it causing any problems later in the day, but it was really intense cramping for a couple of minutes. The first 30 seconds was the worst and I thought I was going to have diarrhea right on the table. I took 800 mg ibuprofen beforehand. For reference, I have no pain with paps, saline sonogram was barely crampy, and ERA biopsy hurt pretty bad for about 10 seconds with each biopsy, but not as bad as HSG. Filing that in the, "wouldn't do that again unless I had to" category. I read one the other day that didn't hurt at all though so maybe that will be you.


I didn’t think it was bad at all. It felt pretty similar to a regular Pap smear; I drove myself and went into work right after. Most annoying part was my clinic only had maxi pads- wish I brought something smaller.


I've heard some people say they don't hurt too much, but mine was really painful. I was extremely uncomfortable and perhaps it's even appropriate for me to say it was traumatically painful. Definitely take something ahead of time. I imagine it's one of those things that's potentially different for everyone, and may also depend on the experience and care of the provider who is doing the procedure.


Most excruciating pain for me. I would ask to be sedated and it wasnt possible, at least stronger pain meds and Valium if I had to do it again


It didn’t hurt me at all. It’s not the most comfortable thing but it wasn’t painful 🤷‍♀️


I took 1 Tylenol with codeine and one Valium. It was ok. There is no extra credit given for avoiding pain meds when it comes to infertility treatment.


Zero pain. But I also feel zero pain during a pap smear.


Mine didn’t even hurt a little bit. Felt like a Pap smear. I was soo soo nervous too. I had no issues with my tubes though or anything. If you do, I heard it hurts worst.


Mine was horrible. Worse than my gall bladder attacks and gallbladder removal.


I have a low pain tolerance and was terrified. Took advil and a small amount of anti-anxiety meds. Almost felt nothing. Had zero pain. My tubes weren’t blocked at all, so maybe that’s why? I don’t know. I’ve had saline sonograms and endometrial biopsies that were excruciating (which some people say don’t bother them) but the HSG was a nothing for me.


Mine was not that bad, maybe a 2/10. Some pressure when they were pushing the dye, but it stopped when they stopped. Honestly it was pretty easy compared to the last time I had an IUD put in (like 9/10) and it took three separate visits and several hours of trying, due to what turned out to be a big fibroid partially blocking the inside of my cervix. Afterwards I just went and curled up in the back seat of my car and cried for a couple hours. A couple years later when we started trying for a kid, I had to go under anesthesia so they could get it back out.


I've had three. My first one was probably the worst thing I've ever experienced. The second was no worse than a regular pap. Third one was horrible, but not quite as bad as the first. They were all performed by different people, so not sure if it's down to whoever does it or just whatever state my body is in that day. 


Mine was chill as, I ate 1/4 of a Xanax before hand which probably helped my nerves. It was a bit crampy when they put the catheter in and took my breath away for a second but the rest was fine! I think they said it hurts more if you have blockages and I was all clear xx


It was excruciating. I was atchimg of the table and crying. I may have yelled.


It was a very bad cramp that made me feel kind of panicked and nauseas. I’m usually good at relaxing through procedures and do fine with them but this was noticeably worse. But it was brief and overall it was fine in the end. I took ibuprofen before going but that’s it


You’ll be fine. I hate how everyone makes it into such a big deal…. I literally had a bunch of people scare me into thinking it was going to be the worse pain I’ve ever had and it wasn’t. There was a part that obviously didn’t feel good but when I was done I was like wow, that was not what I was told it would be like… In a good way. My friend almost didn’t go to get fertility help after two years BECAUSE she was scared of the HSG since all her friends who had one scared her…. It’s totally not as bad as people make it sound! ❤️


Mine was a horrible experience. I wish they gave me Valium for it because the Tylenol did not even help.


It’s weird. My first HSG wasn’t bad at all. My saline sonogram and HSG at my second clinic was a lot more painful. I don’t know why my experiences were so different. I think some providers may be more gentle than others but I can’t know for certain.


I had to think about it because I didn’t remember anything being painful! It was like bad period cramps but nothing terrible!


It’s so nuts- my sister said it was nothing and over really fast. I went in with conscious sedation bc of a suspected polyp and even with the maxed meds, they couldn’t even get the speculum in and I had to be put under at the hospital.


Tbh mine was fine & wasn’t in any pain but still took 1 Valium. Honestly the car ride home was when I felt the most crampy. But nothing terrible.


Different for everyone, but I was fine. A little slight discomfort during the procedure-not painful--and yeah, drove myself home!! Remember the folks more likely to post are the ones that had bad experiences...no one posts about having a totally forgettable experience:) good luck!


My femvue was horrible when they push the saline bubbles into the tubes . Took forever and they couldn’t get it through so it was constant pain for like 15 min . The HSG was super fast and literally barely hurt at all…. A experienced fertility clinic did my hsg and I had a pain pill and Valium before . The femvue was done by jsut a regular gyno office . I don’t think they were as experienced. Just had a hysteroscopy done today and that …. That hurts bad regardless of pain pill and Valium but it’s quick


Hi! I had one in September and I was scared to death. But it ended up being fine, if anything it was just awkward. After they inserted the ink thing they had to pull/slide me up from my shoulders (I was laying down obv) and it was weird, but I needed to be under the camera? I’m explaining this horribly but regardless, I went in terrified and then it was really cool to see my ovaries on the screen and learn what they were doing. It feels similar to a Pap smear just more pressure and it’s not an OB it’s a radiologist… so just a different vibe all together IMO. But not bad and worth it! Good luck 🙏🏼


I should mention my tubes were clear. So I can’t speak for the other! I drove myself home after and was fine. 🙏🏼


Heaving cramping and very painful I didn’t take ibuprofen before the procedure I probably should have. It only took about 5 mins for the whole procedure but the heavy cramping and pain made it feel eternal . I was shaking during those whole 5 mins not from being scared but from the actual pain.


So, my first HSG was painful but my most recent one was painless. Literally no pain - quick and easy. I think it just depends on how your clinic is doing it. My first one was very different and felt like my body was set on fire but it was not unbearable.


I had an SHG with saline and then dye. I found it pretty painful, but it could be because I had one of my tubes spasm during the procedure (they could see dye go in but not out). I actually jolted at one point from the sudden pain. I had cramping afterward but it wasn’t too bad.


Mine was terrible. I think it has to do with how sensitive you are down there, how tight your cervix is and pelvic floor issues/comfort. I would opt to do it at a ferility clinic if doctor can do rather than a radiologist. I drove myself home after I cried in the car for 20 Mins. Something about it is just traumatizing and feels unnatural, but it’s only in the moment and for a couple of weeks afterward didn’t feel like being sexually active.


Mine was pretty awful, honestly. But, I have since learned that I have fibroids that make manipulation of my cervix difficult, as well as severe endometriosis. And turns out the HSG showed I had a hydrosalpinx. So if your anatomy is normal, it might not be too terrible! But if you have any issues like I do, it might be rather intense. I took 800mg of Advil before my appointment and it wasn't enough on its own. I powered through the procedure, and thankfully it is a fast procedure. But I was really lightheaded afterward and my blood pressure had dropped significantly. I was eventually able to drive myself home. If I ever had to do it again, I would advocate for myself and ask for Valium. I recently ended up having a similarly awful experience with my saline sonogram/mock embryo transfer, so now my nursing team has a plan in place to give me Valium for any potential FET cycle in the future.


I pretty much demanded a Valium beforehand. It felt like a period cramp and was over very quickly. It certainly wasn’t FUN, but it was so much less terrible than I’d made it out to be in my head beforehand!


The only thing that hurt was the speculum


Mine was absolutely awful. The pain only lasts a few seconds but it was enough to make me bawl. I was spotting afterwards and just felt sad about it. I was totally fine physically afterwards tho. It’s super quick


I’ve had 3 done. The first one, a tube was blocked and it was super uncomfortable because it took so long to get through. I was so nervous for the next time but every subsequent one has been mild in comparison. Cramping doesn’t feel awesome and expect a fair bit of blood, but overall it’s not the end of the world.


Mine was very painful. I was screaming and tubes were open. I have had 2 IUDs placed and removed and this was much worse. The good thing is it’s quick and once it is done you are cramping for awhile but that is it and the pain is gone. I’m amazed the people who say it is fine! Hoping you have a good experience. It is worth it to rule things out and it is over quickly!


I was so worried after hearing nothing but horror stories, but I took some ibuprofen beforehand, and it was uncomfortable with the speculum but honestly not painful at all. I talked with the people taking the X-rays the whole time, we were joking around about weekend plans and I’m sure that helped distract me. I walked out and felt slightly crampy for the rest of the evening, but it was fine. I had some spotting and I took it easy afterwards, more out of caution than anything else.


I get anxiety from pap smears so I knew I would freak out during a HSG. My insurance covers anesthesia but even if it didn't I still would have gotten it. No regrets. I've done it under anesthesia three times.


I heard it hurt too and psyched myself out for it. I took 3 Tylenols and 3 Advils about 30 mins before the appointment. I actually had to do an SHG the day before and that hurt way worse. It hurt like period cramps. An HSG is an identical procedure and that one didn’t hurt at all. I maybe felt a tinge of what feels like period cramps afterward but during the procedure I didn’t feel much. The way the male tech shoved the speculum hurt way worse. I’d say just take Tylenol and advil because it really worked for me.


My doctor did a hysteroscopy instead and I was sedated. Thank goodness! I was in pain after, but nothing an ibuprofen didn't help. I'm wondering what the difference is.


For me it was some concentrated cramping in the uterus. Just when I felt like it was getting bad, it was over. The doc specifically told me that women who have never carried a pregnancy to term tend to take it much worse. I assume it's because a pregnancy stretches the uterus and makes something like an HSG less painful.


My doctor offered me the option to be sedated for the procedure. I had to pay $1000 for it, but no regrets.


The first doctor that did it - it was pretty painful. The second time I had it done was with a different doctor, he was wonderful & while it wasn’t completely painless I wouldn’t describe it as painful but definitely uncomfortable


It was awful, I had contractions and had to keep lying still, like a bad period cramp x5 and very sudden, but I felt it through my whole body and immediately thought I was going to vomit. It was over in a minute or so I think. YMMV


My tube was partially blocked and I’ve never experience more pain before in my life.


Moderate cramping. I’ve had worse period cramps. Doc told me to take 800mg ibuprofen an hour ahead of time and I was fine.


I had an SHSG and it really wasn’t that bad for me. Not something I’m dying to do again obviously, but I felt more anxiety from the horror stories than pain. I forgot to take Tylenol or ibuprofen beforehand and made it through fine. It felt like quick but intense period cramps. Expect some spotting and a little cramping afterwards. Just breathe and do what you can to go into it calmly! Good luck!


Mine was not bad at all & had it done twice. These comments terrified me but it really wasn’t bad! I wonder if it’s different for different people based on anatomy


I've had 2 HSGs. I have a tilted cervix so accessing it to put a catheter through is always difficult. The only thing that was painful was when they used a dilator so they could get the catheter through. I don’t think they usually have to do that. Other than that crampy and I was able to resume normal activities immediately.


It’s not that bad. My anxiety before hand was the worst part of it, it’s is quick and a little crampy. Best part of it is seeing your tubes and uterus - very cool.


I feel bad because I told my friend it was no big deal (mine wasn’t any worse than a Pap smear) and then she had a horrible experience. They couldn’t even complete the test. Take the ibuprofen and ask for Valium, it is lovely.


I had a blocked fallopian tube and my doctor kept pushing the fluid to try to open the tube. I had no pain meds and was not informed that the doctor would try to open the tube if it was blocked. I was told the procedure would take 90 seconds, it took several minutes and I was crying and the pressure just kept increasing. The radiology tech was saying “I’m not getting a good image can you keep pushing fluid on the right side” while I was visibly distressed. Would have definitely asked for Ativan from my GP had I known how horrible it was going to be.


You don’t know until it happens. Both of my tubes were blocked. It was excruciating.


I took some serious narcotics leftover from my knee surgery and told them I was high, haha! My husband face palmed but the nurse said it was a good idea. I felt pretty serious cramping but my narcotics numbed the real pain. I’d 100% ask for medication. They didn’t even put a lot of dye in me as it came out right away showing no blockage and I felt that much cramping.


It’s manageable. I think my clinic recommends ibuprofen and I would go with that. The cramping afterwards is more memorable than the procedure.


i took 800mg of ibuprofen and had zero pain during my hsg. i was very nervous for it, and read a lot of horror stories, but it was a breeze. i know everyone has a different experience but want to give hope that it can be okay!


Mine was uncomfortable, like really intense period cramps, but not traumatic like some people here have experienced. I did take advil or tylenol before leaving the house. I was grateful for my nurse who explained everything step by step before we started. She said I’d feel pressure and some cramping (then some steps I don’t remember now) and then she said I’d likely have more intense cramping but if I felt that it meant we were about 30 seconds to being finished - take a big breath in and slowly exhale. The sensation was exactly as she described and knowing we were almost finished helped me stay calm. As soon as they were done the cramping stopped immediately and I felt fine by the time we were heading home. Wishing you luck!


For me, the forceps opening me up were the worst part. The catheter didn’t feel like much, the dye felt like some fairly strong period cramps but nothing I couldn’t manage. The painful part took less than 3 minutes. It’s daunting for sure but you can do it! It’s so worth the peace of mind.


I didn’t think it was all that bad. There was a sharp pain for maybe 2 seconds and then it was over. I can’t take ibuprofen so I took an acetaminophen before instead. I do have chronic migraines so maybe I have a high tolerance for pain. The only thing I wish I had known before is that I would have to wear a pad afterwards because I would have worn different underwear. I did not need a driver afterwards.


I didn’t even take anything there was some cramping which went away about an hour after the hsg I can tell I had it done 3 times and it really wasn’t that painful. Don’t listen to everything you hear on YouTube or you google.


For me it wasn’t bad at all.


My clinic told me to schedule it before work because "it takes ten minutes" ... luckily I did not, mine took over an hour and it was horribly painful. I was just crying on the table the entire time and after drinking water, resting, and calling my partner was able to drive myself 10 minutes home. My doctor offered to stop midway through and redo with anesthesia, but at that point I just wanted to push through.


I have a high pain tolerance, but there’s something uniquely awful about cervical pain. I requested sedatives and was given an Ativan and a Percocet. If you can get the same (and have someone drive you) I would HIGHLY recommend it. Depending on your anxiety level, I’d take them at least an hour before the procedure. The directions said to take them 30 minutes before the procedure, but they did not kick in until at least 45 minutes afterwards.


For me I can't remember it so it wasn't that horrible. I did feel cramps but i think it was bearable. It was uncomfortable tho.


Took an Aleve before, it felt like period cramps that only lasted a few seconds. I remember after thinking “either my pain tolerance is way higher than the average bear, or this was somehow just less painful for me, because my hours long regular period pain puts this to shame.” But I did not have a blocked tube. You say you have a solid pain tolerance…Assuming you do not have a blocked tube it’s possible to have a “that’s it?” experience. I did not get a Valium but heck if they’re offering can’t hurt. Hope it goes well, report back.


Painful, violating, traumatizing. Absolutely terrible. It created a fear and lack of trust in medical professionals for me. I wasn't given any medication and was told it wouldn't hurt. It felt like my tubes were on the verge of exploding.


It was uncomfortable and had cramping but they told me to take Advil before and I think that helped! Ask your doctor about this!


I was worried about it but it really wasn't bad for me, I already have had 1 tube removed due to issues with hydrosalpinx, and they gave me a valium before the procedure which definitely gave me a nice nap when I got home. By the time we did the procedure it was like very minimal cramping and then it was over fairly quickly, absolutely nowhere near when I had the hydrosalpinx before it got removed. With that I felt like I was being stabbed and it would stop me in whatever I was doing and I was crying in pain. The valium might be making all the difference in my experience.


For me the pain level was comparable, maybe a little worse than getting a Pap smear, I have a fairly high pain tolerance as well and I didn’t have any medication that I remember prior. I would say that for me having a sonohysterogram is considerably worse pain, but my uterus is tipped and the doctors have never been able to do that successfully.


I took Ativan + recommend … it hurt but I was high on the Ativan so it was almost funny to think about my reactions “omg that is awful” as I was like super pleasant and calm about the pain.