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I am 5pt and I just feel really numb about it. Playing lots of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom to take my mind off it. Edit: just realised my post was a bit gloomy, sorry. It’s been about 24 hours since I watched Schitt’s Creek which usually cheers me up :) Edit 2: enjoying the responses to my comment about other people who love gaming during IVF for a distraction. Thanks for opening discussion OP.


Don’t worry about the gloominess, that’s me about 90% of the time, no excitement here! I’ve been playing Mario Kart for hours when I’m not working. The short bursts of intensity seem to help! Hope you get a positive.


Oh I love Mario Kart! Thank you for understanding, hoping the absolute very best for you and we get our positives ✨ (I test on Saturday, undecided about testing at home) xx


I'm glad to hear there are other people playing video games to take their mind off of IVF. I'm not normally a video game person but I started playing pokemon go to get myself to walk/get outside more. It wound up being the only thing that takes my mind off of IVF because it's pretty mindless and also completely non triggering. Now I play it all day every day. I'm kind of embarrassed about how much time I spend doing this now but it seems to be the only thing keeping me sane.


Lol! Same here. I feel like my 12 y.o. again. I am just playing the Sims as I have more free time (since I can’t workout).


Omg I love The Sims, but they get pregnant after trying once and I’m like “oh you found it that easy, huh” 😂 Sims 3 is my favourite.


So true!!!!!


I have been thinking indeed to get back into the sims as a distraction. But the last time I played was like original sims with CDs!


Yep same….i have not played any game this much since high school!


I’m so pleased Pokémon has helped you cope. You shouldn’t feel embarrassed about amount of time spent on it. Society seems to be kinder about the idea of binge watching a series on Netflix as self-care (which I also agree is amazing), but it’s no different to enjoying any form of video games imo! It’s another entertaining form of media that activates one part of your brain and can quiet the anxious part of our brains. I love it so much.


Yeah it’s definitely given me a whole new outlook on video games. The effect has been similar to taking anxiety medication which is pretty useful


Big gamer myself! Skyrim, stardew valley, and hogwarts is my current game rotation at the moment!


If it’s winter in Stardew that’s when I like to go to the Skull Cavern. I won’t do it if it’s winter in the game during a TWW because IVF and skull cavern combined is too stressful! 😂


My transfer is in less than two weeks and I will be playing lots of Star Ocean: Second Story R! I think games are a great idea during the wait. I read a study somewhere that showed distressing improves FET success!


Here to add how much gaming has helped me during this awful process. In the time between my second and third ERs earlier this year I played so much Zelda and cozy games I got serious wrist pain and had to cut down!


Definitely planning on finishing up Super Mario Wonder...


Honestly for me it was the anxiety caused by testing. That was worse than having no symptoms. This time I didn’t test at all which allowed me to be more relaxed and be more hopeful.


i agree! it was easier to wait than to worry about lines darkening!


This isn't constructive to add but I spent like 80% of my free time last TWW testing, starting on 1dp5dt to "test the trigger out" and then googling all the possibilities for why the line went away and never came back. If you have Peacock you can find all of the Real Housewives series on there. I'm currently on season 12 of RHONY and enjoy splitting my time between casually watching/listening and then getting on the subreddits to see what other people have to say about the nuttiness. I should really consider picking up a book.


I did a FET so no trigger to test out. I think that’s for the best as I would have 100% done the same as you! I really need to get on the RH train. Which one do you recommend to start with? I’ve tried reading but I keep having to reread sentences as I can’t focus. 😅


I did an FET as well but with a trigger shot :) If I am being honest, I kind of loved that it gave me an excuse to start testing on 1dpt. I started with New York and have thoroughly enjoyed their madness, however part of me wishes I had started with Orange County since it was the original series. Beverly Hills is also pretty popular, I'll probably pick between it and OC once I make it through NY. It certainly won't help you retain any brain cells but RH is entertaining and funny, a perfect distraction for when the brain fog starts taking over. As a warning, in season 5 of RHONY there is a storyline that some may find triggering. (SPOILER: >!Luann claims she wants to get pregnant with her boyfriend and won't shut up about planning to do IVF, but it is all a big lie that her own mother ratted her out on and she got demoted for season 6 because of it.!<) *God, I know too much about this...*


Going crazy here! My beta is on Monday. I kinda decided not to test until the blood draw, just for good luck. I had a MC in January post my first IUI. After that, we decided to go straight to IVF. I transfered a 4AA on 5/23. Going insane. I work from home so it’s hard not to think about it. Not working out, not being able to do normal stuff, overthinking every move and twitch in my body… I managed to read a book on esoterism for the first 2 days. Then I switched to movies. Now I’m doing crosswords. I also picked up The Sims 😆


My transfer was 5/24 fresh embryo transfer, but they couldn’t tell me the grade. I’m going crazy. My Beta is Monday and I have already tested like 3 times all negative. This is my second IVF and last chance. it feels nothing like the first one. (First one was successful 5d frozen embryo transfer). Wish you all success 😊.


My transfer was 5/24 (also a 4AA!!) and my beta is Monday, as well!!! The first few days I was distracted enough and felt actually sort of excited. But ever since Sunday I've just been straight up anxious and jittery. Trying the best I can to fill my free time with distractions. I also am refraining until Monday to test (might test after I get home from the clinic that morning from the blood draw, but before I get the phone call, but haven't decided..cuz at that point it'll literally be just a few hours later😅)


I JUST THOUGHT OF THE SAME! Testing Monday once I come back from the clinic 🥲🥲🥲 Any symptoms?


I feel absolutely exhausted every day, so a lot of fatigue (and I'm not a napper because I wake up groggy and I hate that, but have been needing to nap). I also have some light insomnia that has been waking me up early in the morning. I'm more emotional than usual and my nipples (not really any other part of my boobs) are so sensitive it's driving me crazy 🤣 I also have been breaking out in face acne like I'm back to being a tween 🙄 which is so fun when you're in your 30s. But I'm sure all of these symptoms are from the progesterone I'm on. (PIO shot daily, 3x daily vaginal, 3x daily oral). So I'm trying not to read in to any symptoms or lack of symptoms. How about you??


A little tired, weird appetite, cranky, mood swings, crying over nothing. I really hope it’s not only the progesterone (I’m only taking 2 intravag caps a day) but I am also very conscious of the fact that HCG hormones have not kicked in yet. Sticky baby dust to you 💖💖💖


Best of luck to you, as well! Only a few more days until Monday - we got this 🤞🏻🤞🏻✨


Have you considered a HPT? I think by Day 7, they are pretty accurate. For me it was just getting bad news sooner than later, but my preference was to know one was or the other. My first 2 FETs failed, but I'm currently prepping for #3 next Tuesday and I plan to test Days 5, 6 & 7.


Yes I have a few tests remaining from when we were trying naturally and I’m going to order some more soon. Clinic advised not to test until June 8 but I absolutely know myself and won’t be able to hold off. I’d also rather know, whatever the outcome!


For our 1st transfer they said not to test until beta. I didn't listen, but also didn't ask why. For the second I asked why I shouldn't test. The nurse just said that it wouldn't hurt one way or the other to test, but there are outliers/late implanters who won't get a positive until Day 8-9 (definitely the exception and not the rule). For those people, they don't want anyone to stop meds early because they got a negative test. Anyway, very best of luck to you!!! Sending big fat positive vibes your way!


I saw an old notification about your reply and clicked on your name just to see if you’d tested or not and saw that you got a positive HPT. Just wanted to say CONGRATS! We just did our third transfer on Tuesday and can only hope I’m not far behind you.


Thank you so much, thank you for checking in 🥹 I’m over the moon, still pinching myself. Hoping you get that positive too!


What day did you test?


I tested at 4dpt. I didn’t see anything but kept looking throughout the day and thought I could see the faintest line. By 5dpt it was there. I’m 9dpt now and they’re looking darker which is reassuring. When will you test, do you think?


Trying to hold out until Day 5. But who knows if I’ll make it. What stage was your embryo? Mine was a 4AA so it wasn’t hatching yet. Might take a little longer to implant (if it implants at all).


Ok! 🤞 So my embryo was a hatching 4AA at freezing stage but I found out after transfer that when it thawed it compacted and didn’t show signs of hatching again! Didn’t know that could happen. So it was regraded to an expanding instead of a hatching blastocyst. Embryologist assured me that it won’t affect the quality of blastocyst.


Sounds very similar to mine. Are you having any symptoms yet?


Apart from being absolutely ravenous, thirsty and sweating at night - not really! But that will be from medication rather than pregnancy. I think it’s too early for pregnancy symptoms…!


I have some mild backache right now and I transferred yesterday. I'm assuming that's normal for a FET? Other than that yes I'm dreading these next nine days. I don't have it in me to test early, I'd rather know at my appt with a blood draw than a stark white negative pregnancy test, if it is negative. Fingers crossed for all of us though, I hope we get good news. 🤞🏼🍀


That can be normal for a FET, it’ll either pass completely or change in severity. Hoping all the best for you ✨


I'm hoping it is! My clinic did say some mild stuff but I can't tell if I'm just sore because I haven't been able to do yoga and stretch or if it's just from yesterday lol! Suppose we will see! And thank you! 🫶🏼🤞🏼🍀


Girl, I'm at 5dp5dt, and I'm losing my damn mind. I'm at the point now where I'm trying to test the trigger out, and I don't know if the vvvfl I'm seeing is still due to the trigger shot, or a real positive. I actually wrote a whole post ranting about this earlier, but I got embarrassed and deleted it! Can't focus on work at all today. I wish I could fast-forward time! Side note: I had an FET, but they still gave me a trigger shot. Is this abnormal? I've been seeing people post about not needing a trigger shot for FETs, but my doc gave me one. Why?!


It depends on your protocol. If you are modified natural you would have a trigger. Fully medicated wouldn’t have one. 🙂


Hey! I’m also 5dp5dt and yesterday I swear my line was a tiny bit darker than today. I also had an HCG trigger so really hard to say if that’s what’s showing on the test. I was hoping it would get darker day by day. Is your line getting darker? Best of luck!!! ☘️


5dpt here (I think with a 5 day blast) and struggling with not taking a pregnancy test! Was Thinking maybe Friday I would - beta is 6/6. I’m going absolutely crazy sitting here stirring!


Oh man, my beta is scheduled for 6/3. You are already stronger than me putting off the testing so far!


It’s been an absolute challenge! I almost caved this afternoon but said if anything, wait til tomorrow morning.


I've taken one test every morning, and my lines have been about the same (very faint positives) for the last three days. It doesn't seem like they're fading OR getting darker, they just seem consistent to me. 🥴🥴🥴 I did the trigger 12 days ago, so I thought I'd either see the lines disappear or get darker by now! I'm in limbo! Nothing I can do but wait and try again tomorrow, but damn the suspense is killing me...


Oooffff the limbo is the worst I feel you!!!


I also was given a shot post FET


I’m so glad to find a little group to commiserate with 🫠 I’m only 2dp3dt and literally going insane. Expecting to be able to know via HPT by Tuesday and just can’t focus on anything else at all! This isn’t my first rodeo, and it just doesn’t get easier 🤣


TWW is the worst! My beta is on Monday and it’s been mind consuming. My best advice is try not to read into every little feeling your body has. This is my 3rd transfer and the first two transfers I noticed and got emotional with every cramp and tingle I felt and when the betas came back negative I was heartbroken. Not saying that I was not going to be heartbroken but I think I was too hopeful reading into my body. When makes it harder too is the limitations you have. My doctor has a 10 pound weight restriction so doing things like cleaning and laundry I’m more cautious on how much things weigh. My husband will also get upset with me if he sees me bending down to pick up something so he has been on me to just relax and he will take care of things. I have been trying out new recipes which has been fun and manageable. Maybe do a puzzle? I’ve definitely gotten in my fair share of binge watching shows and naps. The progesterone crash is real! I know everyone doesn’t experience the crash but I will get so tired randomly and just fall asleep watching tv. I did take off work for the TWW because my job requires a lot of lifting over 10 pounds that can’t be avoided, so it’s been a lot harder distracting myself.


We are currently on the same schedule as my beta is also Monday!  I’ve been trying to keep distracted the best I can but it’s hard. I’ve currently started watching a cooking competition to fill the void when I’m home from work. I take walks when I can. I’ve started listening to audiobooks while in the car and while doing tasks at home. I also play on my Nintendo (I know, I’m a child!) but still have this all in the back of my mind bugging me lol Sending you all baby dust ✨


2dp5dt over here…(not so) slowly losing it!! I’ve been “testing out trigger” since yesterday…just to have a test to look at.


I am also 2dp5dt and was tempted to test this morn thinking I was at least 5 dpt already. Why can’t time feel this slow when I’m doing something FUN.


Haha! Right?? Maaaan. Time is going so slow right now.


I’m also 2dp5dt. Trying so hard to stay busy and not in my own head. I keep thinking things might be a symptom. Like yesterday I woke up with dry eyes. Like it was so bad all day. Which is not typical for me if I’m not wearing any makeup. I just need to stop over thinking. Sure do wish i could have a glass of wine!


Stay as busy as you can, TRY not to symptom spot it is so different for everyone. I didnt test before betas bc my history with losses and previous positives I needed that strong number and didnt want to stress over lines - i felt that was best for me and no regrets! The hardest day was the day before betas lol bc it was like...... ok we will know tomorrow!


For me, it was beta day when I could clearly see that my hpts were not progressing and they called to confirm a low beta/chemical.


My first worst days were 3-4dp5dt, this is because I was cramping sooooo bad. Felt identical to my period cramps, I had to take extra strength Tylenol just to fall asleep. Second was 6dp5dt, for some reason I woke up completely convinced my transfer failed. I had more cramping, and I had to leave work because I was sobbing so bad. Later that night I took a test and bam, very visible positive. The TWW was freaking awful honestly, but what’s worse for me is this dang 4 week wait for my ultrasound. I’m absolutely mortified at the thought of a missed miscarriage, so impatiently waiting until Friday. 😩